Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Sep 1963, p. 18

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BOSTON AP Massachus ells General Hosplml surgconl laid Wednesday they consider lhn rejoining of Hourold Luv nut luanulsls arm to his Canadian Minister of Labor Alan MncEnchen L1 Ahuwn recclvlnz Malne Sen Hmy muy mu Inn Aleelolu nmmlmm TECO Glrbue leII II Mk leI mm 547 IAII mu Ghoul luhullr Inn plllueUppld Dlddrd mund man 22 hlth BM hum In In Nmuolfl Bar Stools Ilprr hluprmrrl cm 499 In mum mm IIIIIHI WMII Tulqlm 157 SUCCESSFUL 199 MACEIICHEN VISITS MAINE plum Heel Vlnyan ml lnld may ruhher Tlnflrlnt ml or nquuohl About run mum mlu mm mm pm ma an nth In Whll Mild ml mrl wHII mrk up mnu um um Mn 15 20 ll Mm HIP0n III ma um um Wm mil MIDI nlhlm mmur run It In mu romv luv Wm hllnw ur Tuy mmln Klan BATON nu Ill Step Stools Hlp mum Ind Illemlan HiramCanada All body can be consldcred lnlllally successlnl my Mld nunqulsc is going keep hll right arm whlch was BEVcNd lust ahavu the elbow by min last Sept Chest ol senloods mem ento 01 his visit from Malnn Governor John Readfflnc 99 669 99 nu °°0 an rr om mo um 938 Tn ly mmhurllnn ml cunducc mu tomymluon hlnfl mu nonInn hlnnnl mm hunmn om mu IDnl nunn 150 um ma lll 7I ll mind he munn In thMI um nunud vl 299 flmdllwoad null ma Iubulu Ill 11 un Illnflud oul II lmln llanlnl llolldl Izln rm um com nbmh 1r II TviPly Stainless um OFF REG PRICES TECO Deluxe hutmu on min 599 WAS 100 GOOD French sculptor Augusta Ro din wns so aklllul at represent ing lhn llIellko guru he was onco Accused of exhlhlflnl cut live person Enchcn was In Maine lo dis cuss prospects of an uncm nloyment companullon aureb mam AP Wimpholo Steel Cookwara 507 Drum om 596 cnmm am 638 Nix lurk 938 am bandl In mm 1mm found Inp lnlmul In THqlu Mu dmlhlo lllbullr IN NM up II nu Arm lann rum lnllvd um Inl nun nu Ill TECO IRONING BOARD WITH CORDMINDER mm cm my lmox nutrh nun 0111 II It mox Dauhlr nullrr om nu nun mud um muhmm 7I Ill Mindlm winn mu Iar Mr and Mn Thomas Rut ledge and Mr and Mrs Clar ence Wood Ipent Sunday with rem Parry Saugd1 Mr and Mn Hardy oi Sudhury have moved duringlho past week their new horn on Main Street Well In lawn They recently purchased 1mm Mr and Mrs Butt who hava moved to helr new mm In Walton mm Cole and Ma Kenrnn vIsNLd Hand in Bar rlgon Fyhgqy Mr aid Mri Wllann vuuea friend In Menlurdgn Thuragay Mnjw Rim of 5mm Illd her uncle Thompson visited Mr and Mn Wright nnlmd Mi and Mn Ted Hyndmnn For Erla and Mrl Henry Crook Allhlon were luesla Mm Colo llld Mrs Holman lpen Thursday with re lnllvu In Hamilton Mm Anzul Mchzué pa tient In Stuvenaon Memorial Hol pig Mn Milton Reynold and Mr and Mn John Faxll spun Fri day with relguvulnr1hgnn By MR3 WRIGHT Mr and Mn Murray Pom erny of cum an vultlnz Mn levey Ind Min Ald Robmn Mlu Gwen why of Toronto NM the weekend with her mother Mn Wray Mr Ind Mm Mal Smith and larnlly Rexdnla visited Mrs Bullegdulrlqz tha weekend1 Mlu Marlon1e Cluzla and George Camn of ornnlevllle vlalwd Hand In own an sn urfiny my mum mama mmnm sumLu in 1046 SIMCOE COUNTY NM 189 746 896 BEETON 99 Imnnl flu mp lpmm IIIroom lnlll mi Mom nun nun lemu tlnmlnn Ilk him loam Ian In In my my um um II Inc ml TECO Cutlery SM ncn DIM Mam 13 Mr and mm Tucr are holldnylnl at Glen Echo Park II Ihe rSudllifry nIea Mrs Cccil Reynolds preslded Thu mono and comments were bv Mrs Kearns The pre sdeni Mrs Reynolds welcom ed the guests Mrs Wright called ire roll with respnnses as follows Bond Head Conkliown Thornion 13 BELL ion members and visitors The program announced by Mrs Reynnids includm an insiru menial piano solo Mrs Black Thornion reading Mrs Har vey oi Bond Hcad vocal said Mrs Draper accompanied by Miss Irena McMasier of Cookaiown reading on the life of Adelaide Hoodlum by Mrs Wiggins Eczian Mrs bullr Mn WIE neynalda anor unto spent lhn weekend