StrouaV 1L1 My waler mlled while Mine vm Masoch Lodge II the some one nl 1L1 916 gathering last nIEhI when Halter um installed or cornlnl yur lllchaxd Ii Lelmy wu mulled inhne 3qu of Klnl Solomon and will be the ruling manor He replaced Glbbhn who hld made xplzndid Job of quiet lie Ink dunkl WI and run In Law ItllI10 stderoad had alclnlm or the shooting of ï¬ve witd dog which were molesting his sheep would Amount to dog Soth of Inuklfl in the Gillotd ma wolves helm trapped land Already flveml these ani mals hlve been caught by trapper brought In tram North ern Ontario This pack has clused considerable damage dub In past summer to been Ind nttle and it expected more the animals will be tek en ore the menace Is erudi bonus payablelor ornc Mine Till EENI CITIZEN ILL Mr Wmam Mdduafl mod er exIieeve cm lockhm we leddILs gunrub Oil In that she had rut while wa to Lbs men mm diam the could get up She had been cwkln caring mun um Mme nd own time to do pick Hug gnnlnl in amdxkept rooted at nelson helm the Km hp trauma mm Then 1511211 dMIbt but this Md will be one of the heaviest und hem All whefl it In ï¬nally beg hudsudm¢jl WEDNESDAY DEC 16 STéBIINO pm of 10 Idemad Ila been cued and grlvelled xddlng anbUIer stretch thin Crossroad which takes train most of in west dds pmperUu Wllh the coming pl ml Ind Innw the winter nah promm1 will be any plowan and lnx The snowstorm Monday night mamas nl the equipment lnln us and we trial nm wen of whal my be ex patted or he win The new under In In use llld in do in zoqd Job WILD DOES AND WDLVFA 79 WM ï¬aesn mar MAKE ivoun ngenailons NOW anllnoniql Inn The mod on thetom ends lbu not yet been killed but Mr Comm mgd um it wdl the The war program year Amy w1leornpleM lastprojelx the ma 1m huheen Liven none at us ed mvzland now mum to the HillWidth of the rum mince and nmomhed we be to the hat mlgnsudquwll JACKPOT $23090 lEGION All 71 COLLIER Sf for IE Gall NEW YEARS Eve Party inï¬rm wznnimais Mu nA W2 DI ol mfyuhl which will be he conlmdm for Ayr Amerlcll up all In 1967 alruay mm van announced Warwlck Hood 5er architect my the handed to the Illa 1pr an lEGlON ti BINGO 2n msrdglzn venturi mesm NOTES Wil 993ka Coxhplvéie For Wihfer the No Simone entry Ed Rabertson Dun Bell Ron Coutu Md George Anderlon at me YMCA own In Thursday weaning The leém were debating he tome Resolved That Na knal Health Scheme Would BA Banal In Canadian mug 3wnuld like In start by murm turning me Ontarkz County De bating Team of Nd McLeod Mary Jameson Anne Dryden and Bylaw who ddqmd THE ï¬AWFERsmiAL If you these short day there In anedlct out xe questlng dint drivers switch on their headllzth at pm not Just the parking lights but in headlights The Ontarlo Mom my assisting in getting mu meme to car owners Associate Agiep ReportsiOn Many AgriculturalfProjécis ALAN 5cm Almth Alflcultum mauve 51mm North It New once again be In on aflvllles in 0113 Algdgulture Over no membm and guest Wm preset Ind of thue 22 were plst masters Alter the Installation ceremonies the bre lhren moved to the basement where banquet was enjoyeti The touts Ind good wishes were misled by District Deputy Dan Mane who added to the an hymen at the eventng Tamra oupglg moms BlytheBlac Sr Stew Norman Gailrrwny Jr Slewa Lyell Robertson Treasur er RW Hm RoyAllen Secre my Bro Gordan Emrlck who was absentbecause of ill muer Bro Neville Junlmn absent Chaplain Bro John We tar Organ lxt Em Geor Mulholland Tyler Bm Will MCDmIald