ru DcL In on Nam Etnllol He nld ms code would ro Wim thrhlrinx of um men In lha summer when unemploy ment hot problem and In emu winter llyolll Mr bake uld um code would discriminate Igninsl cer tain companies Igmavau Ihe unempluyment pmblem curtail lérvico to the public and trey fan Into he jumdlcflon ol the pravinces Among in requirements the Code IimiLs the hour an em ployee may mark or hi com In any on war In 2000 the company operate 1cm provlndll bmmdarla Wm II WIMIH nvl MOI AmVI Imcll NI WIMOIM Mill MI Ouudc 040 Oll AVBMIII Mlh LI llmwn TWO IIOCI IXTNWUI mm mm mm ulL Huilam on up 1h lawman 11 pm of the Liberal Party piaumn rather than request lnbor nld Mr Cooke hnvn been given Jo undetde um llbor in Another drlver on Ihrehweek drip to Vancouver could get hung up In lama erkwlln lawn or days along with the fumi Iurl he was nmylpg because ha had worm too may hours that week Mr bah uld Em mun ChImrfllr All 0L 31L 113 Abu mm mm ilnl Aluminium mm mu mm an Igmu can Amnm dn lulu mean fldflihtï¬cflnnponTEn ASKS Mr Cooke aid that the dflver of movilu van en qule mm Barrio In Mmlrenl could be put violation pm wnyu Lbrpugh flu tnp He would Cllhll have to carry on vlulnflnx the Ad or allow Another driver who had not the necemry kmwledgo of the load he was carrying to take over Cartogth Bank and Direc torol ma Automotive Transport Association oi Ontario ioday hinted tho indexII govtmmeml proposed Labor Slandmil Code the most ridiculous piece of legislation hm ever seen ll Inlrmlel lnn Ir mu clnlnl cm RD flu Ill Well Ill OIL All Mm rm IrvM um IMPn mol nmulll mm an III will It Ir ulu mum In ml Wu Cunar mum nrlnvm humanh mm Vmuu llcme 0mm mum udnr luauIm Th Co Om III flIIllblll lnlui PMItu II an ml mulletrm vmIm In llHod lulu cl mnmmIl nlnrhm mm mmhw llIu pull Inelulm huthum bum mum In the bullnuu Complm Illmluu um um Ild JUNO Hamletu Mom and Apartmull mmml The mml Hmmad IludAnll Ind vmlul Hank denlm nu In mu yum uellflv nnm Hi unndl Unanuuux product mmvmnl Unmulh lunllml el Intll our llmmh ml Dvnlupmenl M91 Am Idmllllnn WI mn lele hinryrinlinl Ind mm mm Com numn mingum luldlMl IM nuer pmiedul ulc mum mymnm gymnms lpqulflnz Reporter ywerdgy visited Gradcoie clan Oakley Puk School In 21 on Io dIscnver lusi ï¬vhat th yéungcr set Iskliu Salk ta this year LaborStandvdr ds Code BldStengy Les Cooke Thï¬ld gentleman 19 um will tn leading his new wth my much durum mm 01 why as In otherlyem Mast the sixyeirolds 15k ed what they ham to new ï¬dcr the tree Chiislmu mbrn lng aimed trucks bicycle or dolls win of the yam Ilen have vfrilpen Saul 1m at their mman nonnv wusom want jedor that shows you pic lrusunz to Inhuuan In ml And when mm Ynk 91ka VSanmJ Isked him or truck Wm 10 15 NE day Jon white one LA Cpokf opexatog of gate TORONTO STOCK PRICES EXCLUSWE DEALERSHIP OPPORTUNITY Compiled by Ryan Dunlap SI 13 Blnh iiw ii flunnll Human wayr Ilvmwl Nl Ila mnmnnu Dnmr 311d III ll Dom Poul Don Exam Dun hkonhfldu an ugm g4 HI uuugu Ind an mu ma mum on mm In In Iludml my mp mm carilm Ming mllan all mlmled pollen will luv to be Sirncoé Cwnly Crown Allnrney William lhommun said today Lira naulur driving charge hid have been laid in ha last law day will prnhably be ad journed until least January because of Suprva Conn lul lnz which invalidates the charlie Thu charge of danzenm drlv