the ham her son and daughter lnlaw Mr andMra Cccll Rey nalda rewlvea Beelon Womens Instlulte held an open meeting Tuesday eve ning Supt II In lrlnlly United Church school rooms which were dammed with autumn flower and foliage and had an Ihelr gums member of Thurman Conkslown and Hand Head In stllule and vlsllm of Benton at Mr and Mn mania mm Hui ME and Mrs Cranslnn vlul Led relative In Toronto on Sun Mr and MruCccil ReynnIds vulled relnllve In Toronto Mun da nvqnlqg WSeveral Inzrn lawn and vlcln My attended Shelhurne Fair on MggdnyL MrLF Parsona and Mn Hawton attended lhuArca Con vanlionllnr Goldwater on Monday 5L Ignsetgcr Is vlslllqg Ends Sat Sepp28 Mum Inlu fun Bathroom 0er cnmm um Mum Iub ul Inwal mm Irnm Dnlhmomllmwn Vanllllltd nod baled lmmll Anhh Vinyl mlMon lop mm lnwll rlnn Mn wnlu run or Turqmzln Hullrm 799 nco 1th Scum Muymmd dl Vlnyl wvmfl lop mm mm Whlu qr IInl llll mu mum on pl llt II IIUI rnlnl wandu llfl mum pl Im MIMI II 1m Imp Mop And RIVIII he 15 11 SlvlllI dulln Vnml ll Dunpm maulr men Om my mm or umnl uyL Stephenlon introduced the weak Mn HennLKlelnbur Mn Bean gave anlend dem onstration and talk on oral arranlemems She made sever al which were alumna draw prlm buffet suppcrwn aer vcdv The tabla wasiattrncuvo with arrangemean of autumn flowers the ccnlre one helm nl flower the Insulate colors blue and gold and candelabra wllh gold candles Anniversary servlcual Edmu Unllcd Church were well attun dcd Ruv Mr Thorpe canduc led bnlh mnmlnx and evening mvim assisted by Robert Bull son of Rev Glen Hall Barrie Iorglgr minister By MRS HAYES Vlncent Hayes and Douglas Hayes span Sunday wllh Mrs Lem chker Clowes Mr and Mrs Calbcck and Mrs Marllyn Sheardown Tar nnlo vhlled Mr and Mrs Cecll shearduwn Mr and Mrs McKemle Toronto vlsltcd Mr and Mrs Ralph Hayes Thursday to celb hralo the double birthday calm tuition of Ralph Hayes nnd Mu mini Davld Mr and Mrs Crlltenden accompanied Mr and Mrs Crluenden on motor Irip to N195 Suqday Vlsliora Sept 22 were Mr Hutchlnmn Ear 64 RM VICTOR NEWVIs PORTABLE TVs Ill DUNLOP IT WEVE BOUGHT BATCH 0F EM BUY NOW RCA VICTOR EDGAR THE MOST TRUSHD MIME IN TELEVISION march Refificrcgmfimgn WE SERVICE All MAKES OF RADIO SIEREO 1V AND APPLIANCES THE KING or VALUES Mr and Mrs Jlm Shearduwn and Mr and Mrs Cecll Shear duwn Inloycd drlv noth view the beaulllul early autumn colon lhen to Edmor Beach to vlslt Mr and Mrs Morrison Donn onSundayA 1105 Cook and dualten Ruth and Eslhur Orlllla McLenn Barrie and Mr and Mn Lorne Handy4 Dallkon with Mr Ind Mrs Jack McLean Mr and MIL Lawrencu Fra ur and daughter Phyllis Guth rle and Mr and Mn Waller McLean Toronto with Mr and Parjrldge nir lindmi Dannis McKuh zle Coakutown with Mr and M55 Ralphflaygn Mr and Mrs Norman Dough exjty and Cecll Hayen Barrie and Mr and ML Waller Mc Lean Toronto wllh Mr Ind ME anrlfio Hal miscellaneous shower was held at Edgar Communlly Hall Sept 20 to honnur Mr and Mrs Wllllam Johnston who wge matfled August 31 Ewart Johnmn returned Sept 25 rpm mild to the East Coast rle Ind Mr and Mn Gordon Bldwcll with Mn and Mrs Gor dqn Lauder Mr and Mrs Wayne Slessnr Mrs Victor Sleslar Mr and Mrs Aubury Slexsor and Mr and Mrs Brook Eleanor Orlllla and Mr and Mrs Ray ElmerY Holly wllh Mr and Mrs Dallas Slcssor TEX EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 82Ill Modal INT920 The New Vlsln Tuner brings In hardlogcl slnllons mean out now and other inter forcnco Thu picture so clear you have to see It to believe ll Thu Now Visln Tuner adds more L15ng value and prldo of own ership or you r34 MfoWume You Also Get FREE STAND lWWflh NEW VISTA COMFORTQ SHOES FORFALgfi Normn Man In In llreulnl cnmhrt blended Into huh Ilyla film lulu Ind fllleflnx luhlon lrom 998 24 Dunlap St PA mu Thll ls Iho BEST DEAL EVER OFFERED IN CANADA NORMAN SHOES PA no 15715

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