Rotarians Enjoy Top Radio Auction Night nmh uva out tho pummlum Central Unlled much ymludar in Ink Mum hnrlllnl Ind um Men and Sympshx Clear very mm mm expected to conï¬rm um Northern Ontario today and Friday hhlnly clam can qillmu are toms or flu lower Ilka rezlrm hmwver tin mow zrmiuflly end Ml mnlru some clrnrlnx ll llkdy Ath In min llama moving up mm the mlhrm Ilnlu will spread cloud and WM show Into mulhwntem Onurlo frMay th st Clair Lake Park loulhom Luke Won Windw 1011on cmroman I9 med by he weather 0mm ul Oloudy Ml weaker will pre nfl lhmghoul the El today wilh the sun expedcd to break through tomorrow Low over Nm lempernluro recorded It Th llith ll Mr Marshall nid 111 money raised would be men in nude nu apathm la padlnfluly oodpmkd hr lbe club In aid beam am In which all memberl mell committee can partici By 1030155 Mghl1nm hour Ifler mlvitlrs began 55 Item from dozen pumpkin to 1957 Automobile had been con Iributel Auction chalrmnn Dan Mun mu mu um muminl um the club raked abom 34300 more Ian $1000 above LEI ï¬gure ex pected In addition he laid cuh donation sufï¬cient ¢r expemu ol the auction wen voluntemd Barrle Rotary Clubl ndio Auction last night nmed lha club mm money for commun fly unite projecu thin my other in tha Iayear history nl the annull event may BARBIE AREA WEATHER Yurl nucï¬m Jud E15 $4300 school Cloudy And Cool Today Sunny Skies Tomorrow BARBIE MIME SIMON IN PULL SWING WILL VISIT GENERATING STATION LAKEVEW mur unplyhnded 1119 and bum mm mm In Nmmbor ml Md In huh balm Wlmu harmnau Mount Alxwï¬arCnchrne flm Izaml Mninl clur and told lode Ind RM windll Iumut Temperhum law onlghl hm Frldu EVIndmr 20 Ntmhem 111 um Gm ln Bay Kfllnloe CloHug HI alum Sunny may will Indium dotde um IF nlterm9n Continu hu9old my mm landon Frlday cloudy wllh wï¬ 3mm Not much change In em perallure Windllnmfltl l5 llliburlon leham Georgian Bay Tur onto Frldly cloudy with mow bezlnnlng About noon mm dunno in empemumL Wlndx nofjhcgsl 15 $1900 more than the tin nun In 1951 Rotrim Dooley Greer DON MARSHALL uli Inï¬ ï¬‚u vmdn up do many Area will tmlnln mm at IM 3061 till mm Man 51 ll WW lhll yen1 nu aim Included two nu dhlnm amummul mix HvHon lo 3llaushld Alan and In 00ka M1 bidders In uked to pay at heir purchuea he Cul ldn omen In Barrio ml pick them up rum the met dull who mom VA ï¬lial description 11 the Item and the money altered arr lhem ls bmdcut aver the ndlu Each member the club ll given list of local bulneu men approach or drmllom and card benrln descrlpllnn lltms canlrlbutad may ed on bond lulu munll ol lice when member 01 the pub asked to phonabn their bl When bldl mach what III price Item In mid cm rollu Mn who has been In on all at them uld the club lint lbe ldu £0111 mother urvico club in fl MIMI OPP EMERGENCY NUMBERS 10 ItlIMI num VIIll than mm uonla lab Fab United mm 1m My Womonl mum New Null Ind nhllm mended 1mm Min North Tnnnwanl Ill fllrhmoml HI Dnblrm Fuh Home nam Amunn WA un am Oof mm WWII 94 mm lmorlnn ul nhhum llov Helm Willan ol 01le um Wilda ml moral uni Al mhkm at tho dawned mth by lm Mr 4th lfllhdnll numl wu 54 Jnmu Cemetery MINI huhrm um Ammu mik wlu AnaUn Nani llcri mm mm ma ml sunny m1 Mllmlm Wuhan Ilmry pull FT WM MI MIMI Ind Blah Nuh Mallu 0d