BARRIE CLASS 12 InterClub Displays Knock 4H Club ivy tH Homemaking Club Greniel tH Homemaking Club Craighurst tH Homemaking Club ivy Junior Pamicrs CLASS IJ Potato and Grain Clubs Potatoes li tubers liturray Margaret McKay Dor een McKay Grain peak Douglas Cam bell Ralph Cook Ronald Coo CLASS Jt 4H Swine Club One gilt selected irom pair oi pigs used in IR Swine Club project lat group Douglas Campbell Ronald Cook 2nd group Ralph Cook er Conn 3rd group John Mayer CLASS Industrial Arts and Cratta Project made trorrr sheet me tat Barry Palmer Douglas Campbell Project made by lorging or welding David Pratt Douglas Campbell Project turned on metal lathe Douglas Campbell Metal project any combina tion ol and Glen Hodge Douglas Campbell Price Project turned on wood lathe John Roe Wayne Johnson Woodworking project tintshed with paint David Pratt Woodworking project tirtished with natural tintsh tsheiisc varnish lacquer etc Tom Wheeler Roger Rix Douglas Campbell Woodworking project with up holstery Roger Rix Wayne Johnson Carl Harris Arty other woodworking pro jectno entry Adjustable rope halter Bruce Pagan Douglas Campbell Bryi an Johnston Rope work including short splices whipped end urd crovm and tuck Douglas Campbell Bryan Johnston Bruce Pagan Any project made lrorn wood Bob Bain CLASS JIO Field and Garden mps Pall whcat variety named Carolyn Peacock Miss Jean Johnston George Anderson Oats variety named Carolyn Peacock Mario Smith Douglas Campbell Norman McKay John Mayer Robert Ren hell Rarley variety named Carolyn Peacock Larry Maw Norman Mchay George Anderson AOV grain variety named Carolyn Peacock Sheila Craig Jean Johnston Larry Maw George Anderson Grain tiicldt corn Harold Cook Rob Bain Allan Cook Lawrence Specra Wayne Rus sell Doreen Hunter Eruilage corn Wayne Rus reli Jean Anderson George An derson Lawrence Speera liar old Cook Bob Rain Wheat teanlohnstoo Carolyn Peacock Bob Cochrane Oats Douglas Campbell Rob ert Donnell Jean Johnston George Anderson Rosemary Vascy Carolyn Peacock Mixed hay Robert lishcr Iiarold Cook Lawrence Bell Wayna Russell Allan Cook Lawrence Speers Mixed hay 1nd cut Robert PRhcr Wayne Russell Norman McKay Douglas Campbell Allan Cook Gcorga Nyhol Forageharvester hay Sylvia Rattle Jean Johnston George Anderson Carol Peacock Lynda Caldwell Seed potatoes early variety Larry FAIR named Bruce Pagan Shetla Craig George Anderson Nor man McKay Carol Peacock Jean Anderson Seed potatoes Sheila Craig Kathryn Shanahan Brien Shan ahan George Anderson Eruce Pagan Norman McKay Table stock potatoes Kathryn Shanahan Sheila Craig Brian Shanahan Bruce Pagan Non man McKay RobertE Ben nett Carrots Brian Shanahan Marie Fisher Bruce Pagan Kathryn Shanahan Barbara Duckworth Joan Smith Beets Barbara Duckworth Carol Peacock Lynda Caldwell Doreen Hunter Bryan Johnston Bruce Pagan Parsnips Bruce Pagan Onions Gloria Jcnoctt Joan Smith Bruce Pagan Carolyn Peacock Barbara Duckworth Robert Bennett Tomatoes Rosemary Vasel Doreen Hunter Mary Carr Dale Pratt Carolyn Peacock Joan Stephenson Orcumbers Norman McKay Bryan Johnston Bruce Pagan Robert Bennett Brian Shan ahan Kathryn Shanahan Cabbagcs Barbara Duck worih Bruce Pagan Erma Duckworth Mary Carr Sheila Craig Norma McKay Pie pumpkins Price Joan Smith Norma McKay George Anderson Sam Rattle Jean Anderson Hubbard squash Price Carolyn Peacock Bnrce Pagan Susan Handy Swede turnips Carolyn Pes cock Jean Anderson Bruce Pagan Rosemary Vascy George Anderson Brian Shanahan Swede turnips stock teed Carolyn Peacock Mangeis Carolyn Peacock Bruce Pagan Pall apples variety named Gloria Jennctt Bryan Johnston Carolyn Peacock Sylvia Rattle Marie Fisher Bill Fraiick Winter apples variety named Sam Rattle Carolyn Peacock Sylvia Rattle Robert Ben nett Jean Johnston Rosemary Vasey CLASS NO UVEGETARLES Beets table sizeMrs Phil Amcro RR Utopia James Caldwell RR Shanty Bay Henry Spence Duntronn Cabbage Rallhead Max Craig Craighurst Mrs Schait RR Thornton Penyer and Salawets Barrie Cabbage Early Variety namedMrs Schaly RR Thornton Clinton Pagan Moon stone Max Craig Craighurst