JUSTICE MINISTER Fav hhhu annpuncu that the ed 9141 dabinez has cancefled last nigh scheduled hanging IEMh YurNo 234 In the same saemenl the cablnd said In Parliament mu be provided with an oppor tunity at it next scum or free vote on mother capital punishment should be abolished to min dedsion without re gard 00 partisan politics mAw 613541 éébine decision spam the ï¬le of mu vlded ldllvr George mom may be me warm will bring an end In napila punish ment In made cabiï¬et stateman released Thmsdnyjby Justice Minlster Favreau saldlhal flaxwit dean sentence has been com mum tolile mprisanmenl result of new evidence lum Ished by Yvns Mayrand coun gcl or ManMIL W19 Muarold former Mammal carpenter was con victed capital murder in the Dewmen 1962 mdxinown niton uuï¬drhpplurién iii Amlccl lo Ill Atlantic undul DNDON APDlfamld Wil mn mu Washington Sunday with plan or permanent ericanlmmpcan bind to we mlclcar policymuting around he wnrld Polillcn nldes remind 171m day night Brilninl Labor prime minister hopes such group gultd cauquicx nlmalde Ugo Exï¬acuees Reveal Torture In Congo CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Ice I0 uduld 1mm nl ltlcr anIIMl non 11mm ulvl ml um monl mm 70 mum and it prlnln um plmd In hnlel Ulnlfl hy In MIL wlm Mal thrm II Ajidq lilsén Seeks Supplement To NATO Forte In Washington UJOIOIDVILW menuul nlu IIMIUEI nznlnal held mung mwnlcd lodny allawlnu lo arrival at hm lamloath tvmm mm he mflhcml lawn nl mull pInms nrnvrd hm Thundny lnlnxmg nhllu lnd number szulrm umlv nmmlm mlrum In quingtTo Pircvide yqovt Fryee Vote Nflllf Dnnnolm Dolmen In the nlrlll Mm hm Men cn mm by 1hr win our mm an mm 1an ol lunure 5mm had Md lholr om ml all and mm mm nlll Thu while Indmlal man In and nun whu mulled £11 Hum mlrxln and 1mm um Inan anan lhv IN lwx lulu IIHATIZN ANII VIDIATIID Mme he mma she added wru vhvlnlrd and me In and MN tn mm 11 lvlcnlllim lh am nun Tflun thm ru nllmhr lmhmixm llIImI IIIIIII killed ml In In Imula mm In wlly mm hy null 1M pan ml rm hmlnl wmnmpnl Ir cu um IIPTUMNVII th lngulflnl nhmlond 1M pumll um um Ill moi Ivy mm er91 who1 65 75 13531 mm IIM Du bell MM Ml YN 11w cnhlncl Editorial Circulation Classiï¬ed Business OHM rlleleplvwnes Wu Gsniiani mum ï¬zzm N0 EXECUTIONS Durinï¬ the period that the for mer Fromm Ownsemniva government was in ofï¬colrwn June 157 la Avril Ingathe death sentences cl canvmcd murdemrg wcmlcanynlltcdflnd exewlions took plaice Sidcé lhe uman took ofï¬m then have been nine mmlaï¬ans and no uewUm One case which might all 1an his category the schad uled Feb 19 execution of In wld Dian Quebec My Aying olrOonslahle Olaude Muineau in the Sanll Chm bank holdup In St Laurenl Que near Manl real He was nlsu durged but not tried for the nurder Can sabe Deni ï¬reball in he baldup in which one bandlt were Santa Claus suit Marco had been scheduleï¬ lo be hanged earlytoday Monlrlall Bordeaux ML Brilnin llaly Hofland or me other mull Allunllc Alliance nation Ind France President Oxaqu Gaul or nuc cemr cggcql lo ebnviclul killer George Marcelle Speaking Iu report ers allowing lengthy cal Inc meeting yesterday in Oh ï¬nwa Mr Favreau also said wwld have mm In cun nm and be conwlled by the us mesldmt or hls dclegam In all emcrxencica lnulda Ind outside the NAlbrnm can ch executive 0m would have av dnncu hen the View of lilies