Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1963, p. 3

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VON Provides CarJe For Patients At Home The Villorian Order Nurses ls nn nrganizalion moro than 500 rcgismrcd nurses across Cnn nda whose special job is pm vide home nursing care Vlclnrlnn Order nurses inlu lmmcs flu chmnicnlly ill lhe 51ml am congalogccn pntlgmg IIAIIIER AT HOME nn gr al ma yflcnsns pal icnll sulIcrim mm lenglhy lll cs urn llflmllcrufllgd bcllcr on Clan Donald To Gather Tho szlmmhb Mucdonclla Donald and their numerous lllumand sidekick nrc weran In Cnnmh or Um hrsl llmc 1n pmwdu Bmlcssional écrvlrcs In those who need nursing care an um In In In Imspflal Thu lust lime his lllghlnnd Chm rullled was hark In 1m Imd llml wna lo Mm Ihe lnvml In Ynnkrr roam uurrylm hark nvrr Hm border 0H 0H Ill Hm Am Sumac howl In Tnmnln he nnwly cr uunlml Clan Dunnld Sucifly nnndn le ulcmno clmuwmh rn mul ulmunwu mm lhi nml Clan Donald EMMY Can mln 31 Mnrmclnro Ava Dan pr Igvlupppm III 7sz Ilvlnlrll Ivy Maud nml war lo Ilw Mnnlnnnhl Mich mm with up 0111an nur mum Iknlnn Ilnwiu on MIL Ihulmh IMlmeu GM lxmiHI llnhhiumn Hukhunn llmzhmn llnuslml Mncllnric MM Turrlv Alunmlm Kenn me Mnrllrnry Ilnnnll Hun nhhuu phn I31 0U wr nmnu nuss 1mm HERMOSA user v0 pomhlu male and blunt to Ieizh Pam mu Mu Mnlwl Ilnnnn Mnrhrmio mm MI rm quulvlrr Hw ulna Mltlvm Tnumlinn mllwny lulildrr filr Hllmm Marinmin will law lehy lmy lmmrr Imlan RHRIIK mu nimalm mlnlllar Laws lung am llnrlnrrl llev RutMr Hill mmmr ll unruan lnnisi nular mul Hmllmyl ml Muman Cllholia wel VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES make man calls to paljcnl every week and so Illnllllml Onl Amllfll IL VlIun lulw nnnllbnn Im lurl urll rhamplun 01 when Tmunln Jnlm Snllnly purlrunr Hlullhll nl IM lmlmrnl mm Al lhn um Tnnmln In purlrunr HIHIHIII lmlmrnl vlwlu ily Tmunm ll CANADIAN Ill 110ml whécfilhclr pmscnco DEATHS among their family can boost Ihcir mnrnlc and comrihulc In hcir rcmvery In olher cases palicnls who have recently had npnmiuns need pmkssiunal care nflcr their rclurn mm hospilnl aIA lhough they me well enough In be rclcnscd 1mm hospital This rm hnspilal beds fur other pmle Mnny old pmplc nr people sunning from chronic discasca also netd nurslnfl tare almough lhcy um ablo lo rcmnln nl game and me lmpmcr if my In all Baiti Hm Vlumhm 0P dcr nurse who umally medalist In publlc lucnllh nurs lng mum to the panama In thc normal mum 01 her mind durinn lho day She sees pallenu every day or arm neck ac wrdlnx In their ncctls HELI MOTIIHIKH del pmvldinu han IIursInxrnr¢ VlClOrlun 0nch umn carry an momma wiHI oxpoclnul nmllwrs and now Im lhcrx This program Includes Inc Llrucllnn and prcnnlnl lrnlnlng mu nflcr he nnivnl ha mhy prnrllml Imlrurfion in bnlhlnfl ruling and ollm lu ne of hqun mulinc Ihmo hulmdho mm to nu lhcrl um lrre hul mu Icmcu Prince three mnnlhl her mother Mrs Prince hmuflfivuSLPamn loan on travel by car lat Eslher Hermosa LN sets out in the Barrie VON car ln maku TIMES SQUARE MOTOR HOTEL ma mm Wm many hl mu WI ad 10 Ah undulanin nullUh unuhul It hula mam mu luuunlovvmu Imammun Hlnuu mm to Douqu mm WtUIIHIII provided by he Vidarlnn 0r dcr of Nurses are paid for by the palicnt Fees are based on the acluul cast but scrvlce is never denied because 01 inabil lly to pay CHARITY SEIWIKH out or Isa mus mad hy he Victorhm Order nurse lo 221 Harrie rcsltlcms last year only Ichr cent were holly paid Filly mm per can Wm rum Iy pald and no per cent 01 he visits Mm made no charm to palicm who were unable lo This Is what makes the Vic loriun Order of Nurses than ily arnunizunom 11m Vlrlurlnn mm of Nurse depends on he cunlrihullnns Hum midmu In lhu Unilrd Appcal la continue In vnlunhln Icrvlcrs Only lhu mnlnlmtluns bl lnrrie ruhlrnls can mum that those strvlcc wlll he mn lmucd lhrouuhaul 19M call on mother and her baby Exnmlnnr Phntn Vc rnnnunnul Inc new inane nl mula vulnn