Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Dec 1964, p. 5

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twin wrrrjurn IS concomitant Clarence leach leit Allis isles Bud Gran oi 0mg Potato Club annual banquet ton representative tor Agri cultural chemicals congratu Farms Alliston was win nor of Brhibits at 500 Bushel Sunnidale sét For Nominations Sunnidale townshipwill hold nominations at New ioweil Dee ll beginning at pm This will be one oi thrlaat townships tobold elections this year Council had previously postponed nomination date on acctnrnt ol not having any deci sion on annexation otthc com plete area Osirview Beach Oakview Reach Since the last council meeting however council had letter rpm the Deputy Minister oi Mu nlcipal Aliairs with instructions to go ahead with elections as usual The election will beheld Disc 19 irom to am to prn recvc deputy reeve and three councillors era to elected COG TROUBLE Council has had several com plaints about dogs running loose upsetting garbage cans and gen erally causing nuisance During discussion oi the mat ter clerk lack Pogue read the corrplcte bylaw relating to the omatter Mr Poguo told council he had had several calls about dogs unsettlns garbage cans art so on The matter was over to January but man members agreed that dog catcher would eventually have to be arpornt ed PDGUE NAMED Council received letter Irom Colllngwood Collegiate Board stating that Russell Pogues term oi attics on the school board Is about to expire and asking council to appoint member to the board puv Iteevc Wilt Downer said itussell Pogue is the best representative weve ever had on the boar Other members agreed unan imously and Mr Pogue was re appointed as councils represen tative on Collingwood collegiate Board SANDING PROBLEM Council spent considerable time dismissing the matter oi sanding roads No sanding has been done because the township has no sander and has not con cted or anyone to do it Members discussed to purchase sander as soon as pmibla or to hire someone to do the sanding rmtil new council is elected Deputy Reeve Wilt wner said The police came tn me last night and suggest some thing be done Somethin detin ltely has to be done During the discussion who Iher to advertise tor tenders tor sanding in Sunuldale township Mr Downer said The proper way to do it would he to ad vertise tor tenders tot sornenne to do theisanding and also ior tenders to buy equipmént so the township can do the banding We dont necessarily have to be aoorsst either one but thats the ihe roads superlnt ndsnt said he had had several complaints trom drivers about roads not being sanded The last council thesting will he on Dec 22 and that meet ing council will dis the mat ter again way to get on with giro lob arges US Provo ation aromw AP would Breahnev med United States lhursdayol tting provocations against Vlst Nam and said the Sovle Union ls prepared to render th nec essary assistance The first secretary at the So viet Oorrurrunlst Party added Let the lrnperiallsts beware at playing with fire lie also denounced last weeks BelgianAmerican paratroop rc Ilon in The Congo Breshnev Nikita Khrush chevr Wr as Comrmmist taken by the Soviet govern ment without threatening direct Soviet intervention in either trotdalod area Necessary an slstanco was leit vague and undefined Brerlmavs alaninqu speeds to CoedsSoviettrlcndshlp rally In the Kremlin was more narrltable tor what It did not con 0R0 RATEPAYERS =5 Harold Husband Respettlully solicits your support tortselectionto December the school board 5th I964 Continental cgnn HWY 400 AT DUNLOP ST CLOVIRLEAF starlight Inals Opel III Daara To The Marlo OI THE SELIIV OUARTT In our relaxing STARLIGHT LOUNGE Reserve Now res this No Years Hrs larty awn Monday lhll rum lully Licensed Under The LCI0 Regulations chiei mated stands already $0M held in Alliston this week Elections For On Set For Saturday on mum holdclee tions tomorrow ior reeve eight councillors and six trustees Running tor reeve are Geo MlOkIYInd Kenneth Gillesp The dowty reeve Elmer Sirelswell has been acclaimed Running tor council three to be elected are Bernard Betta Gordon