Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Dec 1964, p. 4

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In mi 11st lnln Innings Posi masterégneraf Ilgholson recently but llned his ideas respecting ha proper role of government in the nationl Vegopomf It can onlyhe the alm ot thagovem ment to enaura that there L1 favorable political soclnl and economic cumlta in this countrysa that business may con tlnuetoflourish hetold members of theiCanadian Chemical Producers Asso ciat on Mr Nicholson went onto note that th development of strong efficient secon dary and tertiary Industry ln Canada would depend on pmnenhlphetween lot of Canadians are shocked by the study increasa in motor clsualuex Among the comments on this situation has been one from mnnufacturer who takes the situation seriously Cll manu facturers continue on real horre power binge was the ciriical statement mnde at recent press conference Earl Brownfidge president of Ame can Motors Reserve wet as may factor In todays driv ng is Important Mr Brown ridge concedes But the step edup power mm as an lnvllatlon to lgher andt higher speeds is totally different mater WAR DAYS 20 YEARS AGO Barrle Examiner Dec 14 1944 Road and rail trailic halted as blizzard blan keLs district King George VI today celebrating 49th birthday Two days after election Mayor of Barrie Peter Sinclair chosen Worshipful Master Corinthian Masonic lodge BCI Cen tennial Scholarshgx had reached 36000 it was announce by Cockburn chairman Sgt Douglas King arriv ed home irom overseas on cmtches Bndl wounded by machine gun near Fal setirance he gald ha owed My 1119 i6 méaléalcorfis brivaie Who flood but in jeep under fire and brou ht him to gsualgy mth prl Rodgen Thornton arrived home from overms on hospital rhip Lentil Ind wan moved to Charley Park Hospital tor treatment annt Ofiicer Robert Bibby four years with RCAF home on leave posted to Moncion prior to overrun Cpl Tony bee son oi Colonel and Mrs Garry Lee now Ierving in Italy with Armoured Corps New re creation hall It AlD Arm Service Corps oiiicially opened by Mn orGenenl Worthln ton Camp Borden Com mander Irden George Banting In nounced thnt Slmcoe County Council Prokper Role Of Complement BusinesspLifél PARIS AGREEMENT DEFENDED Granby La Voix do IEfl The cullunl Igrccmentv belween Franco Ind Quebec whlch was worked out by President da hull and Premler Lame In In no way pleulng to Douglu Alkenbmk the Conscmtlve member of the Commons for Prince EdwardLennon In hll oplnlon Mr Len my hlVl Iw gluln pggollgtlons mm fiengh Err hlénirlorrtho eilabllihmcnt of Quorfiéa consulllo in Park Whll Ioollnhnm on hurl In UIII countryl Parliament when our provlncn cameo ur Ior dlscuulon No mlllor who Is elk and no miller Whll the lap Ic hm II no effort It whoring Infor mnllon them no no Informed opInlonl Such Inck undmlandln Ibout Quebeo shouldnt be mum to ulonlahmenL Mr Mkenbmk hod ulmpl rud tho papon ho would hm Ioun um Ihll rcomonl In mm wu concerned excluo von wIlh he exchange Inchm ro mrcherl Ind Iludenu human Ihll Franchopuklnz provlnu Ind the French Amnan mm run run mm lugIan mun mum mm In my miln MMHI um um noun mud nnnml nu hum ch mum no nannu mun mm mm um mm nu mrmu nomuu mlnu Mun lvhuflpflnl um um mm rum 1an It II null II mm mom WM Oulllll mm mu mm mm MudII uh pm 111 rumu mu Inn 94 Mr Tmh mm