Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Dec 1964, p. 20

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ANNbuNEEMENIS ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built tor this work Accommo ditioor lorbedlndua patientn IIlIle Ind lemale IRood load televixion Redromle rItet mwonrmr cum rm thtld Illould with will wInlln ow your mum your eutld Ildulckl pontoll arm to lndlvldlul Inm tn BurlI mmmu olrth Announce ment that an mu mauled rutdent rlu Ira1m lutudlnl nImI Ind wtll mullh Ilrth Notth 111 In llextedlltnn or mty 1t rrhpuom ttutlt 1111 ed unite PAYNElzlfing Mile hyn rIy nu SIqu Nmmlur 10 not It 1211 lhltlllonl so ray °r mirewww11 Ind Ind 11m mwmfioud 1m any vmvfll On It IL EIIIeyIant1arl DEATHS lnIINlDN HodAl the 10°F no ramIn on ltteldly Decent luJIWlowd1Mav Isl Inmy nhdt Rudd It the Jznmtt mum some Bum MetI1 1mm on 1111mm elmth II 1zwkocloclt murmur hm Cemetery lrldly It pm um FredAt 0n Prlnml Mrrnnr Hospltll Toronto on Mondhy November to nu ma 1111121 lamfly on Moved mutual In Carter dur brother Mn mluuleyl Ruth Mn Pow Ill 131114 1m 11nu Golan 111 111 71111 you Ratio the mute mnefll Home 1m rte mam urvlu nlllfllll December 1t Internal 111mm Cemetuy hum MIrnntPuud It her 11m rum 51m Anzul on Itnudr Nmmher to 1m lamm r1 beloved wt tarAmmonia Ind dm mother or RooIld Sherryrlgr may 11 Kerry Ill home 11111111 11 our Jennett Punml lime mm qulm mm 11 my at am 1mm on lhllnd Interment It It ryl um uwu nrtm ruud It Queen 1111mm witI rdmnto on Sunny November mt In Mr urd yen John Arl 01111 14 Iunlvhd hry 111 will dquhur 8t III at beloved Ian at in Hoh In qu not on 11 Mr mm Ianr1 dw bmturr Just tom Foster Betty ltlrI Grorl Falter mm Mn 3mm ot nan1e mu And 11 1111 11 Toronto Mill It 111 suren rum1 11am DundII 51 War Toronto NIIHII mm vu held in to alum on Wed heldy December MEMORIAMS fltuNClIn lovlnx mun 1m Inn Ind mtnr 1111 InitialMelatonin Re Ch at mil member mo tutu 11 You Inle no out your lut Im hr oll IIld nodtzye mm 11me mu opined letIn voice uld Come 11 mm 11 m1 11111 of you In thin moo nud mly 11 won zr why you md to die Without ellnee inlay 1mm IRolllh out 11 mm mm ever run mum loud run tum You run It with in memory umu on end Eur£1 vrrrmlembe Inn hm Dourtu ml kg cum or THANKS IcuMlnNBAndrew Ind Mildred Iln thnh their Imlly Ina mud or mnlnr IMII olden wrddlhr Inniverury IltI Joyout urnton It hn burl COMING EVENTS TONIGHT 5qu Money ROTARY ADIO AUCTION Wednesday Dec pm to 12 Midnight CKBB RADIO Ree the mmpltle Ilalllll In MON llll5 EXAMINER lie to plate your bid Ihone 73lle PAINSWICKHH MINOR HOCKEY Boy age In it yem Replrler Dec Ind 12 64 to prn IAINSWICK JUNIOR SCHOOL Mutt he IecdrrpInlld by parent or adult SCISSORED SPORT hLNlTJlMUNE WIN 1111mm Went lmany IIItal Mermllne Atty tidal the REM In lur vlv madam ntrht Illbold Rm Art to melon It IMn Ihlrd Merrill rhln no Dtmtennllm won flu nut to to In ImIIIml Int mm Io run we ml Ahead II IllMMe RPM 70 111A NEW YORK IANJIM Ritluh nl III lInII Antll lurk 311 hillvalor thud 1W IA InmlIl momma to flu Utlted mt metre MI pItlevIJIuel will Im her11 IIIIIIIoll It Ilium Mtth In New tlaluluemutlntq 11er Illttllell Irlhl AND COMPANY Photova Realtor Dd BAYFIELD ST 7M5 MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE