Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Nov 1964, p. 1

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RéneIQtions ArteryPearsdnAidefnesigns er Pearson resigned and 0p position Leader Dleienhnker promised more revelations Tuesday ar the Commons reeled or second day over charges farmer cabinet aide offered brbe in an international nar cotics case An henlaced Guy Rouieau Liberal MP for Montreal Dol lard rose at the House opening to say he asked Mr Pearson to relieve him of his duties until mlml inmrirv Anna in amwa cma tile or tary secretary to Prime Minir the US smuggling heroin into ORDER INQUIRY Edam the daily question pe riod ended Justice Minister Guy Fav reau announced the govern ment has ordered iudicial inquiry ioiook into his own conduct in the case andde cide whether any charge should now be laid New Democrat Leader Douglas suggested aposlibie ljnk wilhbailjinnping 1m he crisis atmosphere gener ated by Mr Nielsens charger prompted the primoministerlt postpone or several hours trip to Western Canada He ir also understood to have angrily ordered cabinet ministers tr maintain rLricter wntrol over theiroilice asslrtanta TRIES mm inhichanzu Monday Mr Nielsen also aid that Guy Lord iarrner rpeciai nuisiani ioMr Favreau tried prey sure the Montreal la er Pli um In llllulnn prmm mm nlIunlkm mil lnrmn mm In ImamMu mam Mll Ml tbs med mm thawing Ill IL 37 9M wank we MM unlllud Io he Manda the Minn Zurlrll munlnl lnlernfllml InnIIm Mldwndfldlmw By filling mum mail lhrlr dLmer bmk and wort hl an hour beyond normal Joummom lime and mumch for the lhe Danni ol nmadcmt GOVMMH the Nannnl Gllllcry ht Indlm allnm branch mu Ind and commcm department and um Imam dwnrtmml ¢Wh14 lhu mndlnl III 17an WAWA Although aptch In me Home Oom mmu wm ban1y Iudibla or flu dln of charm made there Tuesday MP Handled the spgndlngpl lbpul $0001000 IDNDON ANPrim Mhy Imr wllnn IMM mum mcnl lodny Am ha Mn mm tlnandfl am Innl Myerfl nvwll 3mm own Mm 1mm Down rum mind on Mutational my Innrhu am to labor Mll Inlnn mum lo prw WILM lnr quldwr Idiom In boo dd awnm The xnvmnl Ilrudy bu mmmd pmnM lmmu nr ml Mud Ind um mu rml was Mllovni Md in MM ll timer nut prlvnll mall LI rlnlll qu We 31 nigh EIIIK NIEISEN Conserva lIw memti Parliament or the Yukon mu charm In the Commoqs that former min Islerhl uslslant and $2000 Ihe In nnrcMIu ImuggIInz cm Paul Lamon agnc Montreal lawyer who was ncllnz Ior the Us de parlmcnl ustlce In the use any the marge L1 mhsmn 1lnlIy correct but lhat ha re CBC Arrogant Stuffv Says MP Backbench Revolt Faces UK Govt 10th YourNo 276 win 14 GUY ROULEAU mum maizmommnz Emu Ollie Telephonés nllph Conn IL Yuri Hunter ullcd lhl Wornllon ml blood mun behemoth lhnl dnwlnl on more and orthTfimvThm 3er and word orlha mrpomlon but toyed lll exemdm Icy were llfl badod mumheaded My Muuu polll mncd He mm out CBC Pruidenl Mphwu Oulrmt and hll mm who wen Illllnz In midi alum And loaned mu mining the nwuuon o1 Tor nnlo mums vmdum may lrd flflllntlu VIENNA IANMm 000 rlcan and nmmunhl mndmll and Du US lAullnn flu Mlnm Ioday pmlullna pulp1y US$911 mien how by lnlemuoml Irm rlm lay behind the menu PUNK pUhL My In to Mud pefllbn mm Wlhon lo mm thle Io mu an lot all PIYMIIL slld wimlw 1n Ill dawilmn Imlldm um nmnslml And new an dmqul um Mudmn lhln cordon mlIIUnmrn Ind Ihm hum ol ml Ind mm Al nu dln No tagum cl nan Inn and fitted the bribe won ml tiered Mr Nielsen the bribe was