umunL um nuu Itnt you nu uuw cmaun Inn hilt XflzlllHN Th0 Am lumu clmnum Cum Im UM mums lo In Aunt IMWII ll I137 An nm IL um and mm When ymLcomlder the imagan Excess Power Invites Speed EhPEarri2 The Barrie Examiner EubIIafiedbyCmdlin Neifipgpeu Llnifigd 16 Hayfield Skeet Baflieiomiflor OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Mumcinuu wumw bgcnmm 1mm PAGE may We in the governmentle trywill ry hardto foster initiatives and imple ment policies and programs which will pomplempnynot repilceiha elforu ma Canadian bualness community he PQimm givemménl lndinduatry to reach désir ed objectives ml the desired mm of 919 If more politldan could be reminded to Mr Nicholsons business view there would undoubtedly ha grant deli less easily waste Ind in efficiency in gov ernmeni which so freauentiy serves to giifle inliialiveland poi down growth in Inn In Bnrrle Arena Group Captain Harvey nomad CO Camp Borden RCAF Stgllon D4 Patterson tur key am just north of Barrie textured as largest in Canada Pilot Officer John FerrL Hamilton hnving completed 37 opemlonal tours as air gunner on RAF pomber arrivedhome on furlough the private 39th of ihi Eéonoiiy the highways due in part to excesslvo Ind glorifled horsepower 1n the hands of lngxperlenced drivers you must sex1 Ioualy conslder what is essentially moral issue Mr Bmwnrldge declared He emphasized that auto makers should nut Elgmoflzelhossepower Safety authorities are persistently working to focus attention on all aspects of safety4nd as they see it sane and sensible qfiving is major safeguard Deplonng the horse ower race the safety experts continue hope that pro motloml emphasis on new model will feature some of the less spectacular but more helpful lmprovements and udvan tages that are belng built Into the 1985 wouid make available Simcoe badge on Hayfield Street former Childrens Shel ter as Hostess House for Canadian Womens Army Corps in Barrie Ple Alexander Roe of Banlo re orted dend of wounds receivedin IC on in Italy Rate nyers voted by large ml quitydujroy de funds to arflchaljlgo cars James Dougall 86 retired from Public Ullllues Commluionllter l9 yam 10 as chairman Erlwrrd Fitz gerald appeared before Mrgmralo Jam charged with keeplng common gaming house It rear of Penny Arcade Ha wr fined $150 and cost Cham Ion Hereford 1t Wlnler Frlr rhown by ur ny Warnica PalmMck Shorthorn rhown by Donald Gotham and Angus steer shown by Donald Bone both Thornton also prlze winners Rev George Lark at St Thomu Church Shanty Bay 11 joined Army chlplrlncy uervlco mllon In there lnythlng lbnonml about thel In Mr usage Uly reriour null Has he exceede the his of Quebec premier In It Ill Ino her example of policy of recession the tiermember plllms It II Involved Onlnrlo we wonder how Ihl MP would have Interpreted luck Krovlnclnl Icl lla cemlnly would not IV condemned It But when It It ml Ier Involvan Quebec comln member nem Io Ilka Eleuuro In mlxlng lhlngl ug In dolng II however they boluvo II ml clown 0N PIOEON PIR CITY Edmonlon Journlll PI eon In rellylhoy III In mo less down own lldowllh In Edmon ton bur mule Iullmony Io Illa 1m Hm qulle lmpoulblo Ia lunch the blldl mnnnnrgor an common docgngy vIn It lhl mm created by lha hlrdl here In poms Edmontonllm who mm to enjoy the of them gain flullerlnl or rllrul about an Kineon lover would mum to