On5 Pensibns For This was to be éxpncted lot it 1n the minimal manner of governments 1nd wrong speeches to couch loglsll live intention 1n mun gonenllly Johnson fully conscious of tho hu Ird thud IS his now mlnistry 11cc It ï¬rst ressloml rest Idroluy has contrived throne speech of maximum pollucal 1nd propmndn mm It conrllns some thing for vlnunl pvery nodal Ind econ omlc inlorcst ln province Wilh slim omyln the Quebec Lemmqu Andw 1L true stance on nummu public muons null nwnlunu cllflflenuonha Jo nson omnmenthns ouulnod mm 10 um warm um alanine much dueling 11 up Of paramount Importance however Ior the Mom government and for Can adian annually no Johnsons yet uno donned propoqu for consuluuoml form 1nd his daclarod intention to assume total responflblluy 101 old age punnon within the province The eech lndlcele desire to re mainwl in Confederation not of the centuryold tonne but new Canada under new con luflonal order cement lng true alliance between two co equal peerles How this be echleved must am the premiere epecltle reform proposal 70 YIARS A00 IN TOWN vaarfla Northern Advance Demlo me Mn council pmlded 3min Ro lM Amuon with $580 to dlte this youAlexu1dar Scott 10ch book seller for mny yum died Doc vumd Snow thaw slush 1nd mild lempenturos mulled Boat woro usin Kempenlel ny There were gm uinï¬ngl can Cognty Court in Am AA Barrie ï¬ve Mush formed Court Older of For ulm Rw Nell Campbell now llv In in nvw thyiedm nun It Guth rie Wuverley wu nourishing com munity with wagon shvp Mo now In ash Minus turning notary and goody nqmbgr otreddenm Dong ceuflhi wanyin Iheep were being snéi It on Centre Jahn Gordon torm eriy of Ore 10 met deem when ugh on trestle Parry Sound Ottewn mil line Ind stuck by helm iuin Foxes nd skunk nummus Imund Cookeinwn No Coldwnior men not 12 rlbbli Ind men pmridge in helldare Ihooiinu inciion ihmhor engine run by eieem Minded connidmbie eiieniion on locel sine Grand Trunk Miwey llld oii number at cupenim Ii iocIl division Mr Brennan ship cerioad youn uiue 1m Aliendeie liioniml eier Clerk Gm bnkemm limosi MILWAYS DISPIRATI IFIORT Dunon Advnnce We are mm um the nllwayl rav onuo hu mm on druumly In mailer mm but we wonder thc undulnm at tho Bond 01 commluionm homn Obvioully may no Imnlod to lot poop m1 thc ll hm Iomo domocrltlc rllhll ut lnvnrhbly tho nllwuyn permlmd to clean muons And much ndmln Bothon peoplo for pulling up am lln comlnty they are ï¬ghting ovlnu mun guym will In haunt Melon 105M194 wlll hm Id much wu molomdc $9PNY QUEENS PARK mu IN to on II lh mama urw mwuï¬ Tighten antrols Over Motorcycles 31 non onmm OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Iomclu bad And mm mm vohlclu Ill and Mo momu dont In germ loicyclu of mum he nfum on my nq Alba anlmlnc man hu MM mum luuru l4 II In Mord immndlm hmfao mam Mr Jghnwns amp toy jgr dos noc pmudlee Wot vlnce to legslatp ln Hold Rh oum now pmgqalng to mondrsoclal security to accor mntoed income of $195 needy gs onus new element hll been Intro uced and Qnoboc 01 any olher mvlncormay concur or withhold ggnsen They are run to do nsthoysou Mr Johnien upperently Intends to fopt out to use the new Ottawu plan lever to comfpel the tederel governments surrender still more 01 the ersonnl and corporate Income tax fields norder um Quebec may move In and ï¬nance her own pension pmgrem Ill In pm cc an OttawaQuebec clash aklnlo hat revoked by thoCnnndn pension plan 11 leopardx la the wholp concept of nnllonnl mponslblllty for