up lo the moman It over um when ho would have decide Mmth In press lha nu dw Wet nnlll an MI earl Ind mu wllh mnchela The thrI irrctl ln nunln dumi In about WI lhu ml mnml mutter All In mu controlled by Ike MI ulkf wE you mm umy lulicd you said The known mum ol wlufla mum mm mm lem parlumen dnwtd Inla me 0mm lo inn Igo mum at InnI Anoflm no Innruled Imlnru wm mm mm lnl mm 1mm 1W Cull llam HIM ml clam hellmd ollll In nth tummy ONLY 17 Shopping Days Tll Christmas Deldved By Roll The U5 spacccmll Murlne IV wcnl inlo wild roll early today probably delaylnl or at least lmuwan allcmpt lo llre rocket Ihal would send it closer to Mars mallunclinn ï¬rst mb bu problem since in launch in Sammycame the slur of dcllcala manomvre In no skim the pnceazn or the lir Jg of the small rocket In ISO Dion was In have been hanged loday for the scxilaying oi our Dung boy at Quubec City dur ng the summer of 1951 But the Quebec Superior Dom granted him slay cxumkilonjo allow look place Dec lime Ronald mrpln oi Toronto was hanged hr the murderer policeman and Arlhm Incas or Dclmi or the underworld slaying of man and vmman Jul propulsinn laboralary scl entisu son mics com mmd which were tn be flared in Marina IV dmmnlc mem ory and obeyed lulu Thue commands included nving up its lock on In cclcsllnl uuldc dLflant flnr Canopul Ind that Parliament would be glvl en an opportunity or 1m vole an whether abolixh capital punishment In Canad CF Wirephnto mll ln lhe hummmu Timur llunru 11 um mo mml In Ihe dnndhchc Hal halu Iml Hm ulrllde mlrlt wu mvl anvavmq thump HORSE THIEVERY GETS NEW TWIST group Ianl MP and mall and ranch Canadlnn Ilmmnl mu eve llwir humlmn fll IF Vlul lwlln Humor nuuuln bqlgm wItvjlmgr 1m Ihe Mlcnll M4 llnnlly rams uuvrmmrnl dmv wild v11 mm lhru lmlll muleLam pMud up In mm lromglluldcnl ul umHm In mull nmrvm llu mnunu la uUnum lhn Ilnl mum Thu wt was in la 9J4 1m ï¬lmmm Mlvm 0mm mum twomun PASAQBNA Cami 5g The tins Qcï¬ï¬hs in Canada CHROLLING MP8 DENVER Minerd new lwilt tn hum Ihlcv cry In lhll anelimo lrnnutr rapllll or Ihe American WnL Jenn Mcllnrl rcparled Mom 11010 an Inn mlup truck and our to lrnllrr mm In ton of her Denm immo nmrl dxly 11w Ihcn dmve htr Iuhumnn Mud and Mala nut prlu harm UIMWA Lhrlulmal Singing In House Relieves Boredom Arrest Youth For Cache Bay Sï¬bbingsm nclal Thurs day nlth arrested Maurice De vast 16 Cache Bay 0nL and chargedhim with capltul murder Inwannecflon with Xhe stabban death of 69yumld CLdie wma salTdy Palm sald today Dam is being held in custody at the OFF detachment here prior In his lransfc Io NorthBAY ihe youth was saldby police In hav worked in he Lavergnr grimy flora The dy of Mrs Aldcdc La vergneylas found in bloodstained blankcu in they apartment the store she operated in Ca che Bay about Ive mile west of here starting roll so in nose would be polntud clam to Mars Jeannetlo Renaud 32 Mrs Lavergne ï¬shery attacked and stabbed inflle arms legs lace and back She Mined death lurvaed Ind was re portedin air candiuon ln hos pital here lalal of $11311 jn cash and some dgamllcs were missing 1mm he slum alter the lacks The make ï¬ring Illempt was to have been urdcrcd by radio as Mariner passed over the Jet propulsion labmlorys Gloldslnne CalmV Hacking xla lon thatpoinl Mariner IV launched Sulurdlyywill be 10mm milrs from eaflh Ip parenuy mu well mm