mw AROUNDSIMCOECOUNTY nwnIMv ncmuzn Induwa runTum no man Mann Club Kiddo Ma You But =mn 8233288233323 Mr Hm Poplyl Pull 1mm Dmi Yoll Bur Tomblluno Terman lel Wulhm SW nr Kilau Shaw Puma Thxlllrr cm Nm Wellhu Spark summon on on 1L1 1200 lua 200 100 31 Inn 430 I00 Tm Illkrn ropcyun may Nocndly Report Mldnlh Tull Iword link an prw mm mm nun nun Rev Thoma Grnclh Mrl Gracie Cathy Ann and Scott returned home on Friday lrom Fred Watson patient in Stevenson Memorial Hnspllnl Allislnn Inllnwlng 11 recent ac cidem resulting In broken ankle 116 Henchan spent Wednesday with rlends In Tor onio Mm Eamon Mrs Clmnrd and Mrs McCurdy 01 Alanna Beach attended the nu qn yVFdncsday 7mg Charles MacDonald Toronto spam the weekend with Mfg Franknswindleyiu Mn ii Harvey Mlu Md Robson Mr and Mrs Pom cmy spent Sunday with relativu in Toronto Slmpkln of Minetl Palm allended the air here on Wed nqsgnx Guests at he home Mr and Mrs Elwood MECHKUB dur lng Ihe past week were Mr and Mrs Anderson Mr and Mrs Weir Mrs Lilly Mrs McDonald and Lee of Toronto Mn and Mn Swin nf Burlington Mr and Mrs Cecil Farrier ol Eundrldza spent the past week In town Mr and Mn Vllnrnld Dun ham Newmnrkct attended the fair on Wednesday Rccnnt vlsllm at tho homo of Mrs Wlxglns were Mn and Mrs Ed Rule of Sun nIdnlc Corners Mr and Mrs thveslan Grnvcnhurs Edward Appleton and Mr and Mrs Ralph Appleton Toronto were guest at Mr Ind Mn James Watson on air day Mrs Cochhno at Toronto visited Mn and Mrs Ll tlgon ngnggday Mr Hemphlll RIM ener vlaued her sister and bnr herlnlnw Mr nnd Mu Kenrns on Wednesday Mr and Mrs suit Wesian nllended the air on ngncsday Mr xixid Mn Erl ngéxnmm ol Bnrrlo vlslled friend In town Innl Wednesday and allended Una Mn and Mrs Coburn of Toronto vialud Mr and Mn Wish an Wednesday fly MRS WRIGHT James Watson Ls In Clear wnlor Florida atlendlng the qu1d Serlea soft ball In In mind by on AM III I0 mlmm II In Hm Ml II NO CHAIOI FOR THI RVICI mwflouum cm mo mum TELEVISION 9306mm CFTO CHANNEL BEETON CARRIER MISS YOU XAEEEUM CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 hllla noru Wulh Nun 590m HUI It Dill umlb To Toll Truth 2m 0m rm mum 00 CIV Null lhtn null JO Plum Illrwn mmv ncmnn Town Ind Hornln llvufl Hnmumnlrl Hull Club mu Ilmn Plum Illh Und BOW Mnmlnl Ilnq Noam llvun Kl moan mm Lo Inf Th Mlllhuuln mun Al Cannlu mumm CIII llunl cmnu nonhum wmmr mu mm mm Thlnl Won Andi amnuu Bunny In 25 83838332338233825 Hurlllblfly Humid llflhwly PAIN New Wlflhcr lWfll wuon mln country Home 111 Dillndl acég TV lel Spot Now Muldlr My Bill IATIJIDAY OCIOIIII Tut Pllllnl umm World 5011 Tum nnn IIIle ammun Zom To Tall mu Truth NHL nochy MI svam Unumuod Cl TV mm Mov mm mm 22525 rgpp Vm 8388 as mummy onen um um Aukn rum Loo cm ulm mm Mr and Mn Rllph Luanda 01 BI Bay Point mm lha geekend with Mr and Mn BIT Mr and Mn Roy Mchcken pent thu weakend In Toronto Vlhm wlll he no larvlca St Johns Church next Sundn In 1111 cannelntlnn will wouhl St mgr Qmwrrlrlllll Nonnan Baldwln wu home from Toronto for the weekend number from the vlllnx allendednmle Falr and brouth home lo prize St Johns Church was beauti fully decorated for mu ur vlce un Sundny Ind Dr um langrn preachg The flower In St John church on sunday morning were In memory of Mrs James Hurt man and Mn Cnlz Mr and Mn Imhur Snider spent