Slncn tho number at known moddan hunters ls rather llmllcd ln lhls Iron wlll be helpful ll my ol lhu hnnlm who Ire sulflcenlly lnlcrested 1n woodduck mlnlgemenl would contrlhulu lnlormnllon would be much nppncllb If my who no mum to uclp In thls wny would wrlle lo the Dlstrlcl Foreslcrs Olllcc Department ol Lind Ind For esls Maple glvlng lhclr nun and address su lhnl lnslrnc llom lcmrdlng no wlnx cal lectlon an be forwarded luun luuu ldllc for Slmm Centm ln yes terdlya election wn phnoxo phlcfl this mornan abou the omcome Uutnvunr Mr Todd snld think it wu clam clmpllzin llld never was too upllm Dnrlng lhIr opening season or woodduck Sept 21 to Dec 14 Cenml Dislric du De mrtmenl Lands Ind Por ull Fish and Vlldlllo mm will be currylng out wing collection survey these ml grnny hllrds in the Like Sim coe dfxlfct Survey Catch 01 Woodduck DEFEAIED LIBERAL CBII dldue Funk Todd right can lrnmialca Arthur Evans The qucsllnn cl how police mnn handles 11 mm whom hu Judge In In mmlully III or lullcrlng mm form epil cpsy nml ndlnu In mnnn which nurmal pumlt would nol act wm nnswrlrcd yuluduyz Dr 11 nnyd superintcndlnl ol the Irnctanuutshnnu Ontnrln llospttal told almost 40 pollcc man In Harrler lly Hal that they have the authortty to take that person Mthnul warrant or charge to tho ncnmt 0n arla Hospltnl Thls tnIotmatlnn mm nullcrh men Inld aloud cams new tn thrm thhm at the Ontario Provlarlal Iallcc Inalrtll Town Ihip Inllca flllll tlrrlo Clly Polo Ice were hcnrd to murmur when Dr Hayzl anaaunrcd lhll inlor maltun OHKHIIOP 99 Centre It Pro Todd conceded the ciécnon TOM siMPEDN 92 an aid thur Evans MP for 51ch DEFEATEngJdBErm we Comma mm Mr mm llme szrexslve lnCanscrvallvn Cenï¬ry at celebdrallon 12 dldue Fran um mm In Mr who link voted byelec uh ter yesler mme Mum tlnn In 1991 conxrnmnle Ar tlon Todd Is PhilOS013113301I smcon CENTRE BY POLLS Wasnt Too Optimistic Police Given Methods To Treat Mentally Ill Frlgk Iodd He MM gun think One ml lum dtmm um um ur nl lml hunk ynu so Mn Frnnm 1mg 0m my quad 1mm my mud rlul mum at rub ICU uunklnl THEY APPRECIATE THE HOLIDAY will huve good representm Llon In An $va uvu An Ind hive IlWIYI been good friends Ind ceflllnly this is no cause for enmity or senlmnnt When you go In or Inythlng of course you play to win Bu just wunt my Mr Todd mod friend Ind know he will zlve good wpmsenuUm Bu any cooperlullon Incan chm him will AL 5m uuu When tha pol were mm half In lust nluhLMr Todd Icn leenl hudqumm Ind went The Canadian National Insu ulu or the Blind held 10 um Barrie meeting of he season In he IOOF llgll Collier glLecL was announced that the dance wlll be held Nov pm hnbly ma Cnnndlun General Electric club room nlmd Bowling wlll bcxln next Monguy nlzht Barrle Bowlan omo vlccpresldenl the On lurlo dlvlslnn ml the Cnnndlun Councll the Blind was guest ipgnker Acndcily CNIB Plans Annual Dance two workshop xesslon conduc ted In Onlnrlu The Iltuntun that nnw uxlsts hccnusn at Section ol tho Ontario Hamltnl Act that tho pallcemnn hm wldcr power Imd nuthorlty In denllnu wlth mcn tnllylll persons and nnce token to an Ontario ltospttnl thc onus is comptcttly remuvcd rum thu ulcer and plated an In hos Itnl to ellher dlschnmo or cut ty the man nr woman wlthln huun SOUND JUDGR mm ltul mm llnumnnl avumr nl Onluln nva ham hull halldny or MI mu In Bum lhnnk whlch hm hm They shook hind Ind Mr Todd said Well Art didnt put up much