Leea1Weather iiilotlly cloudy and not nlucii changelnlemperaturoSaturday low tonight 40 High orrow Btllornunmaryono pages ton PAUL vr aided by Mast Enrico Dam Protect of the Voticflan DorsafwnioaliiCord mzatlon aces an silvortbrea tiered beehive Pope Paul Donates crown on altar during special mass in St Peters Basilica today in Pontlit domled the crown which he wore at his coronatioth 1963 in the Crown To fNeedy VAiiQtN Paul donated his gold and var threetiered beehin today to the poor ol the world Vaticanoitidala said his ac tion symbolized the conesn oi theitoman Mitotic Chtmh for those Who miller misery and between rich and poor nationa The is the one used for Pope Pauls coronation June 30 lm Studded with emeralds ohm and mm was made tor him byartuona in Milan where be war racibhhop before his dedionvaa Pope WEIGIIS 10 POUNDS The lupound own is almost bullet like with slim morn modtanialc once than the Vaticana bee hive 0mm Ila value is not kmn but is believed in the tell of that sandsoidoliarr Vatican fantirttamaaid the Pop ï¬t was urn boil and that they did or know emdiy how it would be used to help the poor Pope Paul used it he moody since his optorratlnn Now he to expected to me one at the Voticana otivx atom which are at in live limoa as heavy it wears crown my on ceremonial neonatal Flood Impedes Viet Nam Battle DA NANG Ml Nature hu dealt the war in central Vlrt Nam vanitan blow llooda have dnwrncd rmre than 50m purine and wrudrcd corn murrionttona and kmportntion aero tll rrwinooe now and bridm liuwrlrout nn area oi 7000 aqum mllra were wadwl out No hundrud mile of Smut Vial Nnma only millmxdil ratlw and the main mrthnoutlr May were me Thla flood hat hurt our name nmnieotiona more than linu and at tom ol Vtet Cont ioelvoe mold have dine military ndviaer Mid To Idluild all thin will tm lam ellqu unlta end an other Amiden arlvlarr It the Met 0m trlu to Interim with thtt war wry lam numbm oi annuity troooa will have to he hrmuhl In to actm the mra nlla malll he donut lloothr amna it we haven divrrt lrrrru hm V5 oilltiak tell that the VM LATE Con Milly Rut oil llrhtar bemoan liwlr bore man are on hill round italial rumtlar were being flown in mm U3 ham In Uk traawa and the ihlllwinu The lluod woterr re recod lnx slowly but it war allll ruin ln in mudr at the Mutated area 113 command in Shim and learn at lollatic and mad lonl erprm tn the aunt VietA namrao rnodkal ottidala nlro loved in new to pruvent epltkmiut Molan and dia atcr eaporla paired in 1mm Hello 11 lovemment otdrrud all mm whynre and Hwy peer to donate one new pay to the liood vtdlma Mountain valloya and could plain were wept dean by the limo value that poured down mm the mam nllcr ne rtu oi altmil Entlrl hamleta ol lllmay hlmboo hula nailed nay wlttmt item NEWS Canada Admits 84686 immigrants mTAWt Cii Canada admitted um lmmirranta durin the that nlne mm at Mt an torture at 1512 WM wl nine period last year the lrraniurallon denmm all today Ford Plants Begin DETROIT API The atr atarta hurt lay at workm arrou the United litt Layolls ikHrnuhlrli iord Motor Conway tonlrhl monaiwdhimtkhmmmalwmma ullxtrn lanolintaut Ll modded with atriaaids din monda and nines Vulcan aw mu said the gift was largely symbolic Ai Wirepholn via oablo from Rome NilllONHYMOON JUST mvoncrn OXNAILD Calil NP Jo Ann Snitha automdrilol Lt uriy leston with but loom and liowerr and when Its rrlmng tan cane rattle aims bdlind But the Wrulwlfllflv mm vehicleSiyu on read an an twee tn r29 bohy and me lint dol im tree Mm Smith in her early an and Imthcr ol lb rnnnthold girl was urantod float divoroa deem Nov from her tusband lion Tums Down Proposal mom muons on Secretary General