Coï¬rt Asks Counsel To Confine Address QUEBEC cm 1hr lus Hm he Quch Court Apgcal sad on My they want coumcl or Gupo Copper Mlnu le lo cnnllno ht Id dms lo cclllc ohm lo Im lnn pcnfnl eclllon lflld 1n amaze ln lhl company hweedtd droTn mm and Row gmnrg old Jlenn Mnflllnenal upo per er my nut wlsh to llmllwill rlnhl lo mnkn hl plu but thn Ihay want In ho dear on name palnu anrmroncu In plhp TORONTO CF mim man In the Onllrlo Pollco Al locmlon uld mundny nl ht ha ll conndcnl tho provlncol governmunl wul Inko mm to rclnllnlo hm Pembroke con unka dlnmluod or economic nylom Mwycr Irvin lllmrl mud Hm Alnlomrnl utter dllcuulnl tho Illunllon wlm Allornnyvuen crnl Anhur Whhm uho Md munu ho MN any at lhll moment what mlon lho nuvcrnmonl will mm Mr 4th luld ml III OIA delmllnn hundtd by Mr lllmel dllculml vultua courm cl ullon ml polnlld oul to Rum Hullnn mo Pollen r11 The tummlnlon my uuul lho commlulonrr in cuu lhu pwper pollcln ol muulrlpnll by In Onllrla lrovlnclnl Wu and lb can llmout nhnll bl mum to tho mgpiclflgllgy Mi Mum II mm by OIA Ihmu lmbrnloll badly undprlllllml ITIIIICIIED nlm Mr mm Id In In Inm Ian ammo bu only ll Imam AM with II mm com um mlr In only two mm my BY WISHART ni ha Ipicdnd us Mrh3xllcu Mi er Hydu An Barrie 56d Md my mm mm Police Dispute May Bring Action lay wart pnrllculmy lnlan Uphr lIVll we anu Copper wu cwlrded 3mm nnlm mo Unucd smlwurkm ol Amsrlu lux llvwarcm Imam rum on 1951 II lhu result Inw Iul lnlUnlud becnum at the Imkl The lolll amount now Hindi uhoul 31100300 The company bu mum mums mm In hc clinch cl vlolenco Ind balm mm ltd at compnrwl menu In Llurdochvlllp in during menmonth mko In 1931 In hi pmnnl cm whlch hu begn uqderwcy tur l3 dill ho unVlvnnil Ippnllnz Vihuiwqueï¬Ã©Ã© lhlll law mnan 11¢ mllnltnlnco youll Ind hm Nou In Ontario Iharu polch lam underum II tho on In Prmbrok Mr 11ml uld Pumbrnh mould hm lam cl but mm mm wen Illd all nmr nu um um on band at pollco tommhllonm Md lo nln flu pl nlclul con Ibll 0091er um low lhl mun wm M1 on or rum omn dunld kn um lalm Tuudly la IL MIIH Lin OPP chllrmln uylnl umbroh could not men mm mm lhc ultrlu wndod by In Irbléullnn Mm MI In On oi lsgwngh yum Im II IIBAD mm munIII MI otmllu hlln llollur In mm mm Oullln lamm mud VIII MCIAUI mumM mu mammm min wanna in Gum Ill 1m 63 £095 Henhm Splll Wolwhlch could bum on mm by ulslnl mo ma unionulda we oi mum more unable 1n Id dillon to somlbmmonkgm alum mu buomlnï¬undtr the lelnuKllcban um mm urmnormul and lev cl hated hundry an additional wnuhmm and den or nudlo which could be usud for nu ma bedroom nec um Thu bedroom am biza inc Sarnan gay man com 1th Med mm tho llvhxflllchen ous Minn Ia mimilw done veneer and fume 11m Sq Ft Standard Blueprlnut for thin Balm No 005 at Dual if Incl for ad one an may wllh ma NMlonnl uIIdln Code Cam and oblulm by turn man ammo ï¬gment ANSVERVory bad luck about the mo 09 bad mu builder couldnt have comm tho untlnhhcd mm bulidorl We wld hm Mon om m1 ï¬lmtm waln my mu and my Mum any Mrwpllnl mlly bean to wall cw Emma gm er xx md continue adhering Io In 1m 1M loan you disturb now the mm than no dbbdnlnz 1t QUESTION th heavy rain mm below our nevhmlwu mmplolcd The mm cam in on room and mm um mung ml bully Davida mm In them mm to do Wan npnlndn an mm lusllcu nllu mnnllonad moral olhcr polnts hry want In hm Mr Marllncnu dllcuu and Inld hit or remainder Ill plan lhuy wlll ruler lo hll shim touhvnlumo pmanl an Superior Court ludnmuu whlch muda lhn IMAM mm mum Pmenluuon ha company tun Dunn Monday The union an rpm wrlucn uubmluian lngcd Mug dIJI Onlpu Copper lublldllry nl Nmndl Mnu ud clllml lho mike wu mm and °9PFÂ¥ 3me burghband held ofllce tho Ileelmrken unlnn lo clan