of 1m xins Hammad Zond II and 131594064 mllrs mm Mari DETROIT AP xlmplc weIlJupL lramc home In quick nciztmhood wu lhe ueM 11mth of he mend man duylnl ha Delml are In mm more than two month Sum pcrwnl Im kllltd each wlm link ncahbro bullet lhmuxh lhI head Includ 1m you lather who police aald marcnlly became In ry chcnum hl wllo wu laav Jnmm Human lolmlwncd Ma Illlcr 1n llw Mm Mary Iudkim 3L Ind old her he hnd killed my wu Indrrhlldrun Father Kills Family Self In Detroit Built Onlyurlo Cpniih Frlihyl Dpcimbor Inllcn fwnd Ihc M1075 ln cludinn or 11mm nhn parrmly mmmllwl mlrldr RimCamran wan nmnml Ivy no lemh nlne Nrw mm cull emu mamm ml nlx Burial rnfll MP we ll lht llvu Wmm STURGEON Out mum Mn ulnl llm only humI MI mm mvml In Inn re lonan lhe llrd ml Mung Hum 15 yr rInIMIuwll vn In only uus CvmurVIHV who voted In mollnn 111 Minor llvo Qup he Ammum mined ml nu mmrlrk nnlrrvallvrn win all um um flu Lune mch Ilnal vole mm was mm 0mm 11 moflun we enthugd bp WIN Mn mum ukl In early 11 mm we endowd yl unmvmrlyu nnd Ital muting over the novole truce in the UN Genml Assembly the MmIulnn group mobumd today Io orcc lhu world Iarum lo down lo commvauinl N05 The Mrlcan particularly want to put pressure on the umva lo lake up ll agenda and the stormy Mrlun lswu ilrnllwr man wall om hm wtdu ol general debate and mthvlopz Qarlstmal meg ea or the group new man my be hunched Monday lo no prompt election Illa assembly In vireprtsldcnll um he chairmcn ILI men prlnriml mmmlllcu II Imeme bdrm he Lvmmll lm nn begin mmldulnx the llcms on ha ugly nui unlll lho U5nvirl ill 1qu over gimme armler my prnmwl nmlrinz ward ml wlll mull In In Imwlun demand ml the Sovlel Unlan bnrml from vnlln Mum ll hm ml mlrl ll Aucummll Wllrknrpinï¬ urwullrlnl NESHDIIA County Sheri anrcnce Ralney centre wax ushtrzd inln An when by we federal lgqnu Onurlhouxe nvmu Illmhl dul IIHI lho him mdu hlll and 11mm Ill dulllull mum In Eut un 3mm Inud 01 um limo up qswle 111 Marlin day lhe lulu pllue the palm rammed maulm and we by cumtle mm bdqu la Ike numhor 04 mm Ilm vim tho woken IMI um Emile ln the WM mm Mull ml bl momhmrtl lhg Iflelllfpflfflil upon CommUm mlnuod In hummer ul IN lheme lhnt he uban mth in mm mm 0n country In lryln 10 plm I14 AM Hm nu anlprtlu In hat phi IN IA and flu DHIlldll hill hmqlrg will um AfroAsian Group Seeks UN Action UNITBD NATIONS GP The Iluuinm have lhrealrnod In walk out lhey Ira denlcd thuir vole The Russian and American nurccd Tuesday mm the mem bly woud procccd with now mnimvershl Mslnusnol nu quiflnx voleswhile negollnlorl vmrkcd on lhe innnclnl dlwulz Many or he smnllcr nations mt marking lime Hxanal AllahI Minis Manin Incl wilh Sovid Fnrdun Mmlstcr Andre Gmmyin Thursday Ami aflcrwud uld ha llnnnclnl dispute would be mum by wrlslmm II In backlmmd This photo was taken by AP stall phala graphcr Jack nomell alter byglamder hrcalncd him with km tApWlnpfhétni rm cvsuou ol Oxbow mkmm nu IN nu mm wow mu oupr PIHLADEUPHIA Miss The PBX arrested xs Mmluip pians Including Neshoba Own ys sherifl and My deputy today in connection wilhlhe mid summer slaplng II clvll MM wakkarsntrc Federal agcnls look Sheri Lawrence Rainey 37 and dep uty Sher Cecil Prlce 27r inlo custody their ofï¬ce Rainey and Price surrendered quietly Ingrremgged their rmlqur other FBI agents lanned over this east central Mississippi