Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Dec 1964, p. 4

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IPllblished by CanadlanhNeWspapers limited Walls Publisher idBayileld Street Barrie Ontariog Church Ne Reclisno Attitude To wand more closely to tlieteachlngs oi Chilit Conventions of various church denom inations held during the past sevcraL months have produced many reports in dicating steadily increasing realization that the church today Ishasbeen the case at frequent intervals in the past is failing to grapple with the major prob lems that beset society Not few of the utterances com ments The Owen Sound SunTimes have made the press reports hold ech oes of the denunciations oi the prophets of the Old Testament against the church of that day and even of Christ of the church leaders at His own time on earth The critlclSms have been based on lack of understandin and sympathy for the masses particular those masses who suffer under the bur en oidiscrimlnab ion need or other problems even in cluding much education The Driven Sound daily is usuall well informed and objective in its itorlal treatment of church and religion so we feel that re roduction of the following should be oughtprovoking to sincere church members in some instances there has been frankly voiced acknowledgment that there are many who live outsidel the church perhaps making no profession of faith in the Head of the church who live than do many inside its ranks in most instances the stress has been on thogreat need to ca genes religion outside the periods oi ormal worship wiiaen odour lineages rucsnav oncannsn nu recs he and intolife as it is livedday by day There is no thought that there shou be any lessening of formal worship For most these periods must remain their main witness But the stress has been placed on adding eatiy to the practice of roll on in den tags with onea fellow men ing and sympathy for those who have different views on religionas well as for active su art for those who are fi hiing against dacflmination because race and color and even religion There is are is vast need for understands need forpeople of thechurchto make ues The vast concentration of wealth and firm and clear standon vital moralrfss power need to face up to the threat of extreme population concentrations in laces nat one community districts fam cs where want prevails and rtun ity often enou beat is lac need which per is best concentrated in that one mean hood VSuch courses as proposed at these conventions offer the church the oppor tunity to the werful role her Founder intended To gnore them is to continue as token bodies increasingly ineffectual DOWNIMEMORY LANE so YEARS AGO lN TOWN Barrie Saturday Morning Dec 1914 Thirteen more volunteers accepted for Canadas Second overseas Contingent Six were from Barrie area Arrn strong Ernest Ross Alfred Taylor Montgomery Arthur Durantand Percy Baker all mlltia members otthe 35th lteglment Simcoe Foresters Wintry weather put hockey in mindwith good prospects for local junior team and strong church league Simcoe County Council shelved until January proposal to insure each soldiers life or grant $50 000 to Patriotic Fund Judge Vance fiesented report and Barrie Home Guard fle Association adopted regulations Playing at Grand Opera house one night only The Belgian Nurse with Canadian cast stage drama of present world war Hon Frank Cochrane acclaimed pol iticsl hero for wanionly wrecking that Ereat national undertaking the Newmar et Canal which would have connected Lakes Ontario and Simcoe Henry ONeills store and dwelling at to de stroyed by fire At All dale TR re orted number of youn engineers are sck firing on passenger runs Ward on William Wood was feted by County NO PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPHY Fort Erie LetterReview Hon Paul Hellyer minister of defence is to be commended for his refusal to agree to having National Film Board oiogra hers ske pictures on the floor of the lousaof Commons while the House was in session The House of Com mons together with the Senate are often alluded to as the high court oi arlla merit and photographers are not lowed in court while the court is in session This habit of taking pictures in court is an lmqurt that Canada can do with out purpose oi taking the pictures was to enable the film board to provide educational strips Visitors to the golicr lea oi theiiouse oi Com ons arenot al lowed on the floor oi llouso while the House is in session RITIRIMENT DAUNTINO PROSPECT Brantlord Expositor Retirement is