Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Dec 1964, p. 3

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munIon Invomd In mm mm hman Mn Ibo Mia lad anmul report lb leo Nury of the Barrie Horm ural Society showed that no person In lumber tin Iov clely mull member dllp drive Md early In 60 year Ihl gun was In ltk mm mm 621 In In but did 33 an muchted mu The moor wu new by Mn Jenn Gable An mullna live years ndlvllles Includ lnz nawcr show mudwwn Mn and other wokdl val lncludcd lpthe noon 1m Gable mpmud mm nl 5119 from 1M ym ac lvillu to no lowuda openllnz cam In am now your mm was plld to number mum was ldui number Iflo arranged Icflvluu em rkd out durlnl ha year Incorrch packaging oi parcels Muses many headache or part nflin personnel Mr Kur urg everyone sending Christm parcels through the mall lo pati perm Inside sturdy curm xnxcd cardboard box not shoe boxu and to wrap the pndmu In htavy brown paper and wLer ma lbs Iddreu which up parcel ll sun lhmld be Post Office or Christmas Rush ML Kerr pointed out that this scar Is the fins year that time um pnslage bu been required on ail uMealM Chxlstmu cud be sent anywhere in the world The twocent sump thing of thcpag Postmqu Kerr said um morning um met110911 can be taken to ensure ha the mail you lend niches in du Unaflon Membership Increase Shown By Horticultural Society Eyery Clulslmas several Lhm and letters orparcels arriving In the Barrla Pfll office are Ign delivuable and eventually end gm the dead 1cm oflioe In Thionlo TDM KERR right Barrie PMmasler and John non leuer carrier supervisor chedx over mm of tha par tfls forerunner of the Chris KEEPS CONTACT WITH POLICE CBUISERS nodal wan wuunud wllb diploma of mint the mlvemry party Md euller we manbenmw wen pram lad to Mr Hum Plr Mu Gable Mn sun mum and Mn Hany Mon It Mu um BM Gnln itch Olll npcnod Mahmud Dec ma bully lower lo mm Dec 175 In lo What Dec nab hlnur bag 11595 rpomd no mulylrnhl buildlnl um mum with lhu cu pong ThoSe Existing can can help pod affix personnel with their WINNIPEG Mon nc llvlly um In flu and ripened in early Had an the Winnlm Gnln Elchnnzo any was poinud out that on numerals occasions when sever aI small packngq were wrap ped tagelber 1n larger padb Age the wrapping me apart and package all out Mr Ken said here is mlhin that can be done to Identify ml Chrislmal package xlmply ad Uncle Joe and Com NEW In aa MMm la Mlil at cumlawn and out olvprnvlm point should be in he mall byDec In order to mow sulfide Lima or de very helm Christmas City all IboJr be mm by Dec mall IboJr be sud by Dec 11 ensurc livery helm flinfimal Mr Kerr urged weryone to mag earb marked dearxyon two xidu oi the Pawn 911 was the adtage Ind um akaer apdfinan like fish 51 hr dud retiriaddTm IL hm president ol lb mas rush The peak llme lnr mall at lbe Federal Building Colller SL is xpecled durlng file allzrnoon 5nd nigh ol dldnl mum Polk mum horn Min ol lkc Inulull It llxm ht lty ha Jlld MORE HELP Em llw ml mm Glrlslmng mum 1n luauer need or help Mr Kerr uld um 14° lekluonl hm already been nulved mod than ham womenl Recruiting MI ll my lhmslglw lb Nil onll omen ce Ho all an ABC laxde ll allowed will mu the city bmhn dawn Ind med lu helkllly midlm mal ll Ibo mud abhlbdlully 11m mediodh uud no mu Imkflled war on boluud nmlnl WA null would Imunt Mum 10000 Ind 1mm Mm Th pull 111er hi nu mm 000 day yur Iddlllonal ml Inwmhlrod wluzllollhm Idlnl mum on ll loner tank nlh In the any mu VH1 be no mm on duly It an my mum ml wlll on duty UnglmujkhLH Rmunber Inn early uu mm mm mm on mmM um wnp pAmLI manly In pm to Juan M1 rowd End E1 mu mhun hm pualng mym In aflon In thin mud Ls In very IoocL He ulq atde It 15 dime 10 see person carrying An mm land of mm mull dmpplnl them In mum of the or our intolhemllbnx It 6min the Chriilmu rush um Mia ham willbp galoan order In mums man Mr us than ulna mmm mm mud carry are In cull with in mi 