ihant Thursday turned down pro pogo irom Canada and two olhu oounlrlu that would have delayed the ï¬rst diamo the coming showdown over United Nations Hum The proposal put before ihnntzearllerintiwdny byrep resantatlvea at Canada liaiy and Japan wouldhave post poured or two or three weeks Mondays lubeduied pledzlnl utterance or ledlnioo assist ance programs This United States has ID trounced that it will rotate in make its usual pledle at the eoniermce in view of Soviet and French rnluaalto pay pencokeepinz Mom US Bail linion Schedules Strike minimum or Six railway ahop unlona have adaeduled strike eznlm most of the United States railway lor am local time Nov ration 5mm arid today Menrnarnucemmt bduraorvednntharaiiwaya unlmrrneral duhmen only nuns lmimdioua to the more than 150000 lhop worker2 mom and Fodnnl Motors conï¬rmed lortttorudraadtlmmln Hominid wan dlsptna meetinl with tmion munnu 1W Walla duet rallnad ne zotiaam rdtnuad to Gringo lhtnnday tight alter also mea in with madlatm it war re ported that the imml atriko will more horn unrarlwaylamnlnyoea depart ment the ammo in not oago No Intention 0i Reviewing Veterans Pensions PM Claims YIMWA CPiPnme illln blu ioaram said Thursday the Kovornmont has no hmtiwr ot reviewing lumdaya loneroust Manna pension mac or it Ida motioned to do by lira llnyal Canadian Legion However be told the Oom mona ln reply to Domitian louder Dlolcnboiror that he had aurood with tho legion that there ahouid be periodic ro viawa oi pmoioru Such reviow would be made every two yam in paid Mr Poorem aaid the govern nlmte agreement to mnka cyclical rnvlowu oi putaiom had but miamioratmd in name waiter aa auroomentby the 0me to mlnw the ln muo ormuneud luoadny lho literati waa criticilrd by the Legion in main with thmn Mm the motion iroatdmt FM Mint ot the Lelia aalditrlearmhadameduu to review the increase In nounood Tuesday by VelaIna Minister Tana Mr Diotmbakur asked la Ounnm whether the pm mart an reputed to review the human to provide rm yhtdr lr lair and more Mr Penman lied that the ovarth the in emu to be lair and ream Truck Injures Barrie Child havortoy lrl daughter t1 Mr and in loy Non oi em 50 WI united to lloyni Vidato ltorpltni with un determiin head lnhntoa intim lnr an aoddent on lich st lust lath oi Dmlop St Worm at noon today Sn waa atnut by city department ot wortu HUBBLE OBSTACLES MPS Bury Hatchets To Solve Vital IsSuésp UiiAWA tCil Comorva tlvea and liberal at ntln era tiuonta oi thin or linmerlary ton in mummy III In till we Cm mu one moat Maillot of two knits in the Mun mcy rullatltbutlun lrllddltll An minim to have the he hurt him tiMmlnlM the urban Illd nnl riding appoinlmeda rlruru had hamdnlll tho tepintlnn rim laat Amino The orilinai bill it the NN uninvited Lent 1er rorsnmWOnm mulling not so to Ann Sidney earold hair atolls former in United Ktnxdom Ann was picked from among lLtt othve final rnmm no litus wally inn raged Wm enqy wian amenng away in the warm Irony auturnn 0tfl4 dds laid the WI maid col tanner and other mile ol notion Same oomrmnltioa hogan drawing water mm tlonnl lokoa Fm worn ulr in tank tnldra to haul motor to their tioldl No alanlllunt ralnlall waa in Illili to allovlnto the Illemnlh drought in New York atale in the upper 1W Valley hove Albany paper mill am noted with marble mum at activrtltl became of the amphithulovelotthoSa cartilage monntr Tho reach volr ontaola the wntzv tlow in the lithium needed by the milk to optnlu HM lDDAY dUliLY ln Uidvmitlie tnruuxlu rhlel mum at in the lion and mod an MM to have the Bottom Com ill tlrv name three momma 1M ltd thinninginitialised Xiromlladioactite Wastes NRONTO CWSome wa terwaya lnythelumtiummining