Prnsldmg al the head lea ta ble were Mrs Edwin Vilsun Mrs Harry Maxwell Mrsl Wil Ilam Such Mrs Jury and Mlsa Margaret Caldwell Mrs William Excll was con vencr of the ca lahlcs Ton scr vm were Miss llnzcl Caldwcll Mrs Dnvld Dnrbyshirc Mrs Cliff Davies Mrs Earl Cole Mrs Juhn McCabe Mrs Blrl Cross Mrs Oscar Spencer Mrs Lorne Jackson Mrs Howard lawn Mrs Austin Mrs Annll ling Mrs Mnuc nod and Mrs Gallownx The alquruvo bake lnblu were convened by Mrs Mbcrt Grusc Mu Jail Cunninnlmm nun mo anon Forbns and Mrs Armstrong lHT AZAAR The balanr tables displayed blricly Items suitable for gift zlvlng Convcncra Included Mrs oc Jam Mrs Flcwel lrs Myrtle Reid and Mr Thejea was canvcnod by Mrs Norm Galloway and Mrs Jeff Cunningham Mrs Edwin Wllsunwas responsible or Ihe nurucuvc decaratlvns lhruughom Ihe rooms TEA gunï¬ns Mrs Glgg Warthy Mal mn receide the guests assist ed by the Assaciule Matron MuReg Gnrrclt Horn of Plenty overflowing with Iruils of the harvest 31 san and flanked by all cnndnln bra adorned the centre or the leaJable of Ihe Order of the Eastern Star Harvest Tea tlcld yesterday afternoon at the 0125 roams Owen Street OES Members Hoet Harvest Tea Sale Jntf éunnmglmm TRY EXAMINER WANT PHONE PA Mm BEACH 100 WIDE WESTON SUPER MARE England CF This lnmnus Sbmcrscl saasldc resort has Iproblem mm LIE gacs nul 00 llarl Expert prcdlct Illa In 50 years llme lualldnymnkcrn will have In walk mile or so or dlp when the tide ls aul Tho Nuncll In nonsldorlng bulldan wall In Imp he wulcr Door prlzcs were won by Mm Edith Dibley Mu Fred Smllh Mrs Marlin and Mrs Helen Crass Convener of we draw ticket wns Mrr Bruce Nesbm unlu ed by MrsH Walker and Mn Harvey Baldwin Mrs Slonehnm and Mrs Choescmnn were in charge of Ion tickets sold at the door PRIZE WINNERS Prize winners of the draw ln eluded Mrs Robert Thompson Slroud Mrs Wscmnn nar rlc Mrs Bernlrc Sperm Oril Ila Miss Karen Cunningham Consolation prizes were award ed to Mrs McKlnmm Mrs Marnie Bounslra Mrs Darbyshire Mrs Rummy and Mrs Firman Mm Cull Munroe and Charles Mills Mrs Frank Levering wns con vener nmhe kitchcn assisted by Mm Burton Mrs Fred Churchill Mm McDonald and Mrs Ross Adams nur htd at the 0158 Room on Owen Street yester Mrs The romnlnder at tho execu llva or the 1964 season lollawn Past President Mrs Tcrryflarrls Vice President Mrs Harry Young Secretary Mrs Ross Peacock Treasurer Mrs Harry Hodgsan Captain Mrs Charles Cohan Vice Cap lnln Mrs Emerson Webb Han dicap Manager Mrs Fraser Cnmphell Saclnl Convener Mrs Jansen Stmcoe County Dclcgnle Mrs John Ough Mrs Paul Mcger was elcclnd pmlden the ladles section of the Barrie Gall and Country Club at tho annual meeting and election offlcera held at the club house Oct day afternoon am from the ten Mrs Walter Gtgg Wor thy Matron Mrs Norman Gnllnwny tea canvener nnd Mrs Joe Jewell of the bazaar table cammlttee Examiner Phnta mu mm touch floml arrangement thch ccnlmd the tea table at U12 FWTAO Tea held at Ill cres School ymlerday at 511000 Pay $200 Weakly ADDING THE FINAL touch foria lifelimepf prayd possession OMEGA ukuu mt and Mlss Jenn Gundlollaw who were in charge lea table dgcurqtions Examiner Pho to Mm Fannie Stewartz elt apd 01 Barrie And District Teachers Atfend Annual all FWTAO Tea ms BARME EXAMINER mumi omnan my PA 61885 mum Tea poureu Wm Mm Scott wire uf the Impedar Public Schools In this area and Mrs Angus McKay wife 01 the superintendent city schools The women teacher alHflI crest school were In charts arrangemenu They Includ ed Mu mm 714 candeldbm entwined beg deemalien with bar out HAD GOOD TRIP MONTREAL CPi Dr Dan Eaghen and his wife drove 6500 miles in Panama in eight weeks amt he was awarded Wanner Gren Foundation grant to sludy ancient medical cusiom there ineir 1960 model car sullemi only in urn and bnzkea an belt on the trip the poop deck FF ALONG