Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1963, p. 3

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Mr Ununla rrvolvcllun vlnm It prurnl Ilnnlllnll In me If hlnlmo at 71 Cnmrrvullvo 21 Llhrrnl mm uvrn New Damn crnllc lnrly mcmhm The mvlrn vulu uml lho ficpl Onlnrlu tlflllon III 10 rmlw Cuumvallvu 060m Mdluchmn ulvlnu Mr 11qu Ihmnvnu mnrlln Vncnnrlu are In Grade Mnlhenmllu Sher Mnmcmn flu lubllc Spcnk nu Annm unrk Grade Zooluy nnd Trndu Mnthrmnllu Mrs Spnclzcl prlncipnl ol In school explained that the mining done In the nchanl aims at preparing rclnrdnd chlldrnn to lake place In socleiy nllcr xrndunllun ammo irics provide son 01 orlnnlalinn course In living In Illa community and gel as prop schonl lor the Shclicrcd Workshop which all nlndcnls nilcnd or iurlhcr lrnlnlng nilcr use 18 The lrnlnlng at King Genrge Schnol he must hnuc kind Mlcnllan ll turned first to speech whlch taught in dlvldnnlly and In which lnslruc Mon conllnuod throughout all Ihe yam chlldrcn spend at me ICHOOL Thcro are 5H some opmlngl In law or lhn nlzhl uhool clam nchcdulod la nun next wrck chgral qulcglnl Dnrbyahlm Nlnhl School principal HIM raspanuo or maxi count was over Mmlmlrgl We have waiting or mos uuucm CORRECT SPEECH he expressed dlsnppu mcnl Lhe response of the public In he open house In all only about 50 people vlsllcd ma my yesterday This was In splu Ihe Incl that teacher were an hand to oxplnln lho schunls ndlvhlu and discuss It problems mm mch would Hku sun the mm rle Arena taken over Iwmplete 13 even only for one day to allow all parudpallng agencies tnidpu on such displaysif In In He added lhul the agencies themselves wont get nut and do anything the United Appeal has less chance of success serv pmch boner 1he ndverlisinu AppEnl Bunrd Such displays he said glve he puhllc an opportunity to see what they are paying for when hey make their con lrlbullans OVERALL DISPLAY Service Vote Tonples PC The open house held yester day by Iho King George School was Ilmed lo colncido with the United Appeal In an effort to help puhllclze he pppcal Jlm Lowe president the Barrie nud Dishlat Association for Retarded Chlldrcn believes um djsglnyslpul byngencieg Few Vacancies At Night School MR5 SMITH Gem Thoma Gauthier and Mrs Gauzhlur dlscus problem of Public PasSesIIhance To Learn Of Retarded incciuse cl poor mordinnllon DISHES Tho Flnon In CANADIAN or ORIENTAL DINING 19 Dunlap SI am Tait Ow Onan PA 60763 or CITY lfll Unllcd Appeal puhllclly than drives or he While iumblinx and music de iciop inn wordinallon oi the body nd encournne Ihe sense oi rhythm painting and pasting proichl help bring dexterity and comdlnuliou in handling dcinilqd mununiAialn Closely alllod to this mu alc They love music and par llCipMe In rhythm band 11 da great deal mum said Mrs Spaelzcl Sewlng and bnklnu tench bu alc skills and bowllnz xwlm min and aknunu provldo luclnl mum In which once nxnln wordlnfllian ls deyqlqpcd In all these ncllvlllcs om menled Mnl Spaclzel lha children must be canllnunlly pulsed or lhry will Illp buck lulo lhclr shell The school does no lunch nmdnmlc sublet me said lhough mnny than or he re lnrdcd mu do For he ynunger chlldren this mean muck Ion parties at small table on the main tench lng room Children 10 and over however are permuted may or classes In the nIternwn and In bringlng their own lunchgs pramlse the such nmcnlllas un der rcnl conditiona The same poor cnordinnflon which hamper retarded child rens speech interferes wllh all their bodily movements To help correct this they take physical education chase in which hey do exercises learn elementary tumbling and are taught rhylhmic Rhythmlu Includes dances and gums done to music and are designed to Improve ha chlldrnns Imnzlnnuon camd Innllon and sense of rhythm Next In Importance is pro gram soclallzauon The children are encouraged to en togeflwr and arc taught propr table mmnerr and mouxhl retarded chlldrenx speech Ls slurred and garbled It onen takes yamI to remnve the lmpcdlmenu of thclr speech the Retarded Childrens Assa cmlon with Mrs Isabel Crow right teacher at Kluz Du tfiouzhiynclunl knnwlcdnc TN ls the kind at promen vrhlch King George School and no other school In lhe city can make wllh relaxdad children Only few days ago wom an from Iho Childrens Md So ciety called on Mm Spaetlel and mporlad the change she had men In one of ma glrll at tho school She was Ilke male anlmnl helm the woman um and muldnt talk at all Now the talk about everythan under the sunand clcnrly She had no Interest In anylhlnu and now L1 lnlemtcd In everything Such mlngs may the meaning 01 ed and green lightsare malar subjects at school and eventually lead certain amount sellsul Hclency In ma children By far the most snflxfyinz lhlng In Iha llvea the lunch at 1an George School how ever must he lha prozrm III the children make SEAT CHANGE Thuy have no nbiiliy 031 ply such