down Oupa Iml Nornndu Imnllm Ilmulunuuuny Ind um ll wn plannod And Ip provcd by we vo Alwuu my Mum glory 04 lb roulh Ind rumd pug clyfl war rwnl ll mva FEELING CEILING NOW PLAYING IMPERIAL nyyJtoqmï¬c wuan gums um um QUESTIONILA Ink mm tho mowubovrmtmd will um or our llvln mm Ill 13 mi km bunn mum to mm In mm mm Haw mould tho numdplum tram bo lm led ANSWE um um wn we to and My Swim augment mm an winning nl mum In muflxmw If In con uon cm MN mlmid ha Ind hull wllh mum mm It Ihollukud Juan Ip run mm dull by lly with 30 Mel In 1w on ma may 2m mun VI chmd In aid brick home in MW Moww lh° 5w dirty Ind dlm looklnl low FIRST mm mmauomn can we clun hrlck will ANSWER The union and ulckut my mum be hm oqu ulumcluned by hulldlru cl Huh conductor comm your chained uh phonl directory do It you ull mtdown lhc brick with char mm and Icrub IL emu wllh dolor em powdar mun mlnz thou qulrtu mm In nth pull nl mm or with machulna hand mp cfan nlnlnu lino land and only at wuor To Jamaal ormtllon pormlunogl hi Iiiuh Itemh mm way he ludho wall undor lhu um ll LI MINI Icrublwd lhomuxhly woltod dovm no nun to rinse thorouth with elm mm lg ramovu Ill mu ol the dunlnndmm SEALER FOR unusmnm QUESTION You manly ud vlm mm mm or llu Item layer Would you advlu mu limofor Panmylmll Numona llngllee ANSWER Human ll WWI like In Iann Ind MN mm Mlh or memo to hll type mllerlul would the make it eulcr lo mp elm revenllnl lulu Ind am pint ration 01IAWA Common Sputu Melon Lunounux nu mm on lacHolm Ilvu Curltun Unlvonny IN mu whn upcd pm Il llumonmy debug on we ul llljd rccqrï¬ur lhl buy um Althoth men on Mon wu concluded In mi 110 vlolulod lb pmllcu ol the Ham wrlmn mc rd in mldu noun mooted nn Mr Lnnounux Id In pllnnod no tunhu netlnn mlml the boy Ind Idvlnd lhgm the guy my od Mn Mr lawmxl count the Wodnudny muollnl with boy 11 MI Comma olflc In mud Lameureux Student Meet Over Recording 11d my lull to when monl murll procodum had bun men and Mn Iprlnp bvm In lncldom Thu boy In In mummy club um bmdcun mainly mow avg mm IIdlo my plum mo minulu mm um ohlnlmd on no cordor Irrlod mm Com mom nlluy In uu poem of nlnml phylnhlt rlal cm klun Iln color and In lllllm llwldun ml Nahrd Wldmlrk THIS mm Ismmiï¬ World uku unkummw cullm Mind mém Avicvniolnum may IIImm mmh 0h mum Ind govunmgnt on WIASIWIfl Mahm lwlmro mum at Jun mm Mod pm ducuon In of menu npuauoudn mun pm armor cum magnum Ha jumlg gumm hilly lnmmd cuon ro qulnmnnu In 011 um milk ly lu uva product and the mun Ind mean to moped 1lele production lhuk 12 mom btlolulmd put an wu par mud ILWII mud l3 nugd or monjylm ugh that on Ipocln Intelon wu mu or Low nnco Kerr mm In em ham am Mr Kerr common ed on lno oddron by Dr Krill innumon Mlnllnbo Dr mm anion Introduced nlhor novel Inconuvo Income Pulley liable to mxclm ME urml rnn propond policy would upmdo tum Incomo on efï¬cient mm ohm present low um Income which ma mull ol uurlonu stnndlnz choop load Icy Mr Kerr was concern that laclorylypn toad produuflon m1th Ilkoover loo lam mm ol cod pro duction or the WIHIII or In counuy wpolo mm mm Mr Kerr in MI commonll Ixmuod Mon um um hmny arm n1 Iround um wuld holding ll own It wr mom lha American donnlllon or anally mm tum whm the menu hlnd labor do nut nxmd mu amount 91 hmlly labor quuled from waeek Sept 1965 Conlnry pa In lmnruslnn um um from Namweek Sept Conlnry um 1m union the corpon um Mary In lhu Held not Inklnl am In hm 00000 fawn llrllblhln umUyilud mm now 0m 0th v19 10 your Io WI In ten Faxminim sun mu cuudluonnldondmu mm farm ontmuu b1 non we Ind la main vnllod SlntuDopub mm Amculturo march gnaw hm Egoducuon LY communal on ndaqum llmlly tum Then II no in dlclllnn or mm lowml mm In helmet mu were 