Nlnoluver cent ol highway accldnnu nus by the humnu factor the Can ldlln Highway Salet Councll contends This Int underlncd by tha council ln cal or lull public observanceol Sale grilling Week which concludes Wednu WMWWEWWWWL Car taer most lmpmtant md the ubllc has heard much lbmn this Umugh curing held in both Cnnadn Ind United States during 1113 put car But when the record of nodden In nlyted and tho causes no delcmflncd an error heads the list on poo lo are mm of tho llgum lgqtloo lenlllo Jpqgvldpll mom1 think oi tho other fellow and not oi himsolt when it come to chdonia Thu council has been trying with tome success to combat thin reasoning Tho caroiul driver can become 11 autistic in tho accident column within split lecond through tho gnyoiossncag of mother lhni cvo on hind ihn whocl would think in mm or doienlivo driving This invohics nbiiiiy io lilo up any ivcn situation and take ovuivo Idion requirod And when driver is on iho deionxlvo ho may bn nbio io Avoid cmh that could cam in ury And oven death to himself Ind in 30 YEARS AGO IN TOWN llnrrln Examlnor Dec ma Town nomlnnuona were rnlrly qulul llurb nobonson wu returned ll mlyor by ac clnmnuon also Carl blewan move ml Blll Wllm dopul Thorn wn Ioma hocklln About mm In ppllco largo gnu Qlulz begin planned or dm on dun chnlmun And llonry Lennox necro ury Barrio branch fled Cron WM anklnn donnllonn ol blnnkou or depm doninflorlnl llmlllca ln Mnnlloba Su kllchownn Ind Alberta llownrd Cum boll Guthrla won nm prize or Ih 01 when ll loyal Vlnlcr Fnlr Shower lnunllod or prinonm ï¬lm we County Jnll County mundl up rovcd mollon to nbollth znml 1mm mloa birth nlo up by othlnl town clerk Smith rnpomd Klwnnll Club honornd ll bnn mombm of mm Gollngmon lon foolbnll club Speaker MI Dr Vllk or lormer mr anenl an llnmlllon 11 em Couch Alox Oockburn Introde cdlmcmbm of um Ernla Ryan ra lldcd lorKlwnnl pm ram Pdnclpa llrdwood him Indmk nod of Klwanm Clu mulled how rum loolbnll mjnlrgduccd Mg lo inï¬lh milk or éhï¬didn 1i Burro bumle 001A Christmu chm committee pm In 1914 mum mum of Mum nddrmodrnmln anhnl unudm Club mm Cous junior hockey mm cflmlmlcd ln prumon EPA mm by throw Nor Human Factdr Still Cause Of Accidents On Highway Pdtliiiud$y$£hu¢ 16 Byllnltji BY THE TIME WERE READY TO PUT ON THE SCREENS zWlflllM To ï¬nch Manmr 1min Edltor MONDAY lawman pfflan lhlnk In mm or hu invoms ablmy situation and take Ilrod And when nnxlvo ho may that could canto to hlmscll Ind In counch cannot afford to rolnx In the fight to cut down cnrnlgo on the wayu Boner mmor cm and rooxam ation of drlvm will heir but the maln Job of council will be convinca tho mm materials um ntcly II year rounfleflofl In whlch micryonn must play pa DOWN MEMORY LANE °NOMY NaturnlLv In campalgn 01 this nlturo tho council ho to ahuw that the num ber of acciden is cut down during the salonday faded Sometimes like In year the Iguros aro dlscournging In 5510 Driving Week In 1965 tom of 78 road death were rcconiod 1n Camda This compares with nverago of 59 lot lha special observance in tho previoul 10 cm lnddontllly the Sale deIn Veek avenge much lower than lhn or the othar 52 weeks at tho year iIrth ho cnmpniin re cxerclslnï¬ more euro than usual It is rngroitlblo that they do not exhibit the lame caution during tho remainder at tho year but at lonst many at them had been thinking in terms of to tor ono week and thats all to the zoo limits Safe Driving Week hm been encourngtng but good as they arts In some yam Ind ha in others thu council cannot afford to rolnx In the tight to cut down cnrnlgo on the hi wnvn Enitnr mmnr rnn an rmnxnm Lflip 11ml Exumitur Auiiwrlud mmd ciul mull Pou CHIN Deplrtmcni omwl Ind tar payment putn in cuh ry now Subscripqu rate duly by union weekly 140 yearly Sinai conic too By quit Burrig um yenriy nrdens wm coached by Gordon Mcoklng nnd hld thll llnouB goll El don Goring dolonco Jack to Alvin Buck Jones comm Hmld Inï¬Scom win Don Bowen 11m Lona nltornllu 5er Bnkozeorzo Tom Mmhnll