wm plwtnl lhm Inn Immrr ll mu mmle lurn Ishnul lnr calrhrr Jnhtmy Hum lmv 11m lml Hm lhn Madam rumMed In Wan MI walnut lhu Vhllo Sal In 1m nsrbom wrnl lllllru In our nl llalu am In Arm lnt Ihl flrll KMVW lln llmrlmml nmlInnlnn lmmrr thv Fonl wnI Ilm llrul hnl hll all Hullmaw nltchrr um year Hm Clo look nl an Illll mun mmda cl Iodayl loner Null he YAMVN wan hlum In our llmu lmk In Ihu nmncr Mul thl Srrln nvrrnnu mde lo Th mrnm oumthlrr hm nuly Nu In 711 lrlu mvmnl no mlu unmcl Wm 11 running mu lwn lmun nml ulna mlnulu Wall nculnyl win he lmlonlanov Inn ptMun unmn hm HM whrn Jnlmny Sn nl 11mlan mm hrllflll Imrinntls hubby lrllrr Io In nno hour am mlnulel Um Scrlu Nevertheless wont attempt to take anything against the heroics of Sandy Kouiax For the last iew innings felt sure announcer Vince Scully was trying to pacin me saying Koutax has lost his rhythm Kouinx ts stumbling off the mound Koutax has changed his Fiyla of pitching All the when youll see elsewhere will no doubt be about the plching Dont forget Stan WH flnms lhrcc inn stanzas Dont forget that Yankees came through vlth blnglcs Iatn In the game Padres cant be near so tough today ihu hombm now know theyre in series which ls odd Even the game attendance was announced an add Lcls just any Dodgers were tho better loam for one dny Theyll have to lauk at the ï¬reball of Al Downing today Itll be quite change from Fords dny slow stuf Furthermore said the series would go seven ganv cs The Dodï¬era just have to win three to make that lho cluro come true NM Ford lm mIM no onl In both um nl nwly MIMI Um mm lnr lnml vlrlorlu ID Wnlnw dayl lou mm Ivmllnl lha Mnmlnrd ho mum wllh llve nHum Inv Imflnl LIulxly Mnlhrwmn II Mum and Mluwllwy rm llelmll The crystal ball doesnt show much or Roget earl today but Mantle Trash and Howard could be on Maury Wills will see what the base paths are like at Yankee Stadium today Skowron isnt through and bgagnï¬rank Howard should dump one into the left ï¬eld Thank goodness 11 against this newspaper st 16 to use black borders around columns or Im sure ck would insist on It must say though the Koufax that pitched through the last four frames wasnt so tough as the guy retired 14 in row to start the contest could just imaglne lovely Richard shaking in his shoes when the Bombers loaded the buses on successlvo single by Howard Pepitone and Boyer Look for Ralph Terry and Ron Perranosld In re llel of Downing and Padres and heres where well have the edge believe the Yanks will outhlt us today say by but well get the big hits and come up with 54 cry Now 01 today believe Its gnln to be tougher today but may as well shoot the we and give the Dodgers 20 lead heading back to thelrhume stadium cant see A1 ï¬wmng or Johnny Padres going more than five innings The Yanks will be tougher to day but those qugers are hungry and theyre ready as ever team could be No need to go into the performance of Koufax Theres enough on this throughout the sports page to day He was Just fabulous should quit right here and now and Steve will always wonder if do have some mysterious powers of frognostication But have plenty intestinal fortitude ready to give it another whirl It did my heart the world of good to see those high and mighty Yankees getting hammered They gave the impression that weretheldngsandyouvcan ttouchus And how about the great Whitey Ford must admit Ralph liouk must have great confidence in him Dod gers reeled off double two singles and homer all in row in the second inning and Houk didnt even go to tho mound Where was that great Yankee bench