Immedialt Past Master Gibblnl ofï¬cer inmugdvlast nlghlby Worshlpml Master Camp Befl were as follows WM Richard Adams SW Bro Al vln Salim 1W Bro Don Campbell Sr Deacon Bra LIdIlan Jack Jr Deacon Bro Ray Falrhead Inner GumBro Mun ll MILGJ luldlnlhe main Nil old 19d for by pay yuan 1115 Annual ceremony in thin lodge dates back to 1m and duh nl um llme many officer have been placed In authority to hmdle the lodge yIn home my in the past mastul served double term but mm the Milan ll an mum one ACTION HITS Four stops were made at the Arm of Walllu Gullusher anfud knLg Barber HM and Donid Mailman Eighty flve flame County bed pm dflMl Attended th our which hope become an mull evemh Mm nan wen treated de mm on boih sldel mtarlo memy will now proceed in the Provlndn ellmlnlflom IIIIM Hilton County has landy Slmcoe Couniy Bee Pmdueen had lhe appor lunllynl Vlalllng several prun lcll and efï¬cient bed ulwl in Dufferh and Wellington Gum an WW in mm Council will lonlfllt but then mtan on the agenda except damn up AWL or the yen Nashuld it lsZnfl and eontract One par la mnpleflon of me Dflflnll Ind the other L1 repair the tower thai WI llld He laid the forth ledlon will pmbd to lqu use lmmedh lament puny house is gravy SlamTh new to ct ere Ipmxrusnz 1a rsluctorflyn Hamld Nash vulv ago clerk ald coundl is planed wim he werallan of tha conï¬nem and 1191ng relations that exist between tractor Ind resident In prox Imï¬ly of Wham ï¬le work be ing done Fem Coï¬strucflén ol Bilge ville now woxklnx on excava Lloni or the mayfxqpgmp ViIowwer Dr sax wuamt nvnllnblbandnthe matter ms mmth Iain la no len the niacin meetlnl nut week will be on Jul thaqeu Wméu°ï¬ï¬n1€£ to have been cmdunmd Alter Hummus the mum01 lww todnl with It Lwnf nub fluted um dark Johnï¬obert Ion plungï¬be Slmcoe County heth depmment Ind 15 the MM LDI PA Scott dim advlog onflu tummy Elmiralé Sewer Nearly Cdmpleted NOW SHOWING ELMVALEHSM Hos Wipmndl held whnt It had hoped wmfldbeha last meeting loe yen hem yu urdny bulrwlfl hive to meet axnhum Deé 23M dell up bushes op Md work HosHolds rinal Meeting y0i1Year SHOWN AT AND ll EM $3000 TOTAL OF LCARNATION INSTANT Hotness VSPORK lUNCHEON MEAT CLARKS FANCY gours vu HEINZ BABY FOODS or Junior MONARCH PASTRY FLOUR KADANA TEA BAGS WALKERS SALTINES CADBURY CHOCOLATE BARS HOSPITALIIY APPLE PIE IN BONUS TAPES EXTRA YOUNG HENS YOUNG TOMS GRADE PREDBESSED READYFORWEOVEN Crevumstheese KRAFT PHILgDELPHlA PLAIN TURITETS msons éAfmsn CollEELIJ WHIIEï¬RANULATEb MARLEILfEAE Mlncemeutr2 31 VCHASE gsANapRN Haï¬z MAPLE LEAF PREDBESSED NEOVEN 10 1M vr any ilh mt ib IVCIIKB up COOKING ONIONS Tan NIL itldullb hIK CENTRE CUT AM BIAICHH Bwlfl Inmlnm Ml RECEIVE AN EXTRA W00 IIONUS TAPE WITH IVORY LIQUID anllGHNT Ike CARNATION COFF MATEJImoL Illa mzcmvr AN 1mm umnunvs mm mm nun HONNET COLORED MAllGAlllNH llh Unll FORDIIMJK FROZEN VENTUIM MAS lb RECEIVE AN EXTRA £1000 HONUS TAiE WITH ClMï¬E HANBOHN IN5TANT COF lb 5¢°i45¢ 45 Dth Mn nu Mn 1101 Job SWIFT PREMIUM SKINLESS SHORT SHANK READY TO EAT WHOLEvOR4 HALF Ib SMHKEB HAM SHDPSYTBEEFQ SLICES 29c 39c 49c 99c 69c 69c 29c 49c 39c rgozsum BARBECUE SAUCE on 55W BL DELICIOUS APPLES BC DANJOU FEARS CAUlIFLOWER SUNKIST ORANGES EASYTQPEEL NAVEL EXTRA LARGE SUNKIST SWIFT PREMIUM WIENERS SHORT CUT PRIME BIB ROAST TABLERITE CANADAS FINEST QUALITY REDOR BLUE BRAND BEEF Promm Know Cam No Hndl Whllt SIZE DOI Punt and Ell Fancy STANDING 511E lb nil Elle 45c 39c 45c 29c 69c oz Pm ï¬g 33