luau II Mllj INCH PHI 137 ï¬t an an In ad Cnlinhv wk MUM In an urnu In mu Mn we rm an In no nunm Damn HIM VIM All hlnhm an mm lug Ilhieflpflon In MM uni U0 IMH rm mu mm to 7r ml In 0mm uunu mm mm bu uu mm mum ml WM nnhmv unu lllnlh 000M Owl II lam OM pan11M pm IM GI III Mm II Mum AN Town muniï¬oglgnh mi wan rm It in 407YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Nov 27 1024 Cm mllam need broadcr outlook general lhlnklng lston much an nurruw lines dcclnrcrl George Nicholson maplcau lumbcrmnn ln Address to Kiwnnlx Club luncheon at anllnutnn Hoch Judge Vnnru suggrslml that Slmcon Bounty ny full rosl nl mnlnlalnlng hlldrcna hellcr In llnrrlc Inspector Jus Llcc gave report 11 annual nlccllng Al nrl Snrlcnnl rcclcclod prcslllnnl on Druxy advocated munly bonrtl In hnmllr all nccnmlnrz schools Town ouncll nulhnrlzul £0400 dohcnlurn It Is quite probable that similar sin prion exists in several townshlps in lhis area Ihal taxes on collages and mart businesses form the bulk of the township lncnme and that husbands and wlvcx both counted 15 in Ihe case with farm properllcs summer resident also over At this tlme of year many thousands or property owners come to regard themI selves as the people forced to pay but otherwlse forgotten For It lgatthis season that thoseimunlcipnlltles ln whlch summer resorts exlst reap llrgefreicn he romcottpge and summeroremrt owners But etvote llme hesa same pea Ie are given llltle if any opportunity to ave say in the spending of such money At host ln most Instances the summer property owners can only vote and atgreat lnconvenlence lor someone they ho will have lhelr Interests at hem ghey have llttle chance of nom lnatln representnllve because ll 15 long past summcr resort season and only comparatively few are able to be pre sent avenfcrtnle In recent ruling on an argument over Toronto men rlandlng or ofï¬ce in Mllskokalrea it was polnled out that there were 3311 resldcnls agalnslflzollpermanenl resldenls and thal the summer reslllenls pald the hulk ol the lotaltaXesl In ny ml of pavma Dunlap um Lllu be xlrncu Hnrrlo mmhanll had lhtlr Chrlslmns aloth on display Among Illa Advlrllxm wer Moore ladle Amhmlufl nun4 clu nu Nu mm IIpmmm mun mam nl padl ma mm nunn m1 nunan mum unplu Nun AI nuum mn mum mrluumm Ium mum mun WILL Annu mmm nnnnll nnInm Protect Rights Of property Owners Summer Residents The Barrie Examiner ITS ALL JUST GOOD CLEAN PRATICAL IOKING diéï¬Niyv$pip¢r 163ylgeldsï¬eetaarrl Ontlrlo mu 11 RIQNDAY Novmnanjn DOWN MEMORY LANE wn rifle or II hm lhwnllun chuln Mrs Iaddhon wr leller lo edllor run tarnlng mm mum mllhrrlu Cenotaph on mnhrnnce DA 51 30mm hold uuecmm bmar lllnds lDOdll prhe Illimor IEEIB In 3ng olnce or OIP wcar Binnlng nhoiovltudio Sam Stringsl mans Bargain House Arthur ialtor sons Aliandnlc Drugs Alex Mllno Sons mens wear Otlon Hardware James Keenan music and phono grapht Powells intiicl apparel Sutciiiie iadloxwenr George Vickurs ladics wear Goodleilnw that more ircd hlorrcn ratiio dealer it Smith furniture Dcvllns drygootir John Sam ciolhing Ituro liunlcr Clothing Company itpcvcs Jewellers Ind Sim mom Go it Dunnutl oieclld Nohin Grand of Bmin mot Lot Simroo County ExWnrdens Alma Ition lormed with William Wood Brndinrd president and Tr Simpmn Harrie