hf In in wflhln In In lde lo bl rmm mm nu poop nho Inwale Mr In on warm mid b0 mm Inclined nu Inn to um Mind Mr lm HIM Hun Mr Tamvidm Mr Tmim Ian maul whlchlmvrm unA mguumhm Jimu arm ll lamum mm mm co um nu my mlm mum bun mm at BIBLE THOUGHT ru mufï¬mww In Irl nu 51 IMh LII IM ll an and mumI Emir 91 II mm Mm or unmuu 11m mum but hunch lhl II Ilm III amp Mr leon mobmy um and In ma Minn mum man Mr Tmean lamHy wul hm to be rmnial haul nmnrrlm man In benton he Ilunllh at hll clou 1m will Mr Thompson ll lha lul tMVInuon mm may In 1M mny hm nnnouncod um nndldldel thar nun Ind commlllod hlrnm at hi my olwrllnL ludmhln convention in memo In upwind within Iwo monllu yam wfll ln ha nm ohcllon upoclzd In mudrrlnf hm MW lenderla rd two yam Who will lhll Iudlr hn1 llly ml Shqu Tamplelon 11y 1m cum Tomplelon am nowI leonLuhohnn nwm nuun nna ml no dlnd lg mmpmq Currle KC Arthur Me 53 Damn Delbert Cole Mrs Bria McNabb Humny and William Campbell Elmvale Premier Leslie Frostwon servatlves had Geor Johnston of Mlnesing Rev mace Downer oi Duntroon and Dr Jack McPhee of Port Mchmll running in County of Slmcoe ndlnga Canadian Order Foreseera Barrie Court No 310 awarded 50 our button to WD Paddlson wn Council debated matter of mana er tor Barrie on motion placed Adar mon NWT Dougherty an Haber Smith Jim Mm erjorle Hamilton vacated mundl went 11110 com an ger and Wally Smifh my $111be was Mr Inierlomior Don McLean and Alan MacDonald were local cand idates for Older Boys Parliament to be held this year at Trinity College School Port Hope Hundreds of citizens town ofï¬cials Mason and Kiwanlam gathered at Collier St United Church to pay last respect to Arthur Smith munici al clerk11mm 19151949 who died ai er brie illness at his Maple Ave residence Banle Flyen bmke lodn atreak by beaiin Rivchew 52 in unlvr hockey oals scored by Don McKenney Skip Teal Danny MacDonald Hillary Menard and Johnny Maitan Pml cial election campaign heaflnei up Clmrlea Newton was support by Lil oral leader Walter Thomson Mng rallies in Phel ion and Mlnesin speak era we erlesl9nrÂ¥JGd51°n° Barrie Examiner Nov 191951 CGE Minstrels presented performancest nigh at plant for benefit of new Mem Wm Royal Victoria ital End men In ow were Doug We Chmue Osborn Ed Baker0al Greenougy yen hIJ QUEENS PARK another Mitchel burn or the past 15 years but have not ound him Mnflem lelon in his own way Is as close 103 epbum as the party could hope to find comparative newcomer to Miles he demonstrated firm grasp ppflndal 15YEAR AGO IN TOWN Mr Templeton could have had the leadership This was the consensusof man part3 followers Now that he has deal med quesfloh aflsesWho can be chosen to lead the party in abldï¬or victory at the next general elecllon pep ha ear awayl Thereare plentynl ab erals but none apart rom Mn Iempletonyappears to have the dash and the magnetism to woo voters away from the stron lyenlrenched able Conserve live mach he under Premier Roberts dedsloï¬ by 119 Templetolignot tosseek tho lead ofthe Ontario Llheral Paw comes as mflse Hg was commend the front mm in the memo succeed Andrew Thompson who announced his resignation 111a post dua toxeasona of health 15 By DON OnlMlN TOIROijr Onlagflo ubml Kr Walk been lwï¬nzlsrs Assess Candidates Far Leadership rund him Mnflem Certainly every effort shouldibe made ay 19 asflose ton to persuade him to changghjs mJnd could hope to finds Men like him with ldeasand the ability mm to Miles he to express phem are needed in provinde grasp plzovinclal mollumtoday DOWNMEMORY LANE mlrd mmMorIIIonh 1m lhl puny II to no em 010 um dullon It need duvcr mly lo lmt lomlnl Imv Imau And