of Hum did If aver lu Progmslvo Comm uvo heldqumen Ind conced ed to Mr Eynps usnu ographed sh hug In Mr EVIL repHcdv that was good ï¬ght 1nd clenn lightnqudlhe were phnb Credit unlon ulticers and mem bers nllended oneday why In school at Colllngwnod which was sponsored by the Blucwalu Credl Union Chapter More than The classes on each the allowing credit un lon subjects Board 01 Directors SupervlSury Committee Treasur era and Family Finnnclnl CounA scllAlng1 mm The largest class was Famlly Flnnnclnl Counselllnn whlch ln lhe last few years hns become an lmparlunl aspect mall unlnn work One ulm ol coun sellan Is to show me crcdlv un lon mnmblr the value of money Marvin Vlce InnlsHl Far mers Cred Unlon and Wllllum Dykslra and John Van Der Maul en hnlh Cnlvln Reform Credit Unlon Enrrle were In nuan dnncc Credit Unionists Take Training Almost one hull of Ihe and ltnce had dealt with mentally Ill und honvlulcn persons and anclhird of the audience hnd to usu om to subdue such people Dr Boyd suzgcnlnd lhnl vluL men was no mm he way to dznl with cum mcnlnl Illness but mm under alnndlnx lhc Illunllan and lhv employment of kindnm sincerity and dlxnlty would produce bcndlclfl mum wlmluv ul Codrlnilun IuMIc Sthml Mu Ilrmn Mu ML llan will In ml by Imame In upon Ihe limi llir Eumln llMal TOM SIMPSON 92 an old me szrexslve Conscrvallvn wholl voted In byelec tlnn In 1991 congratulate Ar INNISFIL nmmonn VEBIRA fllflllTMN IRLANII 71 WE flWlLlJMflUnV IDJ IN ll lfll ai 52 ii II 21 cooxsrown no Conservulan afllccrs pnlml llng flu Holhnd Mush Sept 21 flpufled um the wars mam hunters rment In the Marsh on the in day of the ducluuon thnn un previous npcnfllgdnys Some mm lb Mush pullcnllrly warn cruwdcd And the hunder ol gum conï¬rmed thmugh the mqmlnz pours Although more hunters took put it named evident mm preliminary iigum compiled hit icwer duck were ken than in 1062 Gounil mlde by eight canservuion oiiicw thawed tlul look hour ni hunting Milli duck oi the 93 human dwaked the harvesi Iverngcd 065 duck peylhuni 118 119 ADVANCE 120 Bradford 121 Barrie 122 Penclnng At Mltdmdlsh my neu Wlublument 1N Lumen dutchd Ind mud boner Ilklng 1m duck In 735 mln haun ol hunllnu This Iver nucs Ls duclu per hunter Ind ham hunllnx or each blxd llkcn Bolh HUM Ihw In lncmsl over UM pnvlonl yen TORONTO CmNoni nlwnyl wnnllnn lo charm Mm Ilka hemllm Inld Slr Wmm lulhrle brlslllnl nl lunch llon lhnl he SirHun Shain pcmnn Fullval ho hunch mm but Igntd ghgnln couldnt have Vnpnilorl hnllur pmducllun nl Timon Mhm lhnn lho one lhll lu 151312237 mm ma CANADA uTRUST mu llll Mom Thur 41 rn Kmtlnmm Dunlap hm About 20 mtmbm Barrie Camera Club look their bell lle Inc lummcr lo In nluhll club mccllnu II Com munlly House The Illdu were Ihown and dllcumd by flu mnmbm Thu club ulna dllcuucd Ir rnnxcmcnll lnr lha all warm and nllerwnrdn watch 111m of Juper Nallnnll Park mil 45c 45 41 04 4x IN DEPUSIIE umm Duck Hunters On The Rise In Marsh Area Camera Clubbers Display Slides Tyrone Guthrie Defends Timon IINY TOTALS mm 1287 Mom 111ml 00 mtlmm mm mm tumM mm IncMy Hm Dvymll whim 71 IHNAUA TRUST nu 5141 In addition In tho nuny mum pmvlded for the pub llna outdoors mere110ml en pyment lnLka 51mm Dis trial ilrrï¬lnall Parks in museums in openlhm hnve been at considerable Interest to visitor report the Depart ment at Lind Ind Forests the Slbblld Memorial Museum which houses nuny of the personal enacts of