far from pleasant pros set for older workers if the views oi niarlo civil servants approaching the compulso retiring age oi as are any criterion niy 11 per cent oi those whose opinions were sought in recent Govern ment survey were complelely nlilfled at The Barrie Examiner summu as new an rm om npmmnt on peynmtl ma pals send and stamina liotid lltlltlffl waau pm nch wrurm II Mirnasow nsvrn mm was or Michael nonnam llu stun hempilow urn daily or main watts the nut arms to fly mil nature in ner us me sin thm mm sud mantle Item IMIIM rule an moi Quill on It Wane mu on AV mug mm stimuli uh °ti first BlremIne sun Ivme canan emu nsII can let to the an ellullsw all no Jar In Inn mth It as in sun 71 amtte tannins normed reams at lmatai Calls Andrew Corbett and George Usn Wool rude luau particularly appreciate Council at Wellington Hotel Ailandale Loyal Orange Indge No 432 celebrated doth anniversaryThomas Campbell is figment Worshlpful Master Herbert bertson was rogram chairman in ab sence of ys KC MP at Ottawa Sixteen prisoners now in county jail here two oi them women Barrie Ten nis Club dance at Town Hall well patron ized with music by Ptrii Addisons or chestra Mrs Simon Dynrent and daughter Mrs Gregory left to spend winter in California At the an nual neighborhood hunt took ace with Bsnting captains followed by dinner at Bache lors Hall Frank Moberley elected captain of Home Guard Business boomlnfl at Barrie Tanning Company and Underh ls Shoe Factory At Stroud Angus Warnica was elected of Mln erva Masonic lad is Welidressed man with many ases and driving ilne hackney horse attached to rubbertired bu gy arrested and charged with fraud name of Charles Hunter of Barre as brother he had been col lectlng money for Belgian Relief Fund through county rural areas He was ar raingcd before George Ralkes JP at Shanty Bay OTHER EDITORS views the idea Nearly threequarters would plufer to continue working full or part me Two oi the commonest reasons given for not wanting to retire were enjoyment oi the job and the desire to continue to make worthwhile contribution The third major reason financial fear for the future troubled four in each five oithose interviewed aha contrast to the generally acce ted opln on of the security offered by vil Service career Against this ore who were happy at the thought oi retiring looked forward to ettin out while they had their health coul indulge in their hobbies and in trtvel and recreation Some were con corned at making room at the top for younger employ es the maln reason generally for set compulso retiree ment age Others cit they be passed their physical and mental peak another persuasive reason for calling it day Where the survey can hel tho Govern ment and privato mpan on also is in planning prereti ont programior older workers Man In this age bracket felt that as prontot on had passed them by their services were not being utilised to the best advantage Others were filling in time unablaxio adopt to new rondl lions and techniques and some were find ing the work load too hesv rogram gcarod to ca ab lilies oi employees approaching re tir ng age with on crime on oi service on iul or part time basis for those with satisfactory records could benefit employee and Government HIAVEN FOR PIDIITIIANS France Actuallal New for the first time in ris certain streets are both reserved strictly for edestrians Durng various deal naicd ours no vchlcishnay enter clrcu ate or park in them So far it streets and an knows how man he py waiters ml aheppsrshav bone liic rout theaoncw ly decreed eairlcltonl against whebll motor noises and forties ourlsts will an on motor fisgicldufilnglpfriods of the day and hi it pours us narrow elm ottfontmartre gful word Brother tll Individual lknsto Kins asked him about M55549 orTAWAsuwrrvr ears or burrsrnasl oceans PARK Industries Needed All Provintes By non olnaanN WinoThere has been lot written recently on the ac tirlties of other provinces in luring lrairastry Quebec has been offering lo cal preference in government purchases and various other in gulcermfs including tax write Nova Scott has been giving low interest loans building punk and alstance western have also been ectivc WEAK IATlONi 901M 99 filmy mill fest Ontario also ahouitlatart doing the same thing 1b date it has stayed aloof And the writer at least hopes it will continue this wayctr tninly for the present There is one real danger in this rather desperate interpre vincial cosmetition for new lav dustry This is the danger that bld ding and incentives can get stronger and