Krn RaHonthRcr was the toughest or me Ill lhrcw slaw and my and louml mm lrylnx In kill lhe hull Johnny Vnndcr Moor and chl Hlnck wtll were laugh ml won couple nIicl plklurx Clvm thine and Ill Trlu Whith park did ho like In MI In he lucsl Vrilly Firltl In Mmgo he cuuxn day hall nlwnyx pn Ilrml playing 1n ulnylixhl lhink ume him MI 15 lo 10 mini higher ll Ihm won on him hnII Pllthm mm In have Mlle mm nlxh Who on he louxncst pilch or him What Will he mm the mold The compdfliun Stan nn Iwmd Pulling on unifnrm never llrcd of that Tho Ihrill of playing the thrill of wln nInx Thu hnmrsl thing or pmlmlnnal plum learnan Io live with dclnal even thou he know dorm is lnevituhl decidcd Io rellm because no longer have 100 per cent mncenlralion Mullll ex nlnlncd Maybe Its partly mm mmzng to he plnla so many limes Mlcr more Inn years youve been up 10000 or H000 limes nnd it becomes hard to mnconlnle on every pitch was no longer play It had become work wanted In In while slill an asset MISS PMYING But It was accumulated wear Ind oar rather than the pitch is that linally caught up with llluslall who will min as an acllve player with St hauls Cardinnls next Sunday always mnlnlalned tha pitcher will lull lllm when to quit MIHAI hlscballs Mam than in the perfect player made at lens one mistake Opening Ynn ee Stadium which would he he sin 01 am In snvcnrgflme suries ls an nlhcr plus actor or he Yank ees Ralph Hanks loam has remarkahla record ll home Em nvons wwxs The Dodgers because of the possibility of the appearance oi Sandy Koutax in three games have slinht Edge in pitching The Yankees have slouler de iense but the Dodgers ntiset much at this advantage by their superinr speed This Yankee also will have whatever advant age eomes lrom series experi ence Everything points to pitch ers series with runs scareet This shauid suit tha Yankees tine Ona single blow has been known to end mnny series pitching duel and tho Ynnkecs starting lineup with the ex eentlon oi Hubby Richardson and Tony Kubek hnrbors home run power The Dodxers iorced itn cinw and scratch inr rum during lha regular seasnn have only two legitimate tong halt hitters in Tummy Davis and Funk iiownrd By JOE REICHLEE NEW YORK AWThe home run lclhnl weapon lhal has carried lhem to Wurld Serlc rlumphs ln years likely to bring New York Yankees an other world chnmplonshlp their seventh In eight October meal jng wllhLus Ample Dodgera Musial Losing Concentration In our of their prevlnus seven mrellnzs the 1963 series Ihnuld no me llmll of seven games Except or lhe Ian ball department In which Ihe Yankee clearly excel ï¬lm Huh In choose helwecn the Inams By JOE EICIILER NEW YORK up sun FRIENDLINESS DANGERFIELI MOTORS Yankees Ziave Eclge in HomeRun Department umu In Inlk met tho key word In wch at our lrnlunruam ano be nlwnyl pn Ilnylixhl MI 15 lo 10 and dud What II the mm nut hillink Desire conï¬dence Ind cou mlrallon Ilhlhllknl nl Ilnllllh II lulu mum mum Alnlrllo Cmnllulnl uqum in June Then had In nppmdh ti Allan and was wrr1cd had to struggle III 300 for lhq season Breaking Honus Vngncrl league mord lnr most mime MIL hesnhl To do Anything ll youve go In get your hits was urea lhrill when my must hit all man Per nnoakl In La Angelo Inst ye to lo bad start In x1957 and was hjlflng Imulm 220 Whal was hh darkest moment In the bl leagues lllnsial has been he National League haulnx clumplon seven llmes Most Valuable Plnyer lhree times has lilzllma av erage 333 Ind hold more Hun so league records Which reéoni Is he proudest Based an past parlonnanrc lhe lzllhandcd duel lgure In war the Yankees Figures show the Dodgers are butler club Izalns rlghlhnnded pitch lng The Ynnks Ira hut about