Church bell pealcd Mr and Mrs John Franklln Good lnllnw lcll Burton Avenue United Church following lhclr marriage Se 2L llcv David cow ï¬c nlod auhe allernoon rile in selllng ol standards of yellow mums nnd whlw slmsln dalslu erho Wndding Yrayer and Perlch anc were swig by Mm David Rec accompanied by lhgurgnn The bnde Mus Cnro Dlnna nr up Avenue And me lnlc Mr Mp Mom The brldcxrnom the son of Mr and Mm Vnrd GuudIclluw Edgehill Drive ORGAN GDWN Givtn in manlay by her unclu Lloyd Billnn or llngcrx lllc lhc hridu worn gown ol nylon organza over bridal Inl lcla lmpnrled Valencia lncn wllh seed pearls ml ulns enhnnmd the sahrinn nee llns and my palm sleeves of ha In dicta The hemllne the lull unwing skin was cnughl at he Iron and back wllh rose urnnzu The elbow length we ol slk llluslun ulln was held by ncnddrcss crown seed penrb and Ihlnnslancsl The bride ur ricdn cascade bouquet ol while gnrdnnins gnldtn Chalice row and lvy alrcnmm Vows Exchanged Autumn Wedding At Burton United iAt Camp Borden The brldu ullendanu includ rd Miss Cam Gmth n5 maid honor MR AND MRS JOHN GOODFELLOW DEAN MYERS morons LTD 145 moron 5mm ML Mmml Gwdlellow the hrldemoms slam Wm brldcy mnld The brlde cuusln Miss Lynn Blllon Hagmvllle was llqwer Sir Tho meld of honor and me hrtdesmuld were attired tn slm Ila sheath gowns at willow men pcau da Into The match ing uvqr skltts helr gowns were caught up at the rent with rose 791 set material mu The lower glrl wore bout Anl rock willow men pen de sole mac All lha allendanu warn wed ding ring headband with veils In matching lanes of lheh gowns They curled bmkel ol yellnw mums and whim ihnslu dnlslesi mum The bridegroom was attended by Dnuglns chkllng The ush ers Included Robert GoodIclluw brolhcr lho brldexmom and Kznl mum of Ilnncrvme the brides couslr unu mm The recopllnn was held 111 KM Chrlsllan Education Wlnz oi the church Recelvlnx he wash the brides mother were gown or Inupe sllk bromide with match gnu jacket and uccemrlu corsage Talkmnn mm hunccd her msgmble A5115 mulher those own 01 lur quolso Chantilly lute over lat lets Whlu accessorlu and comge Tuliunln mm mm plgmcnlcd hi5 mlLum Fur lmelllnz the irldo Wm Photo Mr Flvuo An attnmoon ceremony Sept 14 In the Protestant Chapel ltCAF Camp Borden united In mnrrlnge Miss Ellzuhelh Anne Bulkwitl and Joseph Bills with Rev lltnson Manned ultlctnt Inn The solalsl Mrs II Valk er RCAF Camp Burden mug The Wedding Prayer and Perlem Lavu accompanied by Mrs Gum Alllslon Angus molnrznnlst Ahe unde the daughter 01 FL and Mrs Bulkwlll of Poplar Plncc Camp Burden lhehrldzgroom ma sun at Mr and Mrs mu Noldnghumshlrc England NORGANZA GDWN an by her father the brlde wore lradA Honul gown ol nurznma The med bodice was enhanced wllh willy scooped neckline and long tapered alcoves The can Imlled hell skirt 1h gown swept to chapel trnln and was adorned with thrucdimenslonm brown wool lull wilh malehlnz accessnrlu and whila Xardcnl togsmi 0n mum mm the honeymoon lo Nunhem Ontarlo ha cnuplo wlll mm It 108 Edgchlll Drive Bunk Guest aucndcd rum Toronto llamlllnn leersvllle Church 11 Slroud and Mlneainz Be Aura lo ylllch Telucnpl and MR AND MRS JOSEPH BILLS Swiss applique and bows mntchlng bow headdress hold the brides shnuldcr length veil wk lllusinp The bride cur tied bouquet red mses and whltc carnations ATTENDANTS cndcrson Tor onto mended as mnld honor 0Icr ullcndnnls Included Miss Anna Hamillan bridesmald and Mlsl Karen Jenn Backwlll Camp Borden flower glrl Tho senlor atlendnnls wars gownud in similar shcnthl Aulumn gold punu d2 sale Insh Inncd with mulchinl bouflnnl oversklrt They wore headdress crown and nemsorie in tapes to match hengowns The flower gulnwn mued In while hmc11ch lnce edged BARRIE PLAZA WK Mdgéï¬ï¬sï¬iss complah SPECIAL $1250 TO $3000 PERMS $500 OFF VENUS COIFFURE Zero One on CK VfllV Check your lucal llallngu or me pm channul EVEEMBER 10 OCTOBER Teanagers SOFT EASY TO MANAGE PERM SPECIAL Potluck Supper Begins Busy Season1 The Intelan The Vamons Omup Weslmlnslcr Presby letlan Church was held lhe home nl Raw and Mrs Summer on Steel pal luck supper was enjoyed wilh he Presldenl Mrs Bur rqua prpsldlnz bux nes sesslnn allowed with plans belnu made or each