Followlni am he malls of vouna 1n the Onurlo maul auction as compiled by Thu Cunndlan PM Miendx PO Prolrmlve Oommuve herd COPCo operative commun wedlh Federation NDPNw Demonnae Party SOSodal Credit SC AmenSocial Credit Action 00mm Communllzr 1nd Independent mem ber 1m House Haw eon Itlmenu Elmcs bracde Inm con Itltuancy mme Indicate party majority In the last dedlon or byolequnn When change were mndo by rodlszrlhuuon majorities or correspond in mfllory Redistrlhuunn shed ll new comlltuunclu marked Ind 1ncreaud mu by lo mm to 108 MimiMullath PC 10 I53 75 Sun anhnr 10 xJohn Fullexton PC 575 may Spenm NDP 1356 mun IMI xRobeï¬ Nixon LI 9957 Arthur McNeil PC 649 Hurry Sanders NDP 159 Bunqu 1160 meme Gordon Li man Blchard Bucket PC 76 Wlnlam Humble ND 11M Wlnnlmd Robinson Ind 130 Bruin 88 mm whither 7989 Percy PlanckPC 5017 Culelun PC 2671 xEnklnn Johnnon PC 1265 Funk Mmhinmon Li H475 Chm Oflnn NDP 17 CactiIna North PC H51 xRene nmeflé PC 0M0 Raymond 8mm 3911 Elmo belchm ND 138 JunPlul Mum Ind Cochnnn South PC use mm Spooner PC 11870 Jon Zhlmew ND 7331 Edwud Couture 59 Don Mllll In In Slinky Rudd PC 9111 Jamel Renwlfl NDP 5251 Dnvld sawn 3025 nnflulnflmm PC MN 1091113 Damn PC Mn Jlmu Cook 34 Anna Blak NDP 380 Durham PC LVN xAIex Curulhen PC 7906 Allan Beer M12 Hmld Ashton may mu Illa P0 ma IRm Mam PC 11m Lloyd Gun L757 Em North 351 Mar Ruumh 393 Gordon Slqu PC 10609 Burr NDP 6131 Eat In PC 1001 Dun Pmmn 033 leIHIm Murdodl PC 8851 0011le 112de ND Furl Wllllwl Ll 199205 Emu NDP H316 chm Ami Pp 72m 1365 Chum if munmanna 111 II It amend PC 5700 Norm Quinn 1531 Vnc1 Mummy NDP 780 fllenuny PC as Odo Villemve PC 5373 Wllflnm Major 898 may Lnlrtllle ND 169 GremlinDana PC 621 and Cm PC 0429 Mnhlon Zem 441 any Nam rc um Eddie Sulent 5952 ml Farlyth PC 0330 Percy Enilund NDP 641 any 80th 36 um 011m M31 OBrwh PC 563 Wllllum leon SC nllfllmlndNorlnlk IC MOI 16160 xJIrnoI Minn PC 13111 John Cooper Li 9015 Mym sllchnyk NDP 50 William Tfllka SC IN lllllon PC 727 226ml George Kerr PC 15m Owen Mullln 10411 Willlnm Gllllu NDP £011 lllmlllon Only PC MM Mum Lammwich 7101 Qulnln hlnfllnl PC 671 IIImHIOHWefllworth lC um xluy Cannrll PC ISM Jncoh God 4501 lllmld Vln Ocne mm llnllnu EIII PC MM xClark lolllnl PC 7070 My 51 Li MM Chnrlm Clcmenl NW 411 llullnn Wul PC um 015 xW Hammock PC 1mm Frank Folllell Ll IIll hn Rallly NW 600 In PC Ada Pdlchnrd PC 753 Blll Sclndlln INDI M61 Jerald lnxmlln 590 Wllllnm Davlno Comm 363 llqmllton Eng cc rry mun MW llunrllmn 70 1mm hlcCutchcon IC we xMumy hunt Ll 9311 Kala I4 mm mm 1110b 7le M50 ha ncrnhr llCD 5110 Emll Dhuln NDILIJJI Kfll lll IMO 90 Hall Spam 70 Emu Ddlncler ICI H661 KIII Wu PC DArcy McKeouxh UCl 11111 11 Nov no Frcf WI 017 