Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Dec 1964, p. 1

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Viet Cong Troops Seize Govt Arms We rcjolm In honor making you Popa uld In hll Iddml lo Shnlrl and 1qu Inin Wo thank you or your mu klndnu In mmlnz lhe coll ha IllUI ucrllice Lo bld welcome to yaur land And we lnlulo you nnd lha mcmheu your xovcmmenl Ind mu duelmen and mm nmnm BOMBAY AP Pm Paul VI arrived today on In 11mm missiun evar undertakbn by mull wa welcomed by 100 um Indians and laid we came pilgrim piigrim vol pager joy andoneJ Themku no nnxle lncldcnl Illhough pollen had been pm pared or hostile not rum nafltal llindu xedaflopposcd to via inland the mud lrvmptvzrrlufl mm he on am the cm and MIGON MJI flw VI Gun film out guvrmmcnl dillrld hendqunflm pool Nd Theday ulle emnl wow ml to arm Inon luer 2m The firm Non Glut dmd lhe mluury he mlm lhe mum lawn Hun TIM Iur Mudth 151d lnln Irmauvmflnl mu llnradnwlnl KIIMI nd 1th nth In In hour he Illui hm mm nlu ol Imund Imam Inc we 1lele mm by mu bout 100 Vlrl COM my omnth lhrlr way Inln lawn nl mlcn Elan Ion mllu mnhml nl Miran Inrl klllm dillrld chic ml nl Mn mm nmmunlsln man huh mapom lnclndlnl mafimmml Thlfly dendun um mundaldmd II An mhuirldv Dan um mm lulled In th uni Mllr prnhlni lndil Iar Ill cl lmls wmkl peace the Pope added There walling wu Pflmo Minllm 41 Bahudur Sham Illndu who was laid al Hm lo haw opposed the Paml vim lo Hindu India and VIum Idenl Zaldr mum Modem They lhook hand with lhe P929 wnm wearing hm dull up led 111k Ito and nd bmcada upe Al Lha and mmlle In rn Pane Paul walked down loot red carpet lpxcad mm ramp at the wane W6 home In yllgrim United Church minister and Ms wile were bumed out of their homes 111mm lo day when ire bellevzd lo hnve started In the basement COMPBS PIEGRIMf loqm YumNo 100000 Indians Gtéet Pope Paul On Arrim fTéléfihbnes BLAZE DAMAGES THORNTON HOME mm lm whh lhulr bmly my Illa unlui all Iwn radian Ind do Mnmd lho filmkl hendquu on mum and trunnion Wu wrre unnamed in Imd mnrnl Immigrant llvtng In Ontario with undesirable repu liianl Ind hndmmundl oi crImlnni nnture nnd we wmlé iwicc lo flu choml minisicr oi ciUwuhIp and Immigration to damn tome iniormniion murd Inn lhll MINI our loam wm mi Tmm Iuder Diemlmkcr Ind Ncs day he will at he xvvcmmcnt 1n the Commons about slaw mcnu by he Onlarlo Police Commission um Junk Minls let hvmw nude no reply commlulon 1mm about the mo in Ctde of Kerwin with cflmlml bndtzmun Mr Didmbulcr wow the following mm the Jan1 ro pon ma Marin Police Oom mlnlwn lnvcstlnllon Into or mind Mme Mny lbey alwayl remember hit all mm are bmtherl under the Fatherhood ol the Divinity my boy learn to love am an other 10 mpcd vne unmhcr pun1m of peace of joy and love Wt met all me Indian people eVnry man woman and child And we extend our gruel ing to all the naflonsnl Ash In nvery nation In the world Diet To Questidn Government Over Police Statements Shoppm Days Christmas mm Iy lhmuzh the up floors Rev Leonud Ware said he wu putting wood in the cel lnr window when Mn Wan 21305 aim spread Buick mm womnuon I9 AM HI Ilfllef Mm erh lulled nu mm with 30m an bur winrh udder mlher WWUII Vkflm NM Lb an Inn 01M mul Mm Nicolau 11mm II In an end nur Hummernldr MEL Tuesday nlm waver in miplndhullmwwmn Mnmghllc hm nnvy dw nlmyer mark the OaUnenu ml Tam Maul butlyd lhmngh Wool mm on hwr vayala mm llalllu In In Ma umlhwnlnm flu nl pmvlnca when Mum hnul wllh lwn mm mm hurl been rcporlod mm help lmly They wan to flirt much or IM llny mil Alum Baum Pain in the mouth um 64 Muyl Mm Thu Helm earlier wu be llnvni have mm umund on Wedge mm mm am halt mllv all lhu cnzul HALIFAX OP 11m mail uard voml Nnryiul Indy nlxhlcd Um Liberian height Fury luroumt on Human Polnl an Nov Scallnl mum thorn um 96 mllns 1mm hm wild wlnkr gale 1h Nnmhnl and In omn nlM In Vuhnnl wm reporkd on Ier way to am Ilrldml Venn 1M condition oi the lrciuhkr and her lamn mw mu no lumm llcu mrfimiulan nu mu meme lo write behalf bul he 00 me answer Mr