Sunnldnh Reeve Lia Prldhnm Hid ha mm cd In mbmll the twmyur Ierm Mu lo medal Me me welnranar tho cumin elecllon uu manual will bu clotted or two year only We all that this Wu matter or the electqu to deg he cpmmeqled ha Sunni dnle round Indde Dopmy new Omar Dammit and mundflm Fred Manï¬n Wufnd vDavidm and EvenM Law reme 1987 email wont thMWrwmmnexm councillor will added result Main now am following km Oakviow Head by meal momma outlet 11 Touumullo nomlnllon mul lnl will be held at Evmll 0r Inn hlll lonllhl wllh flu count all mu Ind Ilvu mum in be choun In Iddluan lo Hum Im lw or Evenalt poll vlllm Wu ml Ibo 1n Vupra Malchnduh Ind Mr dqnlo DWMMDI and Elmvula Ind Caldwaler vfllnlu Imonl Slmcna County manic nlluu th nomination on hand Nov 18 TM Iowmhlp hold nflernoun mnflnu Ind Ib vl he évgnlrgl Vclprl wlll ramnln he on year mm hm council ln Mm lame Mnlchudnh Elmvnlc Ind Goldwater wlll In aleclod or W3 yum union or term Will not till cdhy his council who Illa to 8mm Malville Alex Mcmllxler lhrvay Pet urewmnd Nelson Corby sumeAu Cookalowrl Ind Crumm the council will remain by one ycar lerml have null Mank man Cookalown laid be hive annual ntcounllnu lhould made unless lhu ratcpaym nlqpddmergnly Run Guy Mayor Elmer Dnrfly complet lnz hls ï¬fth term In ax acted to sland again Ind Du auction will be or two yarn or the um um other memban the Stu net council Include Reeve Ullnm More counly nlrmnn of memnenl and councilluu Donald Mdnlyn Ar Lhur Pool Kenneth Km Ken nclh Haalhefln tun Alllmr MacDonald lam Knax Nomlnallon maeunn be Inx hald today at the town 01 Slayner kaxlown and Cm mm villages And Sunnldllo Iownshlp and In em election develop hey will be hold MunV dny Dec may or Sunni iale Salu ny Dec HOMETIAD Aqu Lamlle olvréconstmc Mun L1 Involved nndl enlm lTosgornnllo Mush Primlrlly 1h Mhnslon L1 01Lhtbe116m of Baue Bgrdcnnma coumy rond provides good mm from Hahn lo the base when com Mllston resident at qmphyed IEANED SLICED COOKID Batmans member oi the Mnlyroadl mmmiiiee Reeve 9016mm Iun Creemoro uid her was advised only radial on mih gunning to he done CIVIC 1MPROVEMENIS 3mm Van Lam slid hi was one oi numim of civic improvement 12min Tamr min mun cipailiy which is going ahead and flex year wiii We uiy move ior iha rim iimn mimic a1 norm human will be hcid ti svhidly evening November 25 with elec 1ion on Monday December lo iwqyear 1mm MLDIN RYPI AAAAAAs 103 Steiner Cféerï¬oré Holding Nominations Today Bread SATURDAY ONLYl uy USU2451M Renew Tossnmnllb MmhlpVnn Ur no pl Lisle repoded uusluuon with he decklon ol Slmeol unly Council IHII Rommel hlecunz to assume responsibility or maintenance ohcoumy md 15 extenllon afler rmndmctlon by by Department of Nltlml Delem ml antral schwl whldl l0DUNLOf IT MIMI Mr And Mn Knuth Buh IMA Ind lunily Rudd wm Mm Emday with Mr Mr Ind Mn mm KW IndKIm cl Mkhnt wm Mr ma mm Boodarn MM mo mum Smith £11de in ma By MM WRIGHT Membm of Hallow WI an oyed flu company at memberl nl Mur Comm WI ll 0qu monthly mulln In in