City Concert Band Isnt APPIeCiated hy money are the bands Achilles hells hr said and added that the group re ccim grant 1mm City Com cn about $2400 just enough km us going but nnl cnuugh lmus tr efpang or cxnmn Vicoprcsidcnt Gram WLson branch manager Imperial LlIc plays lhn lrumpcl barilnnc lrambono and cnn be cnlltd an In play ha nnx pinth secretaryreas urrr Gerry Sluhbinns owner Tclcsonlc play lhr clarinel Huh and sax Norm Blackhal Irumpcl and Earl Wlnlm clnr incl nnd aux boll clvlc emphy on Dave xy lead clarinet manual labor unrkcr and Cammun um Amulcunl an wcnllhlm and lickul pcopln 1n he wmhl Snlvnunn Army Canlnln lnld lhe llnrrlu Yl Mnnl Club last nlxhl Speaking In the club on lho lnplc llcnllh nnd llnpnlnul 71ml Ilnn llnmlnll Mild Tho Incl that npcnd liro wr cent nl our lnrnmw nll mrdcnl prnw nhowl HIM lhrru II lame lthhm mun wllh mu My Hr Ho Inld lhnl llnm WM 41 Nurture lrnm gum hrnllh the nnllllnl mmlillun nl lhn Mly am rnulll lm pmrnlnl by ex flrnlnn enllmx nulrlnnnl lllrl urulxm mnprr ml and Alnxlnlninl mm llrhnrro and II rnhnl drrvl dhllnrllun hrlwren mnk nml rxrlclxn Slnllng lhn mnny Nuplfl lhmlxhl Hut lhry nl rnmlzh rxtrrlsc In mum nnrmnl Ilnyn wmk hu uld lhal wmk Blhlllllllll wlwrnu nxurlnn hy mnnving wulrl mul polmu nun llm lvaY WM rmulna ml uury nu mull whul wmk mu dune Curl Ilnmlnll nald Many may Illz lhuir awn Mm WI lhrir lnllu nlk Am mom and INN runMu lludr nlumndu an my mm mm thI lhry mil lnln lhrm Imlu mum 44 VI 1hr lwd II nod Almlwl llnnvlull mull ud II he Jule mm at man In Illum In Amuer lmlny lehnmnm liquor lulroyn Inn crlln lnllnmu llw flam uh ml lulu In mm mm dulhl In Anyone paying taxes in Banla can ï¬gel rid of the City Cun ccrt Band he nr she ecu Ihe band Is doing nnthing or the city Al Ricci president of the band and member for the last mu ple of years made the siale mcnl last night in he Market Building as lhc band met for its wupkly prndlce ML Rm explained that coun cil was no required In support he band all and that lhe cily coulgi 9u2 its gran at yilL 1m position where cant go around mak Ing irresponsible alalum unl about nur situation He did my hnwevor that liaison man was All ChurlBSJVlLsoll ml our grant through or us HIGH STANDARD The members are not amn curish by abilfly sandardL They are amateurs in the sense they eccivu no remumrnlion for pcï¬nrmanccs nu mam 5101mm nI Barrie professlnnal men lanchcra branch manngcn manual labar warkcu and while cnlIar workers llllAWH DINIINLHON 1le Hour and III tunr pvudnrll Ill ddlclwl nlllllllvm Ally II III rummulllnï¬ lhal rmrlu nuul ho mmhlnml ullh good flirl THREE Sheltered yesterday THOUGH QUALITY HIGH Proper Food Exercise Necessary For Health STUDENTS II Worth spent on job let by In clxnrcll he won on we can buy cnnttr nnd cnmnnry lhromhosll hy the canon Ho nld mm Ire eight chcmlcnlu in lobnrw whlch tuna dcnlh mm cancer when Injected Into mlceurahncco he anld II In mum II hurl steauu and cm In mm makers will die nlcollnu dcnlh nrulnltnllnn or uvrnlnq rim Al Harm lmml Inllulaln um 1M flwnln 7m Mr Ricci plays just abnu any instrument you want lo name within reason pe whn aka pay taxes are doublets and lhls can come In handy at concert where vital section nr instru ment is missing sald Mr Ric The public image the band leave mile to be dyesircd Last spring when the band gave rce