They sent up three pinchhitters Lopez Lth and Bright and all three struck out must admit am in hlgh spirits today In deal like this you dont hlt em on the nose like dld yes terday two runs and slx hlts for Yanks Koufax togo the limit Ford not lasting slx watchBlll Skowron also Frank Howard and Tommy Davls And like the good little boys they are they came through for the old Bluenoser Notes On Series After First Tilt BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY OCTOBER lly HEN DMN OIIK MUFlgurlnz By Rlck Frmr IO Wlll BaToughar Today By Rlck WORLD SERIES wow AND OUCH BY STEVE CRYSTAL BALL pmhnhlo pIIchm 1m DOdA xm Jflhnny Iodren won gnnm Iosl I1 wiIh walk L13 lulkmuln Io tomplm Knmu lhn shquuIl ml 3M rnmcd run mm Thu Ynnlu III DownInK Inn lJï¬ man an mm 111 IInIImnll lo rhm pIrI lfllnfllmll nhnlnuu Ind ll IL IIIII bknwmn Inc Dod pru uIm Imvu In In mnn WI pnlr nI nlnglu wu AM In mum lwn at nmro IIIlI anl Ianr Inm dannu the WI mum lle pInan In no mm mm only IO IIIII Hhmun nlm rnlnlyllxlml rrrrml Iuy pInrlng In rlxmh MrllIIIII Innt Inr In IIHIE turn II Iurrd um Ilnndnnl wIIh Am IrIuI Ind Joe Col IIIM II Vlnlu ï¬knwmn ulnnt III Man pmrlunl mIrn will II when Whm MI IrHm of UM DMan dullmd Ihe mlu mall Ivy IlrIllnI out It hm km 1m he up In 11ml IIK IIIII ml hm lum on IvaIIkIml Koulnx did WMnmlny KnnIu IImkI Itnklmn mark wllh 15 Mule flllll 11w Dmluerl Tommy IInII who Iml Inna hlll In our lllpl npparenlly min In he Inn uqurIlve II ImI In On lnlpcr In In Ikarmer Tummy IIII mm In mos M1 menu Iml won Ill maul mnmuun NI IzaIInl mwn and SM Jonucu nnKnulu nlchardlon Tmh Mnnllcl Ford 0H llnm Skowron 90Kounx ll Kuhc lllclmrdnon Tmh Minus Mnrh ICDIIOHI Ln llown Llnl mm Ford lWlllI Dnvll Ilaxrbomi Wllllnrm Hlllnm Dnvll Hawnrd Hkowron Ilonlmm Hnmlllan Kaulnx Ulnpnmlll plnln Garmm IN llnt hm anp Ircnml hm Craw lnnl lhlrd Imw Vantan IN MI Held lllco right lerd T709 HEW bun Am 000000004 New York 0000000204 Kuhnk Illchdan 2b Tmh It Manna Marl EJloward Papllone lb Boyer Fun Alana Willlnml Wm Hamilton cum Tnlnll Bil ISruck out for Fm pSlruck out or uaueuuuumE ooeobocoqeefa oucooaueoc 81h Knuinx Ford Vllllnml Hamlllan Enanl Lonlal Annlu New York IIII Howard Hflrnmbom Trcsh SILT Davin SW VII auwDanDO Will Gllflam ab WDavla mm It Inward Fair yr Skowron 1b Tracnwsld Rosebam Knulax Kaufnx weakened edge of flue that hit him as week overpowered the hard mum Yankcu retiring l4 malth halter until Elston Howard singled wllh two on In the rum He tanned the Int Ive Yankeebauen to 13year ald recard held by Mort Cooper of the ma St Louis Cardinals rugs Ensme Tha l5 slrlkeauu top the previous record set by at En sklne another Badger who lnnned Ylnkec In game In the 196 Series The Yanke NEW yon Amm Lox Icon of flu Hm me 1h 1963 Wogld Serial Dodxen Yuleu We havent seen anyone In our league who compares wlth hlm declared Yankee mana ger Ralph Hunk In high praise He was every hit good at we were lead to bollevoï¬h NEW YORK AHThe mk derrnied Dodgers oi Dos Ange In the object of new respect suddoniy to themselyen slight invorltes today to win the World SeriEs following their stunning tr it over whitey Ford and the Newank Yankees in Wednesdays opener The Ynnkeu rtili ruled M40 iavoritea to win today behind young Al Downing who need veteran Johnny Padre in an other lefthanded pitching duel But the oddsmakers now have made the Dodger an 114mm choice to take the whole ball of wax The Yankees had been proSeries 7405 pick Sandy Kouinx changed all Ihut with one of the finest pitch ing performances in terter his tory The ï¬yenroid Brooklyn barn