Reginald John Coipills 15 Mnnclon wan scnlcnced Salur day to he hanged March anci he was convicted oi capiial murder in the stabbing duala oi guard at the icdcral pun WVJLcnlinrxrjvrmï¬ CoipiltL charged wilh iho Scpi 23 tieaiil HE iiasicmm 49 oi Munc lonr Mnsivrlfln died iniinwing acniiie during an recreation pa rind line poniicniiary SHARP IN PARIS Ilmls Iiieuimi Trndn Minisicr Miichnll Sharp at Can adn arrived by air Sunday in Lake part in thin wackn mul inzs oi the Orxanimilan for Economic Cooperation and lie Vblnpmcnl OiCm Sharp raid he also has engagements ior mccilnxa noxi Friday with ircndl Finanw Minlxur Vim try Glscard Desininx nmi Axrh tullure Mlnlsicr Edgar Pisani SIGN AGREE NT KARACHI lilwicrn Tin lim in rents flurccmlni prnvidina or Cmunin Iniiid Ii nncicar rcnclnr in lnkinlnn was nlgnm Saturday by drier ram ui ihe liiklsinnl Alnmm Enemy Cumlnisriun nml lhu Cn nariinn Gcncrni Hirclric Cum ynny Undvr lire humman lin nnndinn mnumny will an an UN thirl conirncinr In huilviliu Miimkiiuwnl mlrlrr lmrr Alniinn on llu aim of lhe Arnhlnn Mn 15 nlilr ursl OI Karachi By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD MlThEab mosphcre or the set made the ï¬lm seem aley ï¬lledMerl lurihalin or we ï¬x Arm about lo d1 stage Eight at 20th Century Fax had that funeral hush that either Indieates the dim arts quiet meticulous worker or the picture 15 in trouble The latter scemed cvl wérkcr lmublu dent Speed seemed lo be the pro lam win Morlburl or ralher Ihe lack of it The in was in its 731d day an uncommon length in todays Hollywood cs cinlly since the end of shoot 11 not in View lllhu set had pmblems they aeernedrotliwe moment co sLar Yul Brynner ms dressing mom had sign ova the door reading casino de Bxynncr and he was ï¬nale wilh he Eek his shmy head in thé outside playing pokcr with trio of wwvrkcrs Ieadmg lady Janet Margnlin David and Lxsal was sipping ouflee mm paper cup and menvljng he In stgxted on the mature Sepieï¬iher and so far Ive had tvm sccngs she remarked ASHES BURIED TOMMY cm lluman Miles from in Second World War Nazi death camps in Pm land where mare than 2000000 Jews were executed were bu ried Sinday in Toronto Jew lsh mmcicryrA number oi the 500 persons who attended ihz service wept as smallblack ccflin bearlng slar at David and carrying lwo metal cylln tiers of symbolic ashes was low ered into the gravel RWOREITFS KILLED MONTREAL CmNo l5 yearold majorcilcs were killed Saturday when awning elm tree toppled by high winds crashed across Santa Claus parade mute in suburban Ln chlne Nine other girl wlm rul crcd minor iniurm were re leased mm harpilal allcr treat ment Police identified the vii tims as Louise Giguere nnrl Dr ane Bcdnrd both Montreal 104111 BARRIEEXMIINER MONDAY NOVEMIIEB 30 At the tar Md of Stage Eight was the lengthy dmsskngnom trailer belonging Mar WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF MOVIE COLUMN POLICIIMAN NANIIZD NEW YUMK IAINA mllro Nculnnml ho mm 12 Immu cimlton mm mmml Fumlny on chnruu ulllnu mmur kll hill 5cer SInke nonl nnd munhm ml the pn Nce cunndrnllnl Inmllznlwn null lmk Hem Vlncrnt Salu nm Into tmlmly KIUAKU IN HTMUIJH MIAIA Mniln MI Twmlylnur wwu urrn killml and ollum Mlurd Sunxlny in Ilnmpedc Iyy 50m wxunm lanvlnu Ilmllum all milll lul rally They um llku pnnlciexl Imllnlofl will Iur lvnr hmc who lull down um trampled la lhlllL Tm mum II the lulu Manuel nllur on ol make In vllul Um numl la man we xnmnnr lo Illl mlvlmu and Mn Hm In daum lullvull MOLDIEM KILLED ADM IllculmITwn llril lull mldma um lllled when hm Immlu url 1mm lulu but mï¬nlurrhy mall mllhh NW1 mu Cummml Iwktmnn ml lhlrd Ioldler mlwuy wmmukul mu pollm um um Mm ls llvllunl Illlhll lhu wuou ollloa SENTENCE TO DEATH Downsmz ML cm Falls On Film Vlnn Brando He was closeted wihin unlil an assistant raced the various dressing rooms mtily the prindpak hat scene would slmrflybe made PLAYS GERMAN asked Bra Its likz wishing prune pi with my nose from here to Cucamnngafl he replied and ML 15w WI swm Brando amazed He play German who has been Induced by the British tn famslall ha scultling rubber ladqn Ircghler captained by Brynnur an unliNau but dglyanlnded dale of mum ketvsvgouing pushed back he snicL Its supposed on end Dec 15 bugnrando mined ha had nohopcso gelling out of the trgquhts by Christmguy leng ollng