Cabbage Savoy Max Craig Cralghurst Mrs Sdiaiy RR Thornton Cabbage AOV named Mrs Pagan Moonstone Cabbage Red Mrs Schaly RR Thornton itenry Spence Duntroon Carl Pes cock Cauliilowcr any variety Clinton Pagan Moonstone Mrs Schaiy RR Thornton Corrnls any tnhle variety namedClinton Pagan Moon stone Franch Shrrnahan RR Harrie Carl Peacock Table Corn any varicty nam rd 6Cilrtion Pagan Moon stone Lynn Russell Midhurst Mart Craig Crnlghurst Tobie Corn Goldcn Iinnlam Clinton Psgnn Moonstone Onions Yellow lianvcrir Eleanor Mao lonnctt Carl Pen cock licnry Spence Dun troon Onions Spanish locally grownMrs Schaly RR Thornton Carl Peacock Clin ton PagonMoonstone TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn uniop 5t Im errle rNIruantiau Aabestnl Ahttiht Algoma ntnl DOM Tar at Lakes will ilaniu Argus rm Atlantic rugr ns or Itont runs at Ns ltali Tel nrsrttIn ItA nit ltc Imr ran into ns Can tnn tinm Illl Tan remunt rn Chemical Cstgrrr IDIV Ilud lludroh Imp In mt Lairit lavy Don Imus Liarisna linillnlrl hum rtn ahradnr Anglo MM Anne Arranta ltalh Copp rsngtr out are Itiprl nur Ilhrrt snhnn nitoneness florrr tilanl YR nunnn tuman iltradlr Normills Dis rtug nort lnund tram atom Iilnlaon Mlnss rstconmrntge ttnws SIddlar Harris on Min nay lirast oil In Arranl Inland NG Inter Ntrssi inter litlllllrr lntsrprol Itlta Jock1 Club MINING Duiaull Latin Mn Imam Mac Pow an rm hrs Nor Nor Ont no Mnnra Corp Mcln Inrc lrtlit iets lerrt rp Fan Iirraey Shell It slut nI Carr Northgsts trend ntn Atgnm arrm Miller naurtt ti Alsop Incl Triha linlts all United Kenn wrnrny wtttny rtvrr lunar sorry Irrtrrtl virr tinmm ant4s itmil mm trn hitch ttttrwnttka llw Inna avsrrauu IMustrtala up Itstrs up tt tittrttts down 11 martrmr arrtrn alctt dorm Ito tintns nun it It IMual CAS Plans Open House Tit hiirlrerra Airi Society of the County at Rimm and it at ltsrrin will hold an open hours Monday Ii liw renn vstrri Orilila ntitra on West IIIet The sitatr II he held lu tuern HI and and Ira will be toned ttl lull onwn II VI Oil on STOCKSBOND astJLrs Pagan Moonstone Mrs Pa gan Moonstone Onions qt Dutch Sets Mrs Phil Amero RR 2Utopia Mrs Ecmal Johnston RR Hawkestone Clinton Pagan Moonstone Pamnipc 6Cltnton Pagan Moonstone Mrs Pagan Moonstone Peppers Green Sweet Mrs Money RR Barrie Henry Spence Duntroon Peppers Red HotCarl Peacock Henry Spence Dua troon Pumpkin PiaC Price RR Thornton Clinton Pagan Moonstone Gerald Rattle Oro Station Pumpkin FieldMax Craig Cratghurst George Anderson RR Orlllia Fenyer and Sala wets Barrie Largest Pumpkin George Anderson RR Orlilla Clinton Pagan Moonstone Penyer and Sniawcts Barrie Radishcs Summer Mrs Pagan Moonstone Clinton Pagan Moonstone Henry Spence Duntroon Radishcs 12 Long Winter Clinton Pagan Moonstone Mrs Pagan Moonstone Squash Green Hubbard Henry Spence Duntroon Clinton Pagan Moonstone Mrs John Webb t5 Dalton St Barrie Squash Pepper Price RR Thornton Gerald Rattle Oro Station itlrs Ber nal Johnston RR Hawkcstons Largest Squash Henry Spence Duntroon Pcnycr and Salawets Barrie Clinton Pa gan Moonstone Vegetable Marrow zHenry Spence Duntroon Price RR Thornton Carl Peacock Citron Clinton Pagan Moonstone George Anderson RR Orlilia Cart Peacock Ripe Cucumbers Mrs Phil Amero RR Utopia Price RR Thornton Hen ry Spence Duntroon Table Cucumbers Cari Peacock Mrs Money RR Barrie Henry Spence Dun tronn Tomatoes table typoCarl Peacock Mrs Schaly RR Thornton James Caldwell Shanty Roy hirnips tableCari Pea cock George Anderson RR Griilla Clinton Pagan Moore stone Celery Green headsMrs Pagan Moonstone Onions Multipliers qt bas ketCarl Peacock iiomatocs table type qt basketCarl Peacock Henry Spence Duntroon Johnston iiawkestone Potatoes table type qt basket Prancir Shanahan Cralghurst Clinton Pagan Moonstone Max Craig Craig burst Basket oi Onion Irancts shanahan Cralghurst Curl Peacock Mrs John Webb t5 Dalton St Dorrie Basket oi BeetsJames Caide well Shanty Roy Clinton Fa gan Moonstone Cari Peacock Iiasket oi CarrotsClinton Fa can Moonstone Mrs Pagan Moonstone Mrs Near RR tiarrle Collection at chctohlcs min imum varirtim