Mn Morris completed seven Lllrl of elementary school four The lthallrship will provide fur eight year 01 liudy Cnrgillleld Preparatory School and Feiiu Cullen in Edinburgh The lchollflhlp mnled lrnunily by the Crerlr Foundlion lo student with nuillandlnl performance In ele menlary wheel The inundation was let up with mud mm the mm Cram wlm died in 1949 lilo lui dncendmi ilmlly whlch made influnl building nllmdl in Cand5 FENDER HARBOR EC ChA Hearold boy mlu la Scallnnd an 10000 uholmhlp um will enable him to Mudy In private Ichools Derek Morris Inn Dr and Mn MonIs combined Far one whole week we were buiexed with posters Ind han nerl declaring ole Dal Win WM Lynne and Li For Prefect and no on This year it was most spirited pro xrun Keen competition charged the Air unu shout and busy campaign workers kept the chool reaib humming ii wui Génius Goes To Scotland By TOM COLLIN 5t Jueninl henlyflva niudenis of lnnephl travelled to St Tiler uel High School ill Midland 1m week Therewe gave demonstration oi Tim Tile Kings Campaign meeting We wen helping their student or nnu their TKC promam in their chool with its tnily pur pose spiiiti We mnl Ha laid everyone dld his job on the Held watch or further Mommas concern 1111 Mr Davis Jim Burke Tom Arnold and Ron Emmi all lcored touchdown or six point um yum unit noted one palnL St Josephs High Initiation Notes Spirited School Year 1m our mlulan II accom plhhed Flnllly Centrala Junior herbal mm won game Mr Dnvil the much said the out mndlnz point the mu could 121155th two wards um Central Juniors in Raises School Spirit mam Mum Burris Cum COLLEGIATE Then at the MT the day Mack Trill wan held and each lnlllale wu zunlshed or Irnnglnnry crimes You should have Men sum than Imya dance ballet This pmmlus to be Ill ldlvc year as already tuck mm with Midland planned Ind Il lo rally rm lhmulh Burk compelan wlu Norm and Cen tral Calltllnm mm yur The initiates had to wuh sleps brush all the boards alnl songs on the curb cut the nu with sclmrx and bow to their sanior students and the nth XII mm mm an rude IX Kathleen Mun dank Grads my Knemer $5de XI and 141 Gray Grad Chosen la ISludeh Caundl Representallvu for their respec tive cla 0n voting day the candidate gave their peaches and we cut our ballot or the Student Conn all 1963 Whlla nllylnl up the vote sinuous led by Cathy Wilson kept Ibo minute lively The mull the election warn Prelecl Dorothy Bibby ViceFreud Lynne Daldn and Secretary Judy Moran mm mm mu or innamy al 1110 Advertising im nicks mum Alma Second to loolball only came tha laying of the cornemono or thall new technical wins Belem anyone wns allowed to see HanHes flnul FIJI Fair the whim student body nuemh These allemlvu ban The dclense also did 100d with fno Ilndlnl Sta lam 0mm Pmy Imn cutt Alan Tiny Eym Chub by Fred Ross Murray Mauu Graham and Ron Puma Paever other nickname luv been named with Ron Ill Id fine job on um Held lhd lo avuynnel Joy brought vic tory to Ce laged halls an MORE COLLEGIATE 0N PAGE Anyone enlarlnï¬ Royal VIcIorla Honrllnl my mom 1ch Gran blood wII no charm to the pa lan DurInf he lummcr Ihu llarI Crou loculIy ll Icllvc In mlor nlo Illd maul program CIvIlIIn Enqul ommIllen Im munllcll Ilmlllu In II If wIIh lulurim In Clnull or abroad Boddlnx Ilnon clolhln Arc rovIded Iho Well Illd DIIuItr commllleu In In or at pr dlmIer The In few urva thch the Red Iron can vIdo ynu with you halp Iho Red Gum Ihmugh tho Un Appell nary Fm or flu taking Iupllcl 1mm bomln wheelchairs crutches loam plllowa km Ind tineswhich my be kept or MI MN Unlled Appul dollm or the Canndlnn Rad Crou So dely in Barrio an lnnurmcoIxnlml tho dny when you or member your Inmlly may need one 01 its mvlm CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVE $7965000 CANADIAN RED CROSS ONE OF THE PARIICIPATING AGENCIES REQUIRES $3500 FOR PUBLIC SERVICE an un JWHD vu um vlce ncllvllies In luck And ï¬eld And last year extr umerin