stronger that provinces other as feelings will ow bitter star with them thatthe overal process can lead to severe weakening of national unity The dangers of this however should be very much less it On lario stays out of the competi on ma pnwinces that arrow in the fight for new industry shareaoommonpl theysii need the industry quite badly And being in the same boat they wont rally resent any thing the other provinces do But Ontario isnt ill that host it la we with industry it is higtdyiendowed with natural attcutlona for new industry and always gets the lions altars letit start offering excep tional inducements and there would bercsentment the resentment the mail operator has against the olnln store driving him to the well wi loss leaders Ono further very important point is that so long as Ontario stays aloof it sets tone and OTTAWA REPORT Breakingion Noted Master Of English ly PATRICK NlCIlOLION THAka of the great est masters of the rhaglish lane IM in Canada today is loo nard Memo widely and tunity famed as an orator and tailor of good tales but qlulll distinguished as noun seai aliens and great Canadian Brod the native of Cerdlli Wales now in his late uvsn tlu visited Ottawa recruit to give evidence before the our of Commons committee on ex iornal attain its was dismissing nationh verslve literate which at times overqu reason to be come an Instrument of racial proiuditc in his wisdom he wamcd that le Isletan unitt this pfacilco mghl turn out to be curtailment of the demo erotic right of free spasm lifter the mnluu hearing the chairmen the learned tor lends John Matinee gave small lunrh party in honor of Brook and was kind email to include the my his mate rearrum AND names Vie had so enceileni meal not much became of the at wayydellcious food served in the larllamcntar restaurant but thanks to an account flow r4 wit nrl victim from Mich who seemed to have little chance the food while he tath incessantly from one to mail Ilrott came to anada or years ailer winning the gold In Ii for law at the Uni vmll of Wales His career hm as varied between prac tlai law with Prime inlslsr it hcnndla inn in Cal nth beln the first chair manoflhst fmmlmlo to tile honors are way sud include lacing made freeman of the City of imdoo and an honorary mm at the Bar of New Yuri rtly and state One of his important jobs was as clsl wartime ssnt to trim Minister Mac at In Adviser to corporv his departure from that post The story suggests lhat the transition from the pedestrian Madrantle King press to the oratorical flights mostwritten by Brook was more than the grey little man could stomach When friend asked him why he had ended his as with the prime minister Binds replied WI III ulnnnortsd to be moral physician to the body title of the Liberal party but was distorted to find that wu expected to waste my lime as oratorieal midwlie to an in tsllettual virgin Wu th at used Brodr Net quit replied think said was rad of bolus err todcal midwer to an old maid Pity the folklore version la more amusing and entirely In character if may buntly sug Wfl All WORD FOR 11 next made his own pithy mmmcni on the mm For liament great admirer of the writing of William Blakcapcm he suggested tint the hint ha written the moat swlicahle apt romin hla Merry Wine of lndeori lien is met abus liu of Coda pailm and the Kin Fulfil ll ascents into the not die led Indmot lend color to his stories but some would mlor new faces Among his tales of MUM alloyed his accmtnt of mm lander killed and sheanslhued sharing train carriage in the mill at Scotland with fellow traveller clad in unllerm range to him the iilgidand Imifnrms hm but what In this you weart he asked its the uni form of the salvation Army And whet mm do you ilfll luhi lilo devil will fight hlm tool it in Aberdeen will Mil Inl lnnaorrvw In lhindee and the out day will fight hm In Edinbumi fBarrle tagca of the city Itself Wele intan even greater community when you take an overIll look Were less than an hours drive from some of the finest summer dents and especially Visitors My choice for city slogan is great pineeto Cdming from province noted ior its hospitality and iriendli near Nov Scotla of courn must to less that lcouldnt hope for more iriendly city than Sande it is my type of city and Judging from the that riso=ln population many moremili green Take tirecily melt Education and recreation facllities are very good and with the cation wcktlll lounae musicians and cthecorganlxatlonstbet we tends to act as an dndtor on gmBritta 1y pm nee pmhnb too farwith its lures