0th mm mlflwihmly Ith ml pomgg on Hm mil special Bailing Ind that are Ihognd avnllncbel mnfljyElu ln if mammary as an mffmfim mm Ilreédy WM WI inér mm lutaluol 81000 plum 1m number Wear Io 15000 pa dv Enu nomlmld mm to lungH Hur hud lnbk um Mn In ma 55 131 fln Bum Wimhl nllM minim mm In hlw mllm CM hm um Mm Me almr On Tm MA Mm um handed and gnumud Mn hm mmmmr matu ol In Wink uh gm Sm cm ma cam on can In Cum can can land Emil mmmo nun xcmxnn Wwllflmnull mammal VI MM LIIVI Imll mumI can hm New II my nnwdnnll van law In mlqu In HUM hull Ill hl gram 0qu VI Soropfimists Fete Senior Citizens Elm mm kg Im he presldrnt of Canada Ju ceu BIB Me Calgary wu honored dlnner In 0w mm by member at the Owen sound Jayne Member from Jame unit In other dlrlrld 01 Ontario Illa mended From District mmenutlyu mm Harm nunm and Penelang allended Nlflflflll mum Bill Row woke on the ram Jnym World Conan Md In Okla hvma City 1h nation pre mrvisor or Air Wfiwflm Intendan 1mm Bani wen Bill Brnlthwalln president Met mi Warm Wdzhl hblllu Abfllbl Innu II mum Alba an 11 Am mu lcAm me PARTY vm lam Chrlslmlpmy Iortha blind in district will brheld II Co unity House SIle 19 pew mi the dinner wind will be Inflow ed by marksman HOMEAND swoon tme next meeflnx at Pine myp Hymn 55110011111 be it an Guam inn on Monday narrla Enlighten had one call murdnmnkm to 7211mm Street name hum Ind beam animated Iaycees Honor President Rowe llie Battle ImSki School will be Ihowlnl the lam Stein Edmmi It lnslnlcfinn fllnras put the program thisva Central Collegiate at ML Thou wisth to allend are uk to comm lhe TORONTO STOCK PRICES Compiled by man Duchy Bunh iiu mg ii ll nan arm 91 cg Dam mm Dun Tar hknnhfld 33 mu ulnam mum on llul my mu llndwnl nu In Toma on ANII Ziouna mnurnmu The Ioder held lumnul mum In night H19 lilnry For than let lnflunala rush den of Barrie who might ex peel mm mm Santa Claus th Christmas plum are under wayl la no in no lnrnlly la lorxouen at lhls umoiol yur Each Christinu locnl Ionvice clubs donate hamper filed with and and silt lor needy later lnla communllyrfion 1500 nnllnlled by the Salvation Army lo 11 dupllauons do not oc cur la expected that met inx will be Irraan Mon to mmpleu arrangement form annual auburn mp1 Jack Ownnay was denied last night to bud Bird Kort tural Society the naming other mecrnbmo HM 1965 executive Ara vloepmldenu Nomi Symon Ind Mn Brawn lhuuret Mblmiflnl Wu and Secrehry Mn Jenn Gable PUC MEETING Members of flu Ban1p Public Infill Cormnlsslonwfll mu Inlrlhe PUG office H11 evenlnz 730 Dec It pm 1119 Pin Grenld Gain and Seoul will be taking part in the program showing vnrlous at they have Io lake prior tn Investmgng Ev erynnu inlemted Invited to 139M lackCoudney Elécted Head ran1 BASKETS sUrPdiuf TH CANADIAN Mimi mun ASSOCIAYION Ivy 9mm 901qu Haiti Pl min Unlau MI II In Mlnll Imp Incl ma Unll DH mum lu n1 Tame wmoi mm Pow Mn rm Nonid Nu om Na loon cam Mcln Pom rum rm Pl Nunmu Nam 3m fcumsmAs aimme 1h Joy Of GIVlng um WEDNESDAY 11 Barrio nonunion Com mlflu will meet Wodnudly In committee room ol City Hall Mn Druu meme And clothinl wen bun In Him heady hm men by the Wellm Ind Disal er commluee which Illa mm ed levan hmlllu lelt hnmdesl bean fire The burnedw hmfllu wm mplled with flour thou Medal and bed Mn va nld 150 knile Ifl Iclel nude ol zhfldrcnl clown Inlan lumen Ind 19 qullu wen lhlpped to un Tmnto wmhuuu mm Bu rl um year In lhl Wnlor 51m Depart mml mlor lemnhnl cor lllluln wan pruenled lo Bum mldmu And 15 more an Mn Human reported on blood donut clinics durinl theynr whlll Mn John Nay reported on mlvlllu th wnmull work cotnmlflee CHRISTMAS Ill18 The commute distribuled £2 whim1111 lo the public wml pullenu lu Royl Vldorll lluplul dulrmln Mn Hellron reported MILA mm reported um theloancuphoard duflnz 196 received domllonl Immi lnz 810625 which wm put It mt Mitch olvnow eqqu men chum to Ihuuwhom In needoffhun Bumpnuker mvlcu