nnrllclpliim Far umnd vice ihil ym Jinn Burke vm elected Jim In ioolblll hero Ind In ï¬nd no lrouhia uiilnz nionxwiih beautiful 1le Thde vice inr chi year is Ron Honrun who lino lead In ncho nihiwc Ilia in not only pllyn loathll hut Illa rim wing or Mldm hockey luck and field and pitches or lvyn buehnll learn Thn Iiudnnl coun cil hope In promo booster club whlch will live school lplrli mat in the nrm wn Aim there In hop that dlncu will bl included on Caninln mod oi 00min evenll In mlnuil bullelin bu lusl been landed lo mn by Bob Skrypuychuk Thu lenlor loci bnll Im the inlay AI Electlonl or tllo Itudenll council were held Ind all pa ltlom were competently tlllcd El lzaheth lnlnor ll prexldmt and wlth all her Ictlvltles haItlll ï¬nd tlmo to write six latter week to Hyman Ll wrote the column or the paper and won the City Barr publlc Ipuklng trophy for Ilrla re preunled by the Ltann Club She um um member the Glen Club and lleutenhnt ln all Impact Blll lint The first In drill wal held on mum and wan carried out with elrlclency but not much speed Several zludenu were lu glnu trying tn help mingl along as In an reality concerned In load am that Bunsen burner wu picked up beford law Eleglonl or he ltudenlx nylonIll nev Skelly chlirmnn tin Ministerial Amatilion gave dd vlnilinnaiH exercim 13mg WM band Ind student mg as the music bicw down the street concluding Um ceremony win he Prayer oi Dedication Ind tin Benediction very clan but after lame roundlnx puxhlnz and Implnz was cemented behind an none Pratt chairman of the Board nva leVHB openlnn remarks And then Mr Bowman read the content of the box Ll Ind nm pinned the box Into the allotted men lmwel vm pnsennd lo Mr Fun by Mr Baku to belln the cemenb lnz the enstnna The Rev In min In bl unon Home In ï¬lm how for Inn Hm 11 box containing woman tb Run mm In Intel21 In In en wn InaItll 23d3y mlnar hm uunvr The ng wan UNITED APPEAL lETS PUT THE YOU IN mm the lom cup Illlofvgtbnck mm Ii Ea lï¬emedim division Gary Smockurn captured um mace with the but Icon an In the senlor dlvhlon John Ford plum tlrsl with scare of Ilroku Jack Thompson Paul Korchuck and Clare Koran ued or Iecond place will learn of 89 To break the lhree wy Ila Ihe three canlemnu pllyed the flu hole and Jack Thompson won with Iva strokes uniu mm of six and men mum of Paigl ud Clare On Sept Banking Ilu dent pafllcfpaled In the BMHS all tournament which wn held ntvlheKtng qall Club ed the third mi with Well Aimed pemlty shot in the second halt Newmrket made line comeblck with Keith van Beck scaring goals Hnwever Jerry Hand who wu Ihe liar player the day quick ly retaliated by atorinl two auc cesslve goal or Bunting The Bantinl team on the oiiensiva most at the lame outshot ths opponent GQLPJQURNAMENT Film Develo lng SMITH Sl BIO This pm Tuesday the Hunt Ing Senior soccer team dawned the winning Newmnrket Senior mm 52 In well played game Banting led It opponent In the ï¬rst half with Jerry Hand and Danny Hnojova nearing the flu two shots John Owen Icar ed the third ml with Well 119m pemlly gm on Bl PA Hm For Thu Banting Seman were lesl Ianunale Plckerlng trounced hem In hard 1mm and well played game Jerry and Iscand the Iingla goal or Bank 1119 Juninrs who are ha plumtn undofuted GBDSA champions mutant the Picker in Junior team Gm Smochun scored thm zanll Brian Nimlxeon scored Wu and Jack llamde mudone Th0 Banting team played In olfen live game keeping the hard pmsnd Pickering team In lawn end oflhe field and bom barding the Pickering anal with 40 shots only once did line Pick ering team completely penetrnlu the Banting defence to make it 12mg on an gqnl ni 1an EEGll mums STOLK 2an manna Sept the Banting Senior Ind Junlnr sangu team vhljed Plckulnz College In play the int am the yegr Commercial or Industrial Photos Passport Portraits Banting Featurfies Sbcceriz And can CALL IDMUNDI Mung Dilan and Own Bum This year sock some money away In 1963 