ML 510 luvvim hkn wllh mo Inn Mm vyn MI PM Oolhmm WWII Bluh And Glenx Norman bldwlm David Muum qu nxmu nunfl union us hold rt or John Nllh who did nxidenly It homo ln Own Mind Armor Mr Nam bo lanud Io flu Unmxl mamm nl Km Mnunlc lodge Goldwan and Inn ed hum And pmklcnl Carly Ivor oyan1 In Whale ftth 1991 on BUYIme Ind Brllhh Columbi 6am Mumb Saxhldnwln Ntwioundllnd PILL Following II due dnyloday lylg within Member of Grace United 51min will observa lhelr third anniversary at service ll be held Sunday Guesl weaker will be Rev Rmald Atkinson of North Bay who was he minll when he mxregallon held it lint regular chum sendce Jan 1961 The pmperty on which he Imam Christian Eduqalion win built wu Inquired by Barn 1mm 1mm Church Exten dan Councll In 1959 Two min Men Doug Tonfllnson and Bun 11 Human students at Dn mnnuel Thenlogical College were Inï¬nitan In timing the Sun day School whlch started at 545319 St Seymol in me 1965 The alumin wu commutad emanation Dec 186i Allan Tombnson wu ltudan pa amt the llma BC Ind Nova Scum each recorded their lint hlghwny lnlnllly Wednesday while on person dled on Queblc Muh nyn And hm In On aria lurvey by The Canadian Pm 1mm mldnilhi Mondly to midnight Wednesdny mow Oninria with live mad death during lhai period Qutbec with Iwa and Nov Semi and Brillilh Columbia with an eac Six Provinces FatalityJree Byfmz CANiApltN yaw Six Canadim province AN Intalilylm mu the link we day 01 Sale Drivan Weak but lent nlno pcrlana have dled Inrlnm Iccfdenl In other our Grace United Anniversary OBITUARY El 13 lying nu JOHN NMII Ha appeared to Iem Aha said then she and her cousin Donna Emu 15 heard min Mn Woods nld she braced her sdl against the door then Jump back She uld hare was cm and ha what It lhI doon flq HM her by lhq Inn had 157 my bmh the Hume and In children GAME 10 WHAGI Sn Med bomber husbnnd came la hu coflue alter mid nlgh on Aux and hldAMQd Io lab entry SI uld asked him whnt he wanted Ind he 15 plied whit ï¬n heldo you link want Delence lawa Gordon in Mnasmlnuzovmnmry urged 1M jury to Acqulg his cum on he Hound at tel ï¬elencï¬ Ind Judilicaflon Ha laid 558 mm In found no my on mim Mlémd Ilsa on lesser charges nuk auxin bodllyrhnrmlmd mmmnn mun 1mm Attorney John Murphy In his mmlmry said the Intent was lore one candusion since she hid MMJimJMJLmuLnL Iccuud xamacwn1 mm he husband was Woods 18 The combing been upnraud Qr Iwo yum The Incident occurred at Woodland Beach about slxmiles nodhof Wuua Beach Both Mrs and Mn Wood mm mm cue Yemmy the weft pmenh ediumzan und bothlcggsak me it summary Cmer will charge CM Cgmly Court duty ml ynornhfl Mn absmn Woud 19 chargede wounding wflh In gm oglgwmg Ugo Au um follow the Augva EquIVeLhuinndV lliupJ GREAT3 You havent fasted ale on grant this In yam So make your day bytrylng It today POW 93555ivi99lh°9l919ndrinkinan AGED NATURALLY SMOOTH AND MELLOW Smooth and mellow and strong Like good ole used to be Aglng makes the dmoronco Black Horse ll ngod on ownnaturally So it melon kn beltor ale Remember Remember tho great Black Homo Ala of Monday That was grout ulol Well youll ï¬nd that it aim tastes as good us win tomembot I1 We never had dad but than us always beer 5116 Mid Crown Atlomey John Muwhy ecclved his nm