€535 Bérliament Glance By THE CANADIAN WY Dec 19 The Commons continued dc bate onJhe flag mime rmmxmdanon and Com lmuflvo amenimcnt It swat lama lwueJoscph mm Pc Jallelll lAswxnptimMont c9151 said ht against plebsdw unlu mm Kmtmay West laid in per mam nvnn MableIll and sanam favor pleblsalo ranud jam Webb of Begin stands behind mountainol ton whichwfll be ten to denim ghfldren hrgely In dian in the Yukon The toy wemdqnuted by Regina ma people respond to news papef appeal by Mn Webb YUKON BOUND TOYS mi Emnm wm ADS mom 1mm Tulanspn Dec Cammns meets 230 pm to conï¬ne the flag de bale The Santa stands ad burned until Doc 14 comp flag debate washin out the daily question pa mde Slan Ollv Larlm said unless om flag is chosen Ulrouzh plebiscite variety 1193 will be lawn whase daughter teaches school in Carmela Yukon Territories Miss Webb told her lather in letter that the children at her sdmlmced Christmas without gifts Mr Wehbl appeal brought more than 1000 dnnaflons in our days Wirephotn the Mleyl as His nar uogql flag He also questlnned lhe CBC policy 01 havinx corrupondents in All pm the worldwhu wire services and larger ncvu papers pmvldazoot amazes Ona mu wax tunan In so Now it boyfxeu boy said Senatnr Oleary He also questlnned lhe CBC wag among ï¬mmpflshed Max pmgreml on such willed1 Mmosuu 31 This wax Make or medlcal clinic to TV pm gram Novels used to be miller quaymuch boy met dan Ho mum of the net spending at public funds Scnnlorokary said he had uowishtocsmoralhe onc public morality would do this At least 001 gentpï¬ï¬‚a pro nary madam LhegOIlIerwmal newrpaper amahalmanvollyuw mam malwmmndgion on rmblica Hons nldJ L1 gamuter tree grim LhAI IIMNWI and mazatlmrm Canadaure Ingin help prwidelbsldlb prqsrarm on the oome The CEO must shnré respon flflfltywith Im Unlkd sum magazine Tim and Reader IZIgesgoxqle gm pm Canadas nntlanal magazine Senator Oleary predicted Jhat Madeanl Magazine vmld d15 mntlnun wblicadon in HM ya at presegl rate losses SEE CONSPIRACY flae WC was stale within sgate ahdglhereku con spine In bom Parliament And the press wt to any harsh wards about It OBC executives felt no sponsibllily In Parliament in the pending But Pmidenl Alphonse mum sbwld be called heron standing parlia menury committee each year 0M1 President mam Gar armwere good an pmdl lay in winding private netwoft jig will help mugging The defence departmem army and navy are said to vor lest expensive plane such an the Dwglu Shhawk or Nonhmp Fmedom Fighter There apparently mm or no dimle thatun Phlmomm Napalmalt than my other under consideration nullhe dcva department arznuthni the Intendnd me close support Alon the any laï¬dbuedog canimbued or Mhclrhemhd out by dream plane mendllngqtmhlzwm Qmbec wllh dunean oi ï¬lament vial of 111ng and of teplr ulsm nérawere offidulsxwho nutbe weeded out ofLhe netl wok yCanada was to accla bale mgnylnlnn lbsl For maximum of $420000 mo Mr mum hope get new ladlcal flghwr or the RCAF six new warsha cost ins $175000 and about $50 000000 worth of am MP menl John ï¬nally memmnw lggder in CPILDelené Min er er rem ap palleda Lhe unmet wma 000000000 pro Posed prommuahlud loo American Phnnlum ghler bombers In Gmda Generally speaking the Can Ajlnn aircrgfljndulry de lenca produchon and Industry depamnenls he RCAIgnnd at has some Manual cabinet mlnlsbersaxu new plane liker would be builtat Canadah limited Montreal do be lleved In am of 01 McDon nell F4 Phme Financial