high men should my 1m Ianill Ioul mum lhnl lho bird be polwned um lrnppetl or olhcrwlw dlapaacd of 11 lhn Inlgmt If Iqerfilly To claim um Ihu blrxln lro prclly besldo tho polnb Few Inlmlln In prol Ier Ihln Ikunkl yet no ono would lug HI HIM colonial ol mu be extnblhhcd ma hullncu dillrlcln clty II no 11m lhll wmo mill wm imposed On plgenn an hr would mun about rllht or city Ala ol Edmonmn In order xhll than who enjoy feeding them mlghl hm mm nuilel lor lhelr doslrcl In ul dlllonll pm of pigeons wllh wln um fully cllppod In mo map In ht In by In 1939 crux no Elna II In ummly llul Illhll hm lumnlnm wlll be ado led hm lllernnllva Strlnnont aw nhnuld bu pinned which would rrqulm any pmml mum coding or lmbvnn plum lo dun up um lbw TORONN The Mcfluer Commission has held its first mm vubllc sittings nnd with Lhis given ha int Mdlch Lion ol Mun coma and mulls And you like whn you me First 11 arms 3th Jus flce Manner 1m made It evldcnllhnt he want to hear everyone 1291 ha oller Mr Mcllmr hu man his clear bnlh through Idverdsln his Intentions nnd by makinl II In any ll Wmhh or anyone to nppur Thu ha has prnhlbiled um cm rum hl hearan room lllrouxh tho leelln that llwy mlth dam lama peoylo ram publicly mman balm hlm come ml or one and In or um hu Ill dnw mm It mean some nu trition nd mm wmed time on In pmlol lho commis sinner And mm of them Ind hm bean xelllnl helm tha commlulon To 117 Ind dfmunn hem Mr Menu hn Inldo it clear um he II Inlemusd In per loglbl minnch mm group nunmun nxloul Io Ippcnr mm lnqulxy nl lhl nylure iiiiv min 1th ind uh mu mph to um with two alumni Ithpm commluloner hu ud lmublu with wllnum whn In loln to hit no manor IIIL An mm Iham In In pull we Ifll anihimm lo min cud II worth Alt runulna lhll hll Iwronch mun mu hll Inquiry will by bread poulblo ll IRODUCE nhi num mean gnollfln Inquiry will In pro Ta dm mlln Individual lam lppllfld In com mlnlan Nonnuny mind peg loo Ipqqh lrom lhfu mo volth mbmlulonl In to be uper mm lhl Luv Sochty Ind on orunlullom wllh knavhdu And comm Bug llcld wilul to lmilvldunln In mm Iorlhwhllu pm Al Iho um um mltly mm told an kllnlulun kc mmlllu an IM um um khm II Inn Imn Mg In mo 1M mg ml nM Hum mould ho Ina lnr um anHnl hll and MIM nml b0 upwind nlur mm Weenun MONK CH nm In ml muh cm In lonlhcr lhn um nnlnlrlrl munch So ckq um Monday Old Age Good Health Go Together Almdy mm In unnum up oumnn might hlva memi QUEENS PARK McRuer Commission To Hear AnyOne Inns one young lawyer for instance It would mm Ihal he quesum or providing or lp peak ram Workmens Compen salion Hoard rulings under communion TM boards rullnxs now final and lhe gnvemmenz indicated It is zivinl this and ghaIgght And ml in only one of large mvmbu Holds which will come under review helm the mmmlxslnn MI Hanhed With his palm brace and bnltcrod up wkh clphln in red Embroidery hel rluelen cumin ll aver had command cl my mlp In any III on nude Ihowlnl am my hlVa rend namelan meum er ll Helll whlch he nrnmd to overruns from Lloyd George to Alma ample rnfimarwn who dld uy Robert Muvbh will his ilrsll hand knowlcdlu 0w In and with 0mm robot novel to credit has written luny naval comedy The me 1942 And the swing in no Flylnx Wind rusty rickety old Iub ln Ilmnsl total dlmpnlr from 1h cnplaln to lhn hull Captain Lnrdmu whm crow nllurl ly rennma Mm II nth Her bert lype chumm whadom