Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Nov 1966, p. 4

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lvwm nun mm mm Iwnrd regional Mam mentwhlch has county pound mumln mm powm from munidpllluu broulh on lung to head Drillln repmelgmlvu Rgm Graham Cant And new uLy RGGWMHI Franco pnr tented homust llnn plu ent resolution whl llmlnny place to wo repmanllflm munx orlliln um yelrgwll hm Iome 19000 peep ml be plylnzll or 19 per com tho counlyux without an more vol In trenalh nun ml with mo dlzihle volm AI Reeve Brandon mned Holy lulu Mldlnnd mm and woulgl 11h hur 1h mm at then um ma you hlvo at the cm lore the ham ho nlld oi ho report And My township Run MoMuIm Mlurkv armar wlrdzm Iddld um In hh pquence dunw mould In con udmd on it limo mm too may palm to could er an aid tho noon lul nulnl normnmlon of county council be mldmd by all mmhm IN an oil neommendlflonl bu tomidmd bl nmo uMon ANOTHER luUl mu mm Dalton IM1 mt mombm hm mud 01m flu kmoduo ed lho Munichl mm mm mmflonIM um am mm VIII and mm mm lo onm nrm Brandon nu ml lung mm mm In RICII NONNM ludl IMO Moulnl an lmdm noon In mulndu nunu Flu mnvn toward equdhlnl relaxalaan dlflerenl mun lcpllltluon county caunclllo fend pruem dlurlmlnmon ulns Inger pines in me mini system WIJ mm Slmr Connly council It II aginw Elm email In 2101 MWJEWQ V9 Tha entire report bu many good upsets said On Rem George MncKay 1n ralerance lo the county cmmdtmx renam mendltlomulor Memo gqvuIn Then would be mm typo dupmenmlon population uld Rogva cm Iflnz dhcul Man mm on regional eminent Coldwmr Ram Earth Iniqiuuve com mime TM lsvery unlnlr to Onflllh and should be channel mm 93mg oflllln Deputy Reeve Franco contended it mum in tact flul other 111m wen deciding on mm mm without flu lawn 31m mung mm In un Rem Bran on argued for hi entire re no mommmandlnl Iqu and 16 cum ohm to be adopted as Hiding pr dplo but alter conlidmbln d1 cuuion and mm spirited batg the council decided lol ivw mutation pl move Mont calm Maurice of Tiny that one am he midued It time 11M moluiion Ildmnieiv flap ed provided for ublin of Ihe report or study and immedim action be him relaxdin slud 123 way of chlnginu the my resenuuon on on directly eluded huh m1 it Mule drg Among 17 Immendmanl were ropmh mm from on II caunly mynlflr re dudni council membenhl Ind levying mom county nim lrlnl lawnd upkeep ol IchooLI Enluglnl coumy enm eerln xervloo to would In uleable la ail munlclpnlmu mlonal plannlnl Ind educlum bond cud mummth mullet munlcbafluu Wm man when cl III mm weap IMEDWIHII Erik big lnlszdedhu In wq would work toward nld Rem BIndom mzuuu ll ha Counly didnt guide In own shines it would In mod to 10 MIdlAna Rom hound Self took Issue with Rem Brandon Ilree mm mm hm more repruenuuon uld In rdmnu to In odllll or ml to tho county council null 15m VIEW CLASH hm But m1 won infihiiiié tuneLn Ihink ahould Ilreu ngclluqluonagdlgmq umlbln nor damnIla It tho county council to adopt Inch report wluwm dun mom Elm nah point rolamd Hun Hill who ad out had only bun can dmd by on commlllu Evny comm IhouM Mn mm to nludy mommy More wu mun Hi5 Xrudd Vanda Nol lulun nld flu tmmmlm prob rwmq In 19qu mum fifiéumm and HM MM b0 1le um Illenl er muanullu rm