Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1966, p. 2

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onnor mvo Kummh flmuplu Em Ora mud uncenqu camcblrk when doluloa Depuly nuvo Gordon CnHuMl Imhrh do mm by in vol Howard ClrnvboM shnnly ny hud od lhu mum lor councillor Mu 51 vom wllh Camlvlor Ken mlh alkhrlu runnan mond mm on Am mud wu Alln Mann Crown Ill who elvrd mu Jun douan Iwo vow Goun cllloy Loan McArlhvr pollcd and Dnunclllor Wmm Kay Jul Mum IX Gulhrll no Wed vom IM Orion Now tan winon 1mm van on any wu polled 1mm why who am 7M van In nm or rukcllon lo IM Orv Moot Am 1mm Dr PM Which nch Mu Ind ham MM win to Illa bo cloned flay mun molvod loo vam Ind All cum 1h rlnl New mm mm with no Im Ora Twnlhlp councll wln shew mm chunch Ind Bunnl dale council our mull of wounl Saturday Com wulhnr And now Along with llck mm or rem wn blam ed or the low Iurnout lo lhl E01151 Sunnldnll mo rlnk vou 01m to bnonl votm pogm In On Oro Rejects Arena Change In Sunnidale Pdoouuuué POLLING RESULTS mooouow moms TOYS or Illv cfléfifihfi In Win will wlm Mr McAnhur and Mr Kay In Jmunry bolh known In On Mr Camp Ml ma mu an lbc Oro MM whllu Mr Mcbun mncll In 1m Wed lo mmpleln llrm Mr Sheimrll Aland Mr Olflmlu wnl Nova 0m mm 1931 lo ml nnd Mr MICK hm wu dcpuly mvl Mon lhll Mr 0111mm urer on lho couucu lrom Ml In 1m ndmlvw Emfil or hw mom Mr Cnldwc bu mud on lhu Urn councll Ilnu was He out om or mm llmn when Maud lor unruly rwvo Moro by Elma nguwe11 but lulu lnvnr and an 1de Wu favor ol lb lum no lo 25000 or purvou In arecunn cl Ill mm tqu ed wlm animal In In lho vwmhlp 0101 Im nm quel Revo Guam MncKny who 11ch mar Coullun was an by cdlmnllun calMu Ha will Imbhll I1lh lrrm III membtr al Um luwmhlp tnunrll nu ym and MI Hm county tounclflor HEM ll YEA Tm for flu Kompmlnll Kinnll Club TRAVEL ADVmTUM mum IIrIIlII mm mm Dul 30 LL II vow with vom MM mod wm Slum mum Wu ley mu Iml Marlin lllym Willy wllktd kalqou vm 1m Annulnd volm who bri wd clomvnu Ind mm In point we majorlly to lmyflr nmunull vou II qumlonnnkro nnrl count comhkvr whether pom Iufllclonl lo Juull nmcnl hl Irh In my Hum Lloyd lrldhlm wnl urclnlmcd ha mm In Suunldnlo will nur ncw caunclllun Duncan om handfg Ihg poljlnc III Warml Nd or now NM Wm dmppolnled Al the vm nlnl nunlnl Ihom but panned nu lhu dmc mlrlln modl mll Ir ram dechlvr 1110 um mum wmlon Ia llhly to bc Hicuunl Ihnrlly IN HUNNIDALB 11mm hu bun Iomn Mk ol recount ulnco Mr McAnhm only went damn in two volu ml the clcrk Tudhopl hid rmlvul no luch rcquul It the limo cl nnnounclu mum Tm could be and mu polnled out and Md and returns um dr in out or yur uro hu bun Iomn Mk ol CHRISTMAS SEALS FIGHT TB and other respiratory diseases buy TB CHRISTMAS SEALS my EXAMINER WANT ADO PIIONIDIIIN mm Mm 14mm in domd mu mllu by ac cllmlllon um Hem Hcrbm Huh mmtcr count at it yum and form manly amnion gnnoumd van MM mm monk amino Oounclflor Arthur Hum pdlln or common will mar at 100 Imr mom plat John mm Mr Hth mind an vow to or Mn Fm mll Mn mew wu mu aggloan vial lowed nun or nhml board Ind hm mod In John Kan Jon Gordon Olmn Blwylr IM yin Wow The three nm Ichodl lnnlocl WKJ Pulmon Glen Humber lon nd Mlu Elllnbmh RH hewl um elected mil by lnllmlllom WfJLpWIIJJMIIUM went wuld not Inlu for untthonextd onThamm In was about lo 1n 1h lluhl WEI hmqu 1191 go lrlu for Ild bclim 610d Wtdnudny or Thaw ml marnlnl wlndaw In door MI harm Ind Imn Ihlllmd Ind mm ul mu um laund