Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Oct 1963, p. 1

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JAKARTA Indonesia Bril aln heganlhe evacuation than no hrelgn women and children today mm lhe huge Shell Oil refinery ccnlre at Eaukpapan in Indonesian East Borneo indonesinn Air Force pinnr flew Ihe evacuees lo Jnknrtn where Royal Air Force ptnncs wnre waiting to take them to VSinxnporcr Thevncunlion was arranged becauseoi strong Indonesian ieeiinzr azalnst Britain and the Britirhspansorcd iederation of Malaysia which include fort mar British territories In North Borneo British women and per In lrnvrlllng In lhn Kuhylln area can Alum Col Mohnml on Had lnry cummnndcr he nu Jim Halln uprlxing lnld nporlrrl no would like In mnld clash hul wnulll not hcslult In in llrcd Immu annuunccmcnl tho nnIIonnIIznlIon mnvo hm dny nlghl bdmc chccrInz cmwd oI 100000 perms In the Mulm Iomm norm lo rnIIy hungry pcmnu In duIcnro reulmc Inrn by an Insurrec lnnnl mmcmcnl In Knbylla But Berber mullnbcn mnnnul cnmmn on IIIacrlnn mountnln rldgos vowlmz lo duly Ion IILIln orgn llhc ms clel war mm Fauna fur 1m rmla wllh varr erph mm It In wllnm um 01 mm flrulcrwu ALGIERSPmidcnt Ahluu Den Brlln braced or diplo mallc storm from France laday Incr nntlunallzlng lmmcdinlcly III the land all held by French ufllmhlg Algcrln JollNMrRIMNE rhlrl US BenBella Takes Over French Settlers Land Ha ever Lnbor Minister ManEachen is expected lo 94 part to the Commons an the Ca4 nadi Unilcd Slams dfnrllja resolution preceding the ac lual truxtaelhlp legisla uon moves on to the Common nrder paper Iodaywlthout any debate unless the government leeks unanimous consent to 1an with it The Jill hour manoeuvre will likely conunue even while jarliamenljebalcs govern ment meamre to establish threeman huard Iruslees In all aver management and central Canadas maritime transport on unlons UK Evdcuates Boyneo Refinery OTTAWA CDLast dllch emuk were expected today In bidla hréak stalemate 1n trade union talks aimed at averting government trustee lhlp over live marina unions in Canada Fur Emma Want Ma pbuno FA mu he teleuhonu mm to all for the Business uwtum Dept LgPA 55m film No 23 CP mm APRenkn Our Telephones odu lwlura Ibo Somal In mlmlllm 511th nmmrllrrn mr Mllms hum hi Imuan day at mummy aboul tho Ehrlyprd lnln the be npponl or an nrmod molt nKnIml Ills dldnlorlul mrlh necrssnry hey can llghl nlongsldu our IUDIXIIHIIII ml lIrraN Hon Mln mld HH will he lannml In every lawn awry lhc vigllanle commmm will Inlegunrd the rcmlutlon and light nnnlnsl munlcrrcvolw tlnn Hen Helln Inld The nnnounccmenl wm mmln by mil on All chief orxnnl zcr Hm Bollnl rullnx Front 01 Naflonnl Uburuliom Hen Bella lams announced plans to arm vluflnnlc commll cu In light If necessary with loyal army lmops Tracts distribulcd hy lhc In surgent cnllml an Iho ml of lhe mm In Mn lhclr mavcmc to rid the coumry nllnscism anw mutinou mop haul Chl ncmmndo cannon up the mom lninsldcs while lninnlry soldiers were digging In In new of Indications Ihnl counter revolutionary groups might try to capitalize on the genuine splrfl the In iinnesinn people opposing Ma nysl said Ivdny President Sukarno has given instructions to main taIn security In the capital and several ulhcr ciues because lmamal danger ram counter revalullanarics Aner meeting wilh Sukarno Mordcka Freedom Palace Subnndrla announccd the mm sllieaddcdzv children were evacuated from Jakarta nflei mob sacked the British Embassy and burned numbeg ygitflsh homes So far the AFLCIOand In particular Pnul Hall an AFL C10 vlcmpmsidenl whn head he 75000mnmber SW at North The Carla or Congress was reported mime laid out specific conditions which must he met in any uniousponsnred