on bunkhsu decayed him er Duh ood Yn yes yes 1min load um um untenco without mallnz him Icll Could be lhu 1111 The ylm mm Imund Henry am who mm on mm mm And In mile 01 MI mum doylnu end lll thief mam In In yuan The Author drum up All lam nl buddlu In 0an mum unllomu or an Pcdm who loch or much Vuf mm Onn Then You Are Bnl 11m An mn by 3th V510 lam ll unlmnll includlnl cockmdm Hum mini and an lllrmdock mom Un Innunalrly they all some to Mal4h Illmflll lhII ll Chlel Md MLCnn Ind Henry mm In only um am In lhc flmlc mm An mullet 04 ml no mmth ll mm Hmm Mu man blflly AT THE LIBRARY lnnd lo rim Accompanied Henry and the wand mulmr my thanhulp 1de galg 0n INN Imlhor In mm lb Nadgn and 0c man cm In hem n14 Inul ervhh mm no hm Io mm mother Mr lleuf on IN 01 um hook Flylnl Ind hrlnu nr Man to mm hmrdom mu hr hon an bourd Icmu Huh nu umrmllul lhm no Mun link In lhn Ian Um my doth Ilnry mm nmr Mu mink lull tlnle mm ha II whm II Ni mu ha everllml umll um In mu m1 no any ym mldm In hr In It In ll mm II In II In llllpMHMIII Author With Kndwledge 0f Sea Writes Lusty Naval Novelg BIBLE THOUGHT DIEFQLIATION his WéstGermany MakeiOwn Wall BONN BantamWu Ger many which condemned the Communist Berlinwull nww hni bull one Iuflown The naw wall Illowx Eu German workers Into Well Gar mauyhut at the um um keeps them mm escaping Em Ggmany The wnu In modulean zlght feet high Ind 500 yam out It In on 1200lquaro yard Blvniln hrrltury and Is dexlznod Io prevent Em German worker rebuildlnl the Sn Bridge an the Min Nuremberg aulabahn nut Hol 9ng lying nu ch 1mm muffin nu wm The Nan blew up bdrm an end at he Second World War The book seem rather con rived in places bu perhaps seamcn lead mum 111 from lmdlubbm Men And uflm pmlcumly wlll mm the book One wonders it ervhh but lay of then charmer on wild peoon hive known VANCOUVER 11 pm wont show mm but min but the Brillth Oohnun Hydro and Power Auumily II bctunl um MI unneeded In Iowlnl mu by bellwpur II hlred ohnllln Helium lelud lo Mod udlan bl ha righlofuy lot much nuunl llnl In Du hm Vllloy um and com cilr mm per ml an Mudonald nflmul manon Helicopter Sows Grass look two hour la do hope Canadian Whisky in its handsome gift carton Aymmnmmms flrlrlbllm Jam hmuhmou OTTAWA REPORT maxim Naya Beau BI PATRICK MCBOEON mm ruh olnewspnper Waxle lu week unuthngled Liberal cabinet minister from Quebec whd hnd obtained um houu fumlshlngl mm now bankrupt bullnen complex operand by Max mdAdolph Silklndb Padlamen Hm rompuy dubbed the occulbn mum um Iuwldflnu they meqhenny mu uie ma minmm lo lunch Ind home again In avenlnl Do Inch mlnlalen mm In Ihe Irmury the clllmlnlueri tuxIre car alowance naidjo mm Or do they 32 free tram port well an bum worth 000 per year arm the expense of milavailing ymmpuy dubbed the occulbn Nationl Kouu mnhhlnz Week and awe it tho lulu mono You loo would enioy our Liberal repayment plan JotGmne the hull 11w MP from Ammo Ont own lo fiend up mu Sm gamed punnooglnnced Que rank pnu newline one moqu faring Minor211d Hanmieianrnulfhé n1 eh qn heneelonh Prlmo Minitar Pemon nhould bu nickan All Elba Howmr In lhla writing ovary cabhetminlaur remain not guilty even it various clouds hang mm cer tun ham there no no ground or prelumlnz um All lb win pour boil oUon MI 40 Thieves mm 4m muffin dull commum to In Senaloeven 31 WE comma on in ledlined ma new bl