Commun llr Hill In Ivenlnl cl Nov 11 Al pretant Wm dimmed with dammitAllan ol norl Ir nnumonlr an by Tim from fluwar In Bradford dnllclour lunc brouth glrndly loch Ivaan lo um Mm Lyndl er ht wu wukund vhllor hmn of har Karena Mr and Mn Art Wfll nnllfll Reeve Joseph Cock nun who wudon cmde or non held council which Includu Dawty Rum Ehan Snwyzr and common Glam Burlon Wullam olbhlm Ind Ah lln Todd Th m1 Inlnrmllonll lowing maid will be held am Cochran1 Innbfll term naxl October forum of mnoï¬nn Plo Anoc Allan vrvn caundlheadzd by huevln Ind Deputy Rom 1er Mm wu elected 1m Juncln rpaclal volt calm following Annexlion of Olkvlaw Bold Ind cquncfl rennin In olflce um Invent m751d mum Tad Gordan laid Rune Pom the coun an thwmwuo mamdemdnymm Gwynmmw ht nominlllon meeting wll held snurdy Nov 10 It vote mumhum will be hdd onngdny Dec Em 1mm and Not hm hm ipelllnl with in M19 lot yam lhoy wouldnt mom mum updlln Reovalam hu quuled mocounlyulu step or the ny whwovolylhg mummy In Slmeot ounly cinch con cmlmnhueaflm Ipdlmol lu numgm mm Ind on own mup on ï¬lo Ind was untM thy mnwmmrwu willed Limited hndorlthll mum on In lull map mush ed the mm Wu Indlln origin and mum ï¬bulmml counllty It may be I0 suld Rem but mm on muon ery Ind mom or yam In been Ipdigd withflue Mic wechlnzed them Ml to contorm with mm would avenge in Wm v91 lot fluoronuomeu mmm mud on com ï¬ll bye lnzlpg gent namingme nu mama whleh imhu 1309311 Mama BOWDEN i401 LOAvu HOLLOWS lb Tho 1mm yrowly comm ol no new on In 11 Cam Ind thI vendor Fred Wobllar 01 0111 Thin ll uudy llnd of which ruxlrmlaly 120 um plllll wllh Scotch pint bout flva mu ml MM bout um mu Mr Pumhul ol lwo morn Medan pmperllu lnr relommlan mm ha been Ipyrpved by mm Counly Coundl by ralomlltlnn commqu hum by Bern lluvl KMlh Mnlv lnrdu mflwllllmbury nn quunon which will be mbmiued wll bu Ate you In Ivar Iwuyur term of cum or council memhen and bond of educatlan mumbarl in Inwnlhtp Wild Reeve Pfldhnm prcdlcicd llvmbla mm but defunded caundll Itand In calllnl Im mum from lha vqlen on the man We are Ihelr mvnnn Alked whuh thn artwo Km lama Rem Pr dham aid llvared Hui It load move In It balm um um com he Inld do in Ilonl with he council In dr chlon la umet the matter to vote Iha ralepnynznf Ngmlnltlons will be received butween Ind ncluck bylha clerk Pom lnr Iva coun cll Ind lhreuchool baud mu he 1967 council wlll have new and our councillnn flu exlrl councillor lo replacu the deputy reevo The latter ml hu bean dropped due to d9 cune Ln tha lowmhlp popnlntlnn nvpnp cmmm NEW wwm will daflnlttly be in the ï¬eld nun xgld Rem Hoyd PM mm of Sunnldlla rTOWlllhtp when llkbd llhe Intendedln mud or reelecllon The nomin auan manual which hu Immiy nthml comldmble Interest wlIl be had II New Lowell Cam mIIthy Hallhera thin avanlpx Approve Medonte wmmiil Sfmm cimnty mm on whomnltullled weedmay contest KaqmMk hexyon ch Ichlovegemrm Hnlonzoi Slaynor shown um Rmlen of Elmer In Mmnwn Simeon Ownw weed orth stmcoo Wot and 0MER And other ldngo