tawn picking up other men other were armled nearby Mari an In Wasllinmn FBI Dlrectnr Edgar Hoover said 21 mm altogether have been mud in Concéhtrate Search For UK Frgighter 01f Atlantic Coast HALIFAX CHA concen trated Iearch wan on today or British freighter nnhurd mm in 25 ham llld Nova Scpkla trawler missing since hasday in atomwhipped Mar My mum Wat In flu mum Bos worth bound for Sydney rum Portugal with pa rlolu alumni and theAcafllI ï¬sher les Limited trawler Sea Hawk believed workmg off Cape Sable vgilh or 16 mm Search min were unwr lain the has reported poshion the Boxworlh but believe 5h is somewhere in heCape Race Nnd am wannaan Cap In Madeleine was scarchlng nr lhe Sea Hawk Thursday nlgm An RCAF Argus WIs la join that starch Ioday The two vessels were reported In distms following lwaday norm that uruck Ihe Murilimca will mow raln and high winds Peron Resumes Spanish Exile Per mum In ddcm mm lrnnsallantic mlulon Ilined lalk here Thursday night that the cxdiculnr now will abm don the Idea of ever 01 hnck loArsLnllnn Then even speculnllnn lhal Person 59 and not In Ia heal of health wouldbe plench lo drrrp out of Ihu mun and cancel the prom to his Ar nanlinn lollaucu that will mum lb mkucï¬unngmmu Union autumn an 1nd wu an Mn III hlmdufld fll hut mm 1540tl1érsChariged In Civil Rights Warker Case MADRID AP Jum NM Moro Tim Par Cdpyyln Pign mmary jun wpago two widow in mien algmwfluyry Cokt law tonlgm no wasth zo Foilul Local Weather criminal chmhas In dmnecï¬on with the death last June of Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwemer two white New Yorkers and James Chaney Negro mm Meridian lome ml ifnimlm to dclmuon laoum um muzwwmux av wumr =4 we sald 19 were mused with conspiring to inlerIere with laden rights and he other tum wimvbcing ammo allu the at of crime The FBI said its Inlormaliun will be made available to state aulharme or possibl murder warrants VANISHED JUNE Deputy Price was the 1m person to acknawledge seeing 0h trin alive on June 21 was one those Who helped re move lhclrhodies mm giant earthen dlm Mar rhere Aux Among other mesledr here were Herman Met the Im man at the construction crew at the earthen dam Pete Jordan an automobile salesman and Jegy Sharp car dgaler The seem II the courthouse was tense as FBI 5an ar rived Ralney and Price were out on calL 1h FBI while waiting mmch crowd ol Lurinus numberinz nbw 100 No one in Um crnwd tpoke the FBI The arm mwrx like nu cmvyd 91 ï¬lgEjBl dam gm IR mud men Séveral bystander threatened reporter and pho mmpher and pulled knile an Judglhmjnell Associ ated chssphqoxnpher mammalti FBI the oUIert arrested or dialled Is Bernard Akin so Meridian ulmnn Earl Min 32 Meridian lullar salesman Jimmy Arledge II Meridian mick driver Home But nelic 25 uiesrnan annkriy oi Meridian Travis Bah ncile 36 partowner Ind oyeh alor oi Mejdian Kara llr dolphin police dopaman trulnan Olen Burrnzc trucking company mralar In Philadelphia Jamu Harris Meridian truck driver Frank Hemdnn who run drian rcuauranl In Mcrid Inn Tammy Home awnvr plumblnx ilrm In Kchn min lslcr larmcr and um oper nlar Billy Wayne Pusey Phllndclphla lervlu llnll operator Alton Wayn Roberts 11 Mcrldinn mun Jlmmy Snowdcn IL Me idim lnxck driver Jimmy Lo Townsend I1 lhllldclphl Iervke slallnn nllcndnnl BM Olinr TL Wnrncn Jr Mukllan mun mm wor nor Ea