only mm and mm luau on bu flu mil In wily dun Mun could do IMI Thu ohviom 14m to Iooï¬ lnr such mun Moral lwuu It In IIII mmmbmd um mm rn um mm 014 an In In mu 1m ï¬ll cl wry III III mun blnl mm secondl II II JWMNI only In mm er and rally lulu tunlwl nl lhl ubml calm which for your now Im been dhmidrrly nnd mm nrmly lmng lrzumenll menu wet mm pro vlndll uhml party mom wumhnllv mum And nnvmm mum nm In um mun In dclulln Illlluda hm ll promlnunl 0n era OUTSIDE NEEDED mm Iomcbody comical now nlu lender An nrfyone pxnmlmm In lha rty but mm of Lh Itllmu Ir pybllc mm mm llfl9 gr gearany CTRICITYVS QWWBQ Whenlarllameht reassembled deal urgently with rallmy 611515 Watt passiv bio for slnglo member in holdup re sentauon of tho legislation for on Parliament had beencalledfor as long as 48 hours Fortunately no member did this although one oriwo appeared to be tempted lhnt temptation should be removed Certainly it would be wrong to allow sudden rules changes on the basis olemgle majoniv vote That would place ar too great power in the hands of the government But the eysicm should be changed so that 10 or dozen say would be ulred lo ro use the waiving of mlo no member nin be cranky or even conceivably mad lt improbable that 10 will be soiled with madness at once It is possibleof course that Mr Ilemi lepon may change his mind but it 13 ardly likEIy that hawfll do soyAthput strong movement within the pgfly tov drafl him From thesï¬and Int of tac chs unit would be mu morecon vindn to votexsthan meredeelre on Mrfl empletons part to win the pest Mr Templewns pert tewin thepost am he does his name eqqu gohefore the convention of breakIns in recent weeks Cana dian National allways announced expen Imam of new diesel passenger train to run daily from Hhmflton through Boston Cookstownand Allandale to 00111an and Meaford Hamld Todd Barrio clothing retailer hooked Atlantic salmon whlle trollln in Kempentelt Day Nov 11 It was Inches In length 0123 inch skin and weighed 18 lbs mlttee with Alderman James Bowman presiding Fine now Pine Room opened at Haystalrs lodge Mlnets Point Mr and Mrs Stewart HowellNew oflce M11335 of Barrie Public Util Cam WW onï¬ayflflsl Other Editors VieWs mm flanl human punlwlly in John Munro sumold lllmlllon Eu mm bcr Ind pullnmenlry mum la Ilnmwcr 4me Jun Mmh nd lidt Club BM 5m 15 your U5 and forum yum 0mm HI 11de Av mu Cam Wx 501 we wu IMv RA Vlmouvt I10 31min at It Mh NW Mun mm we man into My WT mm 10c uy Mbllun my man Otfla 0mm and lot mm Man In rah Eï¬l smmory um InaMm mieun Meal ml Wald mcul Inuit Ni WW Lauri col pm mtrumovm m4 capfla at umqu Tic vim mm In Inddun In 1mm mum nu pub 1mm II In IN mm mm mum In Candi libHr John Mudmld mu mud MomI mm lo mum lludull 01 mm to WI nu may HAMI Mim do no dmlua mum mlon mm Hotldn In El mm mm within mlul All winter Gen Murray cemd Incum ll Qumlhll In Aluclod ll my um at Ihun um lam company 01 mm halr dnum In md In WI on may may 14 mm orygu Ngv pg mum 1er by Mr um 0M 11 lhlm wu booby lnx It wn sirMod on flu no It man And bl up when puny of nrllhh Lrom wenl on band In rpgd It All It Mm Walla Mt lam Mi lo AM Quebec 17 Admlnl Dunell look some unit III Edllfli fleet to blocklda an Llwrem Blur no wn Ina 1m ndnlmnmem ram an 1M Ilnldy Ion up th rlvar and lnnded their luwllu Quzboc lhl French wcnt lunhu up Du Hm went Iha lummer Ihullcr Ln mo mdlellcu luver Mm Quebec lull ll Iccmcd um lhu mid be Ion In Irma mm but In anon wn mud lo mpe They HIM long Ith dnrod Mort huan md then dropped down In river In an ltry Nov 11 11M M11311 Ml hld me but 0m Muny Mud to flop Punch ship wlu hlu than lulu They mad um rqnyul9uob¢c on lhl bombardmonl