It appears to resut mm the methods of Bernhard Wickiv noed German director who is making his first Hollywood filrnHe ls methodical and puiILsuking In amanner which economyminded sludias no lon ger cmoy Bu im all his laull said Erando We started with out finished script 8095 the picture Auumw Oldlmohllo Doolu In mu 233 woman 51 DANGERFIELD Vmorogsum19f Doesnt il thouth Hovy can ydu hang name like that on ride so smooth and Ike thatinLtItgtgllyitcelprhear anyv thing Obviously the engineét haskis$edthe Blarney Stone nnl thaylm thatsva pity Itemuso everyone ofthe featth he inventsorptirfégflfor Oldsmobile could easiin maké hip ledsm05119 tnginuciing is all silkitndszttinï¬nmétlthtass NI quitc7655 and mmfogh tll perforrï¬Ã©ncgmllygImamibmTuned Rip0 indeed Subiir Rockqtgéngihe forthkétï¬0t Nr$odp bmkcsl tqucould You beticvc int hunchof fanEy names Vlsll your local aulllotlzcd quillly Oldsmobllo dealer no sure to up Bonanla on lhe CBCTV nclwotk each Sundgy Checkvygllr local llsllns lor channel and llme H1 mumu MoidksVAguE 1At75cdéli7eBad 7m GAGE BAY Ont IONA aHeamldwognan was subbed 10 death Man prowlersamrdax nlaht and her nyeaMld nimr woundedht lilaVagpa saved when she meterï¬erd be dead Mrs Anionic Lavergne wns found dead in he beqroom abvvein groomstnrerin lhls commit miles west Int N93 er Jeannette Renaud was reported in air condition In hospilnlral nearhy Sturaenn Falls Sunday night She Mi eredkniiewounds lo the arnu legs we andbnckn Pout are searching to 11 young man who mm Into the more bpenied byqus La vergpea nephew Romeo LI venue we women had been For elderly and cnnvaluv ent padsnu Excellent faciliues for private or semlprivate Hot and cold water in rooms Reglsler ed Nursu in nltendnnce Rag MARSHALL Phone wasmm STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER our WasVibraTunediBide named byan Irishman It Sure SOUnds like Blarney ii stun huduï¬mï¬hmflmwnugsmmï¬wv sleeblï¬g When Nib sound ola rruwlar enleljnz the flarewoke Police said she amany wen downstairs and met man whoiheganslashlng her with kililenAsIshtslxdgglnddm the stairs he followed her repeal edly slabbimjey until she 21 hlo her bedmm PBDWLER SHOELES Miss Renaud saidshe Ieh her bedroom two doors away tom her aunis In monkant he pgowler He wu Moodstained nnd shoeless JERRYS RADIOTVe HIFIISERVICE One TV Technician fully quaiiffed arid gradu ated run an Electronics School One apprentice with basic knowiedge ofeleo ironies TELEPHONE 7260551 OR 7263810 Qualified Electioï¬itlabhhlcians hecgllapséd on the 1601 out 37de zqshtn her bad and subbed her 193 MES Renaud Inld polire that the man relymed later ï¬nd kicked her but mmpuleyded she was dead me ussaflanVMe mm mm jdrawer in the store Mis Renaudtsald she vth begged hlm lo aka $50 mm purse and leave seizeMIer Indslashed Her arm sthi Wile Mn Lave$e was hi mum at the me the muck 31mm REQUIRES e65 gully mQan Say Maybe that the answer Come on down lo your 1th mobile dealerfgflowYog miglnmendUplhqsame as us thinking its darlin tnrj like lbalwilh0u1 finding out for yourself what they Comm moratg Hanukkah the dzhldly Jew ish festival of MIL which com munalales he Jews earliest triumph In their ï¬ght arre llgluus freedomapened at Inn 51m 11m es a1 recaflsvtha ï¬g lory cl lheMaccnbeas over the Syrian tyrant Antiochus E91 plumes lsayear More the blnhomrigp 31 The central ritual Hanuk kah 13 lb huming candles nr lights One With kindled oIMhe ï¬rst night and an axtra one ndded Hindi nddlflqna night ghlqaya 111 lighting at candles Items Mn legend mm lJudah By THE CANADIAN PRESS th 0hr in tho iifllllé II7wi1nnk Humy Mamba who cleaned the lanplen lemple Jerusalem am the Men the Syrians Heal me altar with 1011 num élenHoLonlx one By buy it bumedlnrrelzht Hanuklmh usuany mania at about Christmu time and yen but it Is any this year begun You Cant Beai sixjunt Ibo glvayou personal service influd Ins free burner service and 24 hour emexgency servicel Plus aneasy Budget Plan You cant miss with CO LT Sarjeanta MARY ST 1mm AUTOMATIC jun OIL DELIVERY in SARJEANT cox the Hebrew calendnflbased on mahmar syncm loses about month every twn or three years In Canadgan and American Jewish households Lhr cstlval lime or partying and girl giving while Hebrew school yu pils flax dramle presenta flprg of mg Maccabng story 7261811 Cuupv HEATING on