altered byllay mood Dcnll Manuenllaw Yer and former executive slslanl to Immlzrnlkm Mink ter mmzlny In onw Guy Rouleau Parllnmenury uc rotary In Prim Mlnlstcr Pear meg la borrelllwed ol dullel will Judicial In qulry has examined hls ml In 1h use CP Wimphm Students Protest Action In Congo nru mom fiery day Mythdepqu lends lAllan In hm onl Mrim mi 0gmmn11 1mman Dams 7mm lmlkm ll dpwnhm Tao element by ML Rau leau not menmmed Man in the allegations by Conservative MP Erik Nielsenwa only the am many mach 1n the Com mons MIJNleknnhaLchangethnL Raymond Denb umAer execu uve assistant lo Immigration Mlnimr Ilene Tremblay al tered $20000 bribe to MonL real lawyer to drop opposillnn to bail appllcatlon by laden IUvard wanted by US nuthqr Pearson Defénds jfiqvxgaulmAcfign mm Prime MLanlcr PealInn mesday de luded Justice Minister Guy Favreau for bl handling of chum of bribery and coercion unhm two federal mlnlsmlnl shank When in Jmmy Illu nmn ll be luau about um 51 mm am In ml mink Ml If he dmn hm any um lbw It than mm In doom nilmm mud caser An amenlaced Guy Rouleau Liberal MP for Memes Dol lard me at Ihe House opening 10 say he asked Mrr Pearson In refleve him of his duties until Judldnlvinqmry ordered by the zavommenl clear up his role in the case hive confidence In my unlu bterl he bald when asked In believed Mr Favremg Med LONDON anewhran Ide 9m mm mm 1m 0w London home 5k WinLon hmMl monthly ml balm ha olll Inny alumm MI 900 mm number he MIMI mm llrm ludrrl hmde uld the flow at Ml bum much mner lhm uuaL Ila Inld the flood may mad morunmm plwor Mom in nu Moth Plum Um ll MM lo midqu Incision wu cflll WWW lo MI In lhuu and mainly lunlly 1hr My llmfitd um um The eldor lulumm ll make ldeimo Arum on lhl MI MI llyda P51 My In my iwhufi WAWA CWA parliamen tary secretary Prime Mini er Pearson yesigned and 0p positionrbeader Dlefenhaker mu yellwluherl and b0 The mmmunllyx unIy Iire lnfl mum headmflzhl In Iron 01 he blnxlng nraxo When the truck was nervlccd flmmcu Ilruzglcd lo the bud oyornllnz lire tamed damage totalling 9100 wom radon nr nndIna ruck I001 Ind whaan were burned Mumy Good 1mm mIel manner mIJ Irony In lhnrslluann Wu urvioo the fire truck and mm rlm In Inn ou nrm when In on llre helald nhinen aid the luck Med nu dmlnl Mondu mm males mum Chuichillhflu 0p Monday TRUCK STALLS DURING BLAZE sT nouns pm Jen HERES ONE llo old the convcnllon tho govcmmcnl had my very mum limo Indeed in the Common nmdny nver tho charm mum mm min lerhl nulllunl Raymond Do nlx nnd my lord 1h prime minister said In In Inlanle that Mr Famau 1n lormtd him lhe charge In medialer More tha justice de partmenl mending csummx wm bmught dawn the House WinnKm been he thought may uhe mm mm mm up 1mm House Mr Puma said Judldfl lnqulry would be let up lull quickly wa can chairman He Mid terms of bronco would lnchdo lnvullllllon ol the bribery and tendon Ille lnllom lo delumlne whether prosecution would bl Mew my Thu pran mlnhler uld Mr annu hll denll wILh mu er In admlnlnultlvo prob cm ORDER INQUIRY Edam the daily quesiln pe riod ended Juslice Minisier Guy Fav reau announced the govern ment has orderedJ indicial inquiry ioiook into his own pnnduct in the case nndde cide whether any charge should nnw be laid New Democrat Leader Douglas suggested nposlible link wilhbailimnping 1er Banks the deposed Sealnm International Union bough bor Minister MacEachen agreed to search files or any voucherto Raymond Denis