liven or elhl Ihlpc not through but our uh pl In Imqnqnd wm on moll nm ulQum Ion nu plghgrag cg under MTAWAan delelm in was an cm now widely plmd on the need ohm century babies nr 11ml lenders in um thlrd um tor Ihe century Both John Dldcnbaker Lester Parson wet bum In Immamy tho lhm om puny laden Tommy Douzln Ru Cam and Thoma ware all born in ml cenulry Mnbactlnshmrredbymo mm DH drive may Mb ernla are mman abtm thelr own need In new Ind ynunzer mm It the Conservative chemulm new leader Ihey my mum afford plat Ir behind It wldtlybellmd on Par CANADAS STORY OTTAWA REPORT PAnucx mcnqmox Hoped To Bloc St Lawrence AdvqcatesYoanger Political Leaders By BOB BOWMAN 22 Royl Wlnler Fair cpened low an II 9119 world 1134+de we male land on com Brlllxh Columbll to condone lo mve ll pm letder and mimondnbm un his meow dun new has been talk um Mr Puma whn LI hmuly dls 55M lay her he man to be mummy Ihenanlum Ind Imp but on normal wee mm out Indeed he came nur qumlw at the at me Menï¬nger mm but ma hme we quickly lubdued and other can dderallom prevailed lwernln llclor rulreinlnl bl mlzn on It um um WITE lar Iva Palm We Foam ml infliï¬ï¬p mum15x Mr Puma was worn In 1mm mlnlï¬lmla 25 10163 qua or pm on hwmdl the olflta ol prime mlnhlcr unlll Aprll lollvwlnx day he will reach the no 70 mnuulï¬trlnu benahi in dlchal reddenmJt Sunset LEFM Hurrinmn 14km lha Gulnuu Park BENEFITS ARE MANY he prlmn mlnlnu 10d rev calm 325000 1n mml twoMm um ll NHL no he receives of calm $15000 year MPH11d clr mere am he paid to very perm who has held the who at Prime Mlnmer Jar our yum Innualmllldï¬nngu cvmmem on gamma hold flu mm or junimï¬he use 01 A70 yam whichever the mar equll Io twothird oi the annual ulnry payable under the Sam Ac tn he prune twister our dly such nllwam In conllnm durm his natural We but to com to be pnld during any period mothohumloror member the Homo Com mm Italic me An nu mu to mend heMembeu of Pndllment Bo aria MIGWIMII Imamcu have been dmlM It hujecomomm in It beau our coqnlry hualmdy mun dmlna 1m low you510 be Ilmded by Hal lg of mill Hun urn Ant with mummy hn lrl mla DamIo And Quebec certain nmvunt cl prom Ind 1mm Nonq th more flmld bu Illo nude 11 Ippeannee II widen me new mdlhilprov and come mm the United ms Ind the Human In our mm try his not ruched the pro qufl MC the domlln of mlnn rim hu shown mud problem ll mmlmd closeIY nzanl be mam 310 me ml Code doln nolh Ina mom than mun 1m flown with the dunde of me was Ind 11mm dlu any No We perm would mind hn welMxnnhud noeler should talents men hate those who dellbmlfly leek lo lg um mun ullm ï¬bers mfn Inch mien don logs to hind an midinun mm would be purllom knawu mm HHMJMtmh ha mica Uh Barri Examtm l6 BAYFIELD ST OLETIERHEADS oakocHUaEg clnvdlcss QENVELOPESJQPRIZE LISTS OBILLHEADS isUstNeSScARoé moan5M5 OGUMMED LABEL5 ovosms OOFFICESTATIONERY OTAés OCAIALOGUES ocmhueéf HAND mus OBRAw TICKETS OWEDDINGSTATIONERY BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR COMMERCIAL PRINTING mm hr meted 1n nutbunk um hh mumqu Rm to cumin public Inm dw ML III of lhl public and thinbum him onreuoulhlo mo um mtdmd than to bomuaï¬ vumr Prlm lNov lthher VV ha continua alrdom lance 11 Ila Iccuud cannot Fm Mu Id true of bath espacl Ilnce the more or less woll prlplfld Inmundonu bow pllfl Insurance In pmvoknd true of menx no any can 390 Igld mill to dead mm mm much Met ï¬nd but In the Heldd nodal may amybolu mm Balm111mde melfllo eggmnhglon ol Pi opemhm various hunk Ind welln mutations 1n Quebec nucommlniou will also rhmlfllo mum mg need Jar mh mm F1 nully thu commluion MM new Earlprecmly $513 The zovainma Y5 mler 7266537