N1 new mu mm only lwo nominm Wllmd Wudm de ultd lho form va Gordan Wuhan lm lo 170 0mm council members Wm pug dcmusd GerM nlnclhum huded lhu poll lur Ichool mqu will In volu wm lwo la he club Jld Hyllop wu ucmd Ill 17 UnJIImMIuI candidllu um Manta Mllln 170 Ind June lmhnll 11m Innuxum mall Im uunrlfl glll be mum Mnn mm lhe lollowinz were nnm baled Robert Riley JohnMc KAY and Gordon Raehnm With one to be elected on the Idmol board Ruben Bury the only ope nomlnaud vm In Jaï¬uyIt lieiuiird um larTncr gaunt member Earl Mum 115 and Chlrlu Joy MIME sum Volerl want lo pol hm yummy Ind lumrd out lo In Wll1 oply lyo with elcdad In mum Nalmn My bended poll with anu tolled ed by alhrrl were nmu Mrl villa LU llnrvey Pelllmw Alex MMIlIlalr 101 Thus men will jurynlho my cmmcll Creemore Elects Warden For Reeve TWO Cookstown Poll lnallon meelmg held her last nlghl was extremely qulet and the main luluest in ll was the lac that wllh only one to be clecled to council and one in lheAxchoul bnlarrllhem could élilzm Mu Jed Edmy wu nomin uï¬r 1th meeting KIMUH sun birthday Saturday we momma LM have béan an elecnon for one 090x510 5uflr Nom Hmmn tough minim Stanleydnz Moxidayyhil the lullcrutrhrm in Port the building collapsed abmu With que b6 eledea 6r Dr Benin Elkth mu prawn mm at Wu 921mm plan he mud In CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY PORT STANLEY HOTEL DESTROYED Ifyuu cant Jan to be uck you need PERSONAL HEALTH INSURANCE to com Income replacgmm and mqlnr mcdical upmu HE M8 140er IDNDON CPI Brlhlnl but pub In Its 10th Eullnd Ind mm In dart ol nod and in lndunrlll mu Egan nanny Mler In null ulde In mom 1n Enu Ind Ind Wllu In th ms ad um ha recommendl only 1000 and Inn on of ID cam vluw Ha lays mu nunknele dyinl Mmaivmeetinz will be hgxd muesdny In Jam he threw the meeting open fogvnoynlnadyg ségeghes Nominee John McKay saldhe would do his best If elected but he had no experience Speaking or GordunRaebnrn whn was not present Reeve Ira Vï¬lsan said Mr Raeburn had told hlm he would not be In krsted came to point when Ill election wu neces mjy Hence the new membei on cade Jack McKay and the new member on the school board lsflobert Riley nary Tlrlwll Im II 11ka mm Burl II num Mc 3mm Far Bu Plrly ler NE YEA EVE CLUB PAVAlON RESERVE NOWI nmnn ugmvlmm van luv in II Incl nu ma wily Ilul BlurJ tXll III Iflmulnlu mflho uncut No ï¬lo0m LI oflvrod ll om Nov mourn almd II on Inn And In My om nlM Pupnan lovlmnlldnu Wm bank nuum In an Inn ml Ihlh null ulluln nlu nlnulndurllol Ihrlnhp whim Mott IMWIIIM bl IllM Intlath ammnmmn mm In In nldmd am Mod mlny month rec we elected last year do twoyear term Ind they were Mull townJohn Mur dod Ind Damn Wm with M1 in be eleded Harv Mr Dowell wiih H2 votu Bob ere McCarthy with wen Wulllm Hum drew om opened Va lam been but IIVn bulvy undun ad Do cnghhrémlh flu to In Decomm lvl 176 Iowa Dumber mm rapeseed to 1m Jmuaq lmk wmwm Fllr Lodz in lulu nudn mm Iuiu In urly Ir flu Win zany nmuwmmum wumwh In mbdanu Iflh the Ibl Iy to Ih 11 homot Md IlnlulmelIvulkhln in unnu nn hill Injnnd Bu er prim Amculuml ï¬wfllullon Board Iendernble urlou buyiu more so buylnl Icon 51 ulllnx 5a mom mercyxumyu ha 1119 eleouvn or council new low men win by two vote 0361 With wt Io be elected Franck Kelly headed the polls with 01m hummus chalkedup vote as lollwhf Edwnrd McDermo 79 Allan mandrel S77 Gru ory OIAIry and hfnle Sev ern 336 11 me trustees last year ll Ibo on the Mlle sclml mm Gmrnlnl cream and Miter prim price wezenunohnngnd mlng my move tmlnaï¬ed yurl mnunuuuly In Mlle olfloo for Mr Smlll Bezlmhl In ms ho was Mic ldml mule cox75 yum Ha wu than on mud for llve years and for the past 14 year he has been new Mr Sm was wuden In 1956 wgrz my two yam