lrom Bank or aboul 81500 0Epnnllon Lender Diel enba er unsuccessfully d2 manned mum to the Jus ucedeparunenl vesiimaleyr la enable Mr Nielsen to man more revriaiions Prime Minisier Peanon lald he was laid nboul he use only Sunday and Mr lloulcau talked in him ior the link Lima madly morning mmdly In not reporting lb Illenlinns to the prime mlnlp to until nhnrfly berm they by came public knowledn Mr anau Inld ixHer lo the Common lhul ha lnqulry ymuld determlno whether he wan coma In mnclndlng then wnl low llllle evkkm lo wu ragl promuon Mr Puma nddmud the annual Suknlchnun leenl lawn 3mm DWI15 TERMS Inmamolbubhfl lunwym¢dun vmmmhnonmmwmmu nummwlfllfij gmij we ch4wdnggday Nwmb¢rf1im mvma mnmmu ind Stavcnsan nld he rulm had bun undcmkon all Ill climb to Immune relem ol the Mluflfl 1000 homm had lulled Mr Nielsen asked ha prime minister to broaden lhe In qulryl mm of micrence to fly termlne whether tho Mqlln has Riyald was muted request In Monlreal Junn with Ihree olhernzn antl chmzed with Imuwm heroin lnlq gagged9d with mule US rpm Mal iue but did mu jnll pending unbel 1m uzu menu UNITE NAHJONS OP The United Silch old the United Nntkm Security kmdl Tuesday that It manned thu optmien to rescue IMhfl hostage tn 1m Oonzn only humuttqflan million He laid the tubal nuollalor nl Nllmbl lath Ith lo them 0me on condluoul which my government hid Mllher me morn nor ll xlm lo consider And whnh nude ll clur Du In ll nmpilnl In In yll their llm 5311qu ma 5me 1115 Ms ltmusphen genu alad by ML Nlalsens charm prompted the prlxmmlnlstehlo 90mm or metal hours Irlp lo Wexum Canada He 15 ulna understood In have angrily nrdeud cablnel ministers to maintain stricter mlml over lheirolllce gamma was mm HA 141d EMILJILLJIN fine with two member ol the Mall crime nyndicala owosillon Abound whllovruhf when Mr Favmu quits whether he med cor rectly In deddlnfl them III in 51mg evidenou to prouqu venm uld lhe Belgian pan tmop om dreamed on Snnlgy villa BIIbJludIY will be with dndan upun completion Inhichanzu Monday Mr Nielsen Yam Laid lha Gmv Lord larmer rpeclnl IIIIBLIM ITMr Favreau tried prey sure the Montreal 1a Pl erre Lamntagne and the Marla had mcheth lentale illiuo two cabinet ministers of tea Mr Lord who Mr Nielsen my wal an Jnnncent dupe my studying at Word Unl verslly In Britain uId the cammqulan wwld In US Supports Congo Rescue us Ambfinda 71mm 5w Several rebel and Bown pnrnhvop leigem Wlfl killed during the night In the Stanley vllle ml lludl be nklnnlsh In look place mm un llrport what lorclgnm lulled ovyunllog lo hqpoldvflle Tan Brflonl Ind number ol Canadian were believed to be Illll In rebel hand In Stank villa mmrdlru to comm en lha Ens African Sland and who flew horn Nllmbl In unlayyllla lodq Four American plum flylnx relule out of Sunkyvilll 0d min wen and on Mil but none In badly enoum hl In Ilnp in mm lo lagpoxdvjue aiarfirimiw of seven 11m mic it to my fun mldlen went about Emir grim luk wllhun hymedn um thr twill dawn drw Wei 1127 rmlfed In man than two harm My reed induth II Madlyusu Marc um ooo Mum hm Arrived her lrom lb lomer rebel capital and mower 50th 600 lwnlled evacuation It Sun Iayvlll Airport FIGHTING CONTINUES Scnflerodfighllnx conllnued In Sunleyvflle which ell 1w dry to Congolese troops Ind whim mercenaries me he pgmlrmmr landed In mcpg norm mu hm MM It appeared would lakn lbw mm men day In clear up millnon by mu Several bell um killed nur mo llrporl