Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Oct 1963, p. 17

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AUCTION SALE SATURDAY OCT 20 pm SHARP Fur ELDUN IOTTMIE lm vmrrulan Emmi llnln Tuumhlw mil mum on Nuymr MHZ cnlllv lulu mm clullwy Imy Illnw mm and Mum lmuuhuhl Iflt mmlllhm enlml llrzhm llluhlahwny DIvalnn Dopuvlmml Illnlanyl Downwhlw nulnrln Telephone 2U 11 0H Drpmlnwul Illdmnyx 1mm lllu mwmvlcw nulnvln Telephone mam DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS YNIMIIO Dcparlmcnt Illghwuys AUCTION SALE OF UUILDINGS FOR IIIJIOVIIL OII DEMOLITION PROPERTY SALE N0 70272 H5 nony room brick house and nunclwd anrnnc mm lnnmnt lrnme malt and ram 1th sllualnd on Pm Lot Id Conccsslun 12 annshln of Wes Gwllllmbury County Elmer pain on In ml am at IIIgII way No II nboul mllcs nonh uI Brndlord Snlo In be led on the property 00 AIII LOCAL TIME TUFfiIMY OCTOIIIIII th I963 TERMS th or mlltlcd chcquu rhcque made payable Ia flue TNMIIWI OHIMIO pm 0000 Inrlormnncc land nnrnnlna lhal work will be remitted In Mtordnnm wIlh DJIO reiulnllnns NOTICE permit nqulud move huIldIn nlnnn man or am lrovIncInl lllnhwny nndar IIIunItlpnI and or SUM Prrmm who may be lnlcmlcd In nuchnllnn lhcsn InIIILIImu Iur lhu purpmn oI humIn IIchu Inlan or In lec lInnn Io nnullwr Incnllon mun olnlnln Inrunnnllon rcnnllx wrlnlLl Irmn llvr DItIrIrl OIllcn nnlnl bcInw PRIOR TO THE SALE For lurllwr Inrnrmnuun Menu mullcl 11w AurHonwr Andunan IInwmnn olwIII IlI Q00 CNIrIlInIun 5er Ilnrrlb Onlnrln Trlrnhnna Separate scaled lenders will ha received by Ihe undersignmi up to pm OCTOBER 15 1963 for the supply or fuel oil and coal to the Municipal Building Ihn 196364 hunting season was or any lender noi nu esmlly accevlcd Specifications nnd lender en velopes in which Ihe endu must be subrnlucd may he nb nod Ihe Ciiy Clerkx Ollice STRAUGiiAN is AUCTION SALE TENDERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF FUEL OIL AND COAL Dcparimenl Citizenship and Immigralmn September 17m 1963 Revised August 1902 To receive consideration lenders must be submitted on Ihe tender form prnvided and must be accumpnnicd by certified cheque drawn on chartered bank in Canada payabie he Receiver General oi Canada or bid bond in an amount equal in ten per cent 10 the lender price or Bearer Bonds oi Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its cansiliuani companies The Depaflment resarve the right to reiecl any or all tenders and tire lowest lender will not neccasariiy be accepted MW va Isuucai lha drawmgs spec on on and other documents will he ax hibited at the allowing points ram Oclober 2nd 1963 until October 18th 1963 inclusive Regional Supcrvmnr oi lndian Agencics Arthur Maighen Building 75 St Clair Avenua East Toronto Ontario Superlntcndcni Bruce indian Agency Chippawa Hill ntarini Guam Instructions in Tendarers Drawings and Specifica lion are obtainable at the nbova niiicea upon deposit of Eighty live Dollars $8500 ior each set oi documents in the farm oi certified cheque made payable io iha Receiver General Canada This deposit will be refunded upon return of the drawings and specifications in good cnrdiilan to the issuer within twn month imm file data on which izndcra closed TeieiiApii lunuu vise their tender the one rs will no he accepted but tendergra may re lelezrnm provided it is mind on or before iiqu for hefegegiion oi iandgys DEPARTMENT OF CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Acllnz Director indian Amin Branch Department oiCilizenrhIp and immizrnilan