AILISMN Stefï¬A 14313 period 01 nemhlp came to an cad here last week when form er Rev John Smafl declined go my rows Adjazln Coun Frederlpkymkler elect gm by aeglmngllon 115mm rafter Ibo In ed No one was Injured but damn was estimated at $100000 ¢n 4M mature hndxnarkJuhum 10 mile mumof SQ mun CF Wlflfllm Announce New Hailing Suwanee Cburicil VNéminees Win By Two Votes Shrinks Piles FARMERS MARKET NOW SHOWING Rand Supervisor Cowl read Ml vaember Matan ol eounu Io be pald nhwwlnz local of $35951 This doe no Include the crushed zuvel now being applied on he 10 MM but does cover all expenditure lo the end of November HEADQUARTERS The diatrla hand rim or the Dwurtmenl of ghwnys or all of Slmcoe County are locum ln Owen Sound mm reld councll mm lhedls lrld enzlneer advbed that In address of the Milan and mm url of the dinlrlct would be Box 531 Owen Sound lll Gllbcrt and Molm lhe nKl chm will be loaded here In stead Toronto or Dlalrltt ASK TAXREFUND Amy Bell Ewan Allan wrote Mk Ital Lama adjun mcnt banllawod In their prop crly lax family In was lhll hn bun allowed Dub ulnual Matt Mr Wellies hoped that tho council would set back to uth on their rand bulldInK proï¬tmu Every dollar yin get or gnnu cosh ul two dollars ha stated wanted to come and tell you ollkf before kicked 619th ROAD ACCOUNTS Councillor Lack pointed out that the holiday properties paid aver In the axes callecud and or road there wax so the chtHBnnini mperllei nggge srummeg ml nu It mu mmmer Miriam let With nix ol duh nominees to may A5 headed 815 53 31 lo bulld rand that will accom modnla this lrafllc Reeve Cochran told Mr WAI lnce that last year It county council ha and the deputy nave bmm up mullon quesllnz um minimum assessmem hp plnmd on mall property own erg so In her would plyfl leaf their fair share of the cos ADULT ENTERTAINMENT farmer We would be beuer out the county Iyltem altogether he told the council Ova00 var cent of the IImen are not mlakingovu £2500 annually he laid and ell thyt the added use higher may haeingto kmdhextarmer poor He Ls paying doubh be tax of ordinary hmdwldefl Ind tha ammm rule In mm they won oyer hundred years ago and Mm Wallacnv 12131111 this touncll should ndvoulou channln the whole system BROUGHT UP MOTION rer centmxovernmenl subsldy gavinx Jen thnn quartz2 FHEESIIRE Ffllfll Humid Wlilnoe 1116 will line came in wunelll rennin meuinz pniMonday improth the excessive work done mum md to rebuild 119le lids mud to iherlliway Ha Maj hi enoth wujpenton hi my ofdn lhreé oi sufï¬cient quality or the use nichroad1 Ira put 10 He claimed Ihsra Wm and rim nddiiinnni widmu driving sqflaoeihui town chip ll bringing and now til belnz Iuseleultnctnr In local ovemmena Mt WIUIEO chimed that he moneylmm lam um noeliw the caunly 210de to mum He cflllcbedlha Cougty Omani dummbzcmm OUII SECOND IIMTUFII INMSHLJEES spexï¬ Tdo Mudh On Roadsk IMPERIAL mm as MIMEMagi MacDonald 17 Ken Ken 299 Ken Healherhzlon us William Knox Donald IIcInlyra M1 Unsumssiul candldales were Roy McCabe with and MIL Anlo with Ugo imam SFAYNER SM 91 dons hdd here yellexdayonly one new member wu cloned to cum Ken Hzmheflnm Mani in M731 Yfl line lelt out in yesierdnyn new missed the result 01 two candidate Ferguson Franck received 106 votes Wililnm Gib hint50 andmoy icoodlclinw Georze Muihnilnnd new comer polled 285 which was load 1M SANTA GLADE HELPER mm Minxend an evenlnx Rmper which has Santa mm 1me have been moved we by front page niory last weekend ceiling ol mum lry girl mother who wu lo live nwny iher iive chlidmn alter Christmas but needed help or the inn Ulrinlman togeiher We uni dieqalewiUyou New Manmectéd To Town Council urylof the Nounwang ii watercourse lhle would em qqnt lo um ANALYSISOF VME 21 