essential unlform and portable social loglslnuon Centennial yenr bids rm to open with Moralprovincial relations suhjcctod to new stresses Ind smlna Indeed with major test of federal strength lost In near Ulmon He wns runnlng along 10p tameight tmlnzwhcn no my god Ind Ml bolwoon can He threw in lantern Ind jun managed to grab tool bar at 0nd of one car When min stopped Pm was found semicon sdoug gull cllnzlng 10 his placojl rot uï¬ but soon revived Jnmea 8an cl ml shl od corload apple lo Jlmes anr arrlo marching Swml lndlon amllloahlve lakon up plncu Ibodo ln the woods near Glllord or wln tor Bachelors Ball at lllwkoslono great success Teams pass through vy dnlly lndon with farm roduco lor mukoung 1n Thornton or rrlo Churchill brass band anmcd thx reason or every night of mung Need for unlury onglnoor Itscued Barrlo Board Health composed ol nnlol Macwatt chairman Dr Smith Dr Ball lng Dr McCarthy lrawloy and Henry Elm John Colloy of Hotel mona Auocllllon ro uemd town coun cll to have nl ht wntc mnn mako rounds ovory week uht to remove mlnora lrom pool room or other rooms in hotels Alllndllo has now lowly heon incorpor Itod Into Town mm as word le ln doban all Wroy ll wu doclded mat rimony wu prMomhla to rlnulo blamed nm Mr Onllmllh bulldlng now mill dam rt lollondnl to replm Ellloot washout An tntamuna tact oomln out at tho henIn that the more beats the mm as proton the tmntler the Arm arl share of tha MI dolhr Xt wu Ilao revealed that high percentage at tho mt otlomuruqel gggulla lmxpllncy can of lame article mulls from My Ichulnu Ihmloid we would mm Ice min pumhm In In 1am oroun arm would cost the buyer Ion Anti the Armor would mllto gronlor ro urn MI lo IMMI muhlnu IARMIRS olr LIAST lbwy Ilmoa unsung Act coming out 01 ll 1d 01 Mrly mu Ill mum Abou Ill cm mm In Ic doml look null an deo mu you comm la man an and alhtr In llanlthl um npw elm ll rmolallnMor clu r911 up lg rpm lo nhlclu lmm cm rum lo Imus mm In emu annually AM rumor Mullllc In ul omnlnl min man In Humor UHAWA Ramona and mm to may balm on ommnul ummm loomM 10 tumor mm minitar cl Cammt the mm 31mm awn bill yum up nonpar um um cyanIom mm clbinut mlnhlm hm mamed to John Dldmblker or to III 91 larwmuugr dllï¬ute $112 limit ixumhmj Treatment 01 Biinging Reaction Prodlmbly tlu €6mlcm many at lhm re MIMI will 1mm 1mm ml nub OTTAWA REPORT Audxrinod mood elm mill Post OHM DPmm 0mm for Wm mm in ch SubIarIPUon nlu daily by elmhr 139 work um yourly m1 copla loc By null Burk um yuflyx 0mm 11 you mom 010de lll You MIN cm Ildo mic Ht you om nldu Canada MM row Ilw I13 you UB And mm as you Diml In Unlvmlly Av caumn 3L Mahdi II W0 Pundit 8L Vmouvnr 30 using at an hï¬tamdian mp bum Magdalen pf Canadian Pm Ind Audit Bun Clmluum nu Cum PM ax clunlvvly onuuod to tho nu or mm All nm mm In P9P 9t ny mmcxmcuomm AI tho holiday Iouon Ipprouhu ndnm mailm condition lomotimu plus maximum burdon on our mm to muintnin our hilh imi of amino to our retail store Ind homu dolimy oulwmm To avoid lorioul oonluiion at our Iwm Ind nilodiuppoincmmt in our homo doiimy union during thin panic uiu poriod rupwifuliy quut tint our customer ordn or punth choir requinmmu only at poulbio Dulyv sundm and Emmy Houdlya 0mm Dwityd by Emm Wmlwtuln Co Lid Brewers Retail KEEP CHRISTMAS IN mamas from your ndahbourhood amnion Lhu Pouchhm Hmnlvu mo nurum dulr mun cuu nub to Ill lhl erliclami plicl In 1119 In my hm Fwwarnlni the null mam Ila le €0th mun than gm 1th lnlkt than away may relate man rvyflot 