any tth not ul llnx um flOlU uhd le nu ulvpll Dillon an lnl um mm In con an rrmlvod My mqldmuon ed new Card 0d luml un wrmxxmlon wctmm wvlnl Wardn 000m no on mm mm vc and mid Marat13ém MN mm and wuuM at nunlion lun dull with Im in upmlo WI m1 aw uu mm lid uMIwhcduh Reeve Albert baconkey umlna mum to rwuunlallon ptvblmgwhkh he flld wnIld require new ezhlltlun thlch thc mm touldncommend Wlmlnl nuns relchhu chums flutedthought and midi Flo Rem iMnk Coughun pointed the lawman Illualloni WWe adopted anilssessmenl slem withmmmol mak Llrjo all ounmnmlpamlu Ind his long wn to mm achieve 01 10 be We 1st hm waiters and II bury chanlu which wean mung omnmdflvho ndded mum was better In ako limo ta Dive Itwdlad mm to mm éfrl lvnld getting Into mud mofim moved by Rem Win and seconded by Tny Dopnlyr Reeve 911 1011 hag he report be filed and attention be liven the matter counly represenmlonwas ad ted in cmnmee and men Mo 2r mo tion by 0m Rem Boom Mac Kly wn pissed wheh Warden yejumedum chair mu my EWe Wenitoldll may hka Ive you ll coulg lgven Wc had in Manila over Why did Run fed In wu ready for lnlurlnco mu martini In I96 lo lamlion gill L011 Wmaw lmrz Iwo yowmlrrlaa boy Arrln and ml II Suzanna 711i pallcy aim my wlr pmlrrllon armyin shuuhl IwIprn In and mm mblr hrr mny on uhul think mmd IlaIIIy normal Ilfr llu had known lam propI In mm LI and ulmi har hm III01mm am Iamd me my ready for Imurmm am man than willing Io all Io him Bdrm In Ill pump Im In have In oflmumurf pm who ranlacl rm and try to me to lake Imuranu paltch of om tall at analurn Why did Russ Jackson football player and mathematics teacherchum 325000 Jubilee whale Ile pulley Russ gave his reason In taperecorded conversation Here they are In ht own words Thll one commcnt lumlupRouIchonl reason for buying London Llla Jubilee policy In Inlcmlln to hear him explnln the mp that ltd up to thin lnmlmcm Russ ackson talks about doublinghis money with LondonLife ltms an on 11311 11 carnal mo nun minnow zovwmem Reeve Herbert mm Gwlllmbury= armamwnden Md he loltmmnrnndon and MI mime should boulven atom for tho conddernfle ark one ponlcd Halon counties Ind dnne 0me might learn sounuth mm than lumyl aithourn mt problem Arnnl III the lame Raye MacKIy ntomd to speeches andvnuw Ipar clip plnzs which he exp ned ahowa ed he mullet modarnmng um countywoflnu ylgem Ind be camu matter 01 comm inn number coumlev They win to keep Imu pl ac uawllhln county government And this hu been New hemtod lel hiv rm um wwwydmm and 15m While the Bardeeopl mled In 1959 sNH gun rmunty xervicu elumuh 11 Olga city control iuownwulmenc and other matter Olly mm WE raised asm tsunami Orlman current elecllon cun pnlzn Ind prams or the count chanm certain to clawed wflh close mention ordulo dvunl thebanetlof new pub brlflu lncreulns manta Jim 51mm county librlrlln commltleerhu recommanded re placan thew present Hbm WW Jul counly summed annulment wwld requlred to flnlnca thugcauntyv publlcllbrlry nldvlho report which numxled the lncrcm in can ku fqull Impll when Mm unlml the Inmpled Mme from mlnclal and tharexhnu um Pmpfhmn 3o lib nfiéunu lo mow thn 006 01th whlchhu own line lihmy and 19000 tor unw bongII the pallry winn mu Ilrr In an will1m paid