wnum Mllll 9M IAVMI PlMtr INDII 1391 IIIMOI ROM PG IIII 147m lmdcmn IICI M51 nuuel Wmnn IL Dontld Whlllnl Nml HI IAMNOI W0 PC 11 II KM IN 10 W11 lam Nam mu AIM 011va ND LIIti llC mm I000 Oommt um um Iltk CanIlka Pm Copyrmn 3331 am 34be ub ONTARIO ELECTION RESULTS irc 21m WI PC 0010 dune Auld PC 1269 Pem Mpeua 3371 Blll Thompson NDP 67B Llnmln PC 8085 mane Robert Weld PC H034 John Sullivan NM hank Dyck NDP 4180 Ed Goeruen SC London Nurth PC ml xJohn flobnfla PC 12513 pamphnll Calder mu Clayton Pee NDP 1480 lands Soulh PC IMO xJohn thu PC 930 Harry Qulzley 5999 Ruben Foxcmft NDF 23M Mldrlleux North PC 2007 lelllam Slewlfl PC 00 Ronnld Caldwell 3105 Harold Johnson NDP Mlddluex Soul PC 811 Nell Olde PC 12695 Ronald Madlo 5555 PI 211ka ND 1052 Mullah PC 11 6110 mom Boyer PC 5935 Mlurlco Fllqnnurlco mu HuxhBlshop mm Nlum Full 034 Game Bululor 1403 Franklin Mlllor PC 10000 Karl Clemens NDP 2800 Nlckel Bell PC 453 110 mm Dome PC 010 kn Jones 8129 Eddie Mvm NDF Harold PM 1nd 869 Nlnlulnx mm x140 my 11435 Jack German PC 0487 Ben Levm ND 2091 Nnnhnmberllnd PC 3341 Rusull Rowe PC 9066 Jack Heennn 3310 0mm PG xMauhew Dymond PC 98M Sun llDllanquflh 291 Thomal Edwards ND 1213 0an CC 1600 Albert Walker PC 11120 xlhomu Thom ND 114 France June we OIHIIEI PC am Horace Racine 5715 Mules Morin PC Harry Pope NDP an Otllwl 50th PC 1870 xlrwln Hush PC 1265 Joseph Mchnald 9351 Peter Haywood NDP 127 0le We P0 Ll xDonIld Morrow PC 024 Vic Hossack 7872 Stewart melvrd NDP 763 Oxlnrd 116 1181159 Cord PltloCk PC 1161 xGordon mm 10116 Donnld Manon NDP 1069 Parry sound PC 50 8593 MlllskurlJohnslon PC 557 Bucka McDaan 4110 Dorothy Sleelh ND 721 Peel PC 120 xwmlam Dale PC 11959 Ted Gllsln 1058 FJnmcll Ranch NDP 5175 Pen PC l6l xJ Fred Edwndl PC 13150 Hugh Edlzhollcr H131 relubomuh PC 000 ehh Brown PC 18600 ack MCCIHIE 7755 Mildred Sutlon NDP MN Make change for the better wane nose the cleanest burning Fuel you can buy Not only Is Whllo Rose the cleanest burning iuel you can buyIt ls also the most olllclonl the most economical Let us assure you of complete homo comfort Call now and anango for the most dependable homo hoallng sorvlco ovalloblo White Rosa 150 VESPRA SIREET Anlnmnilo dullvory Round the olook hum urvlno lny budnfl PHONE PA 85027 MINESMARTIN LTD xGeom Wardropa 1P0 12m Shannon ND H313 Paul waygu 5729 Bruce Munusson Comm 3w Pmcn PC 1964 8390 mm Cecile lPC 8624 lune Bertrand H269 Prlnno BaumDenna PC 265 Norfls Whitney PC 7617 Alex William 3749 Rad Macdannld ND 354 mm Rim PG 80 9710 lelJlun Nodal PG mm Larry Richram 3517 Gwen Lindsay ND Renmw North P0 111 xMaIIrlca Hamilton PG 106 George Wallace 1L ma Mm Limos 1ND llama South in Yakhusk PC 7941 MENQWFY P311 My PC Benny