so long as Ontario keeps to the remain course But let it get into the game with all its power and there could be dewerate bidding will tio tmtcst whldi would be highly dangerous the dry conceivably could come when we will really hurt for industry Then we might have to adopt new tactics But iornow Premier Marts has been statesman about this And its to be hoped he can stay that way Above all we should remenr her that its in our ultimate in terest that the other provinces ddgct healthy They are our best customers And the health izriheyerathamonuwyhavs it may mean bit of twinge in see an occasional industry lost to the province But in the final interest of with and the owntry this can be good Builds 25003 heed Organs Warmmo can am Wiederhold to esti mates he has tuned and recon structed more than 1500 reed organs or harmonluma during the last 25 years tum shown lathee depart ments it will be even better Theres as much entertainment asyoucmrldbopeiorinacliy this also ranging in variety from internationally known so tors and performers to pleasant We have enough service clubs can plclc and choose and theres no need for anyone not to par tlclpeicin community work of some nature ln Mayor 14s Cooke we have men we can certllniy be proud of and while city council some times comes under fire its my contention that these men do an honest and excellent job Police departments both city and OPP cao take their shareof glory also are city has compare iivcly small number of traffic accidents and even smaller mount oi luvenlle delinquency proof positive that our police departments are on the ball these are some of the advan and wlnterrerortl in the Do minion We dont have to tahe aback seat to any province for skiingawrmming boating fish ing hunting orany of the other viecliitieswhlch can attract tour letsat any time of the season its the bright lights of the city that attract you you can go to downtown Toronto almost as tader as peoplaleing in Scarborough nburb of the his city Anyone fortunate enough to obtaln tickets can lee the best Canada has to offer in football baseball and hockey on trip to Toronto if youre an Argo nautian you look to the viailm to provide the best While some prefer to go to the city on shopping sprees Barrie has exceptionally fine clothing and grocery stores or Take it from comparative newcomer this is fine city Udemploymenlls low We great community in which to relse children and when wa go to other parts of Canada we shouldnt claim were irum 1hr onto ll many people do we should tell the world were from BarrieInd proud of it BIBLE THOUGHT Learn oi IMl tor not meek and lowly oi hennaMatt lit Cast oil the aharn of Christian living and pattern you lite alter Christ who initialed Himself in all things rmrnsltts INSURANCE AGENCY Householders Policy not only pre facts you against loss by fire at home but also protects you against loss by theft from your home or car valu able coverage while travelling on hell days etc Just phone Ill see you at your home umrmaarrrol 14 PARKSIDE DRIVE BARRIE Phone Us At 7284 or Mac Next timetryl And he figured hehad econ Just about every at organ until he was called the home of Garence Clair There ha en countered lwyearoldinrlru rncnt solid walnut upright with six steps and ti keys com pared with the many more stops and TI ks of modern organs The organ was made by the Dominion Organ Company of Bowmanvllic Ont and one possible reason why Mr Wie dcrhnld hadnt seen it or one ill uuntnnuam nus mans like it before was that it hadnt been tuned since 1611 agony IN YOUR HOME CAN MEAN CASE IN YOUR HAND Ihatlnvestmmt you have in your hemels anamtinnmwayathanoneXounueilty for the Auociataa lionae Owners boon Plan Under this plan you may borrow from 000 to 0000 on the equity youve built up The interest rate ll rea sonable There are no hidden charges or obscure clauses You completely rape the loan in goal monthly installments ovwapulodofuptotanyemihmm no balance or balloon psynwnta intereetlewmputod monthly onthums Thats right reclaimed the inrhlander 1r mendo smith ever lee We chains the mhlmrtt WM been Plan in paid balanoc This mom that each pay ntant you make reduces the amount interest you nm are lot moons why you might need oasisllng unlvsnity edueau tion buyingaoeoond urmmodallng your homoKeepthoAoclltssiloroe Owners mlndihe Associates is one of Canadas largut financing firms with branch offices in principal allied across the country ammmmrmnm ASSOCIATES nEAtTYCREDITthliED unconstitutional

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