area around Elliot latte have been contaminated by radioac live waste that is threatening luttmemeotlhewatmlheOn tarlo Water llaoumes commis rlon rays The commission said Thurs day there in no immethn te haz arddortimolntheareabut irla In lite amuai world beau ty Multilth in inndon Her vitatJtatLvllu are 362446 AP Wireplloto via ubla mm Inndoni Severe Drought Hits Eastern US ornoaco Oorrunu nltler turned to marry mom tor walnr over the eastern hail ot the United States today om of tho city have out operationr to tour days melt log to save water city today aunaiyonhandmilamia dieaatcratatlu Glovenvllie city at 21000 inthu innihlila oi the Adlmn dodu we oi Albany has only 30000000 gallonr ot wator on hand in ila lone remaining roa urvolr The othortour Inscr voiu urn dry unnamed it is working with the mtIarlo heahlh departmemon control measures Some 10000 persons live in the allotted area of the Algoma District in mmmanron and the de partment are contend with the possibilities of longterrn many years hazard that could develop ahmdd the situation not he brtmzbt under oontrd at this him report mm the com mission said The memento ol redo adlvlty in water in aquatic lite and in into sedimenta have indicated that in lament the lam radium wooemrutiom are approaching level that maybeeorne magma to pmludq future use at these tetra for mrtam purpose it the apread oi contamination continues the report said didmtpecllynhat THREE OPERATE At one time 10 companlu were active in the area but de dining demand or titanium ore 1Shae leitnnlyytlneejtill operat The minan Ioomnaoiea used water rant adraaeot lake and int Minister Gordon said Thursday the economic mailman lacing Canada mulru willinxnua on the of both government and ry to Lake dances Iihia la not tho time tor timrd mm or luluhearted the minister laid in mdmn apcedt to abort 200 Ottawa mormtnnta Mr Gordon said he tape the Economic Coumii at Canada in it yearend report on eoommlc mm and problems up to 1770 will be brave locum to indicate in general way the kind at policies it oonaidera noo strearm in the mtnlng process lralllngsor leltoyers at the mining process contain lrlï¬iflfl lived radioactive material whldr can be dimlyed in water and ï¬roduce long term ooniamlna on Ground water which became contaminated has apparently amped into the lakes and quan titla ol tailing have also coma in contact with lake wmr lhe levels ol contamination found in Loose lakes at present are regarded transient ra ther titan permanent the com missiana pm release said and it it assumed time level can be reduced by rational mmm oi pollution abate moot As an indication ol the ex tent to which contamination has spread lwweva dissolved radium has been detected at Serpentle wloda through series at lakes the area emrroe an miles south oi Elliot Lake near Sprain on the North nonmetal babe Ho ron lha ooman said it and the health department will con dutt activity with regular Muller that so looglaa ter proves not aary The stateroom raid on crating uranium companierat Elliot Lahuot identiï¬ed by the lawnmlsaloni Were asked to aubmlt proposals regarding canon 55 their plans or the immo rmt of thin rltuabon to unborts Chance Approach omwa or Finance Meanwhile he raid prelimin ary indications one for vfll aulmtnntlal increase in Cana dian capital luveetment in loss This year mitidpotod lnrest ment was up it per cent over 1961 largest ymtoyoar gain sinoo last The minister laid some Ca nadllru have heme led in morbid kind oi fait with economic problems at the country ltmwr thee were no water and in some cam smaller than tho pmb im at ottwr nations and they ahnuldnt irluirton no or moire ua timid