LOOIGNGFOR A9 GOOD INJ WWIHMe is one Rut l3 hard when laveLv the room bungalow vin roomm Iweeplng viewol lhejbdy dou ble garage Imrnedlate postal tioll Pricedrulleglly reduced to 310000 Moderate down pay ment $5050 per monthMusc lie rold as owner has pureIlIsed 11er home We 13 the trey Cali WiImIBldwellnr my Wblllfi Curly Klonxllrfndncu Glorlh Xhmu 1mm hurlrut you mun Mildred 1t MoorI 1mm thm lldwell Hum Elflnt hunt TIMI Hum PHOTO ltlrLSI REALTOR 58 WORSLEY ST Mortgage Funds Avullahln ALSO PROPERTIES FOR RENT 7266401 First Mortgage Arranged now how wwrzsr Down payment ever ottered on thll lovely new brick bunzulow Perleel tamiiy home For de tails call Luddie Grlesbueh NOW JUST 1157515 Beautiful lot on Sunnidale Rodd Call Laddie Griesltach lulph Bone Nomi sunmil floppy In him JH Run CInon IIddlt Gllelblch um lionan HANK NELLES PHOTO Ills REALTOR 79 BAYFIELD 51 elll 7mm 1mm 11111 smut or 11 ICIIUCKI com rllIINx Nruu rnury MILLER Photo 1115 Rullor I9 COLLIER ST 72611331 IVZNING CALL ulterior Suln KIIl IIIInItIlI n11 sundutt Petey ford hoary Miller 7mm ALL ntAsE or hut lslltn GARVEY Real Estate Broker 23 OWEN ST 7251101 EVENINGS 72d1l51 Builder III For SIle New SBedroom NHA HOME 115m nus IIvInl Ind dinlnz mom Itluhed garage in good mldenllnl ma Close lo whool At 31 lllelmu ALLEN Tellphone 7mm KEITH Thain ILS ReIltor 181 Egllnlan Ave Toronln 4873333 rlrtIIItMIu 1m 1mm Ave rllrd 1m Inodtd lol north 17 mm an 111 In luvlu trum Iullt TELL MORE SELL MORE When m1 pIIre your ArtItlrl For Sh ntI Ill Thu thrrII Ex Imlnrr Imp thru point In mind IIIte wlut Item II llrunll hum Slrn AII Colnr Cmdltlotl foerlnrntlone lmloul tum Il IItry IIIAII Arruwtn ml Illnrhmentl Irlu Include II many ht lhm lm filllllll Inlum you ran Ile It ruler hr the rt to buy Remember the lltt rlet If rlllmllrulnu IIIIIQ IewIII Illmt IlIre 11W ll IIIRII muv roll mutm mm Al llJIVICR DIM 7232414 tint 6119an rbyhone 1m DUNIQP 7261422 arm1423 wmrné Yul ltN bumltvw living rounlsntt kitchen IIIdeplhfle hedroorm 10x10 loxllpluI tpleoe bath ull basement oil heutfilfiyeurly midterm chlo Ivrteucetl lot Ind best that Halli for saw monthly inleresl Mm Bush tor impaction $300M DOWNVPAYMENT IMMEDIATE PNESSION Elm lowvluultitclteulz nice bedroom Ind lilting room SeparIIe mdujutuehed rarer I11er onlym norm Illl5amorlflge principalmndlurd andle 11 room with new Ilzm While III term to MacArthur 7150631 William Hamilton mm Role 7743581 DUNLOP amt EAST Al The FIVE Pomts PHONE 7285568 ABEDROOM BRICK BUNGALOW $1000 DOWNII Illqt stilt thelworltlnx mall Incnled 15 lo publ IcIlool till bunXIlow in good dry basement and nIIurIl gadlurnaee TIIeIundErilool Cell Willlm IIImllton evening mm EVENINGS CALL we thI liveMI our soul ced $10500 CIll Tuuoulys REALTORS Mn Norine Rogers 7213312 Fred Elliot mm Donnell 71W CAMPBELL Real Estate and Insurance Photo ILLS 32 HIGH ST COMMERCIAL Excellent oommercill propeirty In the city just all 173 lronthxe on Esra Rm wnmouvma 0N LAKE Yearround living on lIlteIllore only 10 minulu trotn Barrie Electrically hated Cull lllll olllce or tilul lime lirI Ioan Langmm Don Campbellmlm Hugh PlowmIn 7260429 lllll Loreen Rice Illm lhnbor It lurll IrA Dbtrlrl llul Intto loud CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 721211 Dunlpp St II In tad mumm Imago an album Plinth will buy Your pmut lIlIMbd Itartruu Ann MARSHALL 715m JOSEY BACIINANN 72w PAT PAIlnlSON mam MWRINCI Ruth unlit Alllllatl No AGENCIES LTD 10 COLLIER ST BARRIE 7135901 Central Onlurlul Largest Rerl Estate Brokers Photo MLS Relltor mum at ltm Ind adults4114100 Alu DltannTIMLH Gard Ipmeernultt anulrlle NoorthlflM II COUTTS ANDCO OWEN 5T mm Number turn uItrtel nut nut land MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Ivenlh 1317110011 ll Cl 511 SANDY calms1mm wALTnl ltchnrLqull PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT IIIN IOOM llrtrlt llouu tar at or full all It overlook IIII llll heldu trm double II lhlhtr INSURANCE MOVING Doan lnrut In trImlrr your INSURANCE Ind It you need ulu rotrrIrI mm Ihrle Inclled It lull ot Iny Iund SEE STEVENSONS ill Dunlap St IIIII IZOIWI MORTGAGES tuterut up to at your prop erty ulue lhw mottlth pm In up It Illtreu yard to re my For In mortuu problem III 0an Reel mm Dltlllw IL mom 11m Tille III III 2nd Mort In Imnl Anwyltere ON ONE Mill AND CO IAL In nut II In low erle 01 NRC 111ml Mort 123 7260241 Montre Funds AvniiIblI 17 RE 728 ms 11 VIII Hizhway tot particular on this heaw Charles Readmull BIII RIwnmml Joe Mull Mummers MO NIDID lmflledlltblg th Am moatu mm on arty Itttu ad ad Kinny it IIer mm 1m tot mum Intona on RENTALS GARAGES TOERENI MIMI Rm or Ilflhf month 11r1 £111 overhead door Carrier Badminton tdophnm mull HOUSESVIG RENT COMIUITABLI Home in strmd Lam anl Mill lllchen hm Ind lure omen Ituoued In Dll hIIlId No monthly III on mm or HIM IOU HEIDI all III mn ururnm ell 1mm lrn tall Mrlh of BIMI modlII pol mou Rubens 1mm alter pun llrul mitan pull all run um 11mm Inn sutuhl tnr rrrmhoal chll ml 105 per month mflwmed fIIepflm Itnm IIX I00 Brlck It Rum Art In Nodrd Indra no monthly Immtdnlt IIle Clll Norm Wit It Duwd hut butt nmzh 111111110011 11m 1o Ilol rm strut um room 111nm mun 1111 tyl hilt Pul nc 11mm 1de lllANrr Ill lord hm bed mmr bIUtloom powdtr mm meme hut Ibout on you 11ml mo monthly AVIIthI mo rum mImone 11mm mrr rwo mm in 1mm 11 mun wlnltr med 11nd our roan home all um load hml nunLia CIII motel du le hUNnALOW loltr bed room two hath lune mm In burrnmt II door lud Inr la blrl lIml Clo In public Ind hlrh rh Oerurhnq Jul Mll IIII MONIITLV Vllh low In Inllll IooIllull KHZ RINCI nt tm mar nyl boomn 111m ham um IIIII Illll RM VII IIIII number To II th Palm mom mt null In an Vlll IIOIIHLN low vrlllt will In filll on AM xtud IrrI lot ltll flu III II booth hurt vlhl mom Mltl bll lint 1m lnl mm bedroom rd Ill IllI mull room JAIL dru wlltvlltI Maul tilt It door II lllonlltlv with In Inwul phom 1m Roll Ind mull on APARTMENTS To RENT nurlirTiio Indyw mull lmllov mm Rinllnl hum phnhl mm rdmt 110ml Amrlmml nut 30 In Vllluu at umu Anlllhe mall1 who Nommm 11 turn bedroom nutmt ntn mlur 111m um and Inn hrtllug Int ed tntlrl matmt mutt1m scum Ior ml all 1lmu II um IIWIIIJ IIIerI mu I1 114 nuvtau Ame am mom ll IIInlm Merl 11 um mt um mm In mt pm la hill 11mm mm mm puma mtlvhrusn Illlr our tun Inn mm Ila One It um Im231W MILLER Mort ago Invulmentt III or 2nd M01 Iue mm on City or IIIIrlIl RIIIIIII It 1t pontmut toe no 1111111173 llnrlldtlltll