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who may when NHL prudent Clmneo Campbcll apnounnd 15un 19x YEW on return to Imllaur rank came 2th ll rlflntlbn NMIUUM Vaner who mm men un enmr wllhToronlo Maple Mn alum1n of 1985 Ind and mm volunmy ï¬remen dock lhln year to lack amateur mm and berlhon cnadlq nqlloqul mm Mu Ifnliil Camille Henry Calls It Quits ï¬n bmk In deï¬ne 9° 1mm gormar Ill deluncomn Curl Brawn Ind um amntwr mm in nubm mklnltor mm mu mqnlhg CUBLING CUES aliyeabéid pl COW cl Midlan Elllmn In Toronlo um l112mm hm ln pplluu no mmmom mun batcoumw Mlpleuhell Garden the NHL centfll Mn theth in ma wm Jam WK humus Brawar wu nllendlnxJ lounle luncheon man 11 mt ï¬rst inlormad Ho wn dubioul lint Lulu who htlnhh Surprlso you Well its fact In recent North American survey 78 or the peo lo interviewed said they actually prefer newspaper th ndr to one with out Theyll the ndverthlng In contrast 54 would wither Mylo TV Itllloll ads and 61 would prefer rudlo wlmurtt In another rurvcy vnlldnted to Canadian Advertlt lnf Research Foundnllon or those lnlervlewed an they ï¬nd television contmcrclulr lrrltnllng um 13 sold the some of rndlo In contrast only 87 told they were irritated by newspaper ndverlielng Whatr moreI Canadians not only llko newrpapcr adver 111 mm Ex Ha drencdm Nullonur rims War nun ed MW Alla om on ï¬uumnPth cDurl Ml Ian Ibil th the tag or uglmlmmonl anr wu scum Murm haJCAHA mam hockay comm her In Hard worklnx two week uul lndlan Ice It Xenon mltlo ï¬luénurmed kid mm ullolhapeovlo mhu vgnmo much mm mm ddmdhu NI Iona Hockgyvmm Ind Slln 15y Lup chum on wan men Ioltsl Medsone In In nmu Ind dudlacked far with Emanlnflm Should uxllwweokend turn out to In Anotherwlaatweekunfl Inmo the ninth pllyon my be on the pad wenth elllnn by pulln flu mlno guvuu arrnlnor lemon The muIUn Im1m enSuzh In ml otuucluhs bran 91 Vmlnflls Pollack 527371 335 99de Montiall Indl vu vuuuw Ul 017 01 those interviewed described newspaper ads as uide to daytoday Ihp pin Only eontldcrcd le cvislon and radio nth lame light Yes Canadians are nntlon of readers 2400000 pen to read daily newrpuper ever week day They rcn the paper for local world an social new for entertainment and or the adt And many like nowa pnpcr ad to much theyd rather read fanpcr with them than one without interesting fact Especially to the advertisers Bluklxandflha cluh va alumna put an Ambul lou They point lu injurlu Major llqlor he duhl poor um Poilock will lake In lonlxhtl Quebue Clmllnd AHL lame Ind wilLlhan move an to St Louis Ind Houston the Den trnlPrnluIIiqnll Hockey Loam H15 oblacllvo in to not an nun on plum lanhu Clnl nuhl No troll Radwlnu vlsltTmnto Mlple Lem mu York 3mm tnvgl wanton in Sundly nctldn Menuell in NuwYork Toronlo play lnvnostun and Damn ll Chl lo nyMomrq conch Tad PM have The Canadianle qu stun 1mm whols on In rush or III lhlrddcnflu utlowhh 11 ml and 17 1mm Ieven nlntl holler lhm tumult obby llulll pace whan hohld round 97 point mm mY5WWM PHONE via2414 DONS Free mm andd while Wurur la belnl urvlced 66 Ydurl Cu Reludy F61 Wlnhr mufï¬mw