was agnlnsl both klnds pitching Another Ian ndc up is expected or the second game also at Yanim Stadium This one will pl Al Downing the Ynnkecs nyuerld sensav lion against veteran Johnny Padre it will he the ï¬rst series pnrtlglpatlon by Downing who has won 17 decisions since his recall in June Padres 1111 own series record including In unloraetiahle Irlumnh over lha Yankees llu brought the Dodger their ilrst world title in 1955 Ford the assyearold wonder holds flock of World Srrles pltching records Includan vlclorles In 15 decisions KauA sx only previous Wnrld Series decklon was 10 loss to Chl csgn Whlle Sex In 1959 SOUTHPAWS MEET AGAIN The planned rilchlng nllunA jmcnl by the rvnl manager also ï¬gures In ulvv the Yankees an edge however allglll Ell ring lnh hour changesdlouk will upon wllh whlley Ford Kaulnn wlll oppose hlm In what shnprs up as hrllllanl duel ol lellhlndcra The sumrlslngly have played almost well on the road they havn at home Through Thursdays they show 4973 home rccnrd compared wllh 4552 away winnan of 73 so In conv lrasl the Yankee won 46 while lnslqg 15 mg the mad Tna badger have remark FINALNIGHT If The Destroyer ls Defeated He Will Be Unmasked In The Ring Referees HANS SCHMIDT and DR JERRY GRAHAM Emacs Room lunnge QUEENS HOTEL DESTROYER 11M Helnllfll VISIT FRED ATKINS vs BlllY RED lYONS lAYTON MONDAY NIGHT 845 PARENTI PARISI Worson was ntcrrlng to pmcgdure hmby Iheplayerl skate at lap speed 1am lo ball and men sud again Iha bum dimdad by whlsflo sla nal from the couch Its much easier here We dont do slopsandstarls for ax ample You know one year New York Watson had the loam do so of chm at practlee harm the playolfs Bay Inn LI mug Actually 1eel good he uld and if you wanna know my weight about the name alvgnyu How does Montreals prescn mn camp under Tue Blake com pare wllh New Yorkl In the Vaqun mime THE MASKED Worsley changing Into street clulhes alter bnsk 78minute pracUce calmed down couple of mlnule later It was more of Ms amiable Tough tnskmaster Watson Sel dam passed up chance to put In dig about he Gumperl squat dimensionshem ï¬vefool ï¬even and 130 poundsand wish he IS AMIAHLE LORD ATHOL Phll wns Gumpx conchand lurmentuwllh New York Ram ger or number of year be fore Worsley came lo Momma Canadians In seven player National Hockey League deal last June Thats um Watson He started all this dont want to talk about it What are you gonna start that too he maps making no cum to conceal hls consider able annoygnoe The impish goaltender with the Win wit normally man olnarkpd pllahility nut nsk hini nbmfl hls candl Jul he undergoes chanze MONTREAL CWThe barbs Phll Watson have let Lorne Gumpl Wursley more than bit senslllva about Ms physical WWW 376 Blake The Dodgers must onset their lack power with speed Out hnmered we to 101 In game through Thursday the Los An lelu apecdster have stolen lp proximately three tlmes as runny base as the Yankees Wllls has swlped 31 And Willie Davls 25 The cnllre Yankee team has rluten only lL able 7743 mom Igalnsl rlghb handera but are only 2117 against lthanders Thu Yankees who employ the snme 5e lineup against all lypcs Enchlng are 145 ugnlnst rlghl under Ind 3M1 Igalnsl mulli pafls Worslév Claims He Feels Goad V5 BOWLERS NEEDED For Wednesday Mixed league at pm KEMPVIEW BOWL Cbll Now Well carry spare course but it wont be our ondAbcsl goalie he said caling Hodge will likely be back In Quebec Ace of American Hockey Leanna Blake mid lament that while the club still carrying Charlie Hodge were nnt In to Illemate our goalie this year and Warslry will be our man To put it simply just banl see with one on Its matter confidence If you have mum cnnlidence with one all lhe