lulnreit may bu ma great In debta um never before luvs l0 cw paid no 1er attentlon to In much uld About so little by to than the bank nud chn ran ingdmlptjnp gm may defence headqnm ten apexales Ottma IIIgut flee ol llmnualnn driven by unlformerl chmflcun Such cm eully mathMe their usuall government cefloo pate my be seen waning outsldo the home some blue mlnlsufl every morning to take them to work CANADIAN mu ngdgm The Iona Ind bllter Ilen 51an ended with the Announceman by lhe Ru Man authorities that the German Army Ind been en dmled yam lodnv ln me The Bed Ann Ind muted massive mm ualnst the German and the eventual encircle ment and two major ah tack destmycd ha power of N111 divlsloru flu Russian look mm pns onen most starving and ill Ind HIIEd mm 5006 ouicen Ind men Remain NsithUilty In iFiimituIé Caée IlsaSioux Indhn Chlel Sitting Bull £101 by pm Ill momma Io mm 1961 Former Nazi Go Ilapo ulticcr Adel Eith mnnn wax unitneed to duth by an Israeli mun or hl part in man Lllugh terl the Jews Ilnt World War Fifty years up lndIyln IntGrand Duke Nichol mined Ruulm troops In Pound or decisive vault on German position British troops mad mi Mr victory in Belgium rim ham chine Ely lbwEm HEM nu nomad Work 1hr Mnlyviln yam IE4 dgyln um Unmnran auuxorlliu on tho Ger nun poem buulcshlp Oral Spec two morn all km tho port ol Ion gide magnify IMPHHIH lrom Brllllh war Np Mush plum balm mm mud on Gormu Mr And naval 1mm lumi clalmod 0h oom Mlfln nl Ilnllndl am hi ll Indub mum TODAY IN HISTORY WillPrlme Minister Purw repelrlate Plckerexfll The most contmverem gedxe leer olMefceMnel ll meted to hnve been ordmd by Me doctor to take life more easily end rumor euuefle that he will be Appointed In the Senele he lm thenext demon will the prime mtnieler eppaln hlm eanem mm mm where he wn or lrom Mmltoba where he was relied or from Newfoundland where he tbamd me my lnloehe 011 or Commons mm Perm The Grand River lnduslflu Association Guelph Ont dls tributes periodical am receM Inua quoted nine Camdian daily newspapm whld an MA prepondermp wens yapmr of the group the 0mm TlmeI Oakvllle Joumnl mm marlollelwm Gulrdian In mun Dally Packet Ind Tum harm Wfllam TimesJme Ind Iha Nanalmo hoe Pressv Themther paper honored by Inclusion in Ms qssunmspgd mm wen cwo Ia wldely clxwlatlng Domnlo dalllunnd the st Murine aundard Eden VimIlium the am up and surely cumin MP rum Bow River Id In 10 Home ol Commons um nul lnln pulse and truth Ibo Heflnli God Ind 1110 wldier all idnre Fm ithen wax is IM Ill God Ixne Ice 1511 4155 Aumofi Eldon whbmm Martin to the Candim prdennco qr flu JOKE 0N WHEEL ROVIGO Italy AP punks hnl bun gain around lrlghhenhu motorim by sticking parking Ilcm to flu windshleldl Police lay he either lloIe Uckels or rillnlm same accurate counter Girlslmu Sewn CASA DNA Chrlnmu Furyland Doc JUL OKEEFE CEMIE Nullonll Bill Clflldl Doc Jln IIOYAL ALEXANDER THEATRE Second City UlrLttnns Scum UNIVEFSITY THEATRE My FIJI ley Du II Jun CnFKI IEATRE Eavmd HIM hn Jul MMLE LEAF GARDENS Twmlmml nl uumylm MIDI 03 World To Jimmy Afll GALLERY Poll lalnlerly MullMIMI khrlhlllon 30th Cunlury ll iirl ilkEu mul nlufly hum II dumb II tub n1 10 4mm Imltu Im mull rh lord sine mm In uumw mm Cum Maiaum for your Inhmlpmn plumro In Omit erlhflunil FEATURE EVENT DIRECTORY TORONTO

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