Caldwell Albert Farr ter Delno Jermey Wallace Key Kenneth Gilchrist leon ard McArtlrur Allan McLean three to be elected are How ard Campbell Mrs Edith Con lad Harold Hudoarrd Bemell McKay George Tran and Dr Paul downs Annual Meeting Agricultural Men Held In Elmvale EllhIVAIE Stall the an nual meeting oi the North Sim coe Soil and Crop Improvement Association began In the Royal Canadian Legion Hall at 130 pm today Frdiessnr It Fullrerron oi the Department oi Crop Science Ontario Agrlnrl college on Proiitahle Production oi Quality Forage and Cereal Crops Election oi dlrertori and an aociate directors will also place iollowing the nomination report Other tails and reports in clude Special Crop Prolects in North Slmcoe by Gallin Iieidmsn Ontario Soils and rope Branch Report on Corn Plaid Day Claromont Oct 20 blhlsn Scott Views oi Can adntt Agriculture in color by Morris Darhy past president ol general discussion chaired ry Donald llell the Use oi hirdstoot lre Page Agricultural tatlvo iol North Sim make several announce coming events lilflti tit ALFRED HITCHCOCKS SUSPENSEFUL SEt MVSIERY amm Aflh Lus Board oi ST BI CONS Pl LO Ol EDUC Running tor Area School Board Guelph will address the meeting 0R0 IOWNSHIP VOTE DR PAUL WALSH SAl DEC 5TH EW AND PROGRESSIVI ID so KEEP one TOWNSHIP UP one all ma le own or arm AND METHODS IN ms TEE JAMIE EXAMINER FRIDAY truism sores organization Iha lnnislii branch oi the Fed eration oi Agriculture onWed nesday evening was told by County President George Jack sonrthat their organization was trytnn to bars hetterrunder standing with processors at term products theyrealize that It willimprove matterllor both sidesand their iood council also realises that one oi its persons born on larmswill effinploymsnt In other wailrsoi lie said they must realizethat they will require oducatlonto adapt themselves and put them in position to compete with the rest oi the countryand redeem ployment away Irons the tarsus COUNCII SET UP Mr Jackson told the gathering that arouncll had been set up to which ltrmer could take his problems when exprop station proceedings were endeavv oring to take his lands tbis council was in position to as sist these learners and at pm cat was keenly interested in the expropriations being made by the conservation authority in 0x iord County He suggested that resolution irorn the township groups should be passed along so hat they would read the floors oi the conventions Ray mugheod suggested that the tax on tarrn tends was one oi the matters thst should be given special consideration as he tell that tarrn lands should not be equitable with other properties mm on cosmos veJoe Coehrano brought ngs trons the Township Ootintil and said that perhaps he had not given as mum time to the Federation as he should have done but he Ielt that the attalrs oi the grow were in capable hands Charlie Lucas drill Womens institute who had capable manner Mrs Johnston rtplled ANNOUNCWENT in yesterdays Examiner and again today will appear In ad vertisement showing the names addresses and phona numbers oi the candidatcs who are aspiring tor positions on the tiveman REESEERVE uowr For the Rest Party 0i The Year 11 NEW YEARS EVE AI lllB PAVAION Tickets Available At Jacksons Grill llarrla la0rtllla ram sums NOW SHOWING feature at 700 and pns Saturday IllPl HEDREN SEAN CUNNERY Itilllllilliflll abut urmuaaun Doc Last Stand Education lDERED IN 0RD ATION vBetter Understandth sync expressed the appreciation oi the members to the ladies oi Chilis put on the banquet in such Board ol Irustoespt the town ship Most ol the residents can reach candidate on the dial system and eachoi the cam didates will have voter list and can advise voters it their names are there The Township DECEMBER it Cierir is Reluralng Otiieer and his oiiipe will beavailahle to enquiries with tho numberoi names the counting oibailots will has slow processfhut the results will she placed on the blackboard at the council jrooms Saturday evening May thabest men win rmanvmncmro The present boards will hold anotheraneotingduring Decem ber to oompietetheialrs oi the areasbolero handing them over to IliaTownshlinoard alter the