secretary County Warden Coombs wu honored by council Earl Rom MPP was In Imutur It banquet in American clefI Alexan der Cownn ruided ll lily of Scni nh illio in rNmmrrnmianmm lo mire em tum great Ipcciulo Yhu Chin how with urchulu Ill me ed Viv Sim mom and Jo lnrt ch Gnrrettl Clpiiol Iheaira wn showing flitimd Dix in Mlnhlitnn with phno munic hr llnglnlid ioddo Gear lnwellu he Iplhym for mu 3mm LumbarIr rlilin Krmnur llheencyuï¬gnce Iylllmg Coqulnwn Mr Ed tar nmmd Vith the properties invoivcd in shm Amer reortsrcaching evenincreaslnx 1m Eortance in value and ntimbcr ilmust evident that the rovince must Inter vene at shine time the iuture Verit able summer town and cities have risen in the midst rural condition or the summer months in them Is mum dous invostmenl and from thentare dei rived huge sums In taxes Their sum mer citizens come from many parts of the province some oi courseirpm rar thur away And they have every right to improper protection in spending their tax money llis rovincill mailer rather than municipn one tomments The Owen Sound SunTimes Another sore po tourse the large sum raised on pro crties occupled and potentially occupia 15 only in the summermonlhs fbr schdol pthposcs Summer resort property owners are forced to contribute lo the schools In two communities their property in cm ollnlhem In no way requiring schqolrfa Absentee councillors members of schooliboards orany other municipal governing body are of course not dcsllj pble Yemesort property oWnershave every right Improper reprgsenlnllon on bugle that ppend thelrltax pancy lshadow peimanent residenlsv humeyicél yr ll LL Omen Km am molar Mp lo Hm Hwy 10 mvmn rmm mmvnm cm hum mum EOH Inn mum mnu um mtlhrrle In hm 1mlodu My 8L Wm Mu1m darn ltd bmar Wlfllollotdhmumu Jlumor Db Ian 9m OIP mm ml Mu hummi M1 pouonn In lo 71ml nu my 1m year Mr mu the Ayn bums filled in with Illa hum um America JMMJLLMIAIJACQ mm In whit House He nixed ken 1mm his audimceu Just by menu as tho mm Baker Heinctued landon Johnna of sin In his immense power to supprgu runflier Invesdmian 91 gunner protege BIVGOMON DONALDSON wWAflflNWWN ll Am nun mg dunked during the USelntlon Win ilanud IoIeun mam Meuryh Whe Demaï¬cuglloflw In the ad sandal ol mom pm poxom involvinl Herman pay0011M nfldfll 11 mt Goldwllerrmldohe Baku on boNAuisoN Senm who talked Indlplrk uninnlinx Gavermxeceneul beuuu dam ed contra PM 11 pIOPmmII amine tunMp amps that possesllonOY IW14weéwqwmm in mnes ï¬ï¬‚lflyrellwes teenv mra pimples atom hlm becomlnl apfly Thugxwmed overjlnto Camdl villa law nun Inn bm alumni II thlnk It llone murrol Amefluflhdluro wo can well Hawk kw Nobody III fldered Mlnlster er was thewwer and prey flu ol US punMen In mnv mum mi mvnjun wqu In ha Ammri Immoth lo umlmmmwrd In XIDIIJM you It In mule MI tho perm nu er unl the bull at nil flulnlrd mull1 urvu UK la bur Inn II and In prmnt nearl Osman WNth now Im oaully qu much up onmw sold Vmoux Mn hu bun MW fluted in hum and sun lulxmum which wmld hnvc flmllul lhl Inlc nl mu qulmi ranmun with lhn pol lrn Nolhlnl hwned 11w in Inhhy Hum1 am Auqdlllon WM mom nrll mudmi my an um IWI mn mm mm mu Ilon prlvllelymmod gun Amen I13 nyuilllnnflmiunl on you um 140 mm Oawnld killed tartMun Id In lulln Cnmnn rim bouthl by mull mic lnr mm with