Canada Savings Bonds Buy them now from ThoBnnk whore make the difforonco TORONTODOMINION van 50 WA purchased by tho Clipper mm Detroit Red Wing the National Hockey Luau He played last season with Putsburxh Hornng of the nu OPTION HDXSVEEI BALTIMORE AP BaILI more Clipper of In American Hockey La announced Thursday Illa gnnltender Gilles Bolsvert has been optioned to SLPaul of the Central Hockey League on 14hour mall Hou veï¬ 50 vyns purchased by tho untol Vsrehlnr ml run Danny Sgaughnmy 437 John Owen mm NJ Intermadlale mlle nm Smockum 511 Peter sy ygayd ma bell mm HES The allowing are he mulls Interhouse spam competlllnn Open Julie hm Danny Shnulhnessy Ml John Owen no25 Mchyjsgm In overnll cum slahdlng Bant lnz placedthlrd with more of 65 Dolnll Baum rnnuu 0n 5m the Banking mack tum competed agnlml trams lmmAumra Richmand Hlll and Newmnrket at lll allclass track mm whlch was held Dr Wll lluml High School Aurora Dan ny Shaulhnessy rm Illa 2smIIa came ln 1251 and captured ï¬rst place Danny McKay Péter Symon and Rod Abrams linlall ledï¬llh 12th and 15th resyectv ve division Jim Rutherford placed first with more of and Larry Coulu pinned mnpd wilhym simkts Put Collins who was the mi contestant showed up at lent hail other mnie opponenll with mpectabie score of 108 We 4ND man daya low 79 Charles piecedumayd Iwmxg 98 Gary symonn CLAIKMM01 Ottawa whlch sponsored motion said experiencl bu shown qum gathering of Ilp to Delegates to the congress oi the NatiOnai Federation Ca nadian University Student re solved in tail 115000 member studentsthey are not required to reply to RM questinning except in court at law My answer they decide to give about leiiow student or protes snrn should be given in writinl nigned and dated The resolutinn pused by the NFCUS national main com mittee came utter debate nn mud investigations had been spotlig ted The NFCUS committee re tnlved to demand that the fed erni government state its policy qnoneampus security Investi gation no response is re ceived from Ottawa by Nov is suitable demonstrations oi protest will be held in the eup ital They did not decide what farm such stratinnl shguid EDMONTON CF Siuden representatives mm 41 Can dian universities and callelel lack ureiui look federal security pmcedum Thursday and they did no iika whlllhey MW RCMP Queries Students Protesi MASSAGE BY APPOINTMENI PA 87Ill SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS Tull Prlwm IIIIIIIIII PUBLIC UTILITIES mm Tho nma volumo healed by Inolhcr method could cost over $1300 per month Electricity Is Safe Clean Flumelqss More Efficient tool YOU CAN use oven 20 GALLC or mmc nor WATER EACH DAY AND Ir COSTS YOU ONLY Independcnl Iurvays prove that moro water can be hauled It lower cost with lat rato eleclrlc water healing than my other way Matchless eiectrlc water helng ls mm mm maxcmess electric water heaflng ls proven to be over 90 efficient olher method may only bu much as 65 efï¬cient PER MONTH TO HEAT IT remiuiion calling or pro fessor to tell their student whetherlhey would divulge 1n iormalion on student political Idivfly or opinions was hotly debated before bung deieaiM lha nonunllteo also demanded the ledernl government enact iezilialion which would pre serve and strengthen 01 omma of each Canadian citizen to ludlclal pmedure in all manmiwhiclz could at any time compmmlse his constitutional right Canadian citizen 15m nudenu wlumuz bannén 113 tlge mtg efleptlve BARRY EXAMINER min ELECTRICALLY FOR CENIRAL TAXI Mlle laulppedChl FOR FULL DETAILS CALI COMMISSION WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THE You Need all the 200 BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK B¢aufllul Simple Free EMmale FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone PA 81433 BARRIE Unhomerlnl la ovum ngn NIlrlthm ma 5i BRADFORD 51 PERMANENTS SE99 Maple Ann OPEN EVENING GALLONS Auk For Iln IUDGEI SALON HONE PA H561 501210 1m 4mm