Nnmln In all whn Imvr uviuxn wailnlylv or invalmmL Iclllnl lhuc Ilumln Irc lllnu yam ml with by Irlln or ItlthaM Imrut MW In 1965 W71 Hun nlm5MIommuilyNuvrmlwr11973 Avrrugr yirlvl Illlllly50Jfln lMunnlnulImln 850 mm 8500 slmn nml $5001 uilh 0000 maximum IlrllllC munM Up in llm 0000 IIIth mny In vrgidrml in llu unmm ul linlnlm or lmnlmu or Arlmlninlrmxnl uf IMnlm 1mm llnlumx Ilmull my In calm my mu mt vahm vlm mum Illltlfll Wmnl Sunni Compnny CANNDS ADLSAVINGSBO unle UL IIIIVSMAIIVKI ANIIII no Ilm my tank 54th uan Nuw on Sulc 1M1 Hula IAN EXAMINER WEDNESDAY OCTOBER Zone of lhe Yorkshire Breed ersClub will hold ulmal lha swig FIXqude nursgiuy ab temoon starfing 130 pm End sawhupen sown Ind boars up nr auction Sale brochure mm the South Simcoe orifice al the Department Agriculture at Alllstou list the animals la sold SouthSlm coe Agricultural Representative Keith Mcfluer Allistun see retary til the club Presldant is ENE Dodds Orangevllle and andianeer Sprnule Stmud Buyer will have chblce alx boars Na olthese warn consigned by Galiaugher and suns Alllspan Ind me each by William ErademAlliston ill Daddx Orangwflle William New Strand and Parkinson and Maclaggart SchnmberL VASAGA BEACHVISpedal Over 100 mm operators of the Associated Tourist Resort of Ontario will close their thrde canvcnfinn here may with Iaur the Blue Moumaln re gi mean mg sign the necessity dependability or successful resort operations and named for mmlanlly improv lng service The discussians are being held In he Nancy Villa Couvcnllon deiegates also cyn xldered the qualion when to celebrate Victoria Day and La bor Day One ATRO member askod il it would be worthwhile hold nan next Year or the first week in Sep3cmber TOMORROW AFTERNOON a9 ag summing be dune to hoid idarin Day celabmllnm on the first Monday anu May 14 instead the first Monday before plat slime 5ny five members Ihc Gcargmn District Mnsonlc 0L ficers Association altendcd mceung nl Ihe Continental inn The number represented 18 of threfllo judge lheAdiilrch Masonic Officeys Meet In Barrie Prcnhce at Manda who was born and raised 1n Culllngwaod was guest Ipcaker Mr Prentice Is aPnst Grand Junior Warden of Gran mgge Overr 100 Resoft Operators Tour Blue MOfihtaifi Région speak introduced by Brock n1 Couingwwd and thanked by Flcmmg Dril lin Jnhn McGnmn of Barrie made prmnlnlion In the speaker Association prusidcn Kirkpatrick mm film he next meeting would pmbahly lake he form trlp lo Toranm nllcnd the Fast Manon As mclnllon Highway 59 Will Close Thu Depnrlmrm llixluwnys Ilunlsvllln atllce has nnounccd that Ibol Parry Sound bypass on Klnua Highway wlll be clos ed la lralllc al mvcn oclock oniuw mornlnngl UIII Frldny Durlng Ihc closure necessl med by repairs lo Hm Seguln lllvcr brlduc trnfllc will lie mnlui lhmurll the own Im ry Sound llslrlct spokesmnn for the Inpnrlmnnl hopes Hm hypnu wlll ho reopentd In mid Nowmhnr Tum the dchgaig it Ygrkshiréfl sale Af Fairi Grbuhds Breduovn make up the bulk of the listing with 15 being lered Breeder cumixnlng these are William 13 en Dodds Murray 615am Brad ford Gallaugher and Sons Aubrey London Bolton and Parker Peacock Sfimud inflklnson Ind blaclnggart ll nslgned the only open ow All animals iar sale are mm herds in Zone which hav done well in the show ring well as on Advanced Registry Ml entriel were inspected by an official of the Livestock Branch Ontario Department 01 Agriculture They were approved mm type mndpuint as well being given clean bill health the Blue Mountain region visil In pottery plants 111 Collins wnod and the Georgian Peaks resort area The ciaslng dinner was held in the Nancy Villa was bum ina Buddhist home and taught Io warship the gods and spirits of my ancestors was converted lo the Chris tian faith 15 years ago was he tesdmony of Rev Yo shlda pastor at the Canndinn Japanese missinn In Toronto whu wns speaking at the Free Methodist Church Bayflcid Man is not complete untll