in will be laid by pulice in plane 01 carrier drlvlnul The Crown Allorney commented mat the mailer Will be cleared up at be courts Joan dontylhigiil there will be any prvblcmfl Menu WelSlnnlry in Ioclrl said he will ask or wlih drnwal unless driving chur zen when he goes to court next week Three of Mr cases involve ureleu driving chargu lle laid them no luck charts People who nre npera al most entlrely wllhh provindn Jurlxdmlon arp being Iold what to do by theledenl ovum Inent ha laJtL unhappy with It anybody elsev Ha nld 11 discriminates azalan company that apexm flvepel cent of the llma across provincial boundarluy because these Inns all under dmer eat labor code than he one that ogeme wflhin pypvincg Mr M99 am but Could PastpOne Driving Charges cm TorDom III rnm cm Tnnl Ind Unlan Gu Wm 0W Wmn lulu Nanom Nnnnu ownm Pm ll MINI m3 Ilnlu Oil on cam Mun Pore mu Pm Flu Pm 1mm Pour WE LN1 an arm MIL For 13k ID We think th Mu wu wmnxl nld Mr Bowman 1h dodsion for the amen was made ThInday nllemoon In mnfmnu human Mr Bow man and Atwmoyflcnerd Arv bur wmm The me could read the I9 pal own below the end at In your Howvvcr lulllng um It was learned lhn It In to heard by the end cl Jnnuw uy was Murth nlfldnll ol the un lomeylmemn unmet IX pedad welt drvlng charm below lhe mum would be pul over until dodxlon mr dared by th court at mnl Bowman dircclor 01 public pmï¬om laid lha ap pellloUIaOuguioowrtolAp DEALIWMJN mod noon gambleWu today Mr Jugflcu mlm ruled the mama was In umflld with lhe lenal Code chum dan zm driving and mid that Ilm the Moral lnw lakes Fayedgpge the maï¬a mime 3E2 lï¬Ã©bnlmfswm om that the pmvlncea care ru drivinl law In Impen v9 He lamest that many more Charles will go In clvll ml linen ha oollu will often nut Imp suffican evidence to mm the more urions danger2 ova drl charge mam speciï¬c when Ihey lay charm He that careless drlvlng now catchall thh applied when charges like falling Io yieId speeding ale should be laid Instead These Nlu of flu mad charge urn less serious Emnorm omrm mar 1631 Wu rdev mules crown of Tumnlu chnmun special labor leg lslallm mmmlttoe ol the ATA said 40 per cent of all trucking companies in Ontario may be creed l0 curlail operation on llda the Provlnu Another lpokesman or me In ery and the code wank cause widespread law and drastic cuts In inmma or employees in the trucking Industry well as reduced service asked sun Clan for In bar by Dolljnd pubsburp doll wrath letter In him Mr Our Decembn Review in Seturmutru miiilnl in mid on due Canadian Economy Including kh oullook or 1965 For cumnt lnvcument In Securlila Lil providel Olinhm government And corporation band In dzbcnlumi In uldilion delailu included on 100 com on Ilium well on ulcclcd pmlmcd Iham Commcnu Inn on three Illncdvu eqmmon slum on Wood Gundy mpnny Hmllul KAI IYJIMIMATIVII IL will um 05 n9 Dunlap Sc Ian411mi quvhmn 7199901 up Dmmbu Kuhn mud Win Inll b4 Imrded up nquql The CnnndiunEcpnomy Conslnxdhn on than project will begin nlmml Immzdlnlely The Ipproul ol Ihe Onllrlo Munlclpal Donn ha been lho only thing haldinl uy comlmc Ion Ben Sunuuhln any clerk uld lhll mmlnl Um Damn Ilon hu not man received but wn expected perhaps lady Commlnim member Iv Emmi gt tndlllonll turkey in Ivan to employee prior to autumn SkiIi Street Around sunlo mm sum napping who Vm