concert at Nnrth Collegiate Ihere were 55 many In the aud 10 as were playing Mr Ricci said he didnt see single council member in lhe audience Asknd he word disinterested wnuid appiy Councils altitude Mr Ricci shrugged his shoulder and vi ercd no comment NOT APPRECIATE fliccl is he apathy dcmonslmted by Daniaï¬les awards civic Iuflginngnprojcqb and 1113 Barrlcllcs dont use their pnrks he uld Comparin Enr rle wilh olhcr localities hich dnnl olfnr hall as much Mr nicci mid the cilimu ekewhcre apprcclnlc what lllclr municipal gnvcmmcnt gives lhcm ln mum lar thir laxcs Anulhcr problem Inning the City Concert Band is mum rehearsal hall Weve gm he Mmkcl Building but we dont have lhn ncouslicsf Mr Rlccl auld lhc hand cmxldnl nflnrd mm g1 grant In rm largcr hall nd still have enough pr aenl conmlm Cnpl Randall IIIM hll lnlcml In huh and emch Iran nl lrr hu hid Imn wllh lhu 6M vnllon Army lur 10 um Iln Md lllnl durum llw 1n yrnn mvtnun la MI mlry hqu Army hml hm In Hm innmnnn Army whrm he no pml In mu Aulllrlrul rnrnl nlrnl rlum wIII hr MM In All unrrmllmml ernih 5m Inz 1yplnl nmlnru Muhlnrl Vrllllnl All Mnlmnlu Small Hall will ml Snlely Mlnnl lirmlo LI Mallmnallu InIr Enulluh Lullwrwml llulc Ind 11mm mm tummuna lhnmnl MMfl My IM Mink sminnï¬iude who Shun Mulhcmallr 11w mllullle Mud amount vlhvr mun my be Marl nhm runmum munm lhn uml mlnlmum rmleli at lludmll IWM b1 uyuled We sent letters to council asking alderman and their wives In nllend and we sent lollm lo membership commluecs of EcniCB clubs Under prcscnl rundfllnnl the hand can mmmon player IMPROVE HEALTH manual whl mm Thunduy well Ilmllnl II III lama Imur Bill Norris DeVilhlss plays the Registraiion Siads Tonight Contra Collegiate Imperial Eastman The Assoe intign for Retarded Children takes anvjobs ko luflher 0n educallnn the retarded and err um ha mmml Mm mm 50member roslcr Two years ago there were 12 band members whenever the band has given public uuldmr concern here have never been heard any mm plainls about its selection and prescmatlon How tn mnk the hand man pormlnr locally Simple said Mr Iltcct Per haps we should cnlcr district cnmpctiliom And it were good ennugh us we believe we are we might gnln some more rec ognition or Barrie But we cant allord 1L All the band wanu L1 chanco Riva wellattended and me pcrlonnancc receive more mon cy la hlrc ullllme conductor and hnvu pmplc lndlcalc some inlyml good mnslc ha no lmpmvtd hll hmllh hnpplnm nnd hnmu Mo lhnl he will never dllcan llnun Ilil wurkvuu go nut to listen In concert any more new that they have Iclevisian rapid Iran pndalion and effective commun tcallonsff xpan ing on that rcmaxk ML chcl added that many band members hold pnsilinns Ihal keep up the dfcclivcnus ol the world we now live in by pro vlding at daily necessiliu such as laundry delivery insur aan broadcasting anq fond at all uur members can leave their jabs ta allend con ccrl and not have the mm tall at their place of emplnymcnt N0 COMPLAINTS cn or ormcr cnnduc hr and director he bum mm In Burlington leaching mu All at am the high schoalm Thu hand didnt all to pal when he loll but winnlhlng ter nnd wu poor phynlcul huge unlll kw yum ago when Ivclnn rxcrcim nxnln IL Iho In Snull Sle Marla We run prmnl concert every lhrce weeks necessary added Mr 1ch Band mcmhcrl am not lull lime members The