Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Sep 1963, p. 1

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nIII in flue RomMl vorxlm ln duy lhr lmlllh hlIc ul llu lawn ln ulme uhnuv Ihn mmvwnn maul alvmly Inlnx pmlml or II lucnnly ml lhnrouulmm Inn lmmlnl llndn all nuw cu llnkln mum MM 0mmer wuh Ml nrnmlnlu In In nnluumlnl am unlmn III um um ha Inn mumy lull ml uovmnlu 0w mur lty mva nl all lml Inlmx lam In mmmunlmlmu Denning Exonerates Security Services IMM nqu le5m Humvol Ihm In major urllnmpnlnry mum hmvlru our the rvmvtl lm IrHana UM lrim Mlnlnlrr Mrmlllan liq515 hum LONDON Tl lard DM nlnxl rt on the lmhnna IHMr um ch mum of mlnlu lulu lmmnrllllly rlrm lho unlrlly urvlwn hm qurullnnn 0hr wwmnwnln mmpdrncv In IIMIIHIM Illa Alhmllnn Mn to rd cnpmrm llnmmnn lem rldtnn or lho Prourmlve Cnnmvnllm on her In vtnluro Inlo prnvlnclnl yolfllu She proclnlmnl hrml hfclluhlcd rxcilrd and hum MAC SAID BLAMEWORTHY TORONTO CWAda Prlb hard 52 veteran Hum lnnl munldpul willch Imam In lhlrd wumnn win elccllon Ia Iho OMnrln leuhlnlum Wed nudny nnd Immedinlrly pmm Ind lo carry lu arch far tho women Ha mid hla Immediate plm II to nominate hls personal ll Ialrl and find tame utllvfly out Ilda puhllc 11m Ho mid thu election mull came an Iurprlsenll lmtl dont want It nuggcslcd that Im Iarcvcr giving up public Illa Mr Winlcrmbycr said It was extremely unlikely that he would continue as leader of lhe party Bu he added In urdcr to assum tho op portunity of he chlslnllvn enu cu and he party undertnku how changes Hm are required mull of the clecllun am Imby tendering my resigna Han Icadcr of he Liberal party In Omar Ella was his ch that should leave no doubt In lhe mlnd of um party or the public as In my posilian in view of yesterdays conclu xive result he wrote Ho announced his action at press conference inhis home reading ha text of min iel er resignation sent to Robert Nixan president of the Onlnrio Lihcrni Associnlion KITCHEN CF John Wintermeyer ntlemd hls ledg nnUan today as leader of the Ontario Liberal pany In the wake of crushan dcleal In Wednesdayl election lg Hamiltpn Elects Woman Liberal Leader Ousted Resigns PREMIER JOHN Hobart mops his brownnd flushes broad victory grin as he re 99ahxvur No 225 For Examine Wm Ada rel phone PA mm 1110 lelouhona number call at the Euuneu or Editorial Dupe PA um Our Telephones nly winner lrtmutlmllly IM Mm mlnmer ml Iulun and n4 lhom nnly in am In Dun situation and llul In tmclnl pumm Iw quplllrm lIvo pnnkncu nI mIn lslm In mum Hilaritva mu mInlmr InIm Iqumo Mary IIM Mn nIInlr mm 1va no Knler Ilve mIIunlud rnII III In Innocenl when Hwy 1an mum lo InIIvn lIml In In Iylnu lmlumun nmhlrl In ML mlukm IlIaI In Imul dam III rlll ml vnlllrn MI MN IlmlmuLm mumzh Inld Imd Dawning In male nwunhll MM IIIII III hm cnmmIlkd mluIIery wIlh Indu mmnn In lurll dmnmInnm cm llllclqm mil xiimm mm lhu llnnl Judxnwnl lu lnvllumenl QUFfiYIONfl lflUllN qualrly wllh Hm lmfumo amlr Mylw gm Only lwo oIIIcr women have urvrd nI Quecnn Park II known wnl IIIn rcdoubIann AuntI Ilncphnll who nervch mum Irnm nm In IMO an Inn first woman mnmbcr cl lnIIlII mcnl Ihrn In In Inn Onlano IuIIInIurn CCF mtmhcr In mm and IMMI The oIInr was In Lnnkock ulm wnl MAO elected Inr lhe CCF In IN and mvrd lwo yen among men whn tonlcslcd