Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Dec 1964, p. 6

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wmm with him up da Iedlvo and mllmnmnn II lho Mn Am mm pnlkumn lrnrrlllu In modnl patrol car flwyra badnd by an Mr ml mm mm dommnn lhu Ind but men an lhl flmll Md Fallon TM mm In pllrol Ht luv lmm hnnlnull Mum and own hnlh 1m melnma paw mAlpyudwn Only limo will tell hnl lm pad mll In an IM mmmu nn ueul Mm uyl but Inllulird wllh lb um um lnr MW lumfily It 1h Iml Advlcc hu Alan Hm law 11 new udlonl nlm to hnl potmllnlly tnmlml mm below Ihsy lnd In man In weapon In permulou nmunm lrw Idlon Illinu pmnll 51ml wlth mm mum nnd mull lull ll Ircllnn ll llrudy Ihmdnl 9qu No ymlh In Mu cl Ir pungu ra nu mm mm uu $965 anin Ronnie lhwb 1h youth llnlmn mum wu orumiud Iul wring In mmnu In urxlnn lmm nutty lociI axtncm II had in Haul Ken mm ann flankold IAlhtr at low Elavnn II yurl on In em hm been in nu mor Imy mum much lb Hm Mrqu with youth Another lust risinx lull Julle Roxun Thl Weddinl 111i limo bit maritll bu much led all um way to number nine ll was an one week Ila Only one Chrislmas disc 1m onlzred he winner circle so far mngoder by Glny Ferric is number 47 And Ipuklnl ol Rlnxo me you got over the shock of lull Enzllsh doclor des pair Rlngo longi Actually is one of he drollm record since Ham and Jelhm sank the Bismark and down With lheh bowl of Confucius 50k IIEADING UP Heading or me lop spot In another Beatla alsoI eel ineShel Woman Ila mom ed Lrom the number 40 position 331 week lo number 11 Few IStmng Winds continue to dim fund hauld be in the lop Ien ncxt week It went mm 15 last flak to 12 this week There was home talk 04 pre mrvinx them Ind Minn flwm rut Ln mm In Red Squire But Mr Lenin $596 14 hope Ringo doesnt Ian hi Inh Mx$one lnunullc experienc pqyegrllmqwl OTTAWA GUMod mmer the Outw polch lion new Inn ol um In swarm II WM The chhnlclc 01 her tragedy Is Chlned by mp called Thu Detergent 1011 No nus Leader the Laundmmal ll in Cash Box and bound for op 5319 look out Look out Look ioul 100k out Its the leader of the laundromat New Arm Ottawa Law Fights Juvenile Crimes fNorth Renews Interest in Athletic Activities the Pack She doesnt rev hot Harley or drag Dodge rhe camwhat elsea In full of laundry 1115 No 00 ball learn hold belated vlclory Hump last Friday nlghl whelhcr he dune celebraled the end of ex am or the GESSA champion ship no one was sure The beanfilully damnand Round By DIANE HUXIABLE The msh of exams raven va um the dull has settled at can once again think of ex ua¢nrmlnr activities Léader 0f ThéhLauhdrornatz Soaring In Popularity Poll 112 warm txqmmrr BYRONGRAHAM MOTORS 117 Brndlord 7251061 0mm For Hmy lochllmi 1110 Alum sewn ml hull llnu ymxlh dullmd Mr lllo of crlmo Unit mm uyn lull It help than Illdlnl In Um dlmllnn in mnmm wm ADI lolln all Axnll uld rmnlly thll yom trim has 70 per an in drum Whla out 91ml In Ibo pmlflom hunl ruched lull tom he mole In Am udmn And my mldmll lull rm kllllnl lvm ternum 1n mu youth In wm Ill your card lndu now hu mom dun son mm401mm by hangout or rklinx In the buck um at kpfldlnl hot rod umuxh or Huhand Ilmoot Mllan hm hm mauled Io pam HI Ill lhe MINI um IJI mend wllh parmll In nah cm Ulnnuny poll and pron lIn Anion ll bomc No mm Mme nrenl ch hu up palm npw