Am Ill In the lam man In Ill Terry III II my need quick nul man In pitch In one lemuMer lor mace ll use am MW mm but In II My mod lg lgur lnnlnu lhcvhldlvén Hmmbaul unlml lm Annie bod Tprry ha been duvva um um ulnrlln Mntluu nml rur Innl ulnlnlntnll or mm la in nmn lhe Hml ll MI Iwu Dr Tony Um no at lho 1m ml and prlrllrnlly mourn man nl lho our lhnl llmll today NEW YORK It will or Hum lhlnm HIM le Dmp prn wlwn lho umullm Invndn Ibo hark xlmp newxpnprr Tl wlmlr line lym rnn runan In uh Terry va Ymk Vilnius pllr IVI lmnrd up mlw nu whm M1 New York new paper wrnl In mm wilh Iha mun min or llm Wurhl Sc Nu Terry Seen In Relief Role DUI unmn wm In lhv Junior Illvlnhm ll wn Hm Mde MHIIEM km or Slnyucr Thry Impped no IflcMon lo llarrlc Ccnlrnl lrul wuk Two uncoverlud lnuchdownl by Slow Alklmnn In lhe um hall WMtil lo he more Hm mm workan mnnzln or llnr rlo Nurlh narrlu Nnrlh Cellcxlnle made ll Hut mm the 1963 Gnom lnn Bay Stmndnry School Al loclntlon Fnclhnll League me mslul nne mltrdny hhlll lhey racked up vlclnry om Slnyncr Barrie North In Grid Win Over Stayner mu uuugul sccunugamc er Johnny Padres hasnt been too sharp of late Even his own manager Walt Alston says hasnt been up to expected effectiveness Koufax will discover hes in aWorid Series when he sees his Strikeout average per game go for dip Hell be too careful with his pitches to take advantage of the freeswinglng champions and his own speed Then too the great advantage or laying in their home park their experience in series ay should give the Bombers first and second game victories This is aided by the fact that the Dodgers er Johnnv Pndm hm Well Mr thats how the Dodger crystal ball shapes up whats it say for the bad guys YANKEES 42 BY STEVE New York Yankees should get to Sandy Koufax in the fourth inning today to carry them to 42 victory over Los Angelesr The fourth will be the frame in which the Bombers big end of the lineup comes to the plate for the second time Look for home run balls by Mickey Mantle and El ston Howard to start the rally Whitey Ford should contain the way and keep off the bases the Dodgers most of fleet Maury Wills and Willie Davis This way they wont have chance to test the throwin arm of Howard Just the same Dodgers should try they get enough men on base to steal about three times Ill give them one successful attempt Ford who usually tires late in the game will he touched for couple 01 runs around the seventh inning Then reliefer Will come on to preserve the win saving Ford for the fourth contest also The Dodgers dont lack speed their defense is ade quale and couple of clutch hits will bring them vic tory today As for Maury Wills weve been wanting to see him in series for over year now Granted hes up against one of the toughest pitchers in the business to steal against and no one underestimates the arm of Yank catcher Elston Howard But Wills has that daring com petitive spirit and dont be surprised to see him go and go successfully at least once Its been said that walk ing Wills is like giving him double because hell steal that second base Moose Skowron has little score to settle with the Yankees He hasnt had what youd call good season but perhaps he has been saving up just for this mo ment In any event Ipredlct hell give the Yankee pith chars notice use the plural trouble today Its going to be tough beating thE Yankees right in their back yard and it says here that it will only be onerun victory so that makes the score 32 It doesnt look like WhlteyFord on the monnd for the Yankees at the end of six innings so guessperhaps the Dodgers will get to him the second time through the batting order