ho ulccllon and mo hccumu be am at her sex lnko ml In the lughluluro nlntn 11152v lIo won the IcndcrshIp In 1966 AIM hm year In lIw Izxlsln urn and an apprcnllcuhlp New Dame Harvard and DH housln Unlvmillcl and In mu nIpral poIIllcs Thu palIllcul blow WM com greyhaired but lrlm and Ill Ihus sccmcd doomed pollllcnlly ns he elcmrnlo uppmnlly pui pnld lo his leadership DOOM POLITICAL Voter elsewhere In he prov Inco werc Just as dchxIvu In relccllng the bowls sharply rcduclnx the partyl wulghl In an enlamcd provIncIaI legisla lure Waterloo North Main vnlm who Hrs elected mm In 1955 by more than 2000 vom and doubled In winning mnrgIn In 1950 spurncd hIm In time In Iavar nI polllIcaI lnlllnIe Keith Bunch warwounded Insur ance agent who won by almost 3000 votes In loud poll of more than 30000 Tho Kitchener lawyer who sped to he lenderfihlp tho Ontario Liberal party In three yem me his Valefloo In rid lnl of the same name In the space an hour cations were that the parly would dn extremely well turn In yesterdays Ontario Elecflon roll Into hL Hotel Auden campaign Madman lets HI Hrs campaign omss THRASH llBERAlS Elwiflmrir Examiner Inn lknnlnl mln anll Inn In the xllnk In 111 llplly ermn le mum mlIn an pur rrklnl pl bl lnlormnlivn md Dennlnl nu dlmvmd ml Ipmluihllfly or II nour lly mvlm Im mmly mml wllh In home mm rim InnAlumni pvrrma pd Iumwl mmngimlily lay Illh IM 9mm mum Iln dmamllrl pm 1110 Daily Eulreu Mun Mamml II in hurt line In 11m Dally fltlrll mm rm In lime limrlnlly Hunt the nmnnwm hal mm Ilul mmerly um mm of HM mmnl lay pr curly ler unnh my 11 nully Trlwrnvh Hwy lulled Hm newlmmrl pom un Ihll pulnl Ihry dld not mm In dolnl Mcn rm dclcncr mun wllh lho huh and or mldublu voltrucllrr when ho rcpmentcd Pnny SoundMur him or Hm leomll In Fulln mrnl hm 1m lurk in pmvinv clnl polch ngnlnll Innm Jnlmnlon who hnd rcprmnled Parry um fnr Iho Comm lyn mm and won Wednesday Thn elccllan mu 1m outcuv lul or another former membu Um Maple Mull Bucko Mc Donald and tar Joe Kml lana Ilmu Ilnr qunncrblck and bull Ha callulnd more lhnn 10000 vows nlmoxt lll much AI both opposition cnndldnm mmblntd wln rndlflonnlly Comma Hvo Kingflon constituency Ho had been opposed by Willllm Mills mayor of Klnmon and Llhcrnl cnndldnte nnd minl worker Lavndn Plndcr rurminz or Inn New Dcmocmllc Purly Apps runn nu III Conserva tlve wnl the nnly one of three prominent spam gum who run In Wednesdayl elecllon in cngmroun rlqlnx TORONTO CPSyl Apps former real playmaking cen tre with Toronto Maple Lean In Nnunnul Hockey Lennie wan sun In lho Onlnrio lush Inlum Wudngsday The aide Wintermeyer wim suiiered stroke lw years agn and Wu mniinadlto wheel chair was laid to be in grave condition inle Wednesdgy buk his condition was described by H19 hospital oariy today tiainctory pounded by anxieiy In iha lam ily iii iniher millionaire in vesinr Aiired Winiarmeyer 73 was sent in hospital hm hour below the polls closed or surgical ircaimeni of periorv aied hernia Apps Wins In Kingston Premier brought me Proms Alva Conservatlm 78 of lbs 108 seat In the xpanded leg isimum CP erephoto Premiér Pledges Action nun am and mlmlnhly mm Inun Imlrmhe umllu WIlHnm 1110mm OWL Mt Mltlmnld Inn MI York Ronni rldlnl In Mmlo try rnvlurlnn mm vole mm dvmlylp Lllmul llulA nnhlm lung nut