In ml mm In Amway by Na brag In Im ar ury IA hll mu had bun lhl mm at on guy In Mllcolm MIDLAND Onl CPI An lnquul wlk ha huld Into flu dth man when body wu Iound In mwblnl nur MA Wyovvlau bum Friday hlkorhavn thou mid out MIWHM Hoall Wm ammd by lhl Unmcflnb Opllmhu Club Civ Quill Cool Thu romllnln ll van hullund mnnnod by ly burl wnuc arrla YMYWCA provi ded clnwm flu mm club to non roll project can mart Inla belwun 32500 and £3000 Th as per cm local manhunt who mm mh donnllanl wm both an All an my Mr Cllydm com mgnltd lun Club lm arm Elumln nndlo BB AM Unl The Jaynu mom to nukc the mint Iuccan plld on villh dividendn Mlny onlookm duelbed Iha hourIan gum lhl blunt and pull lhu beg eyzrgllagod Pnrnda chulrman Blll Cllydcn ntlribulld lhu averwhelmlnn tr cepllon In Ill Around cwpm Hon uprated Ippmil on In his allow JA cm or whn ho dumbed var my man or lhelr pm nd 11v dew pl rout Alon Em and Emma and Dun gp sum to SL vmum pm Discofint Foul Play In Death Nanr urn emparamm wen amend he panda at unc dam ll lhu umh Flir lrgun pm Younulm Ind parent mu velled at the 22 Jlulrylnnd lull dqplcllnl 1h mos popu lar nunhelluva chmclurl And he dubame sm Clm final gglnzby the 91106an on chfliron lam mini 31 Imomgm loo non Wllh the city covered In bllnket mow Chrlllmu It lu rm durlnl 4h Bmlu cm Innull Sam Clllll pm whlch Illncled IMO In moo hub pm book or dry mu clmu 101mm down lo gym gnlurdny ThOusdndsWatch Big Sanid Parade In Downtown Area chiliten and uficknl 53 mil lined Burl men Sat um morngmto juchilha muculnr Snnh01iul Pur ldn mounted by an Bmlc Jnycm TOP mm two luck younulm named to as Slnua mm allenllm when they mbed ubolnihll pumps or mam hononl MIN HI York Blmcoo Erwmlm Cormmlvo Anochllm will hild Wm day II pm In linden and Dlurlot Mammal Comm 53 In 1144 Ilyuriold Allluon Ilrm hborur wu kllltd murlday ll fm Mien tho Inclor wu drvlnfnnvmmd on brldio Indy nodhlmlnndildn bad In Tllmhl man In omplom ol Olunlllan firm NUM Provinclal Polka ll Mlluon nld Ikodn wu lrmllln won lho lewd gunman of WKM EM lnrflhnl but control on In 1mm Ind um on mull brtdu km or llama ppm In Mulch thcy un Imp 1qu until nm punk llmo punk under nde mnnhnl Bob Lum all and St Jonph Indilnrlum lller where wclcomlnl hot bevmn Iwnlled ISM plan the high mph1n avl ant memhm of the Llndny band warn travelling by but mm the unwind la nlop Sim when they nw crowd on andrord Street lfld promptly vaulted lha bu And munM WWI Elma had nu Sam Cllul parade m2 ym duo Io Imam clenl Hum Howevor mm In th yurI mun hymn Idy plunan jot 1001 hand Mr Cl den uld he wu dluppulntedl the luck of par llclpmqn olpgrflo hind Farm Laborer Dies In Mishap colvnd unitum from uvml 1m lm 12mm duh lhl Hi club In numerous ml lndlvi dual who put much am Ind 11an lulu the ccloflul Ipocluh ROBUST MUIXG lha Llnduy Clvlllm 1h lwflfixnlfiu an or Sudbury and Ind Drum bind pmvldod robuu mum Howuver lithoth mm Ilsfled In In pm on 11mm film Burl subru one cl our particl ntru bud Examiner Pho Inc ASSOCIATION at Dunla mow nlm Mir Amu 0min Don lo we ph lndmflni you membm and Dillon lb 1mm Club In waded mmmunc 14 la IA an In am pm mm numrdlnlhn Illlon Kim dubl numbmhlp will ha comrer cu Burl Kmlman my menu wammmmm 1m Worldservlu floor all Iom It fiotulor damn mornlnl um than will In waded or MI W111 mot YMWWCA AWARD mclnl Award will llvm Ha yloMmeflnW up uhgneq In 03 KIWANLI cum Kiwanll uub Blrrh wit mm work Mn dm by ml cuXIm And oomenmlon Misfit