Blake Correspondmco read In nigh hmflc umluu Commis sion meeting Included mmmun Icnllom belwccn the dl clerk Ind lhn Emu manager of the PUG 1n ream lolnrormnuon an watermnlm lo be constructed In the city One lhe mam which has been under ltudy by the Onlarin Municipal Board wu the one mm Illxhvlew Rang on Puckupngl runnan nanli IKWIHowwdAII Avanua n35 cal to Cook sum LIONS CLUB 11 Lion Rub Burl chuler nizht and Christmas pur ly will be held Ionian at we Pinecml Highway 2621 com mencing at oclock runrmv 5mm Barrie Revolveruub has uheduled turkey shoot for this everrllnz with vindoor rouge mm no espra ona mllo north of Highwoy 90 BLOOD DONOR CLINIC Red Cross blood donor clinic will be heldat Trinity Parish Hail this Monday from 130 to In the afternoon Ind from until 630 In the evening DRUM CORPS he Kempenlelt Drum Corps whldi playcd inth Grey Cup parade ha two more busy weekend toklnz part in Samar Cluua pandas Tomorrow they an at Newmlrkct Ind next weekend they May In Barrie 1n the morning and Cremrain the alternoon CHRISIMAS FARTY Blind of theoktnct wflr their esonru will be attending thelr Annual Chrirtrnax party at Com munity House tomorrow evening commencing It 630 1112 dimm by tollowed by mtertnin Two wmmnms Th pum 1an mm Imrn DDNNA mumps Ive1 ready pair at mm and pair of Illppm and 10 did my mar lln going to get baby dull on Christmu but haventwrmen to Sam yetu 0M3 Approvql Expected SOon Roviow nml Outlook 1011985 10an AND GENERAL III mnounud thll flu nnA nun Girl11m why would held by the Bunla PUG Em ploym Recrullm Anocllllon Dec II lh Haydn ladle On an member and lhair expound to lllmd Monthly leeway mod ln cludui lhm or water works devamnent $1Mqu Ind ha electrical departmental 00388 Permlulnn wu given by the mmlulon or III Barrle Pub lic School Board In vacate lce 1n the WC bulldlnz at lhelr convenience Thu lease presently held by my board wlll expire In JIIM of 1965 Should accommodation be Ivallabla prlar lo1hls dall the board wu zlvzn rmlulon to leave wllh out lumen 01 lb km wind by Illo comm Mumhy PUC KennAl munm lured um Ihwld the board vault th omro Ipnu II will be um over bnmrdialely olflco Iplm ro GUEST SPEAKER Russ Davey executive directin of Ban1e YMYWCA will be guest mnker at lha Seele SC Ham and School Monday even nx ANNOUNCES GRANT $750 gran lo meï¬oitawa axa Valley Cmmaflon Auth ority ha been announced by Arthur Evans MPP or Sim we Centre The gran wfll cow er75p¢rcentoldlecoslola propeny Iurvey obthe New 11 Yelervnir under the pn vindnl Inner supvly reservoir pmgxam All member munici Fnlltlu Ire desiinmd bene llUnz and will be levied the Authority than the cod mnono Magistrntu Foster and William Kennedy are in Tot rnnln oday or magistrate convention The meeting be Inl bednl the Royal York net Pollce cm was cancelled for tho day In Barrie EMERGENCY WARD ayal Vlctvrin Hmpital men cy ward nursa mated 28 patients yesterday Eight pat lenta wereldmlwed No hay ach broke leg one was play soccer when he mishap oc may mums dont know whathelzolh In brinz me but Santa Clan going lo conic down 1115 chimney nn Christian when Lthlnk Id llke Idol one mliuqm la 3019i go mm Aï¬miso pair mnnlng thou Ind Id like nltalklxgg gall 00 kmwlu£ flndollk REAL ESTATE BOARD nu Innla and District Real Elmo Bond annual Christmas hlnqud and dance Plumes Hull