Oi Mwa Canada will be received until 800 PM EDSTJ an 0c lobar lard 1m or the consiruclinn by contract oi Three Clussronm Indian DnySchaoi Cape Croker Brucu Indian Agency Ontario Comradan shall Iender inVcarnpieie accordance with the urnwings specliiulions and tendering documunla supplied by the Daparimuntior that purgnso INDIAN amms ammcu 12 TENDERS Mulloneer City Clerk onumo IL GORDON Acting mmiar CANADA at oclock sharp for WILLIAM NOON In 19 conccsdon 13 Va pra Townshlp mile north of Highway 00 at Essa Station SALE cl mule plgs machinA cry hny grain slrnw and lame household chem Terms Cnrh No use Iha mm In sold AUClION SALE Saturday October 12 12 Mon Sharp FOR ALVIN CAIRNS Lot 22 Concesslon Ora Township miles ens of DAL slan Stare mile south on mile cast mahwa 91 mm mile north SALE no head tellslered and grade Hereford calm nlgg hlgh class Inrm muchlnery hay slrnw grain and some household effects Terms cash No reserve as the arm sold COUGHLIN vAND THORNTOE huclloneerl AUCTION SALE Saturday Oct pm for ROY GOODFELLOW South of lo 21 concession Innlsm miles em and mile 0th ol Stroud Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements Term Cash SPROULE 13 AUCTION SALES Sallqrdqyj QCIOZbEEB AUCTION SALE JERRY COUGHLIN REFERm FILE NUMBER NIH960 Andlonm Auctioneer for lhe Esme the 1an FRANK HINDLE In THORNTON VILLAGE SALE of all household lurnilurn Term cash No rcscrvu ns lhe ulate mun be settled JERR OUGIILIN AUCTION SALE Wed October 16 1280 pm Sharp FOR PAT RAMSAY south hair oi Lot 20 Conces sion Tecumseih Townshim miles soulh oi Highway on 20 side road Oil nhie west oi Highway 87 Turn at the nu Concession of Tecumsclh SALE oi iierciord cailie pigl Fauluy high class lnrm much SALE 01 Hexclan came plgl poultry high class lnrm much lnery hay straw grain and some household effects Terms cash No reserve the am Is snId JERRY SIOUGHLIN JOHN STRATIGEAS Complete Jersey herd dlspeltsal 46 head on accuunt of losing barn by llre ANDERSON PLQWMAN AND cowapL 111 AUCTION SALE Saturday Oct 12 pm sharp Al the arm of John Rncdns Lo 22 Caucasian Inulsfil mile east kaor mm maycutu Ram and Ems also Commer chl Ewe impeded Sympathy ol the community extended to Mrs Bu Murphy on hede of her mother Mn Hilde Morrlsnn who passed way at Slevenson Memorial Hus pllal Allmnm on Sept 21 Mr and Mn Archla Currie mended Illa wedding reccntly of rrlea niece Miss Man up Mrs Donald Munkman pres denl of the CookslawnWamena Inxllllne alluded the Womens lnstltule Area convention cgdwmeg 5912 m7 Mr and Mrs willlpm New mad Toronto visited recent Iy with Mn Newslends parents Mr and him Archie Cunle JHHN FENNELL RR No Bradlord Ontario LMru Wllflam Wain In Torono Ia AUCTION SALES AUCTION SAL SATURDAY OCT 19 31 SHARP mum ANnEnsoLi SIMCOE DUFFERIN SHEEP SALE Thurs October 10 180 BAR fin GROUNDS PEOPLE D0 READ SMALL ADS YOU ARE Aucliofiee AuctlaniéE When Audience Lmoxsmwn NEWS MOLSONSINDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1188 Itn um um um became more people uk fork open mm It enjoy It lhnln my other nlo In Canada Open MoboqlExpmt Ala and drink lLWa an youll find the mason at openan ynur notqu bottle lnuldo the llnt bank If you dont um no held allay vhlled MOLSONI EXPORT is the BIG ALE play as an Illa teams or the autism are Team Na Caplala Danny Dnnvcn Mel Erayman Ray FloodMnrllyn Tumor Janice Leonard Elsle Taylor team Captain Gzoll Dawaay Dce Caburn Cecll Tut ner Jean Cook Greta Elllall Pat Beech Team Caplaln Jna Duncan Bob Leonard Hlll Thomas Darlene Nay Barb Dawney Eileen