he mgcls Syd no miner declared Rev Yoshida Visits Barrie in which Pastor IL Hallon received 10 new members into the church by lellm lnmy for and Liznlesslun of faith The Full Enlargement Cam paign beglns In the Sunday School at the concluslan or the observance at National Sunday School Week this Sunday Rm Yoihliia Vandflseveral 51 his young people were guest ansycclixl fecegllog sgryice llDOMB SOON PARIS AP Tha semiol llclal National Dclence Jnumnl sald Tuesday that Frnnce will hnvu an llbomb missiles and alomh submarines by IMGI An nrtlcle auyx these dalesnra year ahead or previous call mnln Frances Hhnmb Im hillans The Barrie UNITED Appeal Campaign objective $79650 51 JOHN AMBULANCE vlmcvrr nnrrlo rlliunn unlhrr nr cmnmuull mllvilhl nwh umdu Hullm group ol qulrlly lrlrm mm man nrr Ilnllnrm In Um lmrkmmnl randy II mvmcnll nbllm la mwml uurrnnnry mulrlux Ihelr lrllnul Ikllll Twrnly lnrludln nlghl wamtn lnul ycnr tunlllbulfil mnnImuu nn pub Ilc duly nl imhoy ulna nu WInlnr Inmlvnl Mun mm vnnda lnmdn um um dhvlny nmnnl 0mm 1m ml your Hm St John Amlmlnnrn mm In min numlml nmlmulppod Ill nmmlnnro In ncrvltn Hm mm and rnnxiuclnl nlnn nrllllrnl rrnplrlllun muan in uher no local prrmnl pnufil Tmy nlm Md llrsl nld mum of dltrln nny Emma and mrrnlnrn Um Elmrmty manna Orunnlmlun Dr Her ha been mlelnn nurxmn nr mun Ilmr Annflm mum Dn ll lnmlmll hnn hem umclnlly nmmlnlul la lulu Dr kin Also in MI dlvlnlm membm pllthnl In In tmnphll men hle lmlldlnl or lhelr optullon ll llmlo Fnlr Immdn 1n lhq second thy mnu jury civnl mm In thoSnpreme Court of Ontario here yummy appeared that one the wit nmes Ind succumbed in the all of the wild Three file witnesses had prepmd In moose hunliqg and Monday debpilea re questhom mnsel that they be heard first so Ihntunzy could get awny Mr Justice Camp bell Grunt rukdlhallhe tour wbukf not ieléuu anyonerwha was suppomaed Shqruy Annme trial began yesterday lhe nameo Harold Wesgmm water superintendent and mad superintendentm Bea vertangwas called Whenl lhere was no nswer and when was repartedlha Mr Weslcon was not In the haqu Justice Grant remark probably gene moose mmum ln 11w case are Frank and Mary McMillan and delendanls are he Imperial Oil Umlted George Bowen opera tor of thelmperlal on servlce slallon and the Municiyal Cur poration of lheVlllage or Boa verton uh Binmm counsel for eplélnuffé sakl In his autline Monday Ihnt evidence wnuld show ha gasollne was following the walcr main from across ha street from the 1m perinl 0i prnperty In the base ment or hotel opcrnled by plaintiffs in Heaverlon N0 INSURANCE The claim II for loss of rev enue Income some lnr health mg pu damages Evidence the Hrs day showed that the insurancecnmpany let the finsurance run out And would not renew it and that the plain fills moved out of the hotel and that not In nperallan now Attempt 10 Determine Last wilnass on Munday was Charles llnnry Mchie Reeve Beaverlon in 196162 He sulrl nll council members and the Ira chlel vlsllod the hotel and went In the basement They saw ler covered will gasollne when hole had been dug and more was very lllzong odor Yesterdéy MnMchrie cnn Hugged mllmony He Anld on one dcgnslnn the fire lmck was standing by all ulghL In one polnl Mr Justice Grunt told counsel Blnzham to suck in things rclcvnnl In the case as It appeared it wouid be knz hyrcasror lg any evcgll Mm several relerenccx Io drains had bum made Mr Vur lice Gum remarked take Mr Mchrk said he was In we hotel up In the end nl 1961 and nlwnys foundmore or less the same odor Mom lhan 40 companlm And ulhcr pmrmlonnl organ hallona In Barri have convnnlenl payroll dodudlun plum which Ipmd glltu over the year in my pay menu GIVE THE UNITED WAY Shorily Mr Westcolt nppe Ono of the Parliclpallng Agonclos REQUIRES $3050 FOR PUBLIC SERVICE Flm Aid Service Public Gllhovlngl Training Course CONVENIENT PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS asnld all gnsollne