lrusteeship conditions that would guarantee the reforms in the Scainrers International Un ion of Canada proposed by Mr Justice Tr Norris in the Ca nadian goyemmznl LAYS 9m cohnmons rmanu said Tuesday night that nu dennile proposal has been advanced that would In the eyes at Canadian labnr leadersguarantee thorough cleanup or labor lawlessness on file Great Lake waterfront Ind private voluntary nib xmule or the government rus legshjp mum mm Wm In mnlm l1 hr bmk onlh Llucnlnl In Ir Lam Tn ASK RIIMNGS mm liwonunmnl hcnllnr MM mum mum mun nomad Amnm Demml 11m Suprva Caurl ol Cnnmla In majorlly jurlgmrnl TUM dny rrjmcd an npplnl by In uyrmm lormrr hem of mlnlc murfly yam pxnlnxl whim dqmflnllun or dcr 0117wa cm Anum Rm rlnncz Espalllai armor right hnnd man nlnln dlmlor Hu hul ijlllo Um Damlnlcnn llrpuhlic has lost hlx lml 1ar1 mnnmuvrc In mam departn Hon rum Cnnndn mm knuun by ill muhodu ha told he huge Al gcrlnn crowd Nsdny mm has camps and cremation ovens We do no hawl that In Algcrlu ads and aka hls brand km rhnns Govt To Depot Trujillos Aide poilmni But if there is ifideca or raising the 55 per cent lorexivc nesa hr some smaller nation 80 per cent him we are In Draw lo reconsider our We are prepared Io assume our share 01 the cost West ern delegala said if In based on he larmula developed at the special assembly last wrlng The General Assembly bud getary commlllee scheduled vb bale his alltmoan on proposal to raise $19200000 which Sea retaryGcncxal Than esu mules is needed to keep pm tLclivo one of 5350 men in tha Held until June 30 Congo Pdrce Endangered UNITED NATIONS AP Plans to keep UN am In The Conga were endangered lrr day as same Western power balked at noting the major part th hill Doom cpunlric wmcl wumrwl dam nd further cu in their CiC spgkgman 53M with nut elaburaling that certain proposals are under cunsldera lion Th CLCa eightmember exl eculive committee considered the situation Tuesday and ad joumcd until next Monday This was lnkerpxeted Io mean that there is no cancrele solution In lmmgglato pfospcct Labor sources still held hope for Lustminute solullon hat would meet the views of the CLC lha Canadian government and he AFLCIO In the United States America113 balked ll accept Ing the guarantgel sought by Ihe CLC lejcclrd charges mclullsm wnuld Valachi Tells Of Blood Oaths Hum 9r Ilrkml din Mood nmln plrm mm hum In In lvln Imml In mnnu hlm lh lfllpu yuujxl hurqnl lo nm In my qtmm Illnl Im Irll uu INIWVI mur ultl Immllum Iflll Inlme Mm lvlnllfll Imw In mm In wllh finllu anan helm Vulnrhl mm mm vl Tun Ilny lrlllnd nunnlnnllnun and name vmluto In lhn mm Am 30 uhrn lmmllum illlnn ur NI 1er mmhlnrKunl In vlulln cnsrl 11m canvlclml nnxrnllu 11M nml klllrr has bun lulnuinu llm Krunlc rnckru IUU runmmm up In xlnlu wllh uumrlhun bcwiltlmn Mun llvo nl urnngn Mum nml III allumm uul hlwd mun WASHINGTON CFAP Mulmr Juuph annrlvl um llnuu lmlnv Iran the Mn lly im nnd murdnmu mwluu pnlm Com lem The wn made he acum llun nl lho xlnrl mnulv lrnlnl hearing In lcfllllflfl whrllur Um 11yrnrohl call ulrl LONDON Cll hrlsllnu Knrlrr Wfll nccum In mun day lyln when aha nnld larmcr Jnnmlmn lmy lrhnrl heal lur whm nrhmlly lhn lmllnclnx mu mlmlnlslrml by girl Iknd hlulhrr Sovlei rmdcrs inc lédny how bad lhclr wlmt Top was Khnuhchcv old Ihcm In Crown Says Christine Keeler Lied About April Beating ll ls lnccd wllh perhaps the wars cmp year In Ihc Sovch Union slnw lhc Second World War lolpilc glowing promlse llml 1mm wLm mum holler any lhc oullook was secure He sun his cherishcd Communist camp break In lwo with he blazes population on Illa olher side Nn major calnsmphcs in one year would mean the end 01 had gavernmcnl In many nnmhcn country Moscow AmSam mtcr Khrushchev