meeting lo the end the year Miss MncKny exténrlcd all lnvilauon to he women to meet at her ham or the October megllnu The Warship Scrvlce wllh the lheme Pauence opened with Mrs Summer leading the singing of me Hymn Mrs CDlVEI gnvq 5m lnsplghg pm we by Mrs TRcadman Mrs Murray Mrs Jewell and Mr Short The medilnllun was Elven by Mrs Pull The altering was sen by Mrs Pal mer and dcdlcnxcd by Mrs Burridge The meetingrwnp closed by prayer by lhe prear dent Mrs Cr Burrldge gown dcslgned with put sleeves and Elizabethan coUnr accent ed with an Autumn gold cum mnrhund and headdress 0qu The best man was John Vel lhlcr ol Clnrkson Fred Dickson and Ken chkson hokh at Top yam were me ushers Following ihe Ceremony re ccplinn was held in the Oiiiccrs Mens RCAF Camp Borden Receiving the brides mother wore an ensemble of Dior biuc French bmcndo with hinrihau trim and matching hat Her corsnge was pink roses For travelling the bride dan ned three place suit or oiiva green wuoi accenied wiih icaihcr in and brown acces isoricsr RECEPTION On return from the honcy moon to Northern Omnrio the couple will reside at 2141 Lae shore Haulevard Toronto I4 PERMANEle nan arrick amL Sgflsts Mlplu Avennl OPEN EVENING All For The BUDGET SALON PHONE PA 54661 00 PA 64111 nnm HARRIS EXAMINER THURSDAY OCTOBER fï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚m HERE Miss Shirley Harmer will be In lhn clly tomorrow night or her nppcnrance It the show lng ol the Pontlar dlvlslon of General Molar Automobiles or IBM Miss Harmer will make her appearance Dean Myers Motors leltrd ram 11 The qvcnlflls one to the public and EntreVaVMu be served WHEN IT COMES TO COATSCOME TO TRANSMAN hUAuw STYLE STRANSMANS 44 DUNLOP 51 57 FUR FABRICS LONDON Ytl Inlher weal thy Clnudinn hu decided lo make her mm on Kim Riviera com Fumgiiin Domiily Killm 64 years aid who inhu iied grim oi $80 million IK ier succession duties irnm her Montreal linmcler husband is uac Waiinn Kiliam has bouth paintlni homeiime She in ac quired aim weeks oi negotia Ilon tho Villa Leopnida mm Gianni Angel the head oi Flat Maia lo three miiiiqn gioiingl Wealthy Cahadian Woman Buys Home On TheJRiviera mum nu nncu Vlhi vllla wnsnrlglnally the property Km Leopnld llol Belslum Anzalll bought It or only $1550000 In 1050 but he spnt nnalher 3900000 decoratan villa stands an hill fhe villa stands on nm overlnoklng Eeénlluu in 70 ac ground FOR TOMORROW Xanélary umlc flan continue so It would be advisable to maintain an lany gaing pace lo nvuid conlroversy and In general to stick to routing and avnld hectic activ llie any klnd Intha late yau could hear some Inter esting news howeverwinding up the day the good side FOR THE Hm DAY your horoscope Indicates thal you are just enlcrlng 12 manth cycle which will be un usually pmplfluus or work qï¬rlng imagination and orlzixr any his due nu mean that cre ative workers will experience serles spectacular successes THE STARS SAY MEILITA SELECIION PRICE PA 61885 Mn Kllurn chlldlus Ref Rlvlern pmperly will be her mm home She lired has house In Montreal Inalher ln New York third outside New York and Inurlh In Nun Bahama The price she paid lormewlllnhmlndu lu enllre content Mrs Klllnmlx ll pmmt In In Parl halal and the has wllh her on lmposlng re linue Thla lncludu secretary meld valet dog walker two nurses and delecllva la look alter her considerable cal lecllun ol jewellery She is an oldeslabllshcd mend uf theDuke and Duchess of Windsor with whom she dines frequently but rulher that by capitalizing on hair talents and trying to mainiain rcusnnahle but steady pace oiendeavor they can by yearfs end be certain the recoguliian Inward which they aim Their best Midas in splraiionaily speaking within cu in Nuvemher February March and Junta Those In other career will bu governed by good planetary hr nuance between yumDecember hm lateMarch next May and Szptembzr For all but months or linanclal matters are No vemhcr We first three months 1m next June and Septem Cl chlld born on day will be endowed with llne mind undu hlghly altrgcllve per Eanalizy COMFORTg SHOES £012 FALL Normn 8mm we no Ilreum comfort Menard halo hm Iter than We turn and mnqu llshinn lrom 998 Dunlap St PA um NORMAN SHOES