Johnstnn NDP 85 Rune PC 3445 Ber Limbo PC 1367 Md Harm 1325 x6 Murine IND PC 5111 Peter dAmm NDP 1625 Saul Sle Mule PC ACA wunm PC 11473 Milk Ilnnl 9287 Hechtflnztnn NDP 0510 lacubonnn Centre new In George Peck PC 7159 Runny NDP 0359 Campbell 5309 dclrbnmnlh Eu new It IAIIL Hodan PC 5611 Jack Drysdlle 3920 Harry Sphafleld ND lScrhuroulh Naflh new lent Thomas Wells PC 8910 Lesllo Cnuan an Ann Smith NDP Scarborough Well PC 1655 Skphen Lewis ND 105 Joe Kml PC 8105 Thomas Snmmmvllle 5495 Osmo Lahll Com shncoa Cantu PC 501 12mm xAnhnr Evan PC 10711 Frank Todd 509 Derrick Mdnson NDP 1266 Simone East PG 4220 xLlayd Lethe PC 9595 Pm McGarvay 008 Cecll Hobmn NDPI BM Eamon 2701 xFernmd Gnlndqn PC 11090 xPetu Manley 9152 VIlllnm Kllgm ND 51 Sndbury 31 xElmcr So 10162 anll ScIl PC 935 mm Gelmu NDP 4988 Mme Richnzd Taylor 413 xPMllp Holtmnn PC 3391 Japk LaFom NDP 3169 mum Armourdllo new Inn Gordon CArtnn PC 10215 Allnn Holllngwaflh 8031 Vince Kelly NDP 4171 Toronto Bench PC 55 xhck Hanl PC 7121 Stan Bullock NDP mu Donald Deacon 415 Tomb BEHIde PC L13 xqohn Ymmko uzc ma James Mluonl Ll lbw Hubert Hyman ND 1792 BARRIE ONT smky lelck PC m1 98a Malia NDP 2668 Tannin Dnvumfl rm xAndm Thompmn 591 Lawmco Odette PC 4794 John White 9ND 344 Toronto annulu am 4M1 flomlo Downth 10811 Warn Sinner 7328 Al Barovoy ND 8606 David Vanek PC 5168 lomnta Ellhlon PC 35 xlgonml Milly PCLIBASG Jenn Newmm IL 113 Tom Stevens ND 2375 Ilonnto Elohleola new lent Imam Bmlthwalta an Geoflmy Groumflh PC 7747 James GoodisonfltNDP 373 lemlr Blelsld PC 0851 Ardlle Chlsholm 1NDP 4303 11mm Illvenllle PC 3311 xR Macaulay PC 7999 Buny Allen 430 Geny Gallagher NDP 3571 Fred Grahlm Ind 137 Alan Sanderson llnd Tnmnlo St Andrew PC lll mm imamn EC 4309 EdwudD PC 10020 Sydnuy Mid ND 7741 Dollalax MimewLL 0532 Fenla KendallMeme 50 Action 212 Tannin High Puk PC 505 mm 04mm PC 76 Paul Stanlaewak Andy Mm NDP 3412 SC Action 114 Ilwonlo llumhcr PC 330 80 Lewis PC 10119 Dante Monte 8311 John thdloule ND 51 mm memo new ml Alan Euleson PC 8595 Dlvld Sandlord 1L 5888y Murray €01ch NDP 5015 Jim Dav Comm 364 15mm Firm 210 flame Trougr 101055 Donald Cnlalano 3476 Ellen Adam ND 1633 Sum Sherman Ind rm Dummy Clam Ind 103 Ross Taylor SC Action 102 Tnmnh St DIVH PC 15M xHenry Price PC 8070 Joe Pom 5485 Gllu Endicou NDP 1133 Charles Weir 00mm 220 lpmlo SI Gentle PC 3M1 xAlJun Lawrence PC Vincent Reid 5507 Kenneth Hlmllton NDP 192 Carmichael SC Action 313 Toronto 5L Plhltk PC 1751 mm Ipbegtx mum James Audy SC flan $5 Tomnlo Woodblne CCF an Bryden ND 9024 Gearge Hogan PC 7695 John Hamilton mo xlomnlo Yukka new ml Fred Young NDP 7651 Willhm Lyon 83M Isabel Walker PC 5135 Ajax 39611357117 4041 Gerald 501M iNDm L623 13 WHY U5 