Brayman Team Caplnln Shlrlcy Cook Frank Webb Bert Coleman Terry Fer rlcr John Taylor Allce Flood Team Caplaln Jlm Nay ngmNG cwn The onk Howling Club commenced it bowling schedule 11 Sept 16 Ix cam in play rm mm Ira Mel Dray man presided over the muting The thank offering will be held In the arm of social on nles day Oct 22 film was shown on work among the Koreans In Japan Lunch was served by the hostess fllllOMAllC DELIVERIES The ires ytemn VMS me at Ihc home at Mrs Archie Cur 0n1crpyerspxesent Rev McCarrnll was guest speaker at the 101 an nlvcrsary of Knox Presbyterian Church AIlIstan Sept 22ch ern people from Cookswwn al landed the xervicu PIESHXTEEIAN WMS Mrs Frank Ricmen Mn Edith Badger and Mn Bert Armstrong spent Monday In Tor unto andylslled Frank McKenwn apallenl In Sunnybrnok hasth Mk Marjorie Lowe of Torunta spent he weekand with her pan enls Mr and Mrs BllLLawe Mr and Mrs Wilson Wright and family Halted Sunday in Scérhamugh with their daughter and minlaw Mr and Mrs Brian Bunting Mn Edith Badger spent few days in erlfla with her sun and daughterJnIaw Mr and Mrs DnnBndgerfl Vlsflon during life weekend with Mrs Hen Davis were Miss Helen Dav Hamilton and Mr and Mrs Jae Davis and lamlly of Toronto Russell Reed and son Peler spent Ihe webkend at Sloney Lake with Mr and Mm Nar man Reed Mrs Glen Pendleton and lam fly or Mono Centre visited Sun day with her parean Mr and Refinérmitrqng Vlsllon during life with Mrs Hen Dav Miss Helen Dnv an Mr and Mrs an of Toroplu Mrs Ray Llnléek on the blrfl daughter Sept aunt Stev enson Memorlnl llospllal All ta Phyllla Ellen PA 82563 SIMEUE PETROLEUM Sea LTD 75 ANNE 51 Film Home lndxulry Thu October meeting at the anens Institute wlll be held In lhov Cookstnwn flown Hall Oct at pm The canvener at the meeting Mu Cause The topic the meeting Mrs Reg Jncksoduaf Mona Mills was recent visitor with Mn Atkinson WgfiEflS WSTHUIE Mu McMaster Ind 1r ene vlslled during the weekend In Toronto wllh Mrs and MkslAme Grnse non McKilllcan mending the Radio Cullen Canadp in Toronto Alec Amon is attending WI erlno University and enrolled Inth ring pomst mum Mrs McMasler and dauzhler Irene attended the wedding Mrs McMaslers granddaughter Marilyn McMa ler to Kevin Murray at Bethany Chapel In an Mn Sept 21 Marilyn la the Iughler of Mr and Eall MtMugler kney and boys have returned from two weeks vacation in Yamaulh Don Plnkney who has been my lug with Mr and Mrs Bob Riley or threeweeks rammed with her parenu to Hanover when they hang aka up residence In Marjorie Eldridge of Tor onto span the weekend with her lathe LEGIUN HALL COLLIER ST SATURDAY OCT 5th Ir and Mrs Cecil Baker and daughter Barbara of Schamberz vlslted Swday wlm Mr and Mrs Ho Mgnlgamegy mm MrsILeonnrd Ross in pa lent its evenson Memorial Hggplla non Sympathy the communin ls extended Io Mrs Rohencm ham on the death of her hum band who dltd Sept St Mich aspilal AToromn Sept smxle mm mm Leonard 23 mile highxlnile flat Doris McKIlll can 2H mens high Mole Hal Bah Leonard 71 Ladle lgh triple Ila ppxilx McKIng Sept 18 flat Blll Cnnk Ladle blah alngla flat Darla McKllllcnn 24 Mens blah ulple llallBob Leannd 7lQ Lndlu lllgh lrhile Ila Dorls McKllllcank 624 Men lllgh av erage Bob Leonard 231 Ladle hlgh nvnN Mn McKllllcan ww mnn cum Capuln my Taylar Jim Morgan mu LIM beeHDam McKfllIun Florance Leonard Hue Murphy Team find to daleNo am chokl Vem hellrd Betty 0me BethTgylorEv la am lo 12 noon $100 REGISTRATION FEE PARENT MUST ACCOMPANY BOY 52140 Na 45 Boy yam In years Born On Or After Aug