day In Femborough last week Mr in Mrs Robert Steak are home after pleasant Mp to Vancouver and Suskmhewm By GASTON Lewis Cm wul in Lindsay on Wednesday unendan his ilrmn capygniinn Th Isle of household cum for Mums of the Ill Mr Ind Mrl Walla Janet heid on Saturday altemoan Sept 21 wu largely attended Huh price wgre reeling Large numhn ol peopla trvm Beelon and vicinity attended Ban1a Fair on Friday and SI urday large cmwd attended flu mower and dance Md in Bee lanCommunjty Hall Friday eve ning Sept 20 Mr and Mn Earl Collins nee Barbara Kel iy Paxtona Orchgwu of Schnmberz lupplled mull or lhgrdlncl Mr and Mn Clnytan Heuchnn of Weadbrldze spent the val week at the home of Mr and Mrs Willred Servlcc weeks vcallon men In Mina den and ulher polnu north aka Fetaburn Aurora Ind Toronto Mr Hooper And Mn Cole manned Burl Fnlr onAfrlday Mr nndMu Rwlx Toronto vlllted Mr And Mn 7an Hummefl dinIn the If and Mn Wright Ilfgnded Paula Flk on Frldny Inlln mm on Nlllulll my um In mm Inllan Mum oi IL hula Wlnlllnl Iuvnm wuan Tull flunlmoll mm mm Mm suntanI uum my Lulu IV TORONTO CRAIGHURST BARRIE mln lmln Declnrcr mm with he on Wm dllclrdlnz diamond Ind then uth Ihe AK clubl lmnlnu In lhI proton lhul wm fluid with hm lrumpl Th ll wmewhnl dlu Influx Ilnce ll hi lnlm Id been dlvlded 21 ha mud hnvu bun Ibla lo clnlm lb ml of ma hick ll ml Int South now In dlfllcull mblem in solve He rullm 6mm dnw wm xcmnln Hm ll an odd Illunllon lhlt neldom come up In Iho play South in In In club Ind Wu lend llnzlzlon hem Em wins the nlnu with the Jack Ind reguml law helm DAILY CROSSWORD Mn Frank Bully has been vlslflng her son And family It Kington for ma pm two wedu Mrl Russel ï¬rawnlng II pauznt 1n the Royal Victoria Hu Mn Ranlld hu returned to her home alter plenum hol lday In Windsor iiihiu gunm Mn Al Smllh enmalned at mower In honor ol hrldulm Mlu Mnrllyn Clldwell ol Barrle Mln Caldwell wlll marry Tommy Klnl ol Lelray Oct ll Wtwelcome Mr and Mn wu llam Kelly Ind Inn 110mm the um Concession of 1mm In Churchlu Thcy living In he former th Line School 11 Wm on 1th Illunchol IO MM In Inn 31 Nam Dd Mum 10 39 Roman ll Alumpt wont Impum 130m min The lympailly oi lilo commun ity il extended to the rellives oillnlm Miu Tenn Rozerson iiielonl ruideni oi Churchill community who died Semi 14 In hu yen Min RawIon In her younger yam had been nctlva in chmch and community again Ind wu kindly neigh Anoiher chapter in the posh hlaiory oi Churchill closed on Monday Scot so when Mrs Pnterwn ponlmlnress hero re tired ian yam no flu post oiilce wu moved to the Fall erlon home Mn William Aken hn Icceped the position 01 Posi mlxirm or Churcth and look over Iha dull Oct 15 in the newly bull Addition to the Allen mldence Oppnmz lend uven ol Mr and Mn LulaWhlle en tenalned In Friday evening in hpnor Mr and Mn Joel Pm primM theirdepartun to their ngw home In Barrie nodal evenlnz euchra wan an loyed pretenlnllan nesting mall magma rack and flow stand wan made by the Fourth Line minimum Mm Ethel Occamore as 55 bury Enzllnd 5pm In week vhltlnx her mun Mn Stymaur Kell Mlu Occomoru has been taminn Canada xlnce May Ind wlll return Io her an llve land next month Ngw pos1mnnnss Mr Ind Mn Page en tertained the awards the Unlled Church and their wlvggr on newly evenlng ciwru oi 9mm mm Yul Elli