sound lhe band is plcuanl the enr drums CWThu Ilnuuhkr ol hrikr lhll lull tul Hm 1mm populan In hull Thu olhrr hnlrI moun laln ny owan Ivy hnnlvmu mrrc mnll son Ilohby mm 11 lo gppnrlju lhlrd wlnlgr ln Puma ï¬lm1 wumrr mnlu help raise manay 1an Mums upkeep From left an my nntgomary Peter Spears and Bernie Baldwin LOW 0N TOCK 175 mm Nw1 MODERN PACKAGE POLICIES GI Dunhp ll in mm ALI 13 OF INSURANCE INSURANCE ORGANIZATION SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY mm PROGRESSIVE LIMIT Cbmpnmllre llxum nlmrd by Ilm haspltnl um 16735 and 11009 conductor and band com plement each mm he said The conductor must be capablu at bringing out the best from web member the band cowduclor is like In man playing lame Instrumcq Al Humn mndudnr the Mldland Cancer Bnnd has been helping the Barrln Clly Band prncï¬sc or the last Ihrec months Mr Hume tanner professional player ls tho con ductor the band ls looking or Mr lllccl said He mllzhl be but what can we ollcr him small grant year no dchnl plate In rehearse and public apathy The number of pnllcn dnyt 110an Vmorin Hospital In mnacd by mm mm May In August 1961 ovnr ho curm ponglnu period In 1061 Olhrr mun lnr he corru pondlng Mny Imxusl pcrlodl Me an allow Bhlhl Imm lmhurnlary Unlh 4mmsow Xflnyl HatMM Onl lnllcnll MSW2001 lhynlolhrrnny Trul mvnl oLm Avern Fallen 1311170 cak la tainlz happened lo it said My Patient Days On Increase Ht Hospital HI inciilnl mul per lnllrnl Dny WM 12030 Knumm GRAHAM Id and Carol Foyskvonv wnrk op making apmns at the Shelter You can Manna lowcoll Nomi lmmémmont lam Ihln 01 my 01th wanhwhnu pumon your mum Ewliabunch Ihl rumour Vnull Im Imple how my It All lland huw my III on Imnm nptymm In um your tuition Drop In lodly AL RICCI Five man mm the Shanty Bay Fire Pralectiun Assadaunn privah protective agency an swerad the ï¬rs call lodged by an unldenllifled passing mglarlsn Ross Simpson volun ï¬reman sald the tire must havc been building up siowly all nighL The house was sealed mm the uulslde and when ï¬remen kldmd the door dawn flame began to sprout The floor in Na rooms had given way and nfll lo the lEiï¬emunl where ire was cvech have darted 5an smouldering fire this morning gutted the interior of twosturey house on Highway 11 Iew mile south High way 400 overqasl No damage eslimalca were avnflnblz nor Inlormallnn as to the owners of the while llucco house member he Carlnlhlnn Masonic Luise Mr Thnmpmn wns min In the Smllish Me he Order ho While Shrine of Jerusalem the Grand Benev nlcnc Commlllce and was pan Pnlran lhc Bnyvlcw Chaplcr of the Order of mo Enslern Starr Mr Thompson survlvtd by wllc hla ilslcr Man Mn Edunr Rennlckn and we brnlhcu Waller Truman md Lloyd THOMPSON Ernest Delmnr Thompson died Sept 12 In Royal Victoria Ho piml mm at Crecmare in 1138 he was the son the late Thomas and Elitabclh Thumpsan He married Elizabeth Sarah Aurelia winnle Jonas Uxbridge and the couple lived most of the lime In BanIn Most 01 Id 111 Mr Thomy son was car mlcsman Ind was assoclatcd with Danger ï¬eld Motara in his Inlcryeax Mr Thompson was nnIAnsll can and member of Mnity Anglican Church flu was also vicepresident ha Banla Unlon Ccmclnry Donrd lrlvnle acrvlm were held by lho Order of ma Emlcm Slnr and he CorinlhIn Musanlc Lvdzt luncrnl mvlco wm mndutl td by lhn Van IL lend mu Ptlhlck Funml Chnpel so