Honourniy presidanit lirl John Inhinod at thehnuIWednuday SKILLWIIIIMIIkDoeIIor Mob SUNNIDALE OHS Hood president nine weenie Dec WIth each child bflnf Lv loaders were Mn mm Mclntyre vice residentvarL IMMIWLMWBMM Larson and tits Bates Iehn Morn EdBuie tmfledvonliresbmnai Am nd Mn Ws Iiyitms ItoiIEitrnAIu recyMrd iIe Buie Lem nunl reports were given by Gordon am when varioturnecrelariu and mattr Swen rid David warn Sunday the Mac Macaulay Heme en Mrs Gordon Rule wastin matters with Mn Dorothy Tbs November 0013 MW Heipen Mrs mutant wen mm at the pmzram Mn mm gem it 893 W70 oome and welfare hm ii Gr Buie read mintemslintart with Teddy Patiermwuid Wood Glad ridingi Mn ide AfricaIViiilqr ToCmi smon iuun and 513 WW Milne supply Mn Mlc Me Tan WWW sixteen memberl attended the Mflt Edd 9mm mm Gaule amidst Mrs Immunwg mm mm Scum mm chttptern oi ttheflrtudy book mama mm ved by the nodal 5€5IFWBFLY°WN°¢ BaieswpiioMIIriim 14m UClmE awn Ye Mrs Earie Buie nod her ted Mutual Bates Mrs Gar mm we mg theme tar the annu nteeting don Ellie Pmsbyierla Mrl my Wednesday evening and election oi liar at Zion Wham rI Archie Moore Winneu were Mrs VMS Wednesday afternoon oi Nominating Mrs Mei Sage We Mom Mr Manny 185 week oiiiceu format are Lennox The 000 will In en hm umn Andrew Mbiii Bitie md Catherinesau insist Earls Ruin Reircshments were 93 mu Wl°1m Nicnmcaic xV levad by mnnidnie Cornea nssirted by Jnhn deGorier and renamesNor minimum rTELEViSION PROGRAMS L°et°$ Dongratuiationsto Mr 1nd catingtuqieouamlssionï¬heme ï¬rst Wining Bamer may Aznvelyfdim inoII ioiiwefit on at am idoe Channel Home Chennai Toronto 011m met mgnygmmlg °d mmiv nmimn rimiv Mama ciuanm smetstem It Mann cm Miss Ami Buie won provinc $3113 i3 éreteet mum iai honours mite AI the mflmc W110 newhtde mazrbnvuhh mt Amiamm Dun LEMHERHEAD Fahginnd Ivilétweifld mime glean immwlgél Kei weA sine ï¬rm in mm cemmy Iieedewn It an II WV pimtoeieetriaiizhtrwitdi Mr nmdwu Den IlYour Money my hm other who logy Emitter SfltIvithIaLn 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CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICI VAllEY TAXI DIIVEYOUMILF CAR AND TRUCKS