Is grown by gardener commercial Ciin ton Pagan Moonstone Collection oi Vegetables min imum varieties I2 grown hy tormerCort Peacock licnry Spence Duntroon Mrs Schnly Rit Thornton seminar John Clarke locomotive torman Canadian Iscillc Rall way West Toronto will he gutIt rprrkcr at the October rilnnrr meriinl at the Chris lian llrtrlnera Mm Committee oi iiarrll Oct kill pm In ilurtnn Ave IIVIIINI Yttrrch Mr intka is also chairman oi the Toronto fily otnntlttnn oi Railway hilllone and will sddrrrs the men on tho atrlritrt Men in Motion Karl Joltnun oi Tertmamation Carr aria ltd will lie guest soloist MUTUAL FUNDS RESEARCH ADVCE without obligation HEIDI THOMSON AND COMPANY llMlllD DUNIAII IT RIIITH Ml lNTlIANtH MEMORIAL KQIAIW PA B24I trnrsnt not it BARRIE AFr Zulu ATtAi AIIMIIIIlwrato Mnrtrnr rsssntra awe gun IttANrttrArnut tn tnrt In sum tu vm lIIMMt mut TORONTOE FAMOUS Hott est Ed Mirvtsh was guest speaker at the Central 0n HONEST to Mill The main objective at sales promotion must only be to locus the attention ot the consumer on something declared Torontos Honest Ed Mirvtsh in Barrie last night Addressing over 320 people at Central Ontario Sales and Ad Club dinner at Continental inn Mr Mirvtsh said that mu chandising store must tulltll need it it wished to survive in todays decalimage world Rclcrring again to sales pro motion Mr ervish recounted the days when Robert Goulet now lamous lor his role in Cam elot was sold as date tor night for $079 CAPTURE IMAGINATION lOur ideas may be lar ietchcd at times he noted but break rules tor modern store layouts Once you capture poop ics ottentionyou must then satisly them and make them wont to return lie saidlioncst Eds pays the customer to scekout what he wants and to buy it all without lrivoious services Touching on the aspect oi services ottercd today by modem discount houses Mr Mirvtsh said service and low prices just dont go together At itoncst Eds there are no elevators no escalators and About 22 United Appcal otrrc ials attended an organizational meeting at the iiayshnre Motel at noon ycstcrday Russ Davey campaign chair man liob Nelson Commercial Division chairman Jack Wright training chairman and William ilenry training vicechairman gave short address outlining campaign procedures and answ crcd questions Mr Wright told the membcrr The most important tool you have In your kit is the pledge card it or portdstcd cheque can work wonders Mr Davey raid the United Appeal claims to be collecting agency tor nine sgencter in the city and It la not intended to cover all agencies In the city Itlhl ONE AIIEAL lie rnld it is one appeal In Iifitti at nine Canvassing tn the commercial division at the United Appeal will start next Tuesday Mr Davey raid lion Nelson has his divltlon writ organised and ready in go and the train ing committee under Jack Wright presented an excellent orienta tinn to this years appeal ADVANCE SOLICITATION Advance Solicitation workers begin this wcck making the local contacts to allow up letters sent to both the local burlnerr and head olllrea We take pleasure MR WILLIAM ROSS KNOWLES The investment De tario Sales and Ad Club dinner at Continental inn yesterday Looking at Mr Mirvtsh with VISII customers decisions on pur chases am ltnal He said the store was in the heart at Tor onto in business section which showed every sign ot complete deterioration couple at years ago We break trends he said PERSONALITY For merchandising store op eration to be rucccsslui Hon est Ed outlined his stores be liei that business must have personality and overall motl vatton The reason Honest Eds goes against the trend is attrl buted lo the jet age where belore trend emerges it may already be dated He asked How can Honest Eds successfully tlaunt all mod em and scientitlc concepts at merchandising Mr ervish re marked that the store does so by practising the above ballots and having slm Is and llexlbla operations so lulllllment at need He talked on the need lor el lective advertising tor store which has something the public needs and wants Today we icel our