lulu hutId IPIrItnmlaonlrllumar AND s1 Ilarltallltl AMERICAN REValITION ltuywltt II MSND CENENTIDREIYW yErITNotstmuero HI RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT MW TWO 100M Ind Mm all SIM rd Street Ile lumimed Prl Intranet hell hydro Ind Illphone LEG1m unm DUPLEX unfilled Dub Id LVN bdrm will ItlI mourn En Mi Elli If wool11mm nu nozzle TWO BEDROOM Ind one Mmoul lament Inr rend Itchl orator Indian 1le Cent IMI tlorl Firm flfillflu IOllpllhnl 711W III I00 unmmlfiled mepl to rent lieIvy duty or lltul heat water hvdnrln eluded lenl hellInn Nut Inhibit Telemann 7M2 IIIODIILN mmd two murmu IpIrtmentl ntrluntor puttinl Ind hundr mllturr eluded amt KempInmt vi hlwhom 7mm 010an noon mm mm Ipartmrnftorrenl mmtzhod and mud Mull only p1115 Pen tun meet or 1129 one wrlmum 1hr bodrwm Ingmo Halal WW If mm now my due 11H or oven WWI monument Apartmt It 70 Helm Suva lull Vail hut13 mun In and AVI Deceer 1117000 IDpulnte mu IA DIN ROM up WWII Stan child welcde him Cut loenttm th lrnlna dtttoly Telephone 1mm rvrululrm 01m room Ind Nth Huh Ind mnxvflvmavenn Ir mm vow Hum or even lAllIllIfl Apntmenl for rent Irl Evltfadut 1d location 11 hrhtnr Ind tended In plfyw 11d Aullm Immedtlely tut mil loom tumhhed upm mrnt prim autumn elec ul tltncer written 1p mt BIrrle 1m ttstlzpll Ann1mm 1n Iputrnwt tn Slave nd rrmunlur xup lied 11nd Illtlu min at Avlldh Der Imhtr Rent I105 No In It dulnd 7mm aAcllnoIl Aperlmnl Irlllt un Ind rel Intor All Mud liner Ivmmrn ulth thm room Ind huh nrttln DNrtnber Tile Item no murmur or arm hnrmw Nnrl rm tinting pm 111m urty rprtnr our 11 mm overlonkln Runo uur uni um with leonlel ate eItIM Rum Include MI Ind mu mum llcllltl Ron on nnt tom out ed on CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 72824l4 Cllnlllld Idvull Mhtl Ind null Ier IntI mun 11 In III dry ublleelltnl wtth 1n our tum Eurmutt burlr Mmt urnn1 which mm be 11 by 1100 hand ptmdlnl worm IIINIIIUM flAMI ADVHIIIIINII Iy It 1114 word Inhdlul In M10 or Ill 47 Turn mmmllu IMvnl HI rum Mr lnurllon lolll lnnlllltllll Inlullunl Ill land on Inurl Intll Ill Iddttlunll mu ll not me 11 III VIII dl Ilthietl ll IIMIIIIIIIII Ihbl utlntrtuy will Itelud ILWI Illnll ION Lll Intannlllou film III IIVII IIIIM IPI If 111 Itqu want In um Ir Itntv In walnutm MI mu no He not on roIIIlvll M11th mm rnvam IIIMIIMIIIMI uu lr It turnout mum 11 In Inmtumn rum II IllI Imllllvl lit in IN I111 Int1m In In In II nm any II well to he nln lyl Ibllullml um mum twanth tar Ihly mt lmmvll Intel lmfl lln url urnt ml mt rt mum nmtm tll mm In In In I=1 TVSi MONTHLY hm Ind um II downtoml modem won11m It ran um OTHER BINDER thlnv4 RENTALS APARTMENTS T0 RENT AVAILABLE Immedlllzly Ruled two bedroom IpIrtment In straw No ohilnlort tovmlIII child TQII phonequ liter 1m UN Ill Ilntcd Idlkorh Mdnom tllned two Went nvund floor Nelr Ichnol Mix the mm Prttt mut Itoson mt Tillman mom UNTUHNIIHED tour mm IMH mIM film blth Bul MI door Helttd AVIIIAIIIO omrrrtr lit eluded um and unlanan UNI ml newly uknntldr mmm mrlmmt 1uuy num ulned Agni harm Indeontull RIIIIM MOI IIDIEDIAII DocupIhey In tllln ed mt lmm tumbl In men at wd be from downtown Mum 13ml AVAILABLI NutNo hrdroom Iplnment with Itove Ind relrllrrI tor Inner AM dryer Clo