11th man mgr gland And code mm at cammw on bl am up yams am hi Donmvulvn moulnm Ho wn llm lhundmul outlaw by lhc Wu qulrlm MI puny maul wha main n1 Jo lhnlr docud leader at In an mgmoduod 032111 on won onlln Jim Midget Mg lwr all Tanya om minl flu IllnmJon Mudn rdemd to Mr plumm ho prime mJnlnm TIMI FOIL CHANGE Many Conmvltwu Dun to Mm um 1th mad hm mm mm many CmndlmJoul Mimi gag ma up in yum NI wu mldo midway dur when John Dialobit In the Comm mac mu tho hm lb hd him mqu bad pouucllnwmr nm 11 III 01mm lduwhmvlflflw zwmmz DMZor mm 10m 4h mm mm mm In our land RM much mu timid In Wkly clued down by no of Inmlm mnflnl own pmy aim emulllvgy Imdld ï¬n wucflt comm gramme en Mum mumm wmunm un Mopm MM Memo conunm hm DunnI um nu hanllo mmrwpd hi YOUR DRIVING gudlwco It the aviation con nlmd lnmiy nouns men who wm not mud ed clout The rmllon Mid 1m in mm In tom unmetmm John DIM mbmr And mum toward Ma No II MIMI mud ut IV Inch Momma he hu mr melvod hII poured Into hll ofï¬ce with may Ilmu morn MienIncluding num ber mm 960le who mart thlt my have nmr voted Con umuvo In their Hm Mm friendly minim neon 1m on ghq 000M rhflepflto emu their man And nu Wine 111 puny cnucun ï¬lled behind him vexhm never helm vim mo KNIFE TIIEMDELVEIY John Dldmblur had UN in win mniotity in iii in lime oieciionl Thu mm wimnlury itildren bu mm Ml remmm udvillbiv hm lmperlilw am ht dr mun Ihwid hm bun Ii nnwgi by mm civilized mnflmlon mm My oxmull or dlmkuh bat In an 1am em cl mllonll Ind rt Idl nwmn 91mm luv dun flu and In dmm pdv Icy and mm hm hm lb to uu hi knllo hernulm rumor nun MW unu Eusvus You can oounton ILTho oasylaole otsStarwhloky wlII plum you ovorytlmo It pleases uotoo Bulwhen It comes to making Star lhlnoa are mm more dmloun We soloo whlnklooltom our 23 dlallllorlon across Canada only Seaqramu has by tho wayThon we blend and roblond lhom to get setaramymlo Iolholule worth niltholroublo Eooyforyoutoflnd out iiii Easy whisky M5125 STORY uvu under Arthur Molthenhld won 119 mu whfla lhe buII undenfllehmlt Kin hldv only Ollem Novulhuo rm Lib mm Men lb nu pm at lhcPw mum Par lam Iuwroh mu In mom mud 00 301qu prol vldad um unvunmnnlv would won owlnl to nmnd31Vmeflqmgï¬ï¬mi lhe da mmm oz custom Gov wmmwmd fawn mm 1°th former man of lhl mnfllm 11mm lo Lluflar Houn mlflnt Wm an ad mm Mï¬ malfunction Mr Mulne governmonl lutod only mde flamed lnlh HumopLCommomww loihfPlrMImon Hut OTHER EVENT ON DECII opuned ops N9 ma wu um ms Nearly 1000 Acndlnnl mun omc ml elucllon 0n fled from Annnwlu Roynl Slept qt um mu on zon in org In union mar Agog0 you micl uumaflnln mum almlonuï¬lm tho Camrvar um under Arthur Mdmnhd 119 mu whfla lhe buII Behold Am unlurtheoho lhpu mainml wlhflgajzom God hulllJflr III dly com tho llmn that will v1 thoei Juremlah Ml He will not louver Monti bullion In thnana hu cmt cdalm H1 owu 1mm Turn 51cturnyeor why wtll yo BIBLELTHOUGHT LEGION HALL mt COLLIER STREET Admlnlon 00 20 GAMES2 TURKEYS flunqdiunlénion jï¬mueyfningo Dec llllh SPASTIKS the mpvoh llqu W11 THIS FRIDAY NIGHT HORSESHOE VALLEY rt 26 9mm SKI RESORT THE Il Pullmont wu pt dent flow If um 11 told 11 round xmLnluhoql Collin At Len naxvulo Quo way lncurporfled Dallh oxmbm Bald Mmtjath Miruponub crummy Imam Hum mlved Ir Vlmlpu from Pam Domlplon 9191de ms Nurly 1000 Acndllnl fled from Annnwlu Roynl punydapom Hm NIL vCanId optned vat IWXVIHU HUI WII IHCNPVFIWHU mo Brlllln Ind Unllsd sum Ilmd protocol mm Hnrmhon 1191 Lake Err miscmm mama Am mum vim omw Dogn 0pm at pm