ddcd In mmmrnt on Wrdnudlyg elecllon that III In In mm mm MI pally wan dlvl nnl live It uvmmll on In pmponlnn to In popu 1an vote TORONTO lfll 1110 New mmorrnllc lnly lncmml Ill nwmnmlon In the Onllrlo lululnlun Ind rnvlnclnl ludrr Dannhl man run our wlnnu In hln nun yldlnu Injury The nub mmmlum Arrn Dd ladly Ian In Ive ll member npprllu lha nary VIIchl ll uched lo lell 1mm murder rrlmo Inr prom Ind lurorlnm Bu Ilnco mu Capone an lammylunl Ipoutlnn Ira 1mm medium lnl lho mnhllm hnvu lurmd Illa flnem Now York palm ofllclnl upon Hun uni wu lhlnhlnl 01 em rIaylnx pub relnllonl to rev pnlr lhl damn Vlllthl my 110 Ill puhllp male NDP Takes Seven Seats Pollen helluva any member of lho ndknll could collccl ha bonny by kllllnl lha £0 ycuMId cnnvltlcd dope pull and murdmrl Undarwnrld Iourcu my nlllnz mmmlulon of Can NOI lm hnl put 100000 price on Vulnchll head And mung police emrt wlll be on hand mu mm Ml dcbul an Cnpllol mn wanl bo his mm long anachll Appearance IN mnmlnxl cloud union Wu blllcd nhcnml or lel llmony Friday when he xeu hll chnnco publicly la nu ma Inger on farmer bouu In an crlmo lyndltule WASHINGTON CF AP Jauph VBIICM Illa lalklnz mobster comes on ol hldlnz lo div and lrnvcll to Cnpllol lllll or prlvata all with nnnmn lnvullzallnx llm mm mm In Ioclely known Con Noxln whlch NiameyGeneral Kennedy my llllnlud wlLlI the Indian underworld Than In back mam when he Wnlfiqyeslieazd All dozen reporfErI premfir mmlud tn call the lexlsuture nlo mslnn Jun about an soon can do no to enact lullln llon enabllnl tha pmvlnu to ma advmlnge ol tho $400000 000 federal munlclpal loan pm gram Mobster To Sing Senate Hearing in prepnmi victory lilie ment which he dilirihuled to reporter Ind read over radio and ieiaviliun the pre miu promised to an All slbia keep Cnnndl uni Smlllnz under tryan phyllcal clrcumllnncu and nhvlaxuly pleased with partyl aver whelmlnl mam Wednesday In hll Int elecllon premier Mt Robnrt pledged In vlc my Ilnlement lo voters In his own riding of London North that he cunlldenca you hnva shown wlll not In mlsplaccd What lhave nld wlll do will do4 And Hue Hearalt premier who lluleleu than two yam no look over In leadership 01 he Ontario Froflesslvu Con Iervallve party from Laue Frost says he wlll make Hood on his elecllan pmmlaus LONDON Ont CF Pre mier John Robnrtl with strengthened aupport and weakened opposition enter his first lull term omen promin lng quick legislative action and full cooperation with the iod erni government Buirlopnnrlo€nnndn Thundny Sop 2619 Hr Hun Illll In pul lmlnrly Inn became an ll my mu ml mm and mer Inle II mnlldomo ll wu mud Inan vlclory lhnn winnlnl In lrypkdkm lhlnk Ibo WC Joe Dayl ll be hm am vlrhrnlhm at In ham ol llrbrr flmllh Ml fur filmm Norm Mn Evan uld II Illa mo rlllun all my wurk In ldinl nuq wnrknd my Illlclmlly nlnm sum mrrv Harry ha mlly had 101 Bad Mu live md um um mm In do Lu eolqddona Mr Evnm uld ll mu and than um Mm llw mumIon Mr Ev an llmnhd hll wovkm nml Inpmrlen nldz hard to lull you how hnrpy lul llmul ll hunk nu mm at nm work you hm dun In helplnx III In Ill um um an leml henduuarterl ll um can never cltlnl oil the ground Whrn hall the poll wm urd 1mm Mr Todd conceded and or ho Pmurmhc Can mvnllvu heldqnnrlm lo tom grnlulnloflhlrl Lvm Whnfi in Wired can