lives are patterned and tormnlircd when watake look at the discount houses You cant tcll them apart anymo They Dick Campbell chairman ot the advance soilcitationdivlsion said there was per cent increase in the I962 appeal over lttol In the number at such bus incsses adding their support to the last United Appeal ltir Campbell said This dlv Ision it ready to get on the job Six oi the workers are the same as last year They are Mr Campbell Sid hadlrh AI Hood Iiiid Vttss RIII Vost gate and Boyd Robertson Guards Capture Fastball Crown Central Command iaatbail wound up last night at Camp Rorden with Canadian Guard unit Ilctnn representing ern Ontario downing Ca Borden in to take the trophy Yesterday alternoon game between Camp Harden and uh don in it innings sent three aourl itorden downed landed Literally hundreds at Camp liordon tans turned out to us the game and many on their way home irom work aiopptd in to watch the ilnirir in the Icrltu it is Interesting to note that Cam liorden had than all Iha other terms com bined in announcing that LANGMUIR is now associated with our Barrio Office COMPANY LTD Members Tito Toronto Stock Exchange aiott Association of Canada iOS Arioinldo Street West Toronto Ontario BARRIE OFFICE 93 Duniop FLYN Street East Parkway 82437 Manager more men ti sit on brun hesllrncy Ir Bill Henry chair man in the evening Exam iner Pbotot Speaks Oi Bargains Then Presents Five look alike operate alike and otter similar items Honest Ed said the more chandiser must stress his indi viduality to stand out among those stores We donthesltata to be extreme to our thinking and most stores brag about their services and goods Honest Ed does the opposite say am burn and our itoorr are crooked but our bar gains arent Wo tell the people not to annoy our employees they have their own problems We create an atmosphere oi humor and experience shows money is spent taster when customer is in happy mood Making one last rcicrcnee to his stores success he said We may break the rules but our cash registers which cant keep pace say we are on the right track liorrcst Eds began operations in law and served H000 cus tomerr in 1962 over 5000000 customers were served Honest Ed didnt leave Bar rie without leaving bargain He gave live sets at tickets to the Royal Axexandro to Jack Forster to be sold at 5099 each to the lirst live people Proceeds will go to the Barrie United Appeal Campaign United Appeal Heads Say Campcrign Ready New workers in this division chairman and Deb lientlcy include John Ilmdcrsnn Vices Prank Perkins Ken Vonor and Garry Sootheran COMMERCIAL DIVISION Mr Nelson ts chairman oi the Commercial Division which is responsible tor more than too calls Though relative newcomer to Darrle Mr Nelson har been invited to many positions oi rcr ponsibiiity and trust He has limited hlr community activities to tour Irear mem ber oi Ihn Rnard oi the YM VWCA member oi the Board oi the United Appeal and mem bership in the Barrie Kiwanis Club and the ittarnnlc lodge Mr Neiron is mannger ol the Rail Telephona in Barrie lan lie vicechairman oi the Commercial Division llarry Armrtrong Is also vicechairman oi th Commer clal Division lilr Davey remarked that It It mark at tho workcra mthurlnnm that they come in these meetings and pay tor their own lunches NEW YORKS NEW DRIVEIN MOTOR HOTEL FREE PARKING II tun st aarltin tr rm at All he Islam rsnur mu srrcrttor rssrrr trsronrr rrrtr Ringler iron to Doublrs Iron Write or all TIMES squan MOTOR IIOTEL Int mm rum Wstieilmlny ll ta area it lrrl 3M Ilfl DAME Foresters Sguadron oi Grey and Srmcoe erosion has new commander Olllclal wont has been receiv ed that Capt Harris Steele will take over as Commanding Ol licer toliowtng the retirement at Maj Howard who has ae ceptcd position in Ottawa Ca Steele has been with the mill since 1N9 lie was with the Administrating Tr in stall In Barrie tor one year He attended special course lor oiliocra at Camp Shite Men Capt Steele spent trorn Deco ember to July ml training to quality in artillery and war at tached tothe sand Plaid lush ment