xuulrm out till my Harm corded lhrmyrxlmu ml pannu MI la re 11 It 11 II III um ll Idlfdznl ovl dam on whlch tolny par MLL IL warm Plum Invited la di5 nu ma mnuu venomlly I1 Into Ind requeot on Tamil 1sz or Wmu Ronnle Dav on Apex Uko ltGerry Ind Paco muken on Capitol mm WeddinlJulil Rom on Memry 10001110 Mile Bil mour hy Ind Amqltlm on HA charts very oILen but hit pomlurity does seem lo be dimmlru He keeps his cofleu mu by playing our night per week ll Toronfio night chi Hid three nights week Willem Ontana dances Backing the Hawk an We Lane and his Disciplu Lane and his sidemcn arm powerful and hlghlypolished combo Mir harddriving sounds first wloed wim Fanny Mae They WW have second hi on their hunk Aint love Funny Thlng The life at performer must he hectic Seven show week and our day of Kahuna can be flying But alter nurlfl decade on the urcuit Hawkins doesnt appear to be flowing down In act with beard and the Bealle nund Ml Jaunlxer thyn nun llfl PARADE Last KissJ Prank Wilson on Jubilee Into Something GoodHu man Henrik on 019114 Have he RiKhl The Honeycomb an Pye macs Hng mewm tawn Hawkins played the Odd Fgllowa on Friday which Richla Knight and the Midnight acnred with large cmwd It the Elm busy Teen 1an on Saturday pnqRcle xghxghg vyerar my all the honor Io be had the Toronto Angler and Huntcyl Assoclallon win ler which held at the Fort York Ammry Ml were spun by guest din jockey Peta Emerson of OKBE mum omeys North GI Teafn Sflqdny brought was tilledu the talks rm Ragniajagnt Ahic the Supreme Iisler team of Geraldine AUTOMOYIVE CLASSIFIED CORNER TUESDAY DECEMBER Thu 1mm lelmlon tootwenr In mm or Tom unlnr numb held Dre In the llrll mnulum Thu buldcnl Council In thll new mlmn ammhlm Annlor and unlor will mid In gum nl hm by hm hm lunar cum Vii lhln Iv lhl Int ml uml nunllnx hu plum llnu 1M huhnull mum opened no In bld um nod luck In lhc Mum Homily flu hr mm CM mm nnolher Sock up Thu om Ihlnl 1mm mun In then erIchool diam II ho 2031 Emma lldl Rpukinl ol danm Mun Memorlnl ll holdlnl In Innu chum dnnN Dec In am tunlly lo mrdlIX 1yqu am Mflmm mm Arum mmrm £5001 Andean lo hep lhll an NI II In whll 000k pin III mu um xahm CKHY Good Gu And mnlln up Nav um we can call oumlvu Good Gun loo nu night muwded up with mmslul nmrd how Lngonl wu MC mAMN PATRON Med they bounced they mud 11 night nu um limo hdl mum uni1L 1h Icorq Wu Iled nu CHRISIMAS NEAMNG Among who has doubted Hun nemeu ol Gurkha med onlytolooknflwfmnlhllll and CAMmil lo be pmmpuy remme Gay red men And mm mm ldOfll the hull Ind window And the Studenta Council In gelling ready to put up the christmu me In the mam hall first we head hormone WWI mod mm mm who 11m nur rdomnflon Am to luck nlm tree about xix feet high Know anyone who owld wllityr Id whiz everyone good luli with may but plfnlul topic Banting Meets The Good Guys Buketbaii ever has now in waded North Both bays and girh team are practising pr paraiory Io iinai uiecflm soon to be made Sound cheat passes drop ahou and mum emu nu and man an it rain orfli mm the gym most every afternoon after admol undilourleanumakaaamany poinla as easily as may make ail ihal noise were mwln lor tho GBSSA championships mr cheer leading Iquad LI also practising anwbiicopv inlom wind afler their appear ance at Ibo last Iooibail 5am