wech ï¬ght m1th hu bun dune In mum III In Inch yupgm Jan Wu tlnied In mo Kennrdy In um um both wen Lhol hl lho back he hud nu Friday In prelem ol Melt 1m Thelt tuccemn both Johmom Andrew and IYndon um when wlarmtr Benllau onimm man the other ms Irhl 131ml mmy um rd Kenquyldyiud hlm not to 16 VI Ford mum Ken nrdyt mutiny med Humln Idmod hlm no In lo Dan ngNJIAnY U1 mémuen am wnld were both murdmd bu 5°21 MPme to lï¬Ã©reï¬m lllnllu be lwzcn the deaths Llnmln And Jopp Kgnn2dy um mum the had wu carried nmu line lhehouse when he Glad 17w home In panned but the flu am wn lulu rebulll convert ed Mï¬oummznl ollinu ml enigma in ms kil VIuto cl rep uclhin of lh¢ original llakdsnhe band will play the PresidenUl gnA them flail lo the and time will be 1hrpr IMF ind beam of HIM will trace Bomha in lhq my as lamp wlll nlcker ovu the poster Announcing Tom Taylorl celebrated eocanulc mmedy 1qu Amman Cous lns wih un Keene With the Lsxmlnntion ï¬esldum Kcnnedi mu henvy on ereryonul mind strum that Ihe US Dmartmenl the in terIoeras drddod in revive mother Assasslmllon daily meme thaw Fordsfmenlrlof Sued now mumm being bum it was on Aprll 1115 when nclor John WllleLBoolh Lth Abraham Uncohj In lhapml dentlal box leapt lo the zinc breaking his leg and rodeotl into the nixht Baker it turned out knew more about politiu then Ill criticL Weeks bdnre the elec tion he colnmenlcd an Goldwa terl charges In In interview He we Barty Goldwater does not really eel that way shout mu llI alla part at polltlcs um bits BarryéndBékef Up jumped Barry skaode emu In Baker Ind hem pump In hand Moral deny was largouen III In sweetness and liml Sen and MrsGoldwale were lining with dead In In move in an expensive Geoljlelovm res laurnnl whu Baker arrived with hls mm well knwm San Fm duv lnwyanh Ehrllch Ind hi1 bmflaem So why happened when it wn over and Goldwater met Bak er Why notth count me two men wen pally eguld be wAsmizcTdwi16mm VISIT THE STIITIIIIIS LISTED IIIIRE IIIII TflPS IN SERVICE IIIIII IIEPEIIIJIIBIIII Whats worse he reported Congressional Mmmllfee humdrnm inckadaislm bare can pass litdeleclor mu ear Ier than Vlrlleï¬ldivé ixilential Jmasaonda mm In lhmvdeclrlc and let they dont malu mics like my used on Becéhihér Isl lo Denemher77lh Hawever Dr SlelanPossony university pmlessoryyim years experience Intelligence work Iayrlhn lkdqteclnr ducee endlythl wrona kln ol CIA rcauilwlt shuugoul the normal lellow with healthy Sex Inulncu and opens mway or honwuxull Ind tuned Cam my Influxalong Mdfllm Menu ym luv to pm lie detector ï¬les Jun no yelybeen uplajned wlw her ymr dothls loptova you hlva nasty ucrelaor pow the ability loJle undetected an mod my flunk thlnkjn llone mzurrél 5h M5 Chmenq Muk Nun wocan well ghoul Nobody III considerea wt W1 uninnlinx Mlnlsteror WM Gawmncenufl becnuu delth Fhl oHdWu er was thoer IHd my yam todayif flu ol US maiden 19 men broke flu du my poms Edam Imam Una near mimmgm CITIES SERVICE STATION ummcmow um msumo rmm Man mmun JIOMINMN mu 0pcn730 mm 00 9pm $0urdlylnd Sunday 710 mm Olll Mldnlghl CROWN HILL RESTAURANT SUN VALLEY DRIVEWAYI CALL MWI snow LOUOHING jjBRlNG THE FAMILY AND ENJOYA DELICIOUS HOME CQOKED MEAL TELEPHONE 728195 ï¬x In Central JIM DUNDAS church family lhl Eu dnrht realized presume Chflll Doe