expert lldled nede ndopfldn of tug1m pm Knm likely would increasa the 525000000 an uaLdelenco budget hmdh lhenex three orour yam ï¬le cabinet discmhjg mm posilion of tha new weapans package and decisionjh ex pecled helm has rAvoR rmmw mavmrzhwu 1am later In he debltaSenalor 014m waned Intentions fo utmost Im portance mt he mound in relflan Iowan111mm and Put at am wellauï¬eflhï¬z d° 22 WWW house memo sedanumil xe porl lalgcellvgdlmg commit no nomlnulgd byua govern mml Ind heided by Fow er of Montreallnjwk Ink 080 udprlvm Meagan spend so much on Ilnhe pllnel unless it in Intended to cm nucleu wuheads But the government bu n1 nndy Indium Itwanu Io wlthdnw mm the nuclear strike role CAUSEH PROBLEMS Thfl mmln MDJ clear bomber ln by the RCA Ih division in mom cost 5457500000 and has run lnlo serious maintenance limb lema Mnsl TI ecu It kill em qr saw the live Effu vmrpion or biting Mr HEUJH made it clear doesnt wnnun continu um 01 1h nudnar min 01 when he NW 1m yam the RCAFI ranges or morn 271041 Pmducflnn the Phantom would lprud more wan much the aimaft indumy 1th cheaper plane were acquired Thus the cm of the cablnell dilemma believed tn be dwloe between economic Ind delence pong CHIPS ROOT BEER OR COFFEE 11 would pelflolly APPRECIATION DAYS 347 BAYFlElD ST YGUHAVEï¬EEN SWEILL BULK 300T BEER WITH TO SHOW OUR APPRECIATION WE ARE HAVING AN 63° The 29m chm ha laid In dialelm inveonnlcl Because parliamznt hu occupiedflhl Ileld tbs lambda legume muslyleld Jo Wain TORONTO OFFAl Ontario Supreme mm Wednelda thltlmharzer Vin under ma prov Mel many Mic Act lnwpmuv Mr Junleotdmn Edmund the Cflndnll Myth11° MSW dflvlnl ended 11 l961 cover the same field the lehvuy mm Acll charge Whn numufly lppealed the cue aid the man or the ruling in that careless drMnl chnrzeacan no longer be IM awfully mammoth Ontario Mr Welnzust dlent Vwas uxldrlver AfleuMnnn 31 who was chased by pollen last Feb mary allowing dim gbout 10mSï¬biéï¬Ã©Ã©fciéurtfï¬ï¬‚es DiivinggChiarge Inoperative One year ago wax elected to your council have ppdpaï¬orgdmguxlviqp this yeprjo pljuve worthy my mnliquainï¬ now respecflully some your supan to my me voyms SATURDAY DEC up ALLAN MclEAN Ail Spoclah 6W Unvll many COUNCILLOR FOR I965 One Good Year Deserves AnoIher For InnlWIllIm Phone 7W ELECTORS OF 00 rTOWNSVHlPr lnh Good Unlll Friday pm RESTAURANT PAPA BURGERS cmsxwalk violation In tho clLv He was later convicted inmag slum mun of careless driv cANr in Anomclal of memomey zenenln department said he was tumble to uy whether ha decision would be uppeued The depaflment would Mn 19 may Illa Writtenï¬Ment aIMr Justin Hunu helm dadding 5590911 Adv er Wehmul Iald Ilrlcler proof lIrpquind under the Cflmlnal code than undex Lhe Highwlwalfle A94 Roderick Cormack of the al lurnax aenerala depgunent nld driving churns wen usu ally proceeded by Indictment only when person was killed Headded hwever that pend 1111 carelesa driving charge may be placed again Is dan gerous driving charges and tried by way of lndldment REG 60c BY THE GALLON 12 PRICE 45¢ Dope 711m Pm MW In an 155d chum an lndlmbla meme Mr Cor mack said Mr Cormack laid Mr Jul ce Halnesa dccixlon stands law he provhcgumll an gular OntarIq up5eme pout wage the Ontarioomi oi Ap palm tho Supreme Court Canada rule diflennuy 92841941 24 LIIHERTZ Pu Yuu In th DflverI Seal firE HOURLY DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY 10 Dunlap at 7mm NAME man Emnnm Rife BA RIE DRNEACAR