Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1963, p. 2

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inu mm mum Anmu hum Cuppu vy rm ran um Km ran IM Dam nqu 4mm flym I1 um um lmLll Tn mm Nam Unlm ml 040 UII AIIADKI InaAmu mm mu Immm mm IRON IIIKI IX IN IN immuh In Lu 4qu nun luv 01 Infno Hum run Nl mu Tal llnllfl ram 13m Curl Amun Amlhl Mnml llnl Alumlnlum Almm IIM Albu In An mu trim ExplnInInK uhy Induslry pre umvzrsily gradual Mr unmu mld Industry can with any lechnicnl lnnwlndxu mumd Mr Imlllc jah but mo dulmus llml he employto ho oducmcd Io lhcy may dwmu Hm mlpluym but Auin fur lur Iller mhnnccmenl In no em ullvo fluid The 10rd unlvmlly tnmlmrnl In Onlnria WM 30000 nnd hy mo KM would be expanded to bclwtcn 81000 Md 01000 In lhu report submmcd lo the Guvnmmnnl body Monday d6 ccnlmliznllan hlkhcrlenmlnx Insululluns wn rccammcndcd Mr Rnbcrls made sugges tion nnd uflld dcccnlmllzaflon of our school system In mailm urban nuns would nllnw slu donl lo rnccivn thnlr cducnllun in lhc rummunily they mldcf He said Um present syslem lor cu Ihe mnlariiy of grndununx llluh school nudunla lo mend uhoalu In lama ciliu ln Ills report In councilAld Robcrln recanunundcd wlau planning be cnmplelcd by 1967 active In 1963 no the university dnun cnuld be open in 1972 These plans could be nccelcr nlcd ll the Gnvcrnmcn would make up Its mlnd said Mr Rubens lust nlphl Prellminary plans call or Barrie urea unlvcrsily by 1572 serving population of 121775 people and 13 luwmhips vi ngu and lawns onday In recommenda tions were made In he 0mm Gavemment suggesting the es llblishmenl of more technlcnl lralnlng and mum technological instilulns ln smaller urban cen mg Lhroughau Onlnrln Thu port was presented by heads universillu tn the Uni versin Muir Advisory Com mince Ald em said yesterday lbe Government must make up its mind and Issue pollcy to what will d0 cohcemlng unl vanities an yqucv This was slaloment made In Ald Gerald Roberts report whlch was delivered In City Council In August conccmlng Danin univcrsilx prime industry requirement is that an emplnyee havlng university education more de sirable than an having gradu ated ram technical or poly technical school UNIVERSITY HERE IN 72 THE BARIHB POWER Squadron will again alter small boat handling and sale ty nlloal came in conjuno ion with the nlght program rm Camplete Plafls Soon Ald Roberts Urges TODAYS STOCK PITCEE Campllrd hy Dunlap llama is 1an gm in ms ivi Illn Am mum Mum lllllmtl mam Hum II II III amt 2H Hm inn In Millil mm ml um um um rumur Imv 7mm lull mnmnuu MININfl Commlulan $1730 or In qunnuly blll and 000 hr water trauma nccounl llm Inllcr ho npplled nu ma debt rrllrcmml an aid to preparing lnx hillx mum Ipcnl lot or lmo n1 ho metMn ngrlng the 1151 dilionnl In charge to household paying or waler xervlcc through their Axes When Hm wner system was Installcd Inst year homcholdorl nub scribing Imd dmlm paying cash29 frontage loo and $50 or valve Allemndvn my men by um was cent pct om per ynnr for 10 year plul $150 per year or lhn valve Clark Jnck Coulu mu nulh orlxcd to borrow money from bank to pay lwa munlclpnl hill to ho Onmrlo anorncsourre Commlulan $1730 or In qumuly pill and 000 hr Mr Nubia was in Cook wn nn Saiuniny or consultation by ratepayers seekan clnrflicallon oi individual assessmeni rai ings 11d is ill second year assessor or the recentlyIncor poraicd viiingc It any appeals are mnlvod by council Court Ruvklon will held Oct 14 council do Med COOKSTOWN SlamVillage assessment mm Just received by council mm assessor Noble Newmnrket engnged councils allenllnn or must of Ncsdny nights meeting Tom nssessmnnl or the village Is 8571335 an Increase of nbout $9000 Inst figure anu growing lndIulrlnl mmplex requlres not only 1116 products ll Tub and hlgh schools but lnle led of person neL more akllled 