to Iohoolx 3th Mid bllLT lmllvu out It 111 Cool telephone 71 no humans Apmnt n11 Aleell Street It Thll ovlrlflnl monthI lend PullnI hund Iu llttlee Ind lmllor lerrlte ndlv flog Rut conmL Telephonl 116 mu noon merhod lvlflr meal lieId plan DIM 11o Ind ntrlgnwr telleon lllned AVIIIIblI dumber Ll Ap IIImerI tetrphme rwo Muttqu hellrd nutem tor not more bIlhroolrh turn truce nm and retrllordlor ult ronlIIlud AVIJIINI number 19 AmslNlIl Hurtm or lemon mutl Ntlwul nmNIIIIIn Aprtzdrnt hit TV beluuml colored lllld hlmtoom lei orltrvllrd hullnl Idul or IIIth Qltlll uenlexlrw 7mm am Ion lunlo Aunton MIlIht mr emu Rodlu pm to mldnltht Telephone natal to plm your bide Ito llnu to ram rou Mun do In all thugold Mullen UrtrullNllllID tun hand rlIUlKflIy llure btdmdfllr hum dlnInl no Illtch Au hlI December Ill AllIIldIlI til we menuLy Telephone ruINllllIn Kltrhtmlll Ind bod lllllrll mm with Frlvlla bIIJt Ind rnmm CrntrIt to downtown lIelorltI Ill lllhl 5M Iupplled monlh AvIll member lt Tnlephm mm rltrtlz mall hlrntlhed ot un htnllllled Iplrllmnl mull ul lnnu Ind hurt Inme ullt tllu Included Avllllbll Immed Intel TIlrfllollI new um pm ummrnmm tour nor unlth rptrtnunt wlth lhuh Ruled prlull outrun rum 3° IfXty WWII III 51 Apt 0N llIIlllooM tutu mm lttr rhm Ind prllItI hlth 11111 tum pullh lklllllu Cullul lorIth mmltun ayumt Aull not Immduuly lleflltm tu ul1 um run an Aer no llndmm humu ApIrllrIultI mtnt Iomtan Ilalh Mu Iur plm tltrd bIthrooIIl mt Iltrtun retrllflllor Ind Ito Illn head hnl Ind rutr Itlwllod Alum Ind om lni Vuy modern thilmutllld 11 monthly lnlrnlmm HMO utrt rtmnt In mum mt mr Ilrultl llvlnl morn lllohm bedroom Ind 5qu belhrwm 11 on mm 1m Unlumum ulth hut and mm mutt IIln urtullu l1 pullnl AM Mr It 111 mu 1011th uytmx Mr MI mlnutn mm downtown hlutl bunt dork tn mum ram mu um 11 llltllfll It 55111er turn newly dew Inl Mm II XIII ind ll mm pmmm II mm 311 1thqu modal mm 106m TO LE rLIIN WARM Ilmuln hm tor mt IIMM III TelWm elm Imamu out ltttl hunt N050 IAIml Itouun null In 1mm 1mm hull11111111 neliumhtnhunit hflflll II Illll III If mt mumu Mn lune Im at ylpnlav tnntul emhm mm In luv $lm tum1mm IE In III toll mutt All one rl tile llttre tlmlllrrl Id 11m will NJItd to Itll with In Id 70th or DI BOARD or Ildlrlv downtown Elli whomillted 3005111 BOARD AIILh or two run Wulendl winded Lun punk Prim MOI Cenlrll on milieu 11mm 1711 ARIICIES FOR SALE FOR saw New Ind urod lV tell Vacuum Clean complete1toek at hoses hay beltabrudlle1 RB pair III III nukes Authorized Hoover Sales ADVANCE TV VACUUM SERVICE 1tuulcutermm PHOTQIW REPRINTS humble The Barrie Examiner Syou wouldlike to IlIve re arintabot Ingaflnem plotqu Mi 13112 loejWe Ire sony we cannot wept phone calls NOW 4B HR SDWICE GLOSSY PRINTS l0 I50 x7 I25 Enioy Christinas AND THROUGH THE YEAR WIIII NEW Television alsopszwrm mono IN MONARCH jltetrlgeration Co 118 Dunlap 7282050 lYear Guarantee on Used TV Picture TullerI Plus ItoDI Warranty $49 DUP MCFADDEN FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE PARK IIIQIIWAY rt Nottm TWO AURID Spud Hull ttlIl Md Qquer MI and MICE Rid lll M13111 on and VII Lllh Illa one used unLIADPLY Nflfllllll HHIIHI DI ETI EITlmwlr EIhpn no on mull Fllllllx WELL HELP YOU WRITE wantad tint rel