bonqu mlinblv Apply to 16 1be man WEEWEBWIEJW tom dlll DISTRICT Appucnnu mun hm wonIv mqu export ones In women prmtlco Ind don In eluding mmbmhlp In thn mum Municipal Anam or equivalent mdlu Applanom will be rocde by 1110 under nod for the position of Alma mm for th 01am of Fury Sound 4PM mu wonIva Sï¬nniddle T6 TSï¬eékReelecftion Japllcauom be fmlvod on or balm Dncombor 1900 Itaan oxmflomnoducmon ml jSTï¬YNER amt Essmgcbmsre Homnbln mom Minim Dopmmonl Munlllpol MM I0 lly mm Toronto 0mm ASSESSOR In MI mm Mr Llnllord uld on many commmu hu pmhuod uxmlmnlely Mo to of mm durlnu mmr bullncm flu purchm prlct WII other proper of Mn Dauzln Brown Paerbornuzh conlllm so um and Inn ur cth ric wu um 11 ll Ipd which 10 um ll opal 11nd Thu to rlm la remova the AID FOR BLIND WASAGA BEACH sum anonkviaw Llone Club which now hu mcmhen he been carrying on In exlemlve mill Men Ind community pmmn In Ihli ma Onowl the lulu exemplen we woo cheque or the blind NOW FEELING BETTER BEEN sum Former 51mm County wnrdan lllmy clerk of Tecummh he been making good prom lownrd recovery allu hlvln been Ill In Slevemn Meman nopnu Allhtnn DECIDE 10mm The aim coungfl member Evmon hwrlm wfllnd DIV Idnon and mod Muun II are expected In lair10mm ow their Intuition lonlzm althth they hm mum hour In quIlIly they wbh decld when asked yamme If he In lendsd to and or new or council for In nix Mr Pndhamn In Idn heard of any nppananu In In mm In ll undr epnlv Rgnva Cu or Lang DISTRICT BRIEFS Ind buy 11on declda mykad Buying Lots hi to mu VILIr nlmvlfllfl MI Mn Morlwn II vhlllnl lrlenda In Toronto Mr Ind Mn Tod Kln Bl Cl Irlnu vlllled lho uddy Hy MM FMWLIYI Tm Dll who nva prim II well Wodnudly ovonlnf wm lucky II II llhlu wm on Mon Mothr audm In plannod or Nov 30 Hr Ind Mn chk flu Cold wmor Mr and Mn lurk vlmd snurdl with Mr My Olclr An prion All Mriml Mn summon Room Ind Mr And Mrl gpawnhsh Cal vlmod Bllphlmn Mr and Mullack Com Ind Inmlly Shemdd wm Sund um um Mr and Mn Irnul Sunday was 111 ll Knox Pmby hutch Flol Thou mun rt wmx Eldpu Wfllllm doom Man Alex m1 sumw Schoo floor Ar Ind Min Suznnno Flu vy DonM Mn Harry Train look Ice the them botnl aodo won derlul om lo Ul Tho mvlco wul Ion bo ramembmd by than In nllendnnco Dr Pmlo cloud with In bnnodkllon MOUNT ST LOUIS nohm Muir nlchixéhd Hm sailed on Mn Andemn lun ny Mu Douzlu Slewnrl Bum Ipenl aw dlyl with her brulh erInlnw Sim Andmon Glen Mumbergun Now Ltr well Wmlnmflumm Ind Wll llnm 0mrnro oxpoclod ln mud Ior heal baud JIMM dllo In three will on In ml bond whichallo lncludu thm Wyn nought ll nn elocï¬anualnmopi Sal urdly Doe will In voila day with polllru gram lo lo Ed Splker and Edmund€ul ham Sunnldnlwornen hm been mnnunnod poulblc enndldalol Mon with Edwnrd Egg AnglArhur 31111311L of mom 15mm Jim Mm Im live In ll 59 roniï¬lnvanom AND mum cm 0K Johnson CROSSLAND 11y MM ALLEN II it will he lam III ul hml Arumuh AUCTION 1h Mltlol vawmu mut lnl ll Mn Robm amnl homn Thm ll mombm Ind lwo vhlior Mu Ildonby Ind Mn Hold our Mn sold Ho broufm