ellll puzzle to many lo whyymore people dlrl null bother In co nut lo the poll on smme to elect he Hoard mm whovwlll Ipendjhelr ehm of the lax dollar Only than ten per cent of the ellg our ehowecl ug gym poll on Saturday Cooksluwn polled 51 Chumhlll 130 mm 149 Bell Ewm 110 Thornlon 23 Strand two polls 209 Lenn arda school and Lakelands 05 Holly Crawlnrd 29 Min la an ID Palmwlck two pollsfllll and El Bay Point burned out 31 vote Temmselh Iownshly wrote Id nk thallnnlsfll pay their ahnre ewsso£c9mmz 1rle lune undidglg Do you Imhl on mlchmclcr In you rye willin thmm to In danyoun GOLD STRIPE nun cm qunllly rye hm blmdzd or Imoollmw but doel ndl Ignition flvoul thcber you uh ll on the ml with ma mod mm ale GOLD STRIPE 31m you In mllbodlod noodnm mm mm mm orlha 11m We think youll lilu lhnxmc loo Nut time ilk or GOLD STRIPEMm type elm myour Gold Stripetype Adams GOLD STRIPE LANAHMN NW vmmw Liquor votes were 5pm in re sult reported Monday nlghl wth Murmur 14 miles call of Cornwall appmvln the null beer andwino in corn munlky whfls Ihe wet allld by narrow margin inWallm Sunday movies were Med In Emlth Falls slvney Duet Peterborough and mbury but rejected in Orillh and Brant lard Sunday sport were up proval In Ottawa Peterbomum and Woodstock Fluoridation water my plies preventative for tooth decay won appmval In Ottawa and Bellevllla with few other mum on 41hr Issue expected today Elsewhue In the province Ihe palmn showed law uplela whHa other entrenched lncuma bent MB on In their posts Voter also mislead their gamut or at mum fluor nflan Sunday Iportl or movlem llquar onlleu axle lion of municipal term and lrmdflsn and other local 1y nun 11m cANAnIAN Puss Voben In scare at Ontarin emu and dozens flllmlllfl mmmunillex eleclpd naw coun cils Monday as tho bulk the year municipal oontcsuwuo decided Scatteredvoflng con unuen lhlx week and next Ma duyl One Incident at vlolcnco was reported Rmt won in the town or Leulde lo Metropolllnn Tor onto where an explosion on smallvhnle ln Illa mo of the llomo offoomer mayor Lloyd Dickinson who lost to Mayor Both Noahon In the Hulda vollnzPollce were lull lover unsung early tady EléfctedNéWLCbundils WEDNESDAY DEC gimme Ar mu JACKPOT $22000 LEGION HALL 7L comsn 51 Dam open van lEGION Bmso bur1nearChakhnm lo votg hr liqnor anddmlnl lounges Money bylan or mum pal swimming pool lnlhe small communlly alVurner near North Bay Ind or an lrllflclal ice rink in lhaOflawn Valley nlomlq gonnnMy Deep Riverwere Vlumed down But voters In mum In wglcrn Ontario vow In 532500 llw or and rmnslmclion and paving WANT ElAGGEILED TERMS Deep River approved lullv zered two year ammo 01 Ice or council members 0n municipal Inucs Belle ville resident voted fur re ducuon In Ihenumber of coun cillor 1mm That dty elected seven coundllors this yearwhla Lhemayar and Ike other level wm electedlan yearfor Iwoyear em1 Pele borouxh voted or In extenslnn of ma Machine mldmu la year or morel standing mains NANA umwmMWm HoséeE Show 700 and 1005 ADDED ATTRACfION Eul Mayor Rlchard Bethe of Branllnrd whase In two terms were won by acclam34 ion won third at the WHI over owner Alduman Kennalhi McCalcman And In Chalhumf Game Newklrkmnn Ms sev enthjerm mayor naming backnfler years reï¬nement éby defeating incumbent Mum Sass Upset mayoral delealswera William In Nlaguia Fallslnd St Thomas In Nlagara Halls Mayor Franklin MIllcrHWhn had held ofï¬ce for six years last to Cnuncilman Robert Kelshan Mayor Vincent Barrie mung his Inuth eonsecullvo lwo year term last in Sli Thomas to Aldermun Donald Stnkus In Tilhury on lhg border of Kent and Essex counties day llzhtJlme was approved by narrow majority Essex County slay on standard time duri the mnmer months Shdwn II inn NOW SHOWING