Iha addition of three boys Bany Palmer lame Spark and Tim Sample mad welcome addition to the squad Most Ihe people talked to fell it was Md idea and that the bays added mch and mlumo lo the chasm thapula hmahul new chem ready or the basketbnfl mam nNnsroxT SCHOOL sum sum behlnd her for second and third respectively The team of Bath Perry and Llnda Jalfery laced second In Lhe unclassi fied team pairs and lo Appmp mter and perfect mnpeuuon Joan Ramsey waked away with the highest alnzle lmzetxcore 995011 of pwsihlam Not bad at am NORMAN sHoss 1n laundaaalfied ldniar la dies aggregate Joan Ramaey placed llrsl Donna lave second and Llnda Jellery lhlnt The classified junior ladlea nam galo saw Ellen Beavla place liral Geraldine Jellery outslant her alslcr for seenndplam whlle Llnda place dlhird Barb Perry then placed firal or North In file undasiilled junlnr ladch grand aggregate wlkh Ellen Beavla and Unda Jellery rlzhg Jellery and Linda M1er and newcomer JoanRamsey led Illa rwpl erase In our mma Ixst competition outing this year 14 Dunlor SL cm 1233mm SHOES lrbm Iii junlnr Imrriery pt Md gymI Iva M1 curl Club In lll mnllnl or regular name but man nthvr club hm mum unllI nfler leman Lh naw um In Jlmury One ha major social avenb nl the seam comlnu up or Cenlrnl Collulm student dur Inx be Ian week of whoa bo lm Chriflmu vacuum 1h BIM Dmm will mark In al lidll closinl nl 11 term Enml which lack up much flu lludcnlb llme Ind houzhu In ka Arccompleted excrpl or examn lo be held Dec 21 Ind 21 In In two day 01 school Band Dance Ht Collegiate Linda Saladanl lull and He mmnompln Ronnie dance girls seem bit Maureen Gaflauzher ol Bar Hawkins It duo Collier St bewildemi by the axmrienca loéfing somvwhat like well drflsed Fidel Castro helium over mlmlml he Iulure cunlnmcr bencnl ml complelo nallnlacliun ncevu tho Jewellery stora fYGOQD 50mm non mks UliAWA CW 115 Civil Service chrruiiau Canada nn in Illrmed am an in creasing lmdtncy by iederll cabinet minmm not in Imp iuli respomihilm or die It liogu of jheir luhordlnniu Im cdilorlll in Arum Illa fodcrallnnl nnwspapen my hon cablnd mlnlslm would not Illawad La nmuin la office Civil Service Alarmed Ovei Responsibility ANNI ST muumlmu mm mn mu We will hvlp mm nlunnlnx Ind tonmum lullullllll for dollyoung buym BALI PLHNING Mill I0 ledernuon My mm lam Mpmvflmql Crnlu In TEENAGE RETREAT Hey Kids zood ma the Odd blew In or dun with Rob rwn mud 11 KM bio Luna and hlnlmplu HOW ABOUT THIS FOR CO4 LTD TH Liberal Ind Inrmcr Commva llva cabin minister have braken Ulis lrndillon In men yam ll dte Iwo recent me invalvinx Immigrallon Mlnlsler nomblny Ind 8m Secretary Lamanmm who named clvil mvnnll In the Common when questioned on the removal plclum In rom mm Igghlquun moma We rel Vlry strongly that he lndluonnl lmmunlly of civil nrnnh from being blnmtd In the nuns Carry mom or muuku which hey my ar may not have mndu must be malntained they quilo Illth delend harm 121m mm hm ncmnllnm rdllorlnl uyn Tell your mom Ind and they an Nll about 11 IM mmmm or hem no mm In Km ONLY $450 71l1496 In th cue of Margaret Ann Richnrd Intdive Even01d blonde Ike the metaler llld woodwork teacher Prim Gemta Cullen mllva of Akron Ohio Min chard wu be only Kr In her Indmtrhl nu mum It Kent sun Unlvmuy flu cum to ngdlu Mr in 5pr