In by mumbm Irllc van colortnlly my and hld no Mu ll wn bddlnl mm my WWW am um IlulannI lo Mn and Mn Allin McMflIIn on birth at dluxhur lugsuun ollom ll wu Mn Guam Ouy no Dray who will nor Ilmr Mu Lloyd co Mn Bum Mondol II um 1n noyll Vlclorln Em ll Brrlo Mn hunk Dunn Mn Vom Hedging Mam Mn Mun Mli And Mn John Wuhan ï¬nmflmumd bombeme ov Mm Dudmrï¬ munMan flu Dinn Do at so mm In Jahn an UNI WM won 0d Nbv 10 In eryn MMrlo Mn mm mm Vor nonsL Must lnRowl Wm Bum MM Jun Bnntwooé Rd Mnmd Mn Ralph Ion md kmlly Guelph mind melt pmnta on Lht wochnd Mr And Mu hunk Woodrow Omvlllo vlnllodNov 19 wk Mn Woodrowr putnu Mn Ind Mtg de McMahon Mn Woodmwl wnl Mia lu Mckom ntumm with them mm mm ammvmnijv mm is wexï¬oï¬n MrmdMnMn um mu Mn vln mud Mr wWw NI Mn Bell MM mm Mr and Mn mum Ind Mu hurl Nubwu Hellman VIIIM their mm Mumm Mr 14415 AT wm It on ind will 151 untim un banbnllï¬lournlm mom Jullxu uml Murmur and when mum tu Bnhn Mr umplunt John munlord Iml Ma on numb dllpodunml Inmommlt MMEWY corllnl an and ulnlnl 10 mm mm vurlm mm ulotlmumf Dllll oholgn for flu any mnr in Juno II In InfluxJaw mum tht Innlvtrury ol lhl humor 52 NEWS ssmcozrcoum NEWS ny MM ST PAULS ANGUS ManWuMM TRY EXAMINER WANT ADE PKONI IIMM mmumunmsm Mn Cum Dlocmn WA Ioclnl urvlu tummy wu tho mu mm Inn St Glln Im 11m Church llama and mu ludern Mn Roburl Da nuy and Mn Eldon Mklnnn xuuu 5L Plum 111 Md lunch 1h GMI AuxllIIxy hold clnl Mu nllhl Nov ll Mu EloInor Dmory Mldar wokvmud MI mu urvlcu wn by tho pm ld Ruth HIldInb Ind vica pn dunk Mu nll Tho llrlu nonMm dInco Ind nn rolhon run Illlklt fl wllgl uqu mum 01m IulIltoI Mn 19an Hulclto ermu Mn 1410 El rJh Mrl my llnldcnu mi luv mldunby fut on plly st Pulor Look Mo mumnmownb Nov Iorvleo In St Plflll Anallm Church look no Iorm at Rumombrlnu my No mlnnlu Ilium wu pblllvod 1h connotation Immomary man who paid an lupnme ncrum mmon wn In In by Dnflfldl Hallby ml Ilomy tom Cnxmlch and Polly luv In tho Yukon 9er mw And bunq Iraï¬pfuunbm In hrlnl donluom or In Chrlltmn boxu or the Ildorly 0nd nutm plyhhlonm hAum 51anwa mm amt 41 ham ldleIllI vmtxlhg hemp Brown hand lho committee and Mn wnJuommy pllpnlunwllwr dnnI mall to In hula on Nudwmvombcr Itll an Mumolhlownlhl council chlmbmvhm In lilo on anm mwnlh whm Wlmlmwlllun In 33w hu 1mm in III who Ind Tm wmlolhqtm ehlldrcn and out III lncludodyln Simone Cuunlylhll Melon VII um unusual mm nonma wumon mmm woman wmuouazor MIDIOIAND mm or ma om mutArmu mmmqm QMhéifï¬iéi We cnsflro Mow mowmo mo uTURDAY TIMI mwquum Ho 400 61 900 pm mum mun mam1 coni 1m Th hymn ones known Town became bu hm by mulr unmodlblvld Allmon Jenn Mr Jongl mud ml ammuan CndeI nut major honey prodmr an mmlnl to lhu um In In ym Conludurluon lorl annuth Mom molt Mum II In carpalnun arm mm Namath wmh Ir From In old mrld Im nomd In ï¬nal queen hm and hrmnl lhcm tn tlllndl In In mauln Buy or llolltod hmdllu pllquo In nu mm nry Bunion commuan wk 13y munnlndlolvlll viewed 1m ngullr Pvlml RINTALS 43 Jim lid PHONI 7268474 BERTi 6145 9M DAILY