11 NEW IENINNB SPIIIN NIIIIIIIN ENGINND SEIIIINB SINEIII NNBIUGNI IIIIIINNII NDEN IN NBNNEII EN IIIIIIMIIN ISIIINIIS EN GYNII EINIIIIIN ININIIINII ISINNIIS Itll GNNNII EINNIIIIIIR EN NIINII NIING $3 Mommas vmmnum NANISIIIIINEI EIBNElIESISIII summme ï¬rm mxwzmm ï¬aammlatjamsy IIHIv IEJPEIBIIIIIEIIAE NINWSINNN NNNNNMIII manna uoNENNNAm om new 1mm SPNIN NIGERIA £1 ENGINNII SGflIlIINII SWEDEN PflIIIIIGI HIIIIIINII IIIIIN Iii MINIIII III GIIYMIIN ISIIINIIS RS IIYPIIIIS EN HIIIIIPI IIIlNlNNII ISIIINIIS GIINNII IIIINIIIITAII 31 NONE NBNG RI INDIA E1 IIIIIII IIIIIISI NINYN MAURITIUS E51 PIINISHIIIIN SEVGNHIES ISIIIIII SPAIN Al III IIIIIIIIGI NUIIAND WWW IAIIIIANII ISIANIIS III IIIIANA GIBBAlIAII NONE NONE INIIIA IVUH Ii IIIIIIAI IIIIIIIY ADAS SE llES ISIAII SIENIIA lI IA NEW IEAIAN Juli tow em no le oltho Worldl lending brewers tom Cennda En land illum Auntie Sweden IndPortugll 01 together wit the idea of brewinï¬ beer to good and no ri ht It iwouid hit the mo with bound nitm Iii mund tho woti beer the would be browed to the nine exacting Itendlrdl whermr it em mid When they hid the brew thoy me It name it unmet SKOL SKOL lntomltlonll Beer And tho SKOL lden wotked SKOL hu made It Ind mndo it bl with beerdrinker Imund tho world its elmdy to teller in countries tho with most suman Idea in bMWIIll ow SKOL ll hero brewed in Cenedl Next limo you notit up thirst quench it with SKOL lntemntionll Beer Discover tho getilqinfllnvour melding lightneu and true refreshment oi SKOL mind In Cnnndn under licence ranted lo Labmu Onmlo nmmles Limited by SKOL Intemutloml lmlled 17flii6inEIEpiiilih II Etieii Sly Llholnuml on Bur IYySKOLsoonAtregularprideSwhercverbeerissold mares mug mi when mac thl In In mum OHM nunmxrlnn In an mu mm mm ulu my our mu mum Imfl mu mum mus mum mmymlw¢m ldlln mm tum wk mmugm an at own hueyaw mm Sin mu on record 231 vullrmlnl nu bununlm Wklnlrgvm mum amt gunqu Idem of in ihlllw my eqrrgwa 13 WMMOC Nod 11 mun In In our nplnlon lhn tn51V the hy lorur mblllly must no amt mm thll mflamlly tlrm mun amnion mums tent mic to tumor 11ml Ind mum to to My mun or me Inhcnnlv lrlbuuon ol hrllmlly 1mm mg Inï¬nity trr em than lnmcndolu vuuoln own euNp of 11nd When Irmor up Thu llncuu my land he MI Imlly cln ollen 0h In veryï¬uccoulul hm ulneu Indlcome thmuumh 10d lovarlm um ht CHINESE POWER RISING Exmn Enuilmi mouim British Dlnrmumant Minister Lord cmqu nld Thurlduy plum Congpiuni inrvwlii bei In million was nuclear wnr mum my country 1n the world within to yem num ber of ulher nndnr power could Imam could hrlnxln chum null wu human mh mumIn Indll und mum he Md lhn loci uulvmllyl minim club CAM WANTED MAN WASHINGNN AP Em alt buoy 81w one tin lo mulwuntod Mum wu mauled In Denver 6010 mm by Farmu ml Iuomcylununl Runny Clu Innouncod FBLDlmtor far flown uld Elm wunlod or bunk robbery mu heudad lnhonl of ho ha hld recontly muted lnl DIIIVII luburbln community 51 Wu and with Mcnbn molver woanBnnzrs On our mu mud ou In almame on man ob 10m In Iddlllon mm in mm valuing at producunu cum on mm llTllfll or moor Sedan mucwu walls ulwheel 1156 N91 ped with 61 licence plum Dangerï¬eld Molqu linpnlul Bulalrté Ilsédynni Contain audionn sr COMPLETION NEED EXTRA MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS Any pmon buying carwlll melvn $200 Eh with no piymom Ill I967 lflfMYSWTOTEII émyfu chy ongigï¬obuu N0 bAYMENTTIL 1mm VMIISTI 11E SOLD own 18 1965s 1967 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE Just $61 Mohlhly 79 Slam lo hm um way In wavy outl pmvldlnu noLonihi ww out 271111713 agugimu In ma lomm ml hymn Min lands In um cumuncut Va Wm nun hlva our tlmlly mm bul the will In lulu Mun Ind helumunmd 15mm mun WE