Roy Brock Curl Loo Vllton Pick LivingJ non iln leinunlon Eur Lolgh Vorn on Bud almer Diva Wilker Among how who matched gnmo were Conny 5m tho coach of Toronto Maple Lean an Harold Dillard nunor Toromo Domlnlonl Ionlor OMAtclm llerMo Clrnoulo No ro contra was Mn Norvoca were coached by Bob Croth former 8min rocrcnlon dirocc or ad Slor who wn chmon all lllf rooho In 11 Four ootball canton cncu due to hll pl wllh Argonnuu wn onuhnndd rooï¬ng Orinn10 Lhcrp Vocajlgpll Schooi gt NaplgrLu on hand moan 0r Barrio Niko Chcpoaui Ind lunllÂ¥1 took up mlrlcnco In Bunlo where will Cnnndn mm Inlpoctor at nm Coopmw alive Pucker of Ontario Ltd and um of MIan Collm ho rcpmcnmd Qanulg mmuxywqtm wmlllng Canada In hlhuvywotzht wmllln champion at num Enliglra Gamea an waa ninlar on llna wt Xbronto Ar nauu uh whlch won my Cup In 10 Harold Ayorlt Mlnnlkln building and beam On or Oonml Mora 13ch and Pon mum IV on Holol Tho Mon mud by ornon Jennoll Proudcn Human In nouncod that Dania Boy mu Anneli via1°uo°n°y$n°£uÂ¥r qlmorlhn 549M Thtlah9wl WW W9 wit In Me an Ea at on Iholr Hm mymenl our 1100000 mm Mny rmMnx monlrtlrmdm Willa tilallow an ex rcon oul 0000 hm nopequ Townsura hm tho platform ma they will olch rmlvc Inpphmm no per month 11 an old we Milena hu cum mun lhh will bu cm mlm hll china or the lumb menl on Iwolomne bull Thus ha we per month Irom Inolhtr mum hll Ihl wul be deducted Irom lha no he could claim an donltlom from mum Ind mam con rlbulo mm le not be Ilml My nun thu lnconflvn exmlle thrill null onel old M11 ml bu Wad hummer noon mod mum no man htor our old In hamletii Van depandont ho unlyemlnld mnnlh mupoiï¬on in month ml pro on hisIt 1m lub mchod headlines from umeflzléml No muttéxii kw on um Pnllamam md mm to co ole Aha munry on qul es and admlnhlrwnn thl manure wlll In umuv Now Yam my nu ulmcllvn mm my mu with Me ponuoneu molw KNEE stezwmm Wm ho old one pondon null 00 booilod lo 010 or every one umd 0h Comm tlyc and Now mum lhu maid am the mum an uNmolod 0000000 ml yen Ind mm Mm yum Fur lhu Incnun would be ullt lnko ck genuan or no lovtmniiï¬ woul dm rufluci ll one would meet from thinkinl man who armr prouuor ul economlu and lo clnl Idem Allan MIcEuhml pm ll ocoMmlcnlly mud and mummy counmun It will live the taxpayer about 150 000000 each year our you and more Mn flu Ihemltlr Thll will lldo our old lolkn over 1w between mlr mun luufllc In Imam nd the yom nhud when mt WIN In hwughlor lulur pul Ionm oanlr utm Cmdl Penulon Phn NEED ronuï¬ our row lno orlxlnni MncEnchcn pm will mum mh old no pun Ilomr leylnu or exit mom to curtle Ilmpflflnd form of tho Income mm uhlch mull Clnldlnnl now mm or lu purpom Tmu 1n Mun tho omwa miroï¬i ld Ontario you mt IIdo Cando MIN llm yam UI And min 24 mt bias 49 ms Novelgw 0mer 01 MW 0mm Ill Unlvmlly Av TM Cathwl seMantmn we wm ï¬nder 31 Vnoouvor Mumbu mm mu MW Iublllun MIAMI UH Cuudmn Im Ind Audit Duran Cme mpMmrlnu in ex exam mum to 19 wwm Tatum Nullon Inadorl IMAM burr Btum Nlapmnfll hgdon M91 Rosy Knowles Company Ltd Monthly Inuumnt Bullctln upon uqnul Mum Th Tmm Sm bah Th lmumn fli ANNll 10 DUNLOI ITREET EMT BARR Tollyhonu HIM med mi 11th mum mu Butiwhy Ihoukl old In mlonm no report um lncomlrMIny mmlom 0m diln do an mm urpwlm Twat 41mm nvnlonl md cm uer my In lhl gum gumaux wul OTTAWA CBThu number of Cauldllm clllmlnl umm ploymenl lnlunnu beneflu do ellned by more lhln moo dur lnl September lhl Domlnlnn dBumu of stlmlkl Illd Fri ly Munl FranAI hr back mm Mmh housing conlrlclm mall the coun ry milled lhey wen In or llmunlahlq mum Thu number hnullnu mm WI dupulrlnl low lender du pl ed nu Metal and to look or mm lundl hum they no dnt hI lound 11m lnluamd mlHal mum roblum ho nlenllon of la Mull lovtrnmcm but the pollucllm were hnmemd 1n the Mumlnur mm ln thrlm mw am In Illlhlrd Innunl report lhu Economic Council Clnldl IIImod In Ill 1mm lhll tho Ilu nn on In an hnnllnl 1ndqu had hed mmnroparuogu Benefit Claims Show Decline had mcm crllll sumrllu Inlullon Io ll hnllhln that