loulhnaw established Series strikeout record by ten ning is Ynnkeu he held the American League champions to rig hitr Koufnx lust hlsbld or shut out when Tommy Trash cracked nn eighthInna tworun homer with two out 130x scans pslmrk TutII BHTSTflNES mu ssnwcn 10 BAYFIELD ST PA 66349 K011qu Fans 15 Yanks To PaceDodgers Win US TODAY TIRES BEST By JOE REICHLEB BUY THE out for Ford in am out or William In out at lumlllau In BUY MEII1BIPOA its oxoou Inn10 oooom 01130 OOIOV ni mum 110 ud 15 Ford In ram uventh Series up just five lnnlngs he was tagged for Dodger nine Mu runs pltchern struck out In Dodger lot comblnui tolal of 25 an other nlw Series mark benev Inz the 22 collected by the Car dinals and Brown In um 19 Bust Mull Seflzs COLLIER SI Youll bay lot more DONT MISS THIS GREAT EVENT Our annual lluntAnnmn In of Inlorenl to every rod blooded hunlrr More In lnnlrucuvc Inovlesby Vln cheater and Roxnhmlon wcnpmu Illsplnyn nn ndna leading un humus Fm cnlfou roe mnuln and of chance lo lalk over and lrmlo hunllnx expnrlcnlcx before yOu match its famous flavour DUNLOP ST BAHRIE6 OCTOBER Fï¬OLIPS 3Mfv6 At Barrio Sports limitd Goodallh haw Dun dlnllliulu MM Ilm 1m SO DONT MISS OUT ON ALL THE FUN COME ON IN AND TALK HUNTING HUNTARAMA DISPLAY or Tums HYACINfHS DAFFODILS cnocus SPECIAL FRI SALONLY record pm as opener In ed Ki durlng which for eight 01 the Mu and all their Come In Now While Our Stock ls Slill Plenï¬ful Head Ollie BuInn 7191202 Drop Inlo WSW huHer by John Ieflhnnded mum Other Howards doubla Ih mend it mns flrs drove In lame Sk the third The hll wag AuIreerpn ï¬rst or re In the Ir Sknwrnns third mm key hits were Fr lizanllc so Ihal opened the tour iqnlng and 5111 Sk 4th Mn and 5111 Slam of two nlnule Ihnt the ï¬rs nm ho wrons second MI in knmed 1n lho ï¬nal PA HI PA 35000 Roiehom camber Frank too ouuooovo nununauuuoumcmuuo uuuuuuuououq Monolunnuuumu uuuuuuo mlmomuooap uuuuuuou noun EASY TERMS TO SUIT YUUR BUDGET Dunk Ina Palnl Keep you but well Imuufllged Dollinlln pIInll mm Ill won her candl 149 Innl 16V cl OWI Dunk Cull Huh hard rubber Produce ruenMh quick ducku Euy to uxe med mu llcn 299 weak In lhe urly lnnlm ï¬red in lho mlddla Innings and llllle Wllk again at Illa end nfler malnmu some of his strength had couple of anxious mnments but wenmued the storm uch llme MAIL BOXES WHATS NEW AT CTC Allmtlvu Top Oulllly Sandy who fun be Tm hnknl mln hlnrk rmmwl linIh urh hith Illhlnl by winmauv Ilol xlulm Illtl omnmrnlnl unllqml It BlochMallard and Blnu Blllq Foam Elullo Decoy Tonga lifesize nun up Extra Duck Decoy Slurdy mnulded ï¬bre unusually painted Canflue lmpuhl WnCcrprool ham plas Hc Shut resistant mmknme 105 Pocket Wanner Keeps hands wrm whllo youru 1min In the duck bllnd um Bath manner uld Ihey muld ue the nmellneup for the mend lame Dick Truce wskl who replaced the hunted Ken McMullen will coaliqu at second base where he excelled Wedgesdq ilh Jim GHllam cumuqu Wlu staying at lhlnL Realistic wager resistant decoy inflate the min ute you usiii in 1h water Set out who flock in xecunds Light weight less than 601 you an easily pitkl dozen or mom in the side pockeu at your hunting luck SellInflallng Rubber Decoy Gun Cam KhakiDrill Wllcr proof lulher hand in Ind rim Protect your un 1mm rust 3° 329 194 cdacu nscovanmc CALGARY CPI Jess Mmpmn styumld damn mad ol Calgary Slnmpcdnrs Is recovering rnpldly from se vere hem attack Holy Cross Hospllnl omclals reported Wed nesday Lnninm er plnsllc bndy wilh whlle lrim Moulded handle Finals bllnks and chrnslxlnnl Tuku flvoll hul Egï¬rn 7vguoyanl EAC MALLARDS ONLY 29