Famnu was nppolnlmi usin minister Feb 1964 and was cltlxnnship minlslcr the llrne rclcrr to by the Hm find vs Asked the at many ol hem had flown the 1000 mile hum New Delhi In the mmpflan lino wax Marma linn MlanInr Indira Gandhi daughter th Isle yr min lster NchnL and avoid viohllnz the rights ulherx Mler Kneeling Shaslri and Russia he Pane me receiv ing line 01 Zomnfs Lila Shas SHIPS FLOUNDER noticed smoke seeping hula Ihe kitdIHI More than men from Cooksluwn and Tham an in department fought ha blaze Examin Wild Winter Storm Batters East Coast Ibo received no mné mchcd no mun HF In um plkx In mm uo 93m In mum ul PORMND My IMMTM llnl ma mowlam mm mm um um Alhmlc cont hu vmudlly memd pm at Mnln um up In mint mow ll haunted an Al mm Now 1mg la Non ll Ind mime man II mlm tqy Ian 1an won Mullfred rm VIN uproolcd power Ind lair mph role 1m down and nmnll arm mlldl HamId NM 01 moi 1n trnlrnl Cafi 11mm Wll 1mm of lhu bul In rm Mu Cm mam mu nu were cloud became pom Inmm WWI up an hunt Ml Cape Breton lahnd ludny Max of he Inlnmll mm idrnu were without clmflul WV unrm rlmd llvmufh Capo nrNM Dlnla glall wn 1an new flmupred Vlrm Negotlnuons were continum In Toronto belwccn Ihe Unilevl Aupq Worken cm and GM officials Deadllne or shake mum NATIONS WP IoI bee Thursd fiefifilgfi aboutaysmo flle UN Generalfimmhly wurkm drum markedmeopcnlurotjmrw In na lxgmulgplu dugm The old alumnus at the pre ume nlly was disparaging the 5k mgdcm Mn playful When was In tallest bonslcd hulped Harvard bcnl Yule for mm mm ItmthL II that so III gnarlemnck puma dllng amund bonflms made Mlh my to ward of the bitter mlrl lal about 10111 He with him to hmllal red py lumen pink mum at longplaylng records pndgol playinl card and Idemfic Uon nnveL at Canada plant here walked on their Jobs May In ml violation of the mfltut lhgjr IngenlaUmxal uninn mw omqmmm wyrjeq gm Gama Mom Hundreds Ian or the 74 ycnmld mopvheaded drummer telephoned special lelephone numberCovenlGarden 2m dnring thalmorninl or news Ike Jamm Much of this time pmsurv or calls keptlbe busy nixnal soundlnz on the phone number Successlnl caller hem the recorded voch of Anne Calling ham an employee or the Bea qu mummy 1mm Workers Walkout LONDON AmRingo Slam the Beatles dmmmcr had his tonal removed today After surgery hospital spokesman said his condition was mism lory The lonsilleclomynaned at am In Universily College Huspllal Niner mlnum 1m Illa hospital announced had been succesqmly comply MW 51 2PF Peronéi 15 Halted BfdZilj to befiln ho Storm Batters US Coastline HERES ONE mm nu um mm ulna em mum may to mil probably ugleday km In mm boil In mm but Men Illflbuw 1W dllllm ur II 5me RCM mm flaw ovnr mu Am 1114 Malay and mud wind mulnl la mllu In how but Ihm was no IIgn the In muck ll wu mm In Imam from my llnmm NA Ind ha bun drlfllru um Moxxhy 11 iiinfnfint Jun mi Judy won hemml drilllnl wlth put power 01 Ymmulh An Cam John Kelly 511m bmfle NE mg WIMP Iklwor who dmscd nunrun ner durlnx Illa 1m mld lhu mm was the worn Llnu Hur rlcqnu mm In 1m It put all until mu Chrln mm the Amcrlcamlcd cam palcn lo ah away the Sole Unlonl uscmbly vote or non pngmegl pencckccpln duq mmlponcment In one tho graves constitutional crises lha organization has faced ln yam provided at 1515 another man work on the long llandinl dispute over control pence Inncg mam lanmlnule poslponemm of an EastWes collision aver peacekeepan nsscslmcnu ma made plain Peron 69 be mm vrfi lie Umguayan capital to which he had been bound and In Asmcbn Paraguay where he wanted Io live until he on the time was ripe to return to up mfg mm harm The iberia Airliner which carried Ptmn mm Sann where ha had iived luxuriously since 1960 was held up neairy two hour It the Rio de Janene 2175 Red Vote Issue hush Iuamnu mumch Only lhoae lulu Mulch can be nanmi on umnjmously wlll hr broulhl up during um um 50 the qumuon whnflwr or nut he muslin can voln will not nrlw mlnlim or the BI Four And hlndIul nlhm provided lhnlnu armal vols will be taken durlnl the nsumblyl