durlnl lhl nlm and mornln anxnlm lroopl wm ro Korltd to be mm Lb Ink of tho Congo mm luau 1mm Emmi whm II In LmPQLDVlILE CPLBel glan paratrooper nndConzo leu soldier marched today er mm 200 wlllte person lnclud lug some l3 Canudlan lllll mlsslng lnhe northern Congo Ind belleved to be held by the rebels the death Government orees lncludlnl 1hr Helmmbuuehaxwm rebel resistance In Summing scene of blnpdy yrhite mgua ixéniesiay that took la 14m igcludlgg Canaan mly aionuy luv Hector Mcmflm 49 of Avanmore Ont Butthe ABWUIIHJMILLM men Vet 1199f Inlflgmztx norm lqjureg Anamr Cm doll as and Im Ma James unwrapped in blanket L400 Hbstdges Freed In stanlévville Raid nomqu Boom holdl human lhnalcmd with an Email Akbar lo Bums Mun Manna lodn nld American medial ml mnry Dr Pull Carbon under ununca ol dell by Omaha rebel ded mop gcldenl In du Shula Ho xi1213 palm mum IM 1cm perm wm killed Sunleyvlllo what nigh mml enzlneer Mu Debun wn MM ha Ate 1mm the plane wilh hla vale KIM and outwean dwthm Monica Mlny fled GM workm and 31mm hostesses wept the bereaved Ind beamed relu tau landed nebulst said he AM hi unlly were in m1 hands or three month abij dilly lo threlu ol mama um sven t5nnlbglxmfflwy were worn 811085818 Realm tropical short and shirt llnded mm on we first Imeload 01 maxed Conxo um and gave In mnwiums lawn 0L madayl sunk1H may day in ifim as wounded now In hospital in WWW unnlbalixm 11101 II and humillMcd Magus mm Sunltyvllle ar riving here ma xebel were hiding In every possible place hdmhg private homes None of IM migdrleadm had been captured yet and Infil umabecrmmmm laid lookedu mom they exam anhnuzh they may be fighting with one of those small and on the until the ty An American embassy olflclal laid palm Iound some nme bodies Shnleyvme waxy glynalqd nuxnber believed many of the rebels have fled day alter 111m from 1119 Ounzo They win mounted wlthjhelr parent and lime her ehlldren mm Stanley vflle marking reed from StahleYville Nightmare Belgian Engineer Cléims Report Dr Carlson Died By 11 Stupid Ilccident 1c fifty Fig1 MW mflfifiy MW afar 51m lurnvylo ma vm iWeiaithéri mI mm um MWvcd mem Any or other poop who Med km WM opened flu Pull wumllnrlmmmcnndn lhdlld not INHNIII 11m um uqum mmdu mom Dy God um mm In bnve He knew he mu under lemma dulh but ha never mmmt Hague or my Wm nm In 1h rm llmo we named ma the Be In and not the martenlru who had cum In our nld was AME la liva In my howl but then we were Minded up and lulu to how some 800 Yederday mornlnz hat are dm the rebel came or Ind herded In W11 Into the mylrd Wu hld hem IIIplum averheld prayed that mil WI delim anoe but the name Hm vm tenHM or my rm Ila Am Ind Monnh Monk btcluu cared would ll be Imam film tho Moll mld hemwrm Imam McMillan armding lo U3 embassy xpoknnwz was cut down InLumumbI square HI wife and six 3011 who were held mm rid hkn we racfledf In Wen Palm Beadl P11 Mcmllnns mm Mm Irena Pierce nld she had been to by her Ihur 1n Canadl that medmonlxbayswnalnl 19va wow mEniba Munumenl in Slum when rebels opened fir on has mash rpm of he Palrlu Ln 5113 the other nvemu wen placed under LedHon other source Indlcnled the wnnnded bay wan Kenneth 17 um eldest Mammal member In UneuthALPleM uh may lnnn mamum mGmgn 641 Theme part of my ylaqeloadrol rem part of first Ianeload relu myr mo tn hind 7177vK with ville AP Whephoto v1 cafif mm Brussels It 1311 Igm

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