bet ter But WI ml for me Unlike Detroit Teny Suw chuk Toronlas Dan Simmons and Jacques Flame who went to the Rangers lntha June lwap Warsley disdain pro lutlva lace mask Russ Tymll manager Man tagnards said Wednesday night the league had hnnded down several stipulation that made It Impossible Inr us to continue The main one was wllhdrawal of ubsidy which helped Mantle pay lravel expenses OTTAWA CPiOilea Mon iaznnrds have pulled on of tha Ottawa Hull Junioi Hockey League which openied Inst season with clubs from nine casi em Ontario and Quebec centres because league decislon drop subsidy to the lam 31 Dunlop St PA um NOW ONLY mm In powlflul mu you nd by Jnluunn Irnn Ho lnlhu And In eflulwed with mum whull um hlndlu Mantegnards Quit League 11m BAMIE EXAMINER ls FRIDAY HEIAEMBEE SJ 0905111110112 HARDWARE LAWN MOWEBS REG PRICE 7995 OF 18 In Power PA 847761 5995 Indl sen lha have faced evgry one of them at least Mr or five me during spring training said Koufax but need mmplete accurate line on them befnm we play that ï¬rst game What does Kgulax only the fauth pitcher since 1900 In strike nut 300 or more ballets In slug season think of the Yaqkeca lifmw lheyn basically lastball hllling mam and have Sandy Kuulax wrking on bank it meets wilh success 11 ms about $13000 and probath be Ned The Year the Yankec Struck Out In tha Snrlmr The ace lellhnndcr the Na tional League champion Lo An soles Dodgers scheduled lo pllch the Vnrld Series npencr next Wednesday ruld Thursday he has started laklng notes on he American League champion New York Yankees By MIKE RATHET Aisnclmd Pun Sporlg Vrller AI Emmi rum Koufax ffBook eWYOrk Yankees UNLIMITED PARKING Enloy yourself in relaxing com lort same ol or lo plnsl Yau will like the speed ol our aulnmallc pin sellers on all 14 lanes Whats 370m pieasum EMMY BOWL mxuofl 2h oz9z r®mm mmmm SNACK BAR Twn line mews Mnlson Expmt Ala and Molsnn Eanalï¬an lagerheer in nnu Mdlsnn Pleasure PakSave money tunl Busts less than 12 battle canon at each Pick up MolsunllaasumPakludaynndgel lhe plnasumofhallL Enloy yourself in relaxing com on same ol or lo plus Yau will like the speed ol our aulnmallc pin sellers on all 14 lanes Eleveland Indians whipped Kansas City Milled in lo Inning in tha only American Leagua Kim1e arry Sherry started fur the Dodger but the Mel built lead Lee Walls hi homer in In olher NL games Billy ODell pitched Ihreauhiutr and Wllio McCovey regained the league hams run lead with No 44 In San Francisco Gianu loo walloping Phllndelphln Phlllles Huuslon Con edged Pittsburgh Pirates 54 in ln hing Koulax was 41 againd he Glam and 40 against the Card Innis Thursday he led the Dodg ers win over New York Mcls Ale Ireally don lhmk they hnva mare pownr than um San Franniscn Giants in our league and the St lnuis Card are prellygoad hmlng team loo yo kpa he added puwer the zsgama wlnner lï¬id uypancyrs YANk rowan Enjoy both in NURSERY SERVICE PA MN he slxlh for the Dodgers close the gap lhzn llnwnrrl hls decisive shot In lhe eighlh all Galen Cisco It was his um homer and gave the victory lo Knn Rom lllchvey collected single In lhc Ginnls sixrun ï¬rst Inning hon comblncd wllh Ed Bailey to wind up he scoring ln llle lHrd as both homeredl llc Cnveyn homer was lhreerun nlm une up on Mll wnukea Braves Hank Aaron we homer race H9 DUNLOP ST PA Hand 0mg Bulun 7292102 Seed House For Buying Ind Procullng Your Choke 0f TULIPS HYACINIHS CROCUS Lager Choke 0f Buy Your Bulbs NOW While Our Excellent Slock ls Slill Plenliful PARSONS SEED C0 nurcunums NOW IN STOCK 75 nun Ropnlr lo All Miku HAROLD JORY MOTORS Aulhnrlzgd omen rnr Eusng TRIUMPH VANGUXnn nn spams CARS 0M AAA CAA Varldiu PA 85000 PA 84 nuAD SERVICE 311