Iirstvoi the year Witblrank Kell as secretary for both north and south areasthe iinsncial matters should be well inhnnd ASSESSMENT Last year Area One had an easy poooroomgno rupumam Iwn woer on an assessment oi 885633 while BellEwart had an assessment oi 31261330 Area One had three schools on rollment 353 and t2 teachers Areaylwo had 11 schools are pupils and 50 teachers Bell Wart had one school so pupils and tltreatcachersplhe cost oi operating Area One in it was 330000 and Arealwu amounted to $175M ants rceeivcd amounted to 9000 ior Area One and 9134000 tor Area lwo Bell Ewart received sumo Ihe local levy was humor Area Ouch SSW for Area No and $10021 in Bell Ewart making local mill ratoior 1964 about It mills in Area 0nelz mills Anea Two and 75 mills In Hell EwarL Transportation cost total at $0400 in both one and two areas These rates will be equalised acrossthel township when the newarea ls In on eratlon IM BIRTHDAY Congratulations are in order ior Johnny Robinson liielong Innlstii resideat who wfll be rol hls relatives today He will also ner onSunday at Art Eden Nursing Home on the 3th lint when he makes his home BASQUE ORIGINS American Basques descend now live in ldahn Caliiornla number about 50000 ebratinghis 50th birthday with be the guest at honor at dim ants oi Pyrenees sheepherders Oregon Utah and Nevada and try this cotton blend presented runwa cm moms nothing that aiawyer likes more than lobe able to bhck up an argument with good solid precedent When thatlawyer is one wi the record and skillln court room practice ol John Dielen baker 00 he need have low qualms about the decision oi the loose and iurv Andwhen that lawyer also has the political acumen oi John Dieleqhalrer PC MP he can usegh good solid prece dent not only to back up his legal case out also to add moot rose in theComntona to argue that his partys proposal for national plebiscite on the flag question was lplsct in order rules lla iound his precedent in the records oi the Commons in June mo in the low days he tore the Mackenzie King gov emrnentrreslgned alter mounb ing criticism over the mailed customs scandal Basically the situation in June ms and in December last was the samea parlia mentary committee had loves to he Conunons first an admin Istration oi thecustomsdepart meat and second on the choice oi lag tor Canada cases norm In each case the Conservai amendment to the committee report Ioadd clauses and the Liberals oblecicd on procedural grounds in both cases the ob lections were overruled by the Speaker and the opposition amendments declared in order in ms by onevot the Corn munitions icw political barbsjto his argu So It was onlMonday when Opposition leader Dleienbalrer under commons procedural ligated and submitted its report tlve opposition moved an 0h LégdlfPQIDtlvyi monsgreat spealters Rodolphe Lemicux and this week by the present Speaker Alan Mace But In re ng themo prece dent last week Mr Dieienhairer riound not only solid legal precedent but an occasion to chlde the Libernis about their ulrrent diliicultics with allega tions oi bribery andcoerclon in high plaees MPRIAL THEAIRE 0F Billllll Thoylora onlyiorbloodi ism BARBARA SliflEBEDRGERMERE AMENDED The Conservative hesolutlon in ms complained about mirr istcrlal actions being influenced by improper pressure of politi cal associates and Intends oi prosecutions being suspended and in some cases abandoned and otimproper intericrenca widr the course oi Justice has tweengthe conviction of attend ers and the execution at ludi mcntfon them NOW PLAYING noun minimum AllNEWAnallnrwheiflhtinltiuhtandmight TECHNICOLOR intuit itllth II me no monsoon in I7 MW will IMKA It KIN Whi Private CANADI VAml Yutiago Adams distilled 29 great whistles caclr Peace rrfdiind is priceless extra dividend when you invest in adequate NT PERSONAL POLICIES kies Stock lt RYE WlllSKY um Mil142 of Life Insurance tilt in own distinctive characteristics and rlrcn aged thomfin special oak oasis Now Adams lrg marrlcri time so rare witishitsto create the Iupcrir flavouihiAdrnrs PM Stockist horirrc ingot crystal decanter at popular prior

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