1963 BarrieiExhibition IX at the Fair Groundson Essa Rd Exhibition Ofï¬cially Opened by Hon Earl Rowe Lieut enant Governor of Ontario Horseshoe Pitching Contest Thursday at pm lunlor Farmers and 4H Exhibits Judging Thursday Many Other Exciting Feats Exhibits and Contests Heres What Youll See Thursday FridayandHSaturday Sept 262728 CHILDRENS DAY THURS PM Reduced Prices folluylng KEMPENFELT TRUMPET BAND Will Pnrfarm Than Fri BARRIES BIGGEST EXHIBITIoi $11000 IN PRIZES GIANT MIDWAY CONKLIN SHOWS EXHIBITS AWARDS GAMES RIDES Vlclarll PC I123 Glen Hodwn PC 3063 CMunBenmnm 6103 Rm Gum NDP 770 Valliloo Noflhv 161 Keith Butler PO 18550 xJnhn Wlnlumeylr 1591 Marley Rosenberg ND 072 WIIezloa Swath PC Alan RelIla PC 1008 Aflhurtho 677 Max Saltsrnnn NDP MM Welllnd PC 2720 176 mm Mornings P0 155 Mlchael Pennant 19130 Allen Kllml NDP 2010 WalllnxtonDnmfln PC Hahn PC 1666 Pear Mclavlsh 8121 DonaldvFMdm NDP Wdllnlon South many Wmn 10930 Nonnun Jury PC 3811 Leaman NDP Wenlworlh Donald Ewen PG 11156 may Edwanla 1131 John Gnarllon NDP 5050 Wenhoflh Eu OCF 312 me Glabmn ND 3511 Ronald Ram PC 07 Dough Sham Mu WhIdIonSlndwlch 1030 anurlce Helmet 105 Ivan Thrasher PC 9541 Alba Week ND 960 WlndmWukmfllo 10 Inward Newman 773 MflC Maximo PC 5381 Robert than NDP 2471 IYork Enl PC 1715 11101113 Becks PC 12661 Lloyd Dickinson Alan mmgr ND 4660 afar MI newlul nnnjon Bale 19c 13423 James Service 7989 Douglas Petmon ND 15 YolkNoflh PC 29 1602 Makenzie PC 16669 Donald Plaxton 111 Robert Mch NDP 5591 3111 Ruler Ind 792 xank Son CCF 530 XD MacDonald ND 10529 William Thomson PC 69 mm Boblmq 433 qurk Wt PC 01 11 fluwnlne PC 151w Jonn Nahnan 6301 Hemy Brennan ND 20M Dr chth said hm chll dren dad In hosplul at Corner mock on the Grand Falls hospital and one ll the lever hospllal hem ST JOHNS Niid CF Newiaundianda death toll 1mm gastroenteritis has risen in 75 with live more deaths reported to the health department has within the inst hoursliuiih Minister Jams McGrnlh uid ngn=énx Death Toll Rises InNewioundland ADULT Allmoon ADMISSION Evonlng MNDON Reuters ma Gambil Ethalnl last mm en In West Men will Jul majele unmeubOct Lha onlmlll flu mmmced Wednesday lo MAKE CHANGE 102 DUNLOP ST World Wld Trml Scrvlco l07 Dunlap St Em Burrln Oppolllo Quum Halal Tonnon II SI CONTESTS PRIZES SHOWS RACES BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE JOHNSON lIMITED For lnhrmullovi mi Rmmflom FolYour Rmmllom Call Now SUMMER ENDS SPENDIIEAVILY Summon wu olflelally we Britains annual dclencu at 124 pm EST Sewnm budget call for the apendlnl oi lime of the autumnal equinox momma Ll BAR EXAMINER THURSDAY SEPT 1083 75c IN PRIZES THURS FRI SAT HEATS DAILY s12000 IIOINI AT mm PA 515 ame anl PA 474