rosoru mower no Dr Melon have sui ieud mm nocturnal crontpa in the halves of my legs and long useiu of the shins Myloctora Advise Joe to ftake quininebot have never hadany dilutions for it At times take beuad am poorlycontrolled di tic hove heart condition atheroscler osia and prostatehoubleliow the let mumps an beeornlns La great problemJohn You do indeed have collec tlon of troubles but it is quite possible and uite understand ethe ezunmpizw you more misery min the other mined They Are not usurious oi course but mom annoying Quinino nnd henadryl boil are presumed for leg crimp but my arent the only men suren im nrrprised that you didnt ask your doctors about the dosage but guess thtts something that notational 111evath amounts ior this puroose are titres to live nraina ot ouhiine on retiring or the smaller ommmt alter din ner and train at bedtime and ior beoodryl usually one cap in rule on retiring Several other drugs also are sometlmu pre cnhed or leg mm depend Inz on the cause It is true that cramps due to TELEVISION Channel Barrio wrnmnnr urchin L00 Secret stnnn ltauie Deuie Forest nausea Must Hen vatnelai mun rv one News rather mm is OCioek lush R04 IV IMM no Im Mme xo runvai rnnmnin cue TV News It Whether HI Neil Mr Hall Drt moitheal milieme ember atherosclemll iberdeninl the arteries ireoueotlynre diiv tioult to control mmbinatinn ot various trantrnedtelmy he elieetive even thmmuome are quite simple Exfesllow amok irlhu speam veareis tunes iuriher limited circnisiion and museie mops it you muteatop Busrauamleirlmisea 1th 51h nreverys pemny ciroulation too No known oi cases in which this alone has put an end to lanternng that were not too severe basically Dear Dr Mo contain the trace elements oi boron iron and bdinelMnsg JW Mort trace elements are con tained in wide variety oi toads For dzose you name Nut This may deserve to he called moreth truce ele mentf because thebody needs own then lust irnre oiit Many tomes Bosnia oen can 00hr eaiy timetable such Ia kale soinaih etc dried imilaludi Ia prune and who loeilnertitieeded lorllle lily roidr Sen loads are the chef source but iniruite and vege tables the amount variesde hendingon where they are town more in coastal areas little or even none when inland For practical purposes Iodized PROGRAMS Channel Toronto wwrmoav nscesinn rum lion Club Sea uni Fm Oclock MilLn Prisoner of in cum Ntl Wllthfl 5P0 smera trauma The 590 lint am My Favorite Momn Immen Nuntatam hear new Countï¬ nun uni crv aliens News mm ltnsl leo Berton 9379 pp 88 unsoal nscemll if Barrio hospital Agetnvell meme is ten El homileilzed in ii toris Hmoltul ior theorist two wooiun the blood ï¬wnï¬ notrurnn on the bid shown and West 0pm the nine oiheam worse you dont seeihe opponents cards and the question is how to play the hand the best dranee in make the contract Wheniit comes to lantnrthe truonurou By Mnennonos HOLT 40 ntulatiohe WW Vin Pearson who has been Royal Vlo stituie will halt th Christin meet Boron littleis known oith need tor inn ii are among mama and which contain it ih lily test is injection at dye bro hmulphaleln into dye is excreted almost entirely in 1111 amount Vthatioodsgtmdm This per cent nr lens to eominutesl is normal Grestir Month indicated older liver die oyiav BECKER Neither aide vulnerable Nonm were com one eat Em A1052 Pan you 14 run on VP nrr Iooenlnz loudnine oi heartt W50 youre staying min in sequence no will he rauowedby eiter spending three md la hati years than in social service mutton Home ll Tut llitlm Allen 11m Nlllonal Inhabit Nationi liarsine mend Giant Cher lelene nutternut square gm over attends Kenn Knkkerborltt mildly nsnsée 32s so simian News It mm on with TV Iluo 11 1mm lend rm Toronto roan Ehannal Theatr time een then In Illa Helen at noon Abracadabra Four oi Kind People in Conflict Your Move Until Bobbi Mar dummy deciurer ould oi W56 look upon the hand as whole and not upon the play oi each trick as though it were complete problem in itself Thus in deciding whldt heart to play imm dummy on Wests nine South cannot settle this rolercnce lo 3333 sum Bin The anH narna Tara Thirty semi storm mut Dmi Woody Woodosrhr amend Wutaer spam Nouk Hunt The Serial The Deiendera in in nu CIC NIII Weather paru News Movie Tourhut Man Aim nun nscumn Tut Pattern rd Alien Time National Senooh National Museum Wendi Gllnl cnu ieionr nounnut loom Popeye and his Nonnnar nsynn Movi eatenti We now lllnlo the World Turns Tan 30 smut slum rum Danie rt lehide rt wursrr wmn hats 8383285333833 3EE E£EEEE Geo TV Nun vmen loom Hm Mavir in nu WM MM Channel Buiiolo