childrm In St 11ml SIrprIslnzly be younger boy who mnka ha mos unmy she nyu not be cause Im lemale though but been 19 man Anaran am Im lo everytth dona futall once PRINCE GEORGE 30 OP What hippens la the only girl in In otheer lil nulI clua after ndunuml Tinco prim wen won by 1h couple having the lame most Inactive and mm nrlzinal oomga Everyone lndudlnrtho Radian danced lo the mule of the Pixemu Highlight of the evening was thenowning of Miss Sadie Hawkins Four clues rtllunz to her Identification wen plmd an ha bullelln ho 112qu belch the Jam Ritchie president ol the Glxll Athlolle Anodlllon crowned Lynn Milly Grade student uMls Sndle Hawk lns for 196166 Lynn wan chosen by Ike executive of Illa Glrll Mlllellc Assoclnlan Ind am Im the who school body lulu um the chqu III excellent For the ml he evenlnl Lynn were typlul Mummy Iwhlch alluded much mention The evrninx ended 1230 member ol lha GM ell Girl Teaches Metal Work dune By mm JANE mass The nnnual Sadie llnwklns danne monoer by he Glrla Athletic Association wax held Nov IL The Ilrla who planned the decorlllons dld terrific job in turnlnxl our gymnuium Into Mammy Yokuma llldgayay For 7V less week belore the dance the girls were bury mak lng cottage larlhe boy whom they were escorting to the dance Gulfll TriplaOomin For egeh coming soled on ma from file Biblewhlch de widl Dlfllll comm 10 Martin the and of sad readlng the student medltntodon Inward of God which have been lnns miued to thmu aha wrlunzl gm was Amino end its read nnlhe Apoaflu Creed wu dud who mth as Iymbol Mtwholzhemd men that we IIth glven mm lint coming on minimal Day Ieeond reading which deal mm comm on earth to uslhmfll he Mu nod to Holy Euohnflstfiwds allowed by the hymn hme Como Rnnual Sadie Hawkins Dance At Elmvale Is HugeSuccess TOM comma Advent qremonluwm initialed all week with Bible vlgu conducted by Grade 11 Itudanls The heme of rsmanv AtStlwchjsePhs The Christmas Gift Store DRESSES WIIH DISCOBEAT THAT LOVE TO DANCE ALL NIGHT SALE 60 DUNLOF IT PHONI 724439 Mung seam will under way Team will mixed within the week of Dec under the lupervlflan of Mn Copelnnd BASKETBALL Mr Copeland the drll Kym teacher picked the allowing member to remmu he lilll Junior basketbnll elm or 196 65 Forward Include Coleth Chaput Kathy Whitfield Susan Hancack Sharon Martin Damn Ritchie Sharon 3m Gulrdl Include Mary June WIpIel Lin dn Den Linda Langman Judy Columbus Barb Campbell Fran Duper that thedance had been him Hum mm It wlll bq ledby me other mdu In lhe remaining ek mm mm Alumni mndlnztn Christl Trlpln Corn lng the Advent Wreth whldl made up of our candln Ia represent the our week nl penance wu perform to prepm ourselm or Ihe coming at Our Lord on Christh Dnyl blessed with holy water and on candle lighted as we were nnw Into the first week Advent Win the xlnglng of Ina Recou lonal Hymn Come Divine Mu xlnh the beauulul Iymbollc ceremony dfewuto dough EmmanuaL gave glory In Christ mine occasion nl HI Second Coming Alter Chihr ml oomlnn lull undo the worldwu described In the In ocnlypne litany which Incor pormd hm it the wards Cm lard gems was recited ma wfiwfl my $895 to $1995 ymmsms Barvla Finest Selection Of FOR TEENSI TEL 12H II DUNLDP IT snow noors Want run is

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