knowledga in any oth er problem she added so we connetraie on teaching hing which will have some prnciicnl bearing on their lives such tour and four nre claim can be laugh to relard ed children he explalned they only parrot sudl Incls PRACTICAL THING BACKACHE Gearga School They met hut Mus JAMES LOWE 34 night It Klnl Georlza Willowdale Ave mun tea or School open house Mn Clflfnrd fiencher at King Geome5chool duran CAMP BURDEN Sharp ahoolm hom Canadian and Unlled Slates armies cun clude an unusual campelltlon to day in which no ane worries on much about the score and he Americans get to keep the 1w phy in he annual shoolnfl or Brown Ensl 17 century muzzleloader that was made Into 10pr in 1955 by Sgt COLLEGIATE WARFARE Dont Worry About The Score In Shooting Match At Borden Sludenll mlvlnl ll Nnrth Ihll momlnl lo llnd Ill del ecnuou vnwcd quick veng unce on an lmploun Cenlrnl lhll alcornuon when the lam meet on the pIylnl field The Inn will Ihow whe he Cunlnla hlckl demur Illu North or lull lurdrn the oppollflon Cenlnl Colluma louened up the opmlllon Nnrlh col lellm or ladnyl loolbnll mm In huh by In the on pom wlm lha Cenlnl colon Upon reflection theres nothing like the distinctive flavour of Codi éiéttisiisiigéitéiiSgéi look in the glass reveais the clear sparkling beauty of it all Labattsi Piisener Boer without peeri labqflb Pllsenef Beer first choigefl bgfgfi 59 many periplégr AS MUCH RAIN Each ycnr some 1600 mower averaging 20 mlnules duration all on the slope of Puertn Ricol MMloot El Yunqua maunlnln Inn mnrksmen havc held their own In these annual shoots their mention to lhla elite group 18 Human and six plslul shooters much more complicated than lhelr cogmclgnm rang be 115 The us learn Ia drawn mm the mnrksmcna unit at For Benin and Ike Canadian can lInxcnl rom various unns grim tha cdfihlry Tho shoot mmd In 1957 brlngs lagelller lop rllla and plstol mnrksmen representing armies from MI counlrlu to exchnnge Ideas shootlng Infor mnllon nnd lechnlquea and pro mote goodwill In an atmosphere that can only be dcscrlbed inlormnll rAs gesture of guodwlll Ihe Canndlnns 10 lbs Americans take the trophy hnme lo For Banning Gm no matter lhe out come Much Is navnr oltlclally rccordad anyway Each team must cdmpete wllh the carbine or plxlol used by lhfiflhlqsl cgunhx Ralph Cnlhllne Instructor at the school ol Infantry here he npen house held by the Re Iarded Childrens Aunclnllon yesterday Th8 open housu was held at King George Schwl tn NIGERIAN vomns be tween the use 20 22 yam Invaded Army Camp Burden or lhe second Ilmo In two years Theyvaro ofllcer cadets In tho Nigerian Amy who wlll jlve Bhrile risidents an op parlunlly lo see Ihe work done by the school planned to have an open house at the Sheltered Wnrkshop later this full Examiner Phnlm NIGERIANS TRAIN HT CAMP BURDEN ARMY Case Regarding Gasseepage Is Settled Out Court mum zxmmzn nun bcmnén 1m The clnlmwns or loss rev enua Income some for henllh nnd punlllve damages Mr lllan claimed that an seepage rom thoImperlnl Oil property entered his basement made It unsafe and result he could not get his insurance renewed He clnlmed Ihis resulted In hll being mod to close the hotel and move out Plalnlllla in the case which began Monday were Frank and Mary McMillan owner olua hotel in Beaverton Deendflnu were the Imperial Oil leited George Bowen operator nltha Imperial Oil aervlce slatlon in Boavertnn and the Municipal Corporation at the Village of Beavertnnl The three counsel In lhe case Elli lor Imperlal OlL ClF Macmillan or George Bowen apualor at the Imperial oll mvlce stallan and Thompson Ior the Village 01 Beavenon Bptnl most the Fall session of the Supreme Court of Onturln ended here yesterday when settlement was reachrd alter three and hall dnys the longestnanJury case at the sitting inks 15 months of lrnlning with the Canadian Army lead in lo commiuion in the rank ai Iecond lieutenant They arrived Camp Borden via RCAF Dakota accompan ied by lileir Canadian Army onkime MT Henry AI daus Aylon 651 junlce ol the Supremevcamnt Ontario heart snack BrimGem Edm Humpwn 50 direccnr of transportation or the United Slate Alr Folca canducllnz alum They no Iran lo rear Mr Okhuar aha Malaml Capt Strickland Conducting Officer from Ottawa and Ah madu thllonal Delencu Pho Mm settlemunt was ranch ed Mr Justice Campbell Grant resumed court and orderedlhal the minutes 01 the unlement be scaled He said Lhrrecard thouid he endnuui and my will not be open to Inspzdlfln except to lhe parties concerned the cnncluslon of the cm Mr Justice Gran told the luv yer In the cue Gentleman congratulate you an the settle menmla most dmlcul can County Court begins Monday Chluuum Que John Mur dock 71 wellknown businem man engaged In cream oper ation andowner television mu 95PM 1n Chlmutlml morninzlrylnn to reach nel lemcnt DEATHS

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