commmea chflnnln Mn Dmmlu Pugh reported um 11mm up via wen xlm by emu homenukm dudn flu yer One hundnd Ind lhlnyliva milk with dmdron wen 40 Halo citizen were and at he nld nae mnllnz heard reporu from seven commluea is well Nest weaker Dr Hamld Aluky chairman of the newly fizzled Senior deu cam yllck Richardson last 11th wu elected pregldenl ol lha Bar rio Red Cross Society dunInn uza group Annual medIns It Laks vlew Restmranlwml him on the 1965 uccuuve wl1 be vice pruident Mummy M1111 necrot Iry Mb Marxm 111m Ind lmsum HUA Panama 311an lmmedlnla past president The loanurpboard should It nupplyui Ilckroommulp MS 1me HimWM JRLed Cross President 3111 mm Bmcnfld mymvmmw aged 51° 900 Hm earned the yen to magi hlmquobgm d1 KAYS mun SALON Th lull mm in hm may mm your Ip unmlnav And dont dluwolnlad Wham would Telephon mm on Mum mm 30L lmrMu lu lunch Huber II DVNLDP I17 nm III nmh Dr Amiey he Key in beipinu unior tilinn add life in their yun well as war In their lilo il odunlinn iia propon that ho wmmiiizc ro duou older lilting cu available 1nd oihrr infom Dr Hqu Ansley chairman lhe new commit and um weaker at last night Red Cm mnunl mecllnl Id old In child be me or fullllb ment ralher Khan dlsem or an Ibllily and nuznsled number measure that than bu un derjlkcn t9 thalnend Barrio band the Rad hn men mp to lmprvve flu of old la his mm with the mum here of unlu gllzgxg committee The committeé recommuided that til 19 water raiely cam mittee consider the resumption of theme pockctgiu cards to schooldilldmn 1111 program was postponed until etregt ban ner werolgnid or in order to operate in the budget IIHREE REQUESTS The civilian enquiry committee rueived oniy three request for Izglp In 1m One was request to tind ion perm and the commiltn was lucmdul in tindinz the lady Another per halt Red Cross in rm adomin in Red QM mg lumtd down by successful candidnles imm the surrounding district Intermed iaie certificates went to 77 Ear and 23 district swimmers junior to 115 in Bmieud 53 district candidates whiie 149 beginnen imm tin city and till from the area quéiiiiqd ROY llflNOX folmwlck 7283879 ésbnoé LuéAs cthhm 4555533 gags MULHOLLAND siyaud my nyssnmmgfi churciungfisesw nday Tdnlty Pafl hall mith 3pmmd rum 1m to Lifenjmz director the Barri brlndI check over KEN 5mm Lofroy 4552122 non mm Llhoy 43m47 bUNCAN couns Mi Emu156452 wuuArn cmams Stroud 4361634 ROY adonjiiéfilow Slroud mum Mn thkdlflti 9h allowing who hm qualmud And mum you lholr unllrlng mm for H1 but In Senior Citizens Committee Formed Here By Red Cross ELECTION snucugou ADMINISTRATION SATURDAY DEC I964 VOTE FOR ehiniéllldg and em hymen viru and mum mm Ind hm Illely Among lull he uid ould be provided ahelimd workshop or men ll im poxlont hat they would hep active In order to hnva for gelling up in the morn ing said Dro Ansley It hu been shown um older people do boiler whzn Hwy have the op portunity to use lhclr hands and unlike women they nrtnt accustomed In activitiu luch soy1mg Elsa summed lravelllnl library In odd Job service im edmlranspynallgn mum Man In people might not hm my news to Directors for the cnmlng yetr are Murrow Mn John Nay Mrs Madmen Mrs Mimi Mrs How man Mrs Beltran Kasey Mn Grav ham Dr llrnbullerl Elrick Mrs Doulm Pulh Dr Harold Ansley Mn Geoer Luge Mrs Pope Mrl Wamu Wllw Mn Whll nker Mm Ggrald Jc4¢ry David hmAbe and Mn Campbell Jack Machn II mood Don or clinic chahrnan and Mn Ferguson mpuvbor n1 Hamemaku Servlce the had government Another case now with the International Red 0mg 13 an allot Ind the late of nun lost inl dam guinea ol Conga lhecommmee alsu mpplzd responsibility Last year not flying all rhurcvh denomination of Ihe Immigrants who cam by 11130 Simon Coynly WWidbnéfi ow MIMI conkahumure than males Wilh ber hMn Nay Xn charged lheworku mom at the branch awe 115 Dunlcrp St East Stroud 4362906

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