I949 HOCKEY lEGlON MINOR REGISTRATION Sympathy of the community In mended In the Ramsay amfly ln lha sudden death Rune Ramsay Sept zL Funeral ser vice were held mm the Hugh Funeral Home Sept 24 with Interment in SI Johns Cemc tery C19K530WN UCW inebookmwn imned Church Women held heir September Congratulations to these priu winners at the Caekmwn Fall Fair Marilyn Gian Dixon Gian Kenneth Robinson Mrl Riley Mrs Gadsden Nancy Carrizan Mn Quin Ralph Cnrrignn Mn Bemicn Graham Myra Tiiiln Norman Cook Coakatnwn United Church Women Aim lpeclal mention to the Junior Organization CGii firm Explorer and the 4H Hlnmtmnkers Club for their dis nys ulcenl vullun with Mrs McMaam Ind Irene ware Mr llld Mn chk Finley Ind Mr and Mn Harold Finley of Hunuvflle Please kup In mind he Har v25 Home services In the Unl ted Church on Sunday 06 27 followed by the United Church annual owl xupper the evening Oct The Boll Cull Pmenl written resolution what nu comider should be accomplah ed In mu country or our com munllyufle haxteuex In this meeting will he Mrs Hansen Mm Cantu MI Slight Mn Donnefl Mn Ludley Mn Murflnk Mrs Rakerlnd Mrs nun FRmudonr The motlu We rounder canud our Lind of Liberty but we mun be takenln the Icllom all that Ilau may be our land or my guest speaker will hamv Minn SIMCOE MOTORS MECHANICAL SERVICE RAYS BODY SHOP Speciallzmg Pi Hm Au 3mm aovabnx in the pig land The India were asked lokeep In mind the all rllly OcL 21 lnStrflzd Ill year no was served by 111 host eu Ind the committee Mr and Mrs Don Bum and unruly Vlalted In Toronto The pruldenl Mrs Coum pmlded overlhe meeting The wouhlp period was taken by Mn Glass nudy book an India was given Mn Shaw war In charzmor ha program Mn Murphy Rave talk on her mum trip quh she look In midsummer NOW AVAILABLE Cost Arcoununl Iible posllion wisl Olllcc Munm Mule orremale clerical 5131 Knowledge olfice Ability to type an moi general meeuni the hnmeml Mm Wlllll Corrinn In Banle with 25 member present thinery run lARil EXAMHSERhllflbfl anonm Mtchlnlcnl Dnlumen Barrie Mldland Orlljia Sound Several opportunities or drillsmen with ex In heavy machinery laundry or sheet metal waxk Englneerlnl thhniclll or Speciiiuliuns Writer To ravin sin or modin producu or special application Write and maintain specificaiim Ind engineering data Employer is seeking Technoiuzical Imiiiuiu Gradual or High School grad with suitable experience Good wage structure and fringe benefits EXECUTIVE PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES NOW AVAILABLE nl with moral you experience In respon wishes la rnlocatu in Barrie arch FOR FUIIIIIEII INFORMATION REGARDING THE ABOVE AND OTHER VACANCIES Contact your Nurul Lou NlIonII Employmenl cm or Cenlnl Nulonll Emplnymnl OIIlce BlrrIc IA HM enlclnx IIrlcebrIdle Colllnlwnad Mldllnd Orulll Owen Sound IIrry Sound Aren NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Owen Ilurln Donllaml Ml LIAITAII ya Sulurduy mpht Irma With abllity lo supervise olfico mullne and slnllsdca or drillsmefi with expencnce or sheet metal waxk STAYED DOWN MINE METHLEY Enghmd CP Eighteen Yorkshire mlnerl staged laydown lhlkE her to extract management mm min to negollate pay disque Alter 54 hours undergmund lhey won their case inrvul Thnnksgiving service will he hald In St Johns Aug llcnn Church Oct IIGuest preacher at the av sewkc will he the Rt Rev Rub lnsnn remed Bishop of Man nnee Sunday with the Iormerx slaw and brother In law Mrand Mtg Herman Whilmora flurll Owen

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