Dant know how accurate these Upper Canadian crysial balls are but the one have predicts Sandy Kou fax will go 111 the way today against the Yankees and not give up more than six hits and two runs were pretriryrsgavrgvbnéggcé laéyuslanvlvell have to keep his column brief Thats just about the way todays game should be also Brief that is So look or Yankees Dodgers 2ln game No Ilium xxmmm vimï¬xsnm mam Frank Howard and Tommy Divis boar watching By Rick Fum wonLo SERIES CRYSTAL BALL Innl mlom wlll uvnllnhla of mm um um will be awarded Only almlium will In permlllod 0d lh thl WIN Md EA 51mm Open 8km Ilunleru FpuInl 5an III In allgndylry IIl llnnlr Gun Club Oct and Ilw rluh 11 lnndlnx 1m Invllnlhm In nl In Iunlod pnrflrl l¢ cummlt Gun Club To Hold Shoot ll lnplnrrd nl rxmfly Um llmn uhm In no udmllumem lnr pwplu l4 cnll lirwlnu call can nulil mnml Inlnr Trlrphmw rumnnny qurInln nnld Um Cumnlr plume mu brr WM dlnlln Hmmnnd llmrl Tumlny Ivy urnplu Ivrklua hr llrkrlx llinnlly Hm phune lnerl ho Muir Cnrnlnlnl mmm llrkrl holdrr ho Hunkm lonllmll Cunhrrncv club or 15 yum Inld II Hallume wllh In My ho Imm In lvrlml nm nm Amo Mvt rcn only Ian lhclr ulna Rmnr this In Inn Cnrslnlra lmd ndmllsml anrlnu lo xlvv nwny his ck rls plu 50cvlllnllrkul bunln lnr luklnn lhrln of my hands Lloyd Cnrxlnirg onto donnltd lhc HWY lo Hugh Ihulrnl TORONTO CF 20 ymr old cnninmlnx sludrnl at he Unlvnrsily 01 Waterloo received 53 and Wu llckcu lo each lhu Toranfn Arm nnuu thrcc runninan homo anu hlcsdny gm ofn dlsxmnlltd Arno Inu TICKETS GO TO STUDENT and Suva Jannsw says Johnny 15 Tor llckcla and Erwin Ihu ILMM uncomr MNTMUO Ch IM ma Damn Item va and Vughnn hm flalmml walk remd In rd xkllnl mm ILlend med mm mlln In hour on nmlnl women alum Sunday the Paul mm In Io 1mm NAME TWO MIAMI INHill Ml Sum dru mum at llnly and Il yoyukl Iihlhnrn nl Jn nn 1th nrrrnllyxnmml wrd than plnnI mm nnmnl 11man by Um me axing Almlnllnn an lmm nl In lmnlh Elnlhm run In flywrluhl lllk 80 ll nml Mnulngbl Junlor Inhi dlewrlghl trnwn Mi lelu Schmldl nl anrmln WM nmlml Mil II II Innlur lllldtllewrtghl nlimlnn Ho mu Hm only fann ll mm In mum lfl ï¬llhrll Ilob erklum nml IMm llrnnludl lnlllfd ho IIlmvnlu mm and PM Mule rnrlml up lhu nhulnul lIImvnIe lvlnnknl Mralnrd 10 In In Hut name the Inter Ilmll Srlgvml Somr Lcnxuu In urrk Elmvale In Shutout Win AI hnd the name lineup HIM played mum wlwn Mnnlle and mm um in Ilium erkcy count ballad hauan bchlnd Tmh Ind In ml at hurls Kubtk Ind llnhby Illchnrdxon ballad mu lwo will Elnlnn Howard Pep lum Clue layer and Ford mmprlslnu the bottom hull ol lho uni Hill Sknwmn the uYnnku was 11 um bnu hailing mm bchlnd ho rluhlAhnndcd billing Frank llnwnrd lln wnl IaIIawcd hy Trncuwm John newborn nnjl Koulnx VlHlo Dnvll he honest hllUnu Dodger 1n Scplcmlmr from uvcnth lo thin spa In the hnlllng order bnhlml Maury Wills and Gllllnm wilh Tummy Dnle Ibo Na Iiannl Lenguul lendlnl hitter In tho cleanup lpot late hour nxesduy nlghl manager anlcr Illslun ol lhe Dodgers lmd Jnsl about dccldcd In kccp Ken Mclllullen tho lnA lured waldo Mld baseman on ma bunch plnylng chk Tm cowskl at second and awllchlng Jlm Gllllnm Io lhlrd Mellullcn pulled hamstring muscle ln hlsrlxhl lcg lnsg week Both club prnsenled predom inantly right handed line up ngninsz the left handed skmu Ford and Koufax The only soumpaw xwlngcm aside mm Ford1n the Yun kce balling ordulwcre short stop Tony Kubck fink hnsa man Joe Popilunq and right fielder Rngcr Marlsr Switch hIllon Mickey Mnnllc and Tommy Trash naturally balledw rlthIandcd um 11msz Each went through spccjncu In 1963 seasnns Koufnx won 25 50 decisions Including 11 shutouts and shattered