lnllhenrcrl wm Lloyd Fas lrr Alvln Thompwn Donald Thompson ncrnlo floldl Ken no and NONI Douxhcrly llonvrnry pallbo Tm Grorgo Dunxrrllckl Am Whll Ina Amnld Spur nm Merrick Char Lawn and Emu Bur If llurlnl wm In Cemrlery Home Interior 0n Highway 11 BuinedrBy Eire ed Workshop but on Common the Sheltered Robbins pt mgny gal learyed by 0th Iffllrorqléfl My JuAnnnH the Marded adulu OBITURRY ml WMBHNK Unlon The Cnnndlun Labour Conxrrss wll Ipnnsor an educational ln mum lhls weekend at lhu Birch mcro Halo orlllln When you make ynur donalinn to the United Appeal mm ol um agencies you wlll be helping to support will he the Barrie and Dlstricl Auociallon lor Reund cd Children Tho mu council Dnrrlc mlllln Parry Snund and Mid land will be nprcsculld at he cnnmtnrc which wlll In ml drcssul by Charles Mlllnnl unlnn lendtr nnd nrmcr NDI mndidnlu In anomn The Insmma wlll lncludn nut umlnnu nn cnllccllvu hmgnlm lngIMp alcwmds lrnlnlng un cmploymem Insure mm wmkmrnl cnmpcnsnllon nml 10ml unlnn mnnngunc Thï¬illlrll mime wlllnbe pvl mnnly or nlllclru or low unluns In nrdcr 19 pay 11 way next yan Um association need 3164 which only $14400 will bu Labour Congress Sponsors Meeting Onmrio land and nmlx pnvlmcnl nurmlu will an 50mm wedllnn wanting ml ym SHELTERED WORKSHOP THE EXAMINEII gives Wk students of he Shellmd Workshop Yesterday key in Teaches The Retarded To fHelp Themselves PLANT and 16ml dc MANY um or For mardcd persons nvnr lho mm or 15 the nswclnliun npcr nlcs lhc Shollcrcd Warluhup This homo hr the adult re ardcd whrrc Ihcy can cnnlrih me lo their own wppau by wnrking an simple projcds supplind by gnvnmmcnt grant And the asshciatlonl own Mm 115 ESSENTIAL SERVICE All his money to ho used Rrovlge qn csscminlnscrflcn In the Barrie communxlyl Thu school for rcnrdcd children M11 known In Bank will ac cnmmnnd aboul 20 childml his year The srhwl ncclpls all retarded childrnn belwcm nxcs cl we and la uhn have devol opcd sufliLlcnlly lo mm lrom he currlculum ï¬m Unkcd Appeal will cun Iribule 816500 In the associallan reaches IL obkcllvo of $79 Mmul ii tralmunvo he wnrkxhnp 11mm wlm am rnpnhlo ru sumlnz place In lhc nurmal scrtcdtheCookBookhthd regularcdnlam meflcltara Claim Finluyson Bill Irwin Whyll um um BRING ROURNEXT PRESCRIPTION HERE Wu IIWHYA In ynu pm pmmpl mummu mm Ink ynur doctor nlmul our phnnnnry nu limo he mllu pmulpllon or you Two Locullonl to Sam You Bum CHRISTMAS thB GraceZSpearopnd Hare handling mulucoloiil GreenV1313 istAudenu business Invoices FAST EMERGENCY SERVICE WHITTY thB WRAY thB FHARMACY 01 he 306426 budget only nlnut $130 is cannnrkcd or we uusldu l0 Burrlu community PM oi lhh gm lo lhn Imvin Cnl nnd anlunnl Msoclnllmu for Rnlnrdod Children And 3100 II pnld In mhxlrly or March praJtm wnrklng world an lrnincd lo the grcalcsl extent possible whlla lhm who cant compete 1n the gcncral labour market lind sheltered cnvinnmcnt ln llu workshop HOME CARE An lnslilullons commlltcc mainlnln llnlson wllh llm 0n lnrm llmpllal Srhoolr and lsls pmnls mklng mlmlsslan fnr child In hm oclmalL also aim all hclp pussibln lnslllulionalizrd retarded chlld nu In add on la the admnl and workshop the nswcinlinn has home can commin which kccm In much wflh parcnu or children ha are rdnrdcd yet not allaihlo or lhe school or he wolkshop Knlhlccn Graham Ken Per ycr Examiner Pholos am