In Mill om mm And lam my dlrldmd In mumalt whirl plan doing Ihm IIIJ mllry mu In warh um LOW Tlvll mumd doubll Ihl nmounl would hm paid In yummm Note ma mono figure Run memlom Above ll mule up of Slum summed cub ulue And the bulnnu In Accumulated dlvldendn Then dlvldmls baud on the current dlvldcnd mu Whlle buy no not summed Mndon urn hu ludln aulmndln mom ordlvldend paymentu Dividend walled lo om nl Landau Landon Life lmurunco In nulble line are lhm or he cholm Run wlll have when his reacth 65 He cm conllnue to pay prcmluml on MI $25000 volley and conllnue lo build nvlngl ll can wllhduw his sumo or llump um ll can uu hll uvlnp to would gn nnnully for lll orfcr numbet of yum Ruu lalkedhrlony Iboinpno ollm alme orhlnlmunnu mgrm ahanow whal Lrlmbum bum TmnIqu 11w al4ng Mimi to many praplt know bond and Inmi mam an pull of live Grade Alxcbm mum Truthn3 Ihi II III Huiml aI Illgh Irhonl my made me aware of all Iu Iiiail and poulblllliu In III or aflnmlmml brllm III mallmuallml background has haIMdumal deal In miualin MI Londo Lift polity My momth prrmlum 514 bongII the polity winn mu Ilrr In an will1m paid In IIIl om mm And lam my dlrldmd In mumalt whirl plan doing Ihm Ihi mllry mu in m2th um LOW Protection In one Ilde or his Jubilee whole life policy lnrmment in lhc olher Run looked into lhll thoroughly Iiyour 63an dupluu than THERE ISNQCHARGEFQRTHJSSERVIC VALLEYTAXI DRIVEYOURSELFCARS AND TRUCKS Copifiwul Dwicied Your yum iifihfia 11k norlive 1L ally rmuehlédién regional library bolrd thunlvlm Lha bounty wish my region Ser counties Mlddlmx Hall burlon 0xord Elam Essex and Wenlwaflh faveme to county pub library rum arid leblun Huran and tofll In due to loilawzat flhebbfilinnlnl thrhuwhyeur Gray Wile loo Ind 51mm dy fin plan cenlnflzl bury manage mcnlwo dvmmm swing In all And money slneahaclty Baxrig and lawn Orlllil Th mrgnmnlhllléed Lyauu trying to III quI for your humane dollar the wmmmt of Ru lacmm may help you hm ID admit Imltmn Inval nmIImuu no xolng ID make In of nuntry quicklybu the rmlrcllan Ilml you with II maku xlmmly allmtlllv we profllIhhrlng pollcln for 1965 exceed $29 million Ivathelr 4W llbrq miller hmk wnul ut the chief bqnimr Imam any In in by Jim wuhln jlhl ownin an an ha county mulling duh 119 chnlrmnn Rem Willlljn Mullgan mums moved nd filed mgnmmffiwmn of I931 and gun11mm LoIJl anylhlng lmppm Ia mt bclwtcn now and 19543200 mamh mry maul11m Ilml date In 84 Tire pmpm III7 to matronM my thlldlm who are my young now Illa tmm ofgalng Io calqr Rusylncklonl nary II not unusual Today molt young mm know lhcy necd lmurance lo plaice xhclr fumillu Many of lhcm dluovcring they can also 10va Iulr money with London Life rcprc pcnmlvcoflthommnycnn lhowymhow To learn more About life insuranceand how London Life can help youwrit for Ihe Companyl rm hundbook PLAIN TALKMIOUT LIFE INSURANCE Jusl ml in ma coupon below Thin Income would be in nddilIon the $25000 provided by Russ Jubllce policy Mum cannon Depulmelu BB Landon Lita lamm Company Duflnln Mm Lam Onlulo GInILMIM and capyof your MMbook PLAIN TALK mow LIFE INIUMNCE Dont be aihalhed of ignvianll FruiGnnl simi nn1e One Phone 7mm SYLVIA CORREAU

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