his own National luau slmreaut xec ord wflh 306 erd wan 24 whlll lasing night to bring his lfle time 19an lo 199 vlclnricx Kory ll was only the second World Serle star lar he 27yearald Koulax who dropped heart broaking lo dcclslorr lo the Chicago While Sax ln 1959 Ford nn lhe other hand was nppearlng lnxhis lvlh World Se ries makingmls 20th start and pitching his sevmlh npcnur all rccurdsr The VLleran southpaw seven years older than Koulax as sucking hla lllh Serlu vlo an at 65 with the Yankees £405 la varita to gain their seventh tri umph in eight World Series meetings with the Dodgers The perennial American League champions have 207 record in Series play compared to or the Dodgers SECOND START Thus the winner of the £111 FordKnufax dualheme noma 70000 Yankre Stadium would have vast psychologi cal as well as actual muya ry actor is the avowed determination of boll manager lo stick with than slarting pitchers regardlnssol the lenglh the sexleg Tb mean that should he nerles go seven games as have all llnce 1955 except 1959 and 1961 series Ford and Knulnx prob ably will face each ether Lhm llmes use expert nme pllchlng wlll he more ol domlnnllng tartar ln lhls Serles than 11 any lululeague Oclober clash since the Second World War They palm to tlm comparallvely llghl loam hnltlng averages 252 fur lhe Yankees In 451 or the Dodgers and the presence all only three 300 HikersTummy Davis Maury wllla and Mlckey Mantle1n By JOE mm NEW YORK AH3min extra Warld Series pressun weighed heavily on the shoul der of openlng game pitcher Whitey hm of New York Yun km and Sand Koulnx has Angela Dodgers loday because of unusual hnporlance attached in lheï¬rsl gym the 198 pos season classic Wï¬ Shop ond Suva atone of those Convenient locations YOIENGS IGA MARKET MARKET SQ IGA FOODllNER CHRISTIES IGA FOODLINER hnmm Alli DINNERS PARD DOG roon mm POTATOES SWIFTSPAGHETTI SWIFTBABYMEATS JEWELSHORTENING JOHNSONKLEAR ucomcuusoms FROZEN SWISS STEAK HAM TURKEY CHICKEN BEEF LOIN 0F PORK CHOPPED SIRLOIN BEEF PORK SIDE RIBS SLICED SIDE BACON FRONT LAMB swm PREMIUM RINDLESS 10 LAMB LAMB IN BASKET ROAST CHOPS STEW WHOLE FLANK ON CHOICE NEW ZEALAND LAMB SALE SHORT cur WHOLE 0R HALF LEE LAMB MINT JELLY NECESSITY WITH LAMB SHIRRIFFS STROUD ONTARIO SMALL WHOLE WHITE BEEF on BEEF Vllll GRAVY WITH MEAT BALLS NATIONAL BEEP CHICKEN VEAL LIQUID WAX IML OFF lln HWIFT Ila Manly 45c 25c JAR lb 24m 59 Ml In 1541 Ilnl WORSLEY MULCASTER 23c 75c 49c 99c 55c 35c 37c 23c 45c mm Nl ï¬nd Im nmlflrld 1b Cnlun POTATOES GREEN BEANS SKINlESS SAUSAGE Cl inul Funy Elm WITH III 00 IAIE MONARCH TEA BISK VEGETABLE SOUP GREEN BEANS 33 THEY GO TOGETHER FOR CASSEROLE CAPRI NATURAL GO TOGETHER PANCAKES ï¬réï¬fm BEEHIVE CORN SYRUP COOKING ONIONS THEY GO TOGETHER FOR DESSERT HOSPITALITY APPLE PIE CHERRY Hlll CHEESE nAmmpEARS ONTARIO GROWN NO GRADE SWIFT WIENERS lIBBYS SAUERKRAUT WHITE BREAD 23 BREADV8 BUTTER ROLLS lNGERSOll CHEESE SPREAD PREM lUNCHEON MEAT SHIRRIFFS MARMALADE GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE DELICIOUR TLC FANCY HIM THEY GO TOGETHER FOR SPECIAL TREAT CRISP lETTUCE U8 N0 ï¬llADE mzn OHOWN TUKHY GRAPES CALIFORNIAB FINEST PICKUP YOUR FREE RECIPE F0 WlTll mm TAM swm am sraw Hamlrnlna um TOIlET TISSUE IVORY SNOW Anal szlml Rel or Enltcnnllk v3 N0 AMINO RED BEAUTIES WITH FREE JO TME Aylmer Fury Blue Lulu runny lMVOIIED PEANUI BUTTER Mlmer ll ESSA ROAD 35 CASSEROLE CAP TODAY la hmx lwlll ml mun lnlnul Amnldl Oven am an lb pix mm Ilu Premium lb Cello Hg Mlld Colored 12 cn HEAD GM Mm Morning Ju Arnold Plrku FUR each cull 10 on In lb lb Flu 1301 In 29c I9 29c Daz 39c 49c 45c 37 25c 35c 55c 79c 49c 43c km Ev