101 in execu He said Barrio is developing opportunities iar industrial and commercial enter rise and ex panding commerc ai nctiviliel of local nAUonai and inlemaliofiai enigmrisqsi Revarms to he decentraliza llon Issue Aid Robert said Institullans higher learning tended to locale 1n larger dUu much to he detriment mu ler cenkres mug pgvnwrma In In dlncuulon poulhlo lu List Cookstown Assessment As $9000 Over Last Year at Central Cnfleglale which goes into elfecz next mushy Here Commander Ed Nur mnn shows squadron flag tn three new applicanu From um um 1m uu iunuy Ill ll Al NI llxul um um Ix gun he mu llnll ll ROM lnrDom In um rm Humm owfllllil lnlmlqul gum In re III Iolv Iltln lon lnlne rm llpl lllI lnuy ran v0 NIL lllnl ll ldl 7M In gm mxm UV Wumn 1mm yum we IIK um um mi 11W Armunli fur Bwllnllfi plllv n1 Inr payment mulled mm Sldnwnlx pavlnl wllh mp gum Ice L000 llnul would inc udn llMth Ilnnx he Ioulh Aldo nl llluhwu wul Hluhwny 17 1119 Aldo wnlk mun In new bldly cmk ed Mr Monkmnn unld ll would have In be ruined Ion lwo lnchu Imp he mm runnlnl our the IMIWIII 0M murmur projecl cull ll Amund M00 110 on deciding muncll med dcllm lhn prolm baundulu man clurly Ind mk lddflkm II quotgm 0n mnnm n1 llnk mm Al mnrll III will he fllxlrld anxlnm Dvpulmnl Huh van Inlomuuuon It needed and mlvlcuon whnl mien In Ilka 1n Mmplre Jrvltmluarm hr 01 propaml rnlnnn lmpmm mm the mllon of high wllhln flu mm Ilmlul No pmth Mcdlnu luenA Hon bum winter maymulra npeclnl mcullnx inter In new bar or countlll npnmvnl Thus are Mom pnvlnz proxnm and drum lmnmvemlnt work on lllghwy 89 went Highway 27 under the Connect lnz Link Azrccmenh SIDEWALK PAVING Nominallon dale or Coalw lawn mtmlclpul council wu set or Nov pm In flue town hallwllh eledlan lo 01 low on Dec between am and pm vlllnu Iollcllor or Advice on he proper pmcedun or draw ing up bylaw la regulllo lhe prcmnce of house lrnllen in we vlllnxo Accordan in ndvlco received from no village nudilur not legally necessary to have to plea of the filing current 11 nnnclnl mkunenl on hand or the namlnnllan meeting In In alternative lho nudllarn idler suggested thI llnlemcnl be plamd balm 0w meme nnyum bcoro no end of ma The request or the establle men of unlverslty at junlor allege In Banla or vlclnlly hu been endorsed by the following munlclpalillu Towmhlps of Mo donte West Gwilllmlmry Vet pm Essa Innlslll Flog Mulch edmh 0m Illa vlllngu ol Crea mm Wasaga Beach Elmvnln the lawns al Alllslnn Penelanz ulshene and the Unlversfly Wo menl Club of Danie Reeve lrn Wilson old council ho had checked about ha tux arrears situation and lound ll loo into now In have nil Iain Sale property MIMIC by in arrears will have to wait unll spring he said um lncamo 1mm vlllaza ms counclllor huh Monkman ob served that Cookslawns popula glon In 1585 was 555 In 196 nu im an institution or higher learning becomes more apparent Elgponsi scuoon Uve develnpmental and proles Elonalmces Onurfo Brewery Roqulm SI Ropmonmlvo for Canml Onllvlo Provloun ulu oxpar lance In um Salary bonfll ur Allowance and oxcollunt omployu bone progum All rppllu mlva conlldonml the lefl MacArthur Weldon Cram Arthur Tm vfllhlm Hayfield Sh Com mander Norman and Traverr 58 Kempenlelt Dr Sales Representative Wanted pox 15 BlrvloExnmlnlr Etcllun Ewe anh Murray Ind Son Murray and Sun Smlan Im rum lied cm Ihuullna we we IIme Murray and Hon Secuun Am Em Murray and son Mur uy and Son Sedlon Shmllnx Ewnl AI Murray and Sun Mumy nml bon Section Shtnrlinx Rum Mun1y and Sun Murray Ind Son Eccllon Tlnm anh Mumy and Son Murray And Son CLAN N0 LINCOLN AND cmswmm Section Axed mm Mumy and Son Forecast temperatures bow nvemiflhl hlzhs nlursdny Windsor 50 70 St Thomas 45 Landon 48 Kitchener 4a IS 40 45 MOOSOMB Tlmmlm 68 53 68 65 65 Hlmfllon 70 St Catharine 70 Toronto 50 7o Pelerbornugh 45 65 Trenton 