dealér NanhSoulh vulnmble By Mimi HUNTER 6151 nu CHURCHILL CONTRACT Bï¬llï¬ 610m ll Your ad 97M nm lolu 1va my lunch 01 an In 5959 1w in our AWN nuulu inn By JAY BECKER imoiint Myla niï¬ful Suppon Lnsl an allermr In plny dllcnrds lha king 01 mm whcn he Jack club II IM In flul Clue South May In dummy wllh lha Mtk Ind nu the Ken beam Ennll no mum on ha lrlck and club lhhlnz dummyl quun You donl hirdiy hand like hi my mare lamorrowl 1m your dummy plu Suppme Em dlunrdl 59nd at palm Dcclmr overtaken the Jack club with um qucen and then run the Hvo nl lpudu In dummy Enul kin lulllnu on he lrlck mg aslnhllhinx Soulhl queen Declam now play the Jack of club mm dummy and East mun Ind dlxcnrd IL doe an maltnr whzlhcr he discard made or heart in ellhcr me South mku Iho ml 01 ha lrlch urvice In lrumg became he do he will Imahla to hll twp made in dummy So be tenquer slap play Inz lfllmpl and when our rounds of diamonds Wes lol hwlng mu all the wny when he then play made the 109 lhll become ha position Services at the United Church on Sunday were conducted by Rev Jackson oi Slraud Th choir under the direction Min Margaret Campbcil provided Ipccinl music Baptismal rile were administered lo Margerlu Ann daughter at Mr and in Jack Campbfli David William George non oi Mr and Mrs Geom Lucas Frank Edward and Marie Ann Theresa chlldrm oi Mr and Mn Neil The Sne rlmenl oi the Lardl Supper was rved It tho clan of tin Mr and Mn 11 J4 Pruner moved on SepL 30 lo 107 John son 51 Barrie Mn Presser hu been Churchill correspond cut or the Barrie Examiner or the past two years We are grateful lo her iorlhe accurate mounts the actlvillu Churchill Bu wishes oi the communiiy go with them to their he home The United Church Women Are busy preparing for hm bazaar any bqke saleonr pct 51h Remember HarvestHome Ser vices at St Pete Anglican Church on Sunday Oct am at 11 am Ind pm Rev Norman Martin will be the minister in charge Jlmmle Davllt ll patient It the Toronto General Hospital and Robert Relve In the Royal Vlc lorla Hospllnl Banlo Thelr lrlcndl hope they wtll won be restored to health again and able lo return to Ichool Mr and Mn Gun Dnvls Il lendcd the LaweDaIes wedding In the Coulmns H111 Anxllcpn Chllrch Sgpyi 78 Congraiuinllons to the Fen nella bail mm ior winning the mica An enjoyable social eva ninz was held in the Community HIailill in their honor in Friday Mu Allen Baldwin hll ra glunpd home mar trending he lummr ovemu with re flves highlight of hzrulp mu conducted Imu ol the ma jor nllracflnm In slx European oogmries Congratulallnn to Chalmer Pm who win Int prlza tn the lporik cujgau clan at the Banh vital Barrie hnvlnz underzdna 35 Mlfldlll new had the mll lorlune to all And menuo We in bl 14 Hut gm Ingar mm Appnlud IO Balm him pump at hlld 11an 13 1pm guru Mn ml Iqumu mu ï¬lï¬ï¬iliwï¬i 575 FWWIWMANI l5ffoom link mmiémié413ï¬ym gramw K69rï¬mm on mmvnw 0mcx Eï¬mbï¬afl On Amcbm Qmmï¬ rm OrvwwmAOZ an flaming It LEWIle how AN 80 If 100m flats lmu Bugpgq an 1an lsulgpul lul inmnlaq mm put smn lunno op mu 1214 am on mm uiq um 71 THE BARE EXAMINER THURSDAY OCTOBER 1961 NEVE HEARD THATFAMOUS OLD CHINESE PROVEEB ON EMT 5H1 IE WI Fl DOWN afgunmï¬ammrflpm mama nuwxmwm sigmoist ohms owummb égflmwmmmmmm mum UNUUWKI ADMVRM um 11m mammary mm mm mm rmmmmu Milly it