two repri or help she kept mehmingat her husbandto release Palh the ma he didnt Abe ltahbed th 319 said Illa only uncalled stabbing Mm twice Wood WI nabbed live dnnlHe made no sound any lime to let me know hurt him the atatuL She ran screaming from thu collage to get help for her brother was Nat territledt She related that herhushand has beaten her in the past and stated that he is heavy drinker who 0L1 Hunting mad Whaventtasted ale as great as this inyears Allm Jinks 31jhirn Woodl mlher cnmu mm the bedmom In whichDonnie wu niecpinl ln inquire Wigha noise Woï¬ria According Accused 8w him And rubbed him by tha 111mm GRABBED WIFE Mrs Wood nid the minied knife Ind laid her humnd lo iehvo Pith aloneVSIe nid burdened his hlndn imxn his throat and backed her wall dulnz her no me the bile When he rewrned to throttling he brownbe wenz mum on ililvihmal the aidshe Bib bed anther knife Ind wan about go xivelit the inDonnn mehewuzalnx to kill mezhe said Sh Also stated he Mahmud gamed mumhu and running through the 00mm Iookinl In dnwm 1nd behind dpall xhoullnz where Ire children where Irelmx ch11 I173 am an conï¬ned Park also told the court that hi can Med and he had 6min an his neck as result olhe attack by Woods Park Mid Woods mused lo let him dress the children and dflva them all to doctors ofï¬ce Woods dmv away and lulu Parks and some Wars vnlnlx myched or him Park uld Wood ldt then returned to the bedmmto Mn with his children Ha Mt and jammed It not until ha had returned or the third time that Pam new be had been stabbed Ha hind mud In Ulmllh6 laid The force at the mm timed Ihe men 12 Woidimildflï¬ï¬i hudlack when hale him limp Ready WMLIIH Pam Ind hlm in lhogdlod whoisuxmmm Ill Ind weighs 14 poundm nid his poor eyesim bud hur Inl Ind onlypminl use at hi hands He Vlald thg muqlhow Wood Hohd him dam Ick mind from Judge Cmer when btwu emuenman ac cused MLMUJPhy um what éx plmflon Mn Woods could iv lorrnyhu the Ind nabbed er husband lwlcewhcn II had celved flva wounds mm not quite fair the 5mm nld She salduhe pnldoniy mall twa Allnn Plrkswli the second defence Mum He said he helrdvolces while he warm bed and then laud crash When ha Investigated he nw hh bwlhervlnluw Mr Woods wield me to keep wy of he 21on BACK hadu Pending Camiiéryeu bllll nodded Karrie and Wang Beach club In 10 tumor The Royal Bank received In other mnlmeit $30 bill thll week BanIa City Police laid the hill will he handbd menu the Royal Canadian Mmmled lice An RCMP Ipohesman Hi this momlng that Ibo pasan ol the MI seems to be III hauled instance Innime 56k 35 minutes 1h Crown Allornpy in MI summary stated that Dan ll evldencewn nq assists beuun in milling simil Irfly Doreen Woodl NIH mony He dmled that Mrs had proper mmicatim or nab bin lbs in rw Im Mr Mumhy began mother Inn qncsuoninx RAN For HELP Donna Frost next last lhal Woods sode liken crazy ml 31 told how Wood had altackcd Parks and how she had run or help hls cmsaexamlnmon nml recemd his ucond reprimand Mmphy quizud Pllks on manning In the cottage When fllc Crown Mmmey received tha amwer that Park didnt hear nnyong menmlnz but he did have poor heuhu he persisted with line questioning Judga Carter Interer he llmlt allaxamlnnthn ml Counterfeit Bill Reported