well along his 70m year finds hlmscl tr day probably at the peak hls lpuwer and at Um botlom his uck Judy LnMarsh federal mln lslnr of health laughineg dc mllmsvamignretle yesterday afternoon she left 1119 House at Commons Miss Rugsiqns Read oréicsp IFi1are BarflyOnhrlacamdnl JUDY RESISTS TEMPTHTION What We lflllld Ilka la do II tu up mm mm ol perman ml alum Imam nut tum minim am the 1M dorm mm In MIMI II lumflullon lwnn CoaNul 211 In In Unlull which Vallrhl Elllll Jud Ilmlnnnhl mid he wlll runlrr wilb Alluvmy 0mm Krnnaly Thundny la mum mum Mntl ol mmmenl fun adnUs mnrhlmry um would IBM unndlnn ofllrllln In neg gunnmlpnn b9 Jud llrucc Mnrdunnm rhnhmnn of II Onlnrla IDHKI Cummlullm mm VMIIMI lu llmuny Turndny nu human In whal ll lllcluud nlmul Nrw mk umlrrwwld WWIHDM hul ll mod nu new an lha Cum Nuulrn Mann wernllnnl In Onlnrln III Sennlu iuvrlignllnnu ml nunmltlre hna lwn ur mm mm murdcls mun Ilue pull qunllun annchl Ibuul bolom nlurnlu lo dluuulnn almu puunMn ulmul The Jnmnlcnn Alafalul Lucky Gnrdon WM mm and nn nn Mann charm and 1m toured to 01m yum In prlmn 5cm wrrlu lnler an Appeals court lhrcw mil cnnvlruon nnd rhnrxu ngnlml Chmllnu and lhu 0mm lollowcd In um lrolumo unmlnl and Him mxlclcndanln wlll Aland rlal on prrlnry and other canrqu Thnl lhe we caused much head Ihaklnu nmnng the Sovlcl yum can be surmlml mm houmaunl ol pron man expended to ddend lhn govcmmcnll pollunn wdnmyhomw ma Tall 01 Sovlct Raid him been dumped on the Vcskem murkel lo ralso be many Thaw dc ulli were mlpubllshgd hem For the its Ilme ho told his people he had In buy 0300000 on wheat from Canada and nnothcrl800000 tan lrom Any Hana Ho dldntsay how much It had coshln that Soviu mm maduy even nmn scarce than whomgold nnd dollars Bu abroad Wns cnlwlnlui more lhnn 00000000 and prob ably nonm $700000000 speech Publish five day alter ll dellv LaMmsh who ante smoked three package clgmtlel day gave up making par cr his ycar after adding her voice talha antilung cancer campaign CF Winphoto hm than low Nvfmm lu live Angela Dvd th nlo lrgdu lmlnnce likely la mnllnuc ln Ilmw Improvement during the all Jonsonn pcrlad when he cannlryn lrndu posic llnn ls lrndiliunnlly slmnx fly the eml nl llw year he Iurplus should bu Um largest In In dec lhc and of July 1110 trade surplusexcess of exports over Importswas $130100000 rom paml will 11 5131000000 dzHrit xear pmvlous Elibe In ihe first 1th month of mm mm up 65 per cent while Impum dccllncd Ingloran The human slallsIIu re portrd Iodny um lho rude lur plu In Ihu JanuaryAugust pe rIod IotnIch 31754000I10 In Ihnrp conlmsl wIIII $91101 om dDIIEIl In lhu lame perIod Instgnn OTMWA CF Canada World lmdc paslllnn remained buoyant lhe first eight months the your wim the cuuntryl trade surplus mnllnulng la in crease Th Hownrd Shaw like lhe Ericsson operated by Unpu Lakcs Shipping Cnmpany wns harmed by gunfire and dyna mm durlng It vnin wnlt In Chi cago lo take an grain The 391 on coal humlng steamer making its um voy age thII seasan omdally is cx peeling none the violence spiked trouble that kept um grain carrier Hownryl Shaw llcd up In chlmgo or almost five months under dockcrs hogan Trade Biioyaxit DBS Reports GODERICH 0M CWThe grain shlp John Ericsson sailed hmsday or Chlcagu where alsler ship encounxcred the eru bled waters stirred by an Inlet nAlionnl dispute Involving rivnl unlons shlppcrs and the gov ernment of Canada and the United Slam Argument Tucsdnyvnvcr the preliminary resolution cenlrcd mainly on opposition eflnrts to have the government improve on Its 510 hgnst to $75 monthly de ate on the govemmén yro poscd 10 major increase rm developing Jam major politi cal Ilghl enters its third day to mame IheJezIslaUen still not Introduccd Grain