Lth Wu hurdly 13 Mellon to MI Immune The no cl ï¬nlerglt 011mm TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE 7mm ï¬ll on ll nrllllm and Houllng Cor pm on wu Ind 115 par uh mill well bu uld immodlulely thIHn mun pd van den tho mo In mm per cent TM enou to dmouruu younl coup We drum of hlvln helr own Hula homl wll lrggnlghuflm muum Would no hm been Ilmpllr to Ibolhh Inl mm ll rccnl In II on can mum111 Ever Ilm II uma Into exlllencn Hill 11 hn bun denounced This ll ulecuon of Infllll on current lwltl munm from Punch Inan mu mm QUEBEC 0131mm ARE NOW AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE AT THE BUSINESS OFFICE OF IHE BARRIE EXAMINER fï¬iéidriiSWEXuiiiï¬M CHRISTMAS CAROL SONG SHEETS drlw Ion that mach dugvz Bu uy um 14 my kLhroum hm mn min like WINNIErad btndlu homd In mid to om mmucu 1b um and mi ymhmn mud for 0w uwnyarl Milly lo LI Him to tho hx on deI will honJIM Mnvdï¬ Ind menuï¬nger unt when which ducm Qfliy mr Iuhsldhlnl ht quevtrnIurydhou nudjnunbddy tram who numlnx mm woll mmm lér 11° mamnu WIN Adm wuh worrm lwhmld mum 31 thu mm nllnilw mww glam mums IMO mm ruhutlhd How lncnuod to 111 from mum Ianle ml nut demon mm thu boundartu olvhbon UJrHlm In ho pmim in man go of um mu 1mm 61 and 4111 ml hlrd vgvgligm mun By BOB BOWMAN usually rhky lo uy um Inylhhll hlelnld or the 11m llma For lnmm who hId lhI um Iulomobllc 1n Clnldfl Th Imwu probably depend an un deï¬nition In Iulomobllo In 1m FIum Balcaurt Ram CIlhoHeprlul hld II propellad vahlu ln Pr ward Inland wu med Irdhn pmy Ind Chlrlnlletown EIImlner ra ported In In Imldo pm Ind with wondur Ind 1111 It wII ohumd numb IWIy or min on ma Ind Illin MIpoedf No other dIIIIXI wm um II inku nntleu nglnmly on produced In Mlltr mohllu Ind mum on In um Dnc me It wu called homlm Irdm And wn grand by mam Muriel cu mndo tor rmmomm Kc could mvol 15 mm wllhoul chEIInl 11p galleria lmflnu wu Inlroducih Colonel John Handle 01 lIID mm chlmhm com mem Ind on man occl xlonl hmbun ha obIocI uther vlolunI outbunu In III Home olCommonI Thu ceulon In Ila bufldlu Indul Iry morn mloux mm they cm In Idmll Ilndl luorlxln In thI In which mlku an Ihu dlflumnce In II world In Elm or huIldInl Wood rlckh cement planer win down and doarlulch onoul Iheae mumm ndelemenll II subjected In an HNMIIK ales III II Ilku only hwrledmlctmuon 10le at lnlnl hit beyond mch many punu new Chnmpoux Nov by in 1mm Mile and CANADAS STORY umln bulletin MPG Horseless Carriage Appeared In 1893 yln mm ï¬andm th wonM lwumld mum manna QUEENS PARK POI AHEAD In mry on at tho rid lnu nuw riding madman mun be up and Im ol oman LCM mambo And lollwlnl lhh hm II nomindon meeting to um mmze And undernolth thin elm plrly worker hm lo rammed new tMlalon oh unlmlonl bull ur and ma other lmrlcllo dunk cl poll no mlghlf jlé¢ï¬bn swing For whl mum it my hm Iheod In thll we hid ï¬lelrlul or nlu llon maellnl lu Welln on Dunerlnqu couple or gm no Thu other pmlu um hm mm on tho boon ton April 1m wuu Wlmlon bull in the USA and looked Ilka humdrlwn bum with Iha In lhI rm nun wen mm Around the back un en lo km pow pIglrogl dlylMpU wn formed In 100 AM it driven look mambo 01 In loxhlllun Jar rldu 11 mm md to lhl um limit rllud mm 01m 10 mllu par hour In than days flu great aged whiskies are gently blended into every drop of Adams Private Stock If we could get that taste with weddo it Private Stock is the 29Whisky whisky IHOHAI ADA DIIMLIII 7000 186er thiHK mum flnllhnd by Jill tho him at Mr humanly conmi 1n exmid Millinu my nulmun oo much Hu om tho blanoundmuum ol deuu In vqrylwmum ym molt mmod In lugumwigg Mcd mm In lemll lumd om mm rimll hubun moulma crubqoanixghfl rpm 9019 gwwjkm 35 1113015157 Mth lhm Thll wu um Mulroly dill W0 ng ï¬ifuuï¬ en moyorl do Advil 73 Mod input MI but ho lar thln whole mu in nu math Mu ho dull blyun you wllh lhe Hal flhufl and will Illa MIMI Illl In the olGod rim who humhln annual lo garylnll lab wars anon mVInLA lob ll war l9 bepnmc Mn i5 humbln Ind mic proud BIBLE THOUGHT