was lak en oul and the lnnk filled wllh alr land named with soap Them was only one leakvll was at llIe lop it sumeonc lfielom this case over will be Ah la loll us when lhese draim arm muan ram 0n cross uamlnallan Mr Mchle said certain xcava lions wax51mm and cemin tests perinmgedq One tank mu the Imperlal Ollpropertyl was dug up and the other tank was Mr nIchrlc said wasnt saying lhegu was coming mm Imperlyai Oil tanks was saying It was cbming mm Imperlal on properly How it go In hero dont know Pressed on mksexamination Mr McCrorle admitted ha did nt knuw its snurceu Mr Wulcoll was asked lo identify water mains and drums ghe ylciniy of the hotel His lesUmnny oi the village drainage system was sprinkled with suéh Imus as catch has ins stunnnwers drains wzép hug bed underlaid beds and sex In systems During hL testimony Mr Justice Grant lold counsel Bing hnm dn hope that from now on you will lnlcrvlew witnesses bgfare you put them innlhe My ncss box Mr Bingham replied Most of these witnesm are town cm playeu and since the town is defendant dont hlnk shuuld finialview them Sald his Lordship There Is nalhlng wrong wih that You can Interview them nscl llis or 1m perlal 0H crosscxamined Mr Westcon the witness said think youve inst me Mr Ellis had asked question pertalning Huhbasins and water mnlns Mr Wencolt said he made test by pulling dye in at the Imperial Oil property and Ira ed It he oulleQ in he rlvcr He said he oslcd or gum line and mm was anndl ex wmcss Orval Smith fimchlcr oi Ecaverlon or the past seven years sald ha ceivcd cnmplninl on Nov 30 1961 He said he went Hrs lo the ham to see if It was true USED DYE F011 TEST He sald he was cniled in Aug ust 1961 andlhem were umu In the basement He said he cook 50ml samples and ulsn snmplns mm various gaso Une lnllons The cumin amount llquld 1n hole near the slo ker in Ihc basement Mr Mc Millan clerk at Benvcrlon and did hum small amount Quid ul flu rear or Ihe hotel on evenlng he snid ll nld the tire debatlgnen dumped 500 gallon 01 mat with dye into lhe stone vault may chth the hotel and lpundy that it didnt come out Mr Blngham in questionlng thk wllnflswdidnt seem to In getting satisfactory answerl In this point Mr Jnsuce Grant asked me witness Are you me the moose hunters No sir rgpllcd thewlt Conlhmlng 93m Ire chief said he made ales on 9n explosL mm In the basement 21 the hotel It was 100 per cent meaning the fumes had reach ed the flash pohll He said he renamed It the Fire Mav shals office On cmsscxamlnauun by Mr Ellis Mr Smllh said recom mendad to Mr McMillan hat hole he dur lnlrmlt of his property to intercept drainage nnd Mr McMillan rcluscd lo leHhe imiebejiug the trial all munnlagreed In htnr cvld ence in such manner as In let the maosrrhunter witnesses get away as soon as possible HI Lordship 5an he had no ob tecuon Moos Humans The plaintiff Frank McMillan look lhe witness stand and des cribcdhis hotel vii said he paid $39300 for it He said afler he smelled Mme he called the Flu hie and when he checked next day the fumes were still strong He said Mr Bowen nperaior of imperial Oil sinkinn ihanked him or letting him know he was losing gasaiine and said they were sending pump and tank er out imm Toronto to pump it out He mid of taking sample and said they baled the halo and waited folnew gas lo run In The trial continues Anolhcr acre share lmnl property In the city wlll be sod ded shortly announced Jlm Sav age superimndcm he Bar rie Park Board Th9 urea Immediately south of he msenl park nl lhc loot or Victoria Street east 01 ONE mnlnline will be grassed 1n or about 300 to 350 feet Iquh Rowe chairman the Barrie Harbor Cnmmisslnn laid contract has been It for part of the project $1500 More Shoreline To Be Sodded load of topsoil hive been dumped alnng parts at the work lnz urea and should be levelled ellhcr loday ur wmomw Sodding will mm mu wick

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