Wednetdly was nuendui by name in member and gum Jamie Miller provrldnr tha hail rm mutt ol manual for flu puny nmngrd by Mn nn Sclndml Mn Joan Luu Mature Moon and Frank on All baybetween mo nu nl II and IA whn wold like mm Inlomullon an welcome to attend ha parade nartlng ll pm Dec 165 pedal event 1M year that Banla Corps hopes to enter rllla team hr the Duke Edinble Troph uu Dec mg drivo will be hdel Axmoum 11 mlsum ma ofï¬cer um Jackson will be In attendanu Cadeu are Imlmded in manshlp int 14 Ikin diving commlmicalion and naval pm Barrle Sea Cadetk have va tandeator new Whey and op Bill WinEhESQEr RRLOrlllla says statistics quoted by Mr Page to support his statement Iba Harmer were making lesl than reasonable income have 1bum used byune larmera un In communicate to he pm vlnchl and laden level government and point In the drastic disruption taking place Inlha Mal wmmunity The writ approves 01 ac thu Mr Page doesnt urge sun further Increase prome llon as the means olnmase the farmers Income member otthe Ontario Farm ers Unlun in letter The Barrie Examiner states that opinion exvressed by North Simone wrunguni mmsentri Ive Stewart Page concerning the econnmlc plight the arm er are an enmuraglngslxll to 39ml Ike farmer un¢ Cadets To Hold Recruiting Drive wing 03y SdYsPdéés Eï¬Ã©bflrdgingToflnion 1531mm swam Now glimmer at light has token ulrvugh Three other nurses are wandered pas le Sincelhe ï¬rst one pmduclon controls In distasteful and lumed to be unacceptable he choke menu to be betwem be second and 1mm Illemmlvu annealed In Mr Plgba nude the twoprlcu nyslemyid nub lidiu or mutinulng we an odei Farmers Union has plou eer pmywtion wo uwmm um 101 Maximal We continue to can These am we have pointed out in the lace ohmady pep sisttnl unswervlnz continuum education mom of he dapafl men ol agriculture to pmuada he farmers that the means to human their Income irby in cmaina pmducdun cyymzn 91 Liam fWe In the Fnrm Union move men have energellcally polntzd out that small surplus my lann yroduct museums pm duct to beprlced though it wen all unplug each per centage polnto lnngued pro duction cause ï¬vepmenlage points of decrease In prim rrAun mknmnn Im going do ask SalAla or wowheeler Ive already got Que7hde want blue mue becam my tavern cow DELNO JERMEY ronondrownsmp LSAT DEC VOTE mumgnzcamn Adm pointed out Ihe fur minimi produch in Id is governed by world mur kel price ieveiiI whfle the 1ch irom everything which got in make up the Canadimllamers ms or producunn is set mi iicialiy byrmellu at high laxmg harm md rude madman Canadian mica level or ma Amount consumed in Canagh we contend thid bu paid in the lumen Wangovernment making up the deï¬ciency be tween their mum priu and the proper Canadiln prion in two prim mum course is what we mm by par iky prices by means If deï¬cienq Pams mu am we were old 11 be warm lmposalbk In hing IbouL Today Sttwm Pun gavernmgpc employee maiden to be at least pombflkyï¬ Mend hat farmers who opera in Canada bearing Canadian mon produdlm budan an cnlifledlo price lax1m por uan helr produdion mnsum ed In Cannda at price which bears air relnlimhlp lb Du cos Dfodudinn present Shst Pan scnrrv momma Ivealrehdy wriugn to ink andnskad erlo brintil hockeyvma at or ulrhtmu play hockey Jonkdcrbm borough anilwnnun lmU Man luck pnq mfmy hglmec