48 ea Killlloa 45 65 Muxkoka 45 65 North may d5 65 Sudbury 65 Enrllon 65 Saul SL2 Marlo 45 $3 Knpusknslnz 10 While her 55 55 65 Lake Huron Georgian Bay Smulhwcsl wlmh 20 I0 30 lmnts shlmng mm northweslend or lake lo wcxlllo norlhwcsl In to 21 this monk and nflemoon Manly Mr Alzoma Whit River Cath rane Saul Ste Mafia Sunny wIlh cloudy period and run cooler today nnd Thursday Wind was to northwest 10 lo Georgian Bay Ballburtnn Tl mnzaml regions North Bay Sudbury Chance of law acac med showers this anemoon or evening Quit warm today little coolar onlth and Thun day Wlnds thlng weal to northwest 10 to 15 this at noon at evening Lake St Clair Lake Erie LakeHuron Niagara Lake Dn mio regions Windsor London Hamilton Toronto Cloudy pee Hod this menawn Clear with cw cloudy periods and Thursday Winds west lo mirth gas 10 lo 15 tonight and Thun ay 5nopainpVcry 1mm and nly may weather tore cut or most of the provlnce to day Tonlgh and Thursday wlll brsllzhlly cooler Mqune forecasts must PILLS Mary to Cznual Collegiate yrlnclpal Bawman ex plain the course structure BARBIE FAIR RESULTS FmlWAN Ian WEATHER Hm mm In dummy Dvmdula huvlmnl av mm Imma on pdl mum at ulnau um Mum7 mpmy nl uumr mumo r4 mm vuyq um umme IM In In mm In Nu mum um nm In an All Mm Iltlod um MM null lllhln Ihlllv mu mum Ivlnl um mm nunq an ovum my Mum mm mp mm on why um qumy mill lmhmnl mil lIr IIIHI Ill film Hullllr dlll II Ill mu you mm mm Um Hm Dunmm nlulu tum mull art mmnl om II My lml mum Iwm Nnvmhu tum Jun mu my mm mm nun toMnlM Ill Ildmlo Ioullfln what lulu muhlhllm wlmrvlu mum Thu Hr mm lVvmlnlrm rmlnrlu Ind IrvI Inn Anlnmu In rnm mu In mm umpIuym nl tho Qvnlllly Ml mum In 1m mlm Iu mullulm um And In mun mum Wldrmnn will In than DAIRY mans virilii Flavor Fresh 25 3rd PRIZE mm mm mm In mlry In nmtlhfl nn mlLI bu01an mum 531 mum on from the home of quality pmzrnm la Marilyn Fletchir ho ant Mara typing mum offered cm for high UJSEJLATFORM BOSNN AP Thu OFFICIAL QUALITY GHEKD HIBII UNCLE SWEEPSTAKES RULES AND ENTRY BLANK ENTER llorm of radar staflanvlawer pm being lpwed be twn tugs sud NIGHT COURSES begin next week Central Calle uate Registration look lilacs NOT CONTEST NOIHING TO WRITE IIUI YOUR NAME AND ADDRESSI Anyone cnn ontor on cunwln Dulonlu nowbelow lhl maIlanIl nulonwlm Swuopnnkol and clobu 21296310 lulu Ind Swoopglaku Enlry fllunkl whir ovu Qulllly Chum ploducll solal Iat PRIZE I5 5IIIIII3 EIHI 2nd PRIZE $3000 nIu 3m PRIZE t1oooo° 41 50 FOURTH PRIZES 1000 71 120 FIFTH PRIZES 5000 173 chances t6 WIN all your holiday aim and baa the shopping ruahl Everythan youve ever wanted from rich uncle SWEEPSTAKESi Lakeview denly Upped and went down muday In the North Alumna lorm mm the left are my Enld Daniel business mgcixlne course Margaret Pa use night Filling QUALITY CIIEKD IMIIW NAME ADDRESS vlnmlvd his Nmnm Yul illlll In llllll Mun MIIIIIIII II Flll In le1 entry blank or wrlr your mama Ind nddrm on Mm at ND Wilh mh rulry rndon lrmlm mmk lnulmflo 1mm any Qualuy and Mm or prlnl 1M mm at our Qunm rlxplul llnlvy on pInln Mn and All T01 llCll UNLIJ HWEEISTAKH OK No DUNNVILLE ONTAIHO NAME rm out their When you wln Qunllty Chakdl Illch Unclo Bweopatnkol you choom from $6000 to $500000 In oldan xlltn Ilka than Illown on thl pngol Mnybo dad would like to 1an or get aporty electric lall cart or motor hunt How Ibout translator mllo or wrlnt watch far that mung and manygomund at blkl for th lmlll fry And look It that or mun mlnk aloha new wardrobe or Item hm or the llll Fabuloul that You And you In Win them ln llmn for llftlnll Enjoy QUALITY CHEKD DAIRY PRODUCTS Thoyro llavorlmh lrom lho homo of qunlllyl PROVINCE IInfidflfll nle Itlm The Lawton menu was en roulev mag yard try busineu machlna com56 and Glen Armslmnz mach ine shop course Examlner Photos

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