rewltsl Examiner Ad Takers will be huwy to help you write your nIotId Ta pIIcI your next nutId dill Mil dimt line to the Wm Ad BUSINESS SERVICE 335 ARTICLES FOR SALE TaranIIns NEW USED AND FOR RENT All Sizes Available UedVCa11vas 51 gq ft BARRIE TENT AWNING co L171 payroll st mom BROADLOOM HUGS Mmr 1001 wall broadlme 300 sq It plaid or tweed hppvy dildo with lmloslallutloll ills Guaranieéd Gtriystrnaa Delivery 5110 nr 1101111 milIce Preple are lookingtorblcycles tutor tomlal dressesalmost anything Place FAST ACTION Want AllDial 7231414 11111 011 Ind 1111 Iuod Formed Air 01 mm heel utter Teluphoneuuul mmodwel Iphone mods lmo TV or 111 or tnrrem Dy week or month LlIrll Noun mnt II Min 51 mm or £133an unrmINn Wuhan on rims 11m Ind no pryy menLl until ebntlrt SI er ol Battle 25 Dunlop WHL 7m lion mummu mm for ma lmuwutmmedreeroot maul Mu 11cm Illnexlnl stalled DWIKING KnllLlill Nlbhlnl Ind mmltt lltll lnllnlcttnh Ind lem un mw eon um wtu n11 tor le um halt pm 111 yhmu 1m RING ZIMAO 50 Inch ttm Itle 11 mo ulyordywdNadour meat Ila um at r1 21 Dunlop Writ no no sumu ACCORDION bin wlinltt II on llrucllorl with cut Ind mulch llnpl Wtnever med mu WI Ior nth 1le mom CANOZ Mn Mp llbtrllnud Tell wldo burn Vllln ottlbold motor Allyln can auburnked drill11 vr wt uu mntehy mlm Imussinger my nuchlnu or rent by tlu vmlr VEthc monlh formantIla trout11 gr inn our Bum ttno mam nwnrnhs mm told rent 24 lcDIItld Studtnt Mtll run Int Ihdut our 11ml Try then Buy Flue stnr 17pmrl1rr€ Dlllllop St WE 776W INDIAN RUG II mm tuk note M121 Rotlltllc wheel new ter mrnlchlm Ind om mama All Ill cllll mlflvn 71mm um um 111mum r1151 ruff1 to onbr hen ronl drlvrry Contut The hLmlnPr com11mm Prlnlllll 5mm tr auma Strut nmlr 7mm TROPICAL XanII ltlrd 11nd cue 131m otm with onnn butt on r1111 WM mu III molt ol can be tut tto tltr Irrol For 11ml IM would be Med Int teme or hool ntudent mm on Taleth 73M 1111 31111411110 Boom mm mm bullbln tut uttn cup bondu Imdwood tloertlu 11m whldowI doom mt 1m Ihutlnl ho pml how lldv ow unr plpl mom TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7mm DIRECTORY TELEPHONE 7262414 Ask about Low Rates by Month or Year CONTRACTORS Dump truth Inter delivery till top loll lroltt end Ionian septic unit pumped rIIel eervnIinx lrldllll haekhoel mulled limestone DENNIS MORAN LID 7182901 INSULATION NOW IS THE TIME SAVE FUEL Roclmool Blowing llelhod Fm llltlnntu Mrllle lruulIlllm SCOTT IIUIII 7714157 PAINTING AND PAPERNANOING Ilnlllu Ind laper lllllmlfll liary lnlntllll Service Since 11m RR RANK 726m PRINTING WHATEVER YOUR PRINTING NEEDS wrmnuus SHOW CARDS FLYEIIS umus COLOUR WORK EXAMINER Commercial Prlrllin It Mormon REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE LI CIupperIon Strut 10le 11am SADDLES ENGLISH and WI SAD DLEIII oI Ill kind mom lllll lm Wuth elothlnl hhu II rlr II SIMMONS Illlltwty III II lllllllon EgptuicTanksh PUMPED $25 UP to IOOO GALS KEN WINTER CO lel 72007II2 New Addrm it llwmltm ll Mlle East at too llwy on Ilh Irmaulna Innillll WELCnIootrtofi WELLS DRILLED IlIlIIs INSTAIIIIIle nv 1111 II 11111111le rmzl IMIIMTM Cou land Drilllng III mum mutt Same day mlle MN Ive pinned In Ixtllm we ml Vlollld

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