lhls not Accord with our own moperlence today as we prayerfully partake tha em blems And they laid Ihfl lhlngl were done In the my And how he wu Imawn of them In brui IM 01 breathLuke 1135 sandal Roma Malbu we any lullIlla hm olll and rum llm and mm BIBLETFTHOUGHT Will dlllll Ill Ill mica ed Dabber xm Iha Apitululon o1MJ Gen mumcomwwnac Violi mu ViilinkU deï¬nitive mndndodJem camemn sc HelmI vblud the ï¬shExpedl ioan Pom In France Second mm Wu lwenlyï¬v ygm an dayIn mo RugIan Namlnd plum audud mm along the Mill lmnller mufï¬nniah sov etnmrnt resigned iuuslrnul uï¬mm Chmefl Mprk may in born Av nummnu mm Cl SII OUR IINI SILICTION 0F SCOT PIN 131nm Act uya Ihll Thm shall ha one Parliamzm or Canada consisting the Queen an upper house Ilylcd Ihn Senate And the House commons Thus Waxlumen does pot munjust the Hous 010031 mnnu mean all lhreecan Imuem puts Thus Prime Mln Ster Pgmon has maul nhugallonrlo grapes the new delign not only beam the Com monsbut alsv before the Son nlg gnq the kmIn But the Flag Commmlu mi commin of lheCommans only The Common no doubt will vulrimalcly by majority on recorded voleaccepl the report or its committee But what only on lhlrd of Mr Pemonr ParIInmcnl and mrnmlttee report not like bl It does not aummalicrlly muve on to he Senate for par and than require roynl Mint guhllclyrunmunced not our nlmlny um pver several months thnlflhe proposed new dell will be phced balme Patlament lor thdeachinn of Pal111mm 1Mwordx tiny prove to hm Innemban slur xnm mm Mcnquon WAWAfTheComnom Mn loonvhelr flxethnlrmanpl hr tpeclnl wnunlluee on he canal dlan move concurrent in TENN 11 will mud on thallnal dnyloh politlcnl dc nge on In subject which mosl Canudlnm r11 conslder would never hm been made vl putlnn polluml lssna Then mu Minkth Pearsgn hag WE$PE¢IALIZE lnrlrmor Ind iulomollvocngllio nmh Ind brlkl relinlny Wu any complete no fuel runuu Inu tondunsm exhaust plpu and mu 1m Va lpoclallze ln haclor Ind Car Motor over aul brake rellnlng 1nd general repairs Call for flrlvemy and genernl anowplowlng work you need good used car we have severalllhmo ghly overhauled and In excellent condition VPar1iapéhfshbvrifl WELDING CRAIGHURST GARAGE ARC ELDING mlmoul mozok mm we won ind lb has sanened the enuuuf Mlkcs Maple In Ensign supporters peace any price Pub Ion might or mun favor sumethlnx like but hushzdup dmlc committee which lnclud lhe Unlap Judi and th dezlis Item recent poll of aplnlan revealed that per cent of he populall favors pleblmle Tnl result in ï¬ve aucrnali deslyu being plaudbel nadinns or chulce by of transferable yoke vernénanl lcéd Sena Hun Mm whu mcmlm of KUNMM mrodlgca In ale resolution pro Ha dulgn whlvh mulchet what the choosesbut only by flame because the Se an enllrcly separate body so would nevpr stamp recommendan Cypmoql commmeel Then ow to at my Via Senate resolution Commqu committee mim problem pem 9999mm atrvpi mnser la nlro we the Cnmmom lormallzl cammluee report could Khan go forward Senate and or royal But thal would open whole can of warm or long debate raising new Issues Hm than he nag wig my coils1imuonal mam maze which apyuan not lovha bun logeseen If iii 01 the pa both In Ihe If bill in tho unl Ulo nether several kl lima Ism for some tPOOI OW ngm Fleur men ï¬ubnc opin mam