rnlnllllrm he uld Well didnt pm up much of bulls fill 11 There wnl lllllo lcmlon In lroirmlvu Comervnllva hud qurlm unlll mum unrled in come In km dlmlnllhrd with each luccmdlng poll 111m wu Jay Ind tonlldmu when re lunu lmmnbaulm poll wen received Flnniritlurnl lnvn Evnnl 10 3423 Tudd and Minion aqua TENSION um um um Flm In report wnl poll 26 It lnvn Mr Evnm 68 leml Funk Tvdd 30 Ind New Demo crude DenInk Mnnlon 10 Th nut poll lave RC 51 L112 ND 10 Shortly aller the HI poll reverted trend was In nor Mr Evmu ll nnvcr wanrm but conllnucd unm lh poll Wm heard tram Arthur Evanl Prozrmlva Conlcrudva cnndldnle In 51m coa Centre WM Iwcptvlnlo lh IDBIIIMWI with IwoIMM mn jorlly over MI clam opponent leeml Frank Todd In yulcr dnyfl provincial elccllan Human rum in Dumr inSimooe be 1m Igeen llnce 1917 ProucniveAComer valiva member now AW Downer mm hielop labrnlion in mm at Ihe tee room In the om Hull After Mr victory peecil hi wlieiloined him an in iemporary pinionm when the received bouquet oi rm from tho Coilinuwoad PC party warkm Mr Downer1 nearer rival Liberal Jamel Cooke Oranmiiic cancedt eguu election ll 931pm Mohammaknmmpieto return glva Mr Downer man than twice in Vote fained by Mr Cooke Emn ner nhaln Evans Drubs Manson Todd Vlclarjaul again In bum lnSimooe be 1m Igeen llnce 1917 ProucniveAComer vulva member now AW Downer mm hulalop cel nb lul Ill Jhefi HERES om wms IN DUIIERIN smcoz ME Evan wan byelnc Inn ulna yum In aner ho drnlh hi prrdmuor hum Johnunn sinian Ccnlro hnl been Pm lrmlvo Conmvnllvu Ilncu hut lime mum Iho mu yulr of Imkrculva Comervmvo favcrm ment In Onlnrlo Ilnce Wu elected In mu hmdqunrlcrn lhm walnl loo munh Imam In Ihe 3mm mull unlll Slmcoo Ctnlm wnl In be Then nutr hand shake and back Ilnpping work willed down more In mm in reluml lrom lhn mt Onlnrla Both Prolrmlvc Com VIUVE hcadqunrlcn Ind II Smithl hm hm wn Jubila llon and high lplrflo not only Ibo run In thll riding but Illa about the part Onlurla victory Mr Eyanl continued mm mm to continue to wark or All lhn people my rldlnl nnd to upper the good xovunmcnl Um Premier John Hobart pm pond at the In lexlllnlum had conlldlncu In me and no rlxhl behind me and or thI Im zmlelul mmr Ehglo Iempomfy plglhrm MW mm wm ro lumrd wllh Ircmler Ilahull who had landllldo wln In An dnn Narth ml pmmlnenl Hu um In flu OVIHLMHEK pnyly WM hm wm unl lercd nlm llld lauu with the Conunntlvu nlnlna Imn 1mm other pnrtlu nnd lonlnx le lho lecrnll lnlnlnt UV and mini en nnd Hm NDI Inlnlnl lwo dropping ono ernII not 71 KM llma ono more than they not In mm but one Icwor lhnn lhuy had dquluIIunthIc New Dnmocrauc Party mam up Inven mt Irom Ive nw Camervnllvu had oz dIuquIIun Tm mnern line Imprnvcd IIIOWIHE ovcr mo Iny In III In mm min Hand on chunlu MetroroIIInn Toronto In mdlllrlhulon IIII year They look rllhl of themIII In old CamervnIIvu lurrItory thIo um nIhcr two yarIIu Inng any nyIcqe The London lawyer bmuzhk home mu for In oven511 majority of 48 lha lowlyem turned Home of 100 nan Thlx compared with Mr Frostl 71 lot mnrgln In 1059 when hm war only 98 rldhm ND qus who urnm bled to the lap MI rnrly In nixway Iudmhlp 1m In ml record vole confirmed hlr mandate And enablzd hlm to lmprovo the rhnwlng mailer votennlchzr From In the 1m alumni in 1959 Beaten ln lwo Ikralm elem lion