in Toronto irorn January 1951 to May 1953 He returnedito Barrie where he has served in the militia since that time norms rumorserrations ns Have CAPT HARRIS STEELE Trinity Anglican Church Has Guest Preachers This Sunday Guest speakers will reach at hinlty Anglican Churc Thanks giving service this weekend amid decorations ol sheaves oi wheat oats and corn and veg etables lrutts tall Rowers and colored leaves The speakers at the morning services will be Rt Rev Hunt sullragen Bishop ol the Diocese oi Toronto who takes special interest in the Arch dcacttnry oi Simcoe and knowr it well having spent number at years In the parish at Don iroon Alter preaching at the 930 and 00 mm services Bishop ltunt with his wile will be guest at dinner given by Archdeacon and Mrs Read tor him and to servers ol the church in the Central Command Olympics Goil Tournament at Camp Borden Camp Borden leads with gross ol hm Kingston is second with its London Isis Oakvliie Lu Camp Petawawa tr lilth with Idl London gollcr Capt itlacMilian and Bordena Sgt Jack Thompson tied or low in dividual scores with it The meet ends today with presentation at prices presented to the winning team at Can adlan Porces Medical Service WEATHER Synopsis Another tine warm early autumn day is in store tor the lower lakes today as balmy warm air lrom mid west ern states continues to dominate the weather picture in southern Ontario Considerany cooler air tier over central and Northern One tario and low pressure sys tem moving eastward across Lake Superior ir causing rain in many localities bordering the upper lakes Ar this storm moves into southern Quebec the mid air will slip southward across routh ern Ontario Saturday Georgian thy llaiihurton re glon Cloudy with low sunny intervals and ten showers to day Cloudy and colder Saturv day Winds light becoming westerly is to 13 today and ahiiting to northerly Saturday Marine Forecasts Northern Lake Huron Geor gian Ray iiasterlywindr in creasing to near to tools thlg sltcrnoon becoming nnrtherly is to 20 knots late tonight or early SUNlitltl turn rut liiE tum liUil Clean trlrrrrmgkunhrnItgttnlod rungr in hi Haarruo ort tltlt SARIEANT CO LTD PA 82461 At the 100 pm service Rev John lieroe tumor tarm er now in holy orders will give the aermon Mr Hearder had his own term in Mono tor number at years but loliowiog an Icci dent he has worked in tsetory He carries on his secular on during the week and rear to is religious duties on the weekend Mr Reorder is Perpetual Deacon oi the Church an an cient oltice which has been re vived in modern times Accompanying him to Trinity will be the junior choir at St Johns Church litono Mills Also singing will be the Colllngwood Shipbuilders Quartet The church will be decorated by Mrs Crossley and members at the Sanctuary Guild Camp Borden Army Goiiers Are Leading ConCom Event Training Centre Sergeaots Mess One hundred gollera represent the best army gollers in On tario and are broken down into teams oi 20 members each lrom the live areas mentioned MaiGcn George Kttching New Commander general oiticer commanding cen trai command drova oil the lirst bail early yesterday morning to ret the twoday tournament in action At the end at todays play each goiter will have cnmpiticd re holu FORECAST Saturday Sh and colder Saturday Forecast Temperatures Lows tonight iiighs Paturdayl Windsor 55 70 St Thoma to London 61 Kitchener 67 Mount Forest as thgham at itamiiton to St Catherine Tbrnnto Peterborough lrentun Kilialoa Muskoka North Bay Sudhury Eariton Sault Ste Hapuskaslng White River today dam ourer bow elbm MAKE Bill and in with no input nu pram no un II hli Ooh lllrlil thltl it Iirti pita orrorrt ttllliotttrttitwht lilthi ioiwttlikilpmrllrthll do nun you int rerr Emil Marlint lhisofl Ahar not led ovltr ll latti tmnttl lllhsrstlislrllisltstni rrrmr aralictorrrrtttttut mm mm ml in mm at lrtt no my llrta Malayarirrn um or mum tvtrtrr Icesis pt mm rrLt tn castrate uad rm nuntwat nowt mu mm at strum mm rarr ulsialvl sorrrrr cut SHAW scaoots home study coumr mm It lsrankl Oil ili at El