the llmlly who origlmfly occupied the had which in now Slhhll Polnl valnclleruk record ed Iucndlnca for 1961 show tom of 22244 vlsltau whlch In increlse of more thln three per cent over the Allendlnce 01 In yen The Nlncy allnd Museum which is ioclicd on In mud in the Noiuwulzl River at Wang Belch Ind iI openicd in conjunction with Wasagl Bench vainciul Plrk dis piuya he huil the Schooner MLS Nlncy which was scul ticd Ind burned during the War oi 1m This Ilium list lnmlu ovu nu ma recorded It Thlnluglvlng Dly Area Museums Prove Popular The recorded Attendlnce the Nlncy Ishnd Museum Mr Sept ha been Mponed 189 mum fem 5i one oi Earriéi most senior citizens exercise her rlxh to select the candi British snrellila radio is he lnl dammed to probe space In pick up cosmic radla round never helm heard by man ms mcqngusqs THANK YOU would Ilko to toku Ihls opportunle 1o thank the volors of Slmcoo Comm for the confidence shown In molecllng mo for another term as your representative at Queens Park To my many loyal workers who devoted their limo and offbrt to my campulgn am lndcud grateful My ossuro you of my conIinuod bésv efforts on behalf of all clflzons of Slmcoo Ccnlro PROBE SPACE Publhhd by llmm COM Pmroulvu Comamllvoï¬noémoï¬ ilio shaws In In yur which 21651 up to Election night was quiet at the R65 street ham ND campaign manager Lew Mur ray the election returns were Vepmed About 15 party workers schoal teachers union leaders and hausawivu gathered than to watch the rasults The candidate Derrick litan snn business representative oi the Barrie district or the Car penter and Joiners Union sat on Chesterfield tabulating the election results on newspaper election scorn page NOT DISPLEASED Yet lor all the subdued at muspherc the meellng Ill New Demumts were not dls pleased wllh lhu results Clemaan Laurel Patsy Pleun owned by Glmnon Farms Allislon hu been clmed by he HolsteinFries Inn Amelidon ol Cuudn out Itar Bmod Dow one Indicates superim Brood Cow wflh ld dllionll mu being zlven cov ering further Vexcellcnca 1n the coer mun dale of her choleeï¬y mm in the provincial eltcllon She went to the poll yesterday Manson Bélieves Party Can Build Alliston Cow 4Star Brood Mr Manson softspoken Scat ART EVANS Slmmly expiaincd Iha me result show ed strong hard core of upper or his party in ihi riding Ind in ho province Ha eels that this core of supporters is some lhinl on which the pany can build In the ï¬xture Naturally were not happy at he mulu but were satis Hed he sald hmharmuref by runnlng candidate we allowed over 1200 voters an opportunity In exercise their franchise The support giv en us proved the need for ND caudldnte in this rldlng wllh Mendy Mu Harvey lonking an whu lives with her Examiner Photon Explalnlnz lhal at present the NDP organizatlau In Slmcoe Can Lre somewhat small Mr Mark son said Taklnz the long term vIcw there is no doubt that these elccunns glva us politicl experience whlch we can use to future advantage our bdld that this rldlng wlll some day be represented by an NDP mem ber NEW MEMBERS He wmt an to say that in each election party was ncwmumbm and new contacts In lhl way he said lhu num hcr of worker who will be pre pared lo work or the ND in future election Incleasel Provincinny wanow have Iwo more members he slid Ihnl Incl and the return ND lender Donald Mm dunald will enable the party to do mum eMecllve Job In op poslklon £51m ml