av nscmnn emu Mom in Iuvll loo rm mm anew noun awe and lnm narnmarr Tom Throuni mmmt nu Hillbillies Ill Drle Iava William new nanny Kl luril Ill We tlro Show nurl in Nay Now illllllAY nunuau in rot elem Tn In rh flrlod snow in Oklahoman ll llin News 11 rel rlmrr Dirk In Newl NI in Inner tilnun oi Inuuua In Th 83 8o nln mu mm An InnIr nnnm hintsth mum na and sum in at lrnuu rats smite Mouse Club See uni rm oclock Melinel mm lady Weathermioort 1he llttmters rnr cum Limits Andy Williams llalle ol Barbe The um crv Notional Metro linai Pierre Berton lino mu mnnv nsmusrt Monml Nwa Iliaa Helm nonpu lloorI lllytlml nun Unria Inhhy Ill in um on ml lllnln amu ewe snow Toronto may Channel mm iNinl rm Momlnll Abundan nnr ol Kind mm in Conlild hr Your um in nu club in lune nu owner Matlnn Emma lr IIIKN Flintstones And onmm not Is Vin Mam nu ma on rmgm um an mine Mani crv Nllinnll mu ieirn nun numa law rum sum Channel Buiioio wnannnnv nsczsinsl too an 99 EE 32832 2388823 ug oAupn 8888 5E9 II lluniLelIllllll Nlll nlllh VII UI TRaVHmLu MM qr smirm mum 9113 lope menu naclmn hit is one half no llunteylrinlln Ill Ilene nun nutt um Ilr Kildare nun nil 1an III II out no AJI Revolt ar nlilmll cm one Ills leï¬ille 28853 3332333332 mlnlisy News Dom Oliile lnmnattmt urnth on tape Jun MM is rsr rnnmrn mm ruonr mun CARRIER MISS YOU li your union has not mine by 72332433 elem tm in cm run Io ni in mm THEIR II No CHAIOI fol TNII SIQVIICI VALLEY TAXI bIIVlYOUIIILF CAM AND TRUCK Situation without overall prohiem or hiding £01109 hi stroke raw frum Bellman Like in mi English river at Dried plum 11 PInupntra Bo An Omit thin 15 Arthurs taller brother Fame Ruastus mutt ts ships cunva 45 Lettered leiephom plllel IT Emlth Solith 49 Mrsb Girls name DOWN Luminan Eskimo knill Armored rm mil special pleasur 22 liihiical charch 31 IN to Ind in the haytutu Perth link mm suntum no Shana In lhl into UnlM all 71 neon Id Put Recom mmM Argo Hits Mil mesh in with hotelicon at the home oi erH end lira Au lei Thursdsy Doc to at 11 30 regular meetin which will have an internation une with Ross lllellaceguth speakprultpp hasjuat returned from worst The mealulaowillhan manan jiisvora Plenu oi am or onshdonatlon for theCliriat mu cheer baskets Visitors will he welwme Everyone is asked to bring dishes andsliver timesaver tor the committee 1er meetino it we etrlier than uarrnl Thou mmm the 90th blrtlsdsy commotion oi Mrs HerbréWaiim rllont Soto we an ru Bind and wnusee Block Ind Mr Ind Mrs can end Mary Cam mum een inlimii ii We in can rie rncenily Mrs WesWillinm son hosted Fremth or ii young couple last Saturday nlng in her home emmmzm produce nine tricks Observe what its in the sotunl hand Sou men the nine with the tan East plays the Sadr and doctors wins with the king South Ibly leads spade to the not which East take with the East returns diamond South goeadown whether finesse or Asmme he ii eases West wins and returns the eight of hearts Qartsini The some result is obtained ii the iouroihearta is played on the openindead East duds And the rut oi the pi at th pnymg equeen on the nine can soutirmake the hond East turned to win with the ace otherwise declares can obtain in heart trick But But cannot suceesatidly return heart become oi ten Wlutem suit he shlits iv tie clarer has time to build up nine flitkl Mrdiarrronds our clubs and heart wuy more South pray the queen of hearts Beam thus is good reason to believe the Wests nine oi hesrte is top oiitothinx lead and that East accordingly it the Decim er can thereiore tie up the suit by coverins the nine with the queen and turning East to Ihiit th attack elsewhere Once the pressure on the heart suit is relieved South he noth ing to tour Nine tricks are and to result with unyieium Tomorro beckonin play 2an cabsswohn horse but II BLONDIE mud with wu at Sums up lion sideway Cotillion to arma waist lrl sum III atlteheo mm Each abbr 10 Pmnnun 211nrnac2 nbbr 10 Born dwellers JO 14m iitlpltll IllM 31 Rapursiios IL JULIET JONES GRANDMA Weensummer rmmmmon xmemmuruno mmmw Mammmsms mun smws 1w ms armor severan msï¬m YMMMIM WMDEAEI OWN MOWER IS USING HER grim you HEAR ME uNo Mayra Harbor Airtime1155 ms Vislfur soda lotELF Moe OF WWI NLEW 1D SPEM inniin BudgetArcotinis Invited mnumor WWW ovum or rust sav CHARGE Tg YOUR SALES SLIPS FROM MOSTYNS ARE porn 0N YOUR NEXT CASH lillfl5l wan DAISY AND FiELINras TNM WAY Juer Lure WV MAS WANTED IIï¬ADAND JELLY LAIr Kn ADA MUIYAcuI MA new no mow You wow 04ch up ML nun wour EVEN LOOK Martin amt Honssr so warm wmt Gem STEAM win our sass wrote no am was AW mm mm mm use