Ship Sails For Chicago Port CF Commons Wilma Ymkl Yum Indium anl Wm IM wmfi son law an lo bu blmw gnu unit lM 11mm noormc ran ma noncans CoL Al Llnzo commander lho slnlo hlnnwny palm nnld lhul llnle lnvcstlznlnu Inunll stick or dynnmlle In wooden mm Md such If Inx nearby In In wooded men Norm lllrmlnxhum just oulxldo the city HmIlI IllII HUSIIKH He 14 lhe dynamuo hnd PM hiddm In some 1mm Charles Eagle 22 HIrmlnu ham who was arrested wllh Chambllxs Sunday remlns in Jail on charge 01 Illegal pos scxsloa of dynamite habeas corpus hearing or Caglu has been It at today Robert Oramhllss 59 who was nrrcslcd Sunday by slnle lnvcsllgnlam also was an 3100 bend on the lame charge Chnmbllss posled bond shortly after hnbcax corpus hearing In circull court John Vllall 36 of suburban Gnrrlundalc was charged wllll Illegal possession al dynnmile Tuesday llo posled bondset nl twomanly nllurwnrds BIRMINGHAM All AP Annqu vwhite man has been nxrcslnd nnd more mm 100 stick of dynamite were found hidden in wonded sun in the continuing Investigation ui rn cinl bombings Once the is passed lha pensinn bill Ilse must be Invnduced and approved by the Commons and Senate The gov emmenla goal npprovnl in lime fnr lha extra $10 to go into lateOcluber pemlan cheques SUI ary Plekersgfll In Md to move lhlnxl fast commented as theHousc rose 101 the nIghtlhaI Canadians would be edJHed to learn lhal oppaslllan was taking al most three days to pass the pan lianboost resolullpn The final hathour of the sil llng developed into shouting flank over the question of what Liberals dldor didnt prmnlse on pensions In the In elgcuanfampalgn Buflhene were xlde Issues that kethe potbolllng The resignation of Heal Min istch Judy Lamarst Whir nit3 mnnded by LouisJoseph Plgeon PC JnllelleLAssnmplim Montcalm nvcr smamenu nt lrlbulcd tn hér In Toronto newspaperand denied by Miss LaMmsh In the unlversal pensiun paid to Hugged 70 and over Dynamite Found In Birmingham No Than 7c Per Copy26 Puget Chance at scattered mowers Io day Cooler lamina law to nim High mmamw 65 For full summary turn page two An nlrllno omnlnl anlrl lhc nlr man uplmrcnlly blew on mica mm Edmonton full tmrrucncy wm ennui London Alrporl And llrcnuhllnu equipment and nmhulnncu flood hy unlll lha plnno whlrh circlcd he old or wmo Ilml landed Inlcly LONDON RculnrslA Cnnm dlan Pnclflc Brilnnnln ultllncr on mum 1mm Edmonton lnndtd lately hm today on flu line The plane had 105 pa scngm aboard Hey Fred Shulllcsworlh far mar Birmingham minister and president of the Alabama Chrly Ian Movement far Human Rights charged that tho Inves Hgallon appeared Ia be sham on the part law agendas in an allort to math the national canscicace and placate No your We are slapping In the right direction Wu am making pro ms Local Weather Llnuo huiied the dlscovcry significant in the investigation kings Airline Lands With Flat Tire uuhfluv nhéauhn Northwest TenHor les and Dmmmond Clancy Woman against the rest of tho Commons 0n the 5mm was the small Credltlslc graup plus 1w On the first appeal Mr chL enbakers Conservatives were supported by ML Canucltcl Crediflsle group and New Dem ocraIsnol enough to nflsct the Liberals plus Ruben Thump mu mm an Thechalr ruled bélh amendA menu an of arder and the m1 lngs on appeal were sustained by votes of 111 to 90 and of 172 14 nr Real Caou em submitted another amcnd men that would have the pen lion begin at age 65 Insiead of 7D with meanslesl old age sislance payments starting at 83 60 Instead 65 Opposmun Lender Dicfcm baker proposed an amendment urging Ihe government cam side maklng lhgzralse rélraani ve Ito April Hate of the 2chth marmum lhe Lib enjl ynryenlta nflicc fig

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