xuuerpl dcbale mach 10 In lull um cmumu The wsipoBémznl larmuln worked out by Secremryflen mnqtlglongwllh repre Gromykn was 3150 lo meet with Canadas Exttrnnl Mfulrn Mlnlncr Paul Mnflln who nld before Nesdayl paslponemcnt Hm Canada would in down lo the win In demanding movnl oLulo Sole vole ll Ibowdawn came AYles vmzs ngmmeni were in slari ioday Russial Foreign Minister AndraLGr oauhtduled lalks Jim118 stat Semi Dbanfiflsk Wm the lberih company finally mm cancdlallnn of In £6an nln on Io Manu videoi Pemn quit lhe lane with Joan lampraln Gr the 0F elzn ministrysfifidd proto mlpnndJulthe airfield bflma backgate urn zovemment munc H9400 Wllh him was mmmldmflflad Tho Conurvlrlve qmemt maul would rem the rtporl back committee wllh no ommzndlllnn mu pithlullo ht held The Speakera ruling dlmmrd lwznmwm hope or early Mopllan um onelent flu rewmmendcd by 1040 Vols medal Comm cum mlllto mn na burn one mapls kn on whlle mund wlm red panel each alde Flag He wax spcaldnl on Can Ierulive amendment calllnx for pldrlscile that wan ad mitted by Spuker Alan Mac nauxhton ho openlnl the days iulnlthe mm WI recordbreaking usslon FNMA1C An Duluth Conurvativo MP paid lhesdAy nllhl the Jud Enalln well Ill govermnenn orlglnnl hrmmpla 1mm proposal Ihould be excluded tom any nnllonal plebiscite on the Issue Wllllnm namal MSd dhsex Wesll backed hl partys WZMINNKIM but MM month an Ind the Red DI Ilzn hll party wants mlllned should be let out because lhcy have bemma Involved in eon Irony The second prént canslsuni at about 30 mommies and am Can lasel movmg Pau mm the eastern Congolese border by way of Bunk near lhe ng dag border Thoy sald strike farce ol whlte mercenaries and 00an lese troops who My rev fined more Hum 150 Belgian nnd Greek mm Dingila 250 miles noflh Stanleyville would atlemptrtu reach other rdngeu yin kaomou 429 my the mom arc would then mova to P311111 about mile away lhg mums nid Impova meutenii Plans rescue 7m whites from behind rd nu in til myth emmmzotundcr wiy today as the government stmve tn save the country from eco nomic chaos magmatic some in Leo pnldvllle reported may that two pmnged attack was planned to tree manyof ltmss held behlnd the tube lian and said the operation would tnke LEM two geeks mm mm the columh wu Cdmhinéd thceszTo MW 09199BebelaLmesL of if Thupg iliicajlfgwlejaflméfié time could be Icnxvhencdlun the through other mend mmtl The government In mkcled Lnlchndm Irzuedthl farllnnanxungtdgcue Mmmaugmornnrch he Comcrvallva amendmpfll propomd Monday allu mid erlnx ll ovcmlzhl II said It unlikely the zovunmcnll or lnll molnllnn mi COMEWI llvo amendmenl In calm at plebfisdlawuld again cam belqm Iha Home In um um would be umqu ln usumc that tho pmflcll effect rnlmlnu Imefldthl Io rder luck lhu these report la me my milk would Innlmmnl lo preventing my dcchlon flu Home on the pmlcu 1m mentioned The pmbhm went beyond an tXnXdluhnlul Ind yrmduml where Ind ha hndla dtddu mm was Mr and cqnllablm commmu had obkcttd lo plcblldh by HM vall he noted but Iho rules perm commlIlLe lo mmmldcr and mu mu my decmon Efldl member may peak minutes on the amendman and for Another 40 an the cum mmca report mollon There is 1110 WWW that the dr time could be Icnxvhencdlun that other mend mmtl Ln Path Gonzales Premier Moise Tshombe Tumsday onl llned master Man or salvag Inz the pom mm chaos and mains The 131m dimmed It mm lng WIHL Frendr zuvemmenl officials clued Iorlmreachku Idmlnlslnflvg economic and social relvmu Including the di vision of the cum into thrge rehabilitation zon ler Ilsa called or 19 mrlanimuon of in Gonzolm army and police with stewed participation by Emma helvisem Lhe Pauli reglan Iau week an they had heard report that the entire whilepowmlon ol WambHflimaled at 50 perv sonshadjeen killed by when mbela wmwporud ha Eveflcamured gnawwhites In Laler Lhaforce would move from Waun filo Paulislo unit with the ochLrmlumn or drivg kgWamba sovmile to Missloiarlu evaalalzdl mun

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