meellm 010 In Comm lly mu Honored will Jw 101 Mm wlnnnn lbs Banlo Mr Junlor plowlu mm looter In Lho my the Club And Dual Ind NW 11 MI Ind Iris LOCAL GENERAL Temmum Immd huxlu today orlnm In MInllobl and Ontario Ind hwy um wli northern mlanl Freezing um Ind mflurrlu r1111 tuner man ol mourn or are Le ammnkmmm flown Iii 11 Of 111wa 11 north of mm Wlll flashy Ind mm In mu before they wm ruched by nndm Pemnl Who purl ed hair can omllde lmmd wln dull leegov adj mgrnlnx Inow had man man am In with 1111le on Some drlvurl reported dlfllculty kewlnl window elm becluu film In Ilr kept vmrlxlnl In El Rlllni temperature Improved lha lllunlkm around noon but exln cIuUan wn mu num my Snow nnd lreezlnz nln mldc drlvlna condlllonu rdmu mint Unm streets wm clured driv in cky uni had to oymore gallon um um weekend Ontario Pm vtgchl Ponce mamay Drlvar at tho into wu Gall 51mm floodmln l1 of Dawn vfaw who Innmed cut to her chin Puun on were Sunn bum15 rocolvcd non We and Shirley Mum EL Anglow mu lenm In In Iulo Wlm Milk Button Am nu Illnuf bruiud mm In Ac cording to hmlluunu omm JohnLn buvtd your mum Jr Guqn sum Barrio wu In volved In onem 111151033110 In with wllhhmrdm drlv vln condition mulled lnl sunny we Icpidgnu mm nvuui Ivyawn mq Gavan mom vehiclucddaml mulflu in dunno elUmIlod At about moo occumd bo unfilurdly gllernoon and Threc Toronlo woman lulluod minor Inlurlu Iflar lhl car In which they warn rldln lmfllh ad Imon CNR mm In part on llfihwgy An mum Conn Jlm Max1 Wm mllhlp Sunday IMHO PE mu hour clrllor on Vflylny mm cu Ilruckl highwny din and um um dud mum mnn utlmnlod dimm mild ii iha 7th Concuuoro Vaml qumhlp mm Burton Av Bar rie wulnvolved Ilnzlo ur mm on Highwly 00 It UII Ilqu Jppeyon Freezing Héifi find SnQW Make Driving Hazardous xmmzu Aman prormq lmumm AngelHon INDY II no mm our humour mm nnm mm an Emmy You an Mp mud W11 mum in lou by bclnl In uer Mm Inn on MI mum flu Mum 0109 mm mm Noam CIA rumHm vo Hunt 00 um 70 in umn Inn um mm humano uln all nml hrhhnnl Irma mur W11 Mock am mum llnll In In Moro yfl than Wlarlon rummd xerox delrm todch Inn In on In m1 Cold windy mum mpl man an Pnlrlu Sunday but chlnoakv wind Around um brldu Alu bowed tompor mm to mld 51mm ll wll mm and tam mm In on noon Build lumbh mm In 900 olm Puma Alr Outlook or Mir ll doud with mm In Humid Half EmerlluWeromr porlld nNowinundlmd IMAM Inowlqu Hckcd up In para On llld two centm recordedv am or hi dly Auden ll pl nlne beiw hmllnx them rk cl MM II Thrmrlllmu wu mm gm at Cam um reported mkln lhl Irrshlno su Clonal Ind Iculorad no It riu nhmum YE land nqu lnvulvpd mu Lam mum mum NegMd gtlnled mllhlp wen wllhln mlqutel or on unis Ward lqrpwm Dun Imwnled to mmd autumnan an arm on County and II the 7th Common mu Ihlpll pan common truck and by Rm MM in mcdedvdlv car driven by Frank Andm In of him who Wu churned End the hwny lrnlllnAcL mg lnvumll Em HunIn dagmufildfié Ann MarlDholell of Bay collldld onflifllwly noth mm and no charm wm lad lnvullullnlyfll car Conn lm Shula whq dunguy Ioulh mu ad by Loom Eur arm of Shroud my id cu drivanlry on uhhmun ol Acton on filthyu 400 Em avgpa uverpul No on mm Inldfiy CwALJIIan cMmny whoa mud MI dnmau at um Pollen wlln 0d Kw man gar unlr CHRISTMAS must CAN BI PREITY DANGEROUS WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER STARTING AT noqns om AT JACKPOT $30000 Loaion Hull Colllu BINGO on LEGION

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