in hlr Ive mm leader the Iccond deleal sharper than the rim Mr Wlnterrneyer hardMkflnz Klldlmer lawyer was IHEM an hlr lulun alter the return overwhelmed hlm Wednudny nlnln Bu col leuxuel rald his career la pall llg nyqenr£d flnlshcrll mu the polls reported 2116059 vole had been counted Onta tIo had amen climb voter ham unqlflcinl count The final zimxnu Frog Con Libmls New Democrallc Tm About 62 can he prov lncul valm turned out up mm 58A In use darn what mon observer can dared The myuwid premier not only enhanced In House and lng btquenlhed him by ream premier Lulu Frol rnnnlhl no in Wednesdnyl neural election but may have wrllien lira political epitaph ol John winiennayer mum John Rahalu emerged today It manta of the Ontlrla which Held In ht own rllht He had an cnlnrled Progresnlve Con letvallvn majority In the lust lature and hit Liberal chnllm gu WBI Ion without mt and wlth ht hold an the party lend erahlp Ihaky mm In Eucx 80th In tho CPD Premier Conservatives Win 78 Seats Legislature Majority Now 48 NolMoyThnni 7c Parlepifl VPngu 1m Ill 73 71 Varllbln cloudlnul today Sun ny wllhcioudy period Ndny Low tonight leh lomamw 05 For lummlry plum hat the lead melvtd bud ndvlco And In lied Hull Mr Vlnlermvml muollhmulhaul ha provlnu Turn To ru my Friend commented liml Im Iiyio ma campaignhwy huth rriiicilm on ihc 0min ndminilinilon dniroytd Mr Winicrmoyarl homniawn imnu penannbic lunilhl bliko politician wuu mum llluh unklnu supporter Ihu llnl bluur poltvmudm tldbd lhnl um louah camp waged by Mr Wlnlerml backllrtd balll locally an Inn pravlnu out Mr nnrmnyer declined Io prtdlcl whnl hll nwn lulu In poulch mlxm b9 but even Ml lm luld MI caner mum Ilnllhed mu mum Mr Wnlermeyer nnliva Ian Kitchener In the Waterloo In Ind Home member elnee ms nllrlhuted hll delen penHy the lac um he Ipenl mile me In the comllluency duean he campnlxn he handed around the province during the Inn month The palllleul blnw allowed by only few huun perlonnl lnmlly umel when hit lnlhen Mind Wintermeyer wu lnlen lo hfllpllll lraveLv FINISHED uuerll auvpan lax mluun plmlm nfluenced volm In tho lnluh unco huunen to vote Connem lvc In dhlrlcl lhnl ha ml lme humam l1th cen lnd In It The Ontario tavern menll cpnlroveulql old In pension plan would operate lhmu vnle 11mm Local Wéather Mr Wlnlermayer noredlved In Waterloo North at 1959 plur Illly 4102 wu transformed Into deficit 2131 In war of Keith Butler owner In lnlnrnnu agency and wounded veteran ha Second ngld War NDP Leader Dannid MIC Donaid canned back in Tar anior York South winning hi ihird ciaciian but had his mo margin mm reduced to 5357 Premier Robnrix bucked hi victory as party iaader wi an overwhelming nuccen in hit on riding iia incremd hir murnin to 8288 irom the 2234 vote imiiiy he In 1959 amen war minilior oi educn on The Conservatives also ra lurnzd he um woman mem ber of he leulllaluro mm the defeat Agnes Macphall lanl Ime CCF member In 1951 5110 was Mu Ada Prnchnrd 614 yearold Hnmlllnn clly unlnr controller who held he Con vervnllve ml of Ihe Iormer In her minister Wanunder In Hamilton Centre MéEEOYjALP QWRPWB dates William Murdoch Speaker ha In leghlnuum He was defenled by Libenl Don Valerian In lougri cnmpnl ll WI grmeyu In Ld Ind

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