Vote Todav For Inulhcm Onlulo vollng day hogan wllh Anny mum lng lrwuxexpctlcd la cloud over durlnn lho nflernaom but no raln was predicted or be are lho polls close lmcmllnn hum Tumlny nunlml lwo armor Mud mln Innsmm of mu III II In luhlllw llllNllhl Immlm um lulnlnllw ruunclllur lvrmer nIu llnynl cvmmhllnn rr pull lmmlrd rlnwn In July rrmmmcmlrd 1mm ncllnn bnl dldnl Inully Allflnll whnm However Ihe renovl mm Iulhlnl cllllrhm HM LurchInn rmllm nlan anounlc ï¬vnrnmml lram 1556 lo 1900 99 Your Na 12 QUEBEC CI Flvo mem bm lnnmr Unlon Nn llannlv lamnmtnl an up pur In court Friday on fraud Chlflll mulling ram 110an mmmluinn on purchulnl pmo llm 01 lbs lannrr aovrmmrnl Dul ho cm mind that whllu he US mud mm 11 Can ldll promam wlth Import curbl the Us hm no plan In do la ml Um because lha Canndlnn plan In IU In lho Ihrorollcnl Ilnfl Hodges told pm confor encn lhul lhe US uwld con nider using all It righlu under lhu Gemml Agreement MI Tur IHI nnd Trndu Canndn or any Wm country lullrd mm ob Hznllom under me GMT WASHINGTON CP Com merce Smelary Luther lodon Iald nmdny the Unllcd sum would consldcr Imposing coun lcrmcnauru ll Cnnndn lrlcd to Implement ll proposal to ro dum Imports of US nulnmm hlle and mm by 00000000 yeah Tho lukchaad wna cloudy nagsin was meant vnc electlonl and tamer letharzlc Alt udo In thls one 0n the url of most mennu an Ind cntInn the vollnz muld b0 light Quebec MLA Others Charged With Fraud tempest over tuneup arm at Iha lall end lho campnlzn or lodayu Ontr10 annual elec tion It didnt appear llkcly lo have much attack on the 3429 291 voters ellnlblo lo cut hal lota for memhm the pm vlnclal leglalalure Rain was alllng In the Km norlh and around Timmlns when polls opened and was expected lo spread south to about Sud bury befom lha vallnl wu over US Will Fight Proposed Curbs In reloiflnn lo the Mr Mu Llly anmn mm 30 Mulcaster SL ohtalns her fly for today provincial Liberal Demands Premier Resign By THE CANADIAN PRESS For Examine Wml Ml Teln phonl PA 51414 Thu telephone number to on or ha Business or Eduarlnl um PA H531 Our Telephones VOTING DAY AT POLL 17 IN BARBIE hut Herald Mrllmnu Qurbec Clty lmlnmmnn lumulm cmmclllar Illlfl mu lannnr manner lhr Unlnn NI llannle Jaun mum lnnnrr cu nlxnllnn mlnlnlcr nnd Uulnn lolnl at 71 rllnrgrn lnmlv In memo wm unlllmd In wrlll prmulrd In hlrl Jud Tlmmu Trunwly tn 0an ol Bulkmn Arruml mud nr rnmplrncy la dtlruud lho wov Ing yore 11m ICIJOHI rm dinfly mm ï¬nd lloyal ram mlnlnn under Mr Jubllu llel Ellvn olfrylpu 1an lup clvil Iuvnnl And Quebw Clty bull Iman Onnudlnn pnfllclpnnl mld Cnnndn Imports about $500000 000 warlh nulomubflu and pad annuallr wllh nnoul 00 nor can com n1 lrom the U5 Undcr Ihn Cnnmflan plan all under dlmmlan wllh the mo mabllo mnnnllduml the lab wnuld be lo redch Um Med for lrnporll by about 2000000W or morn year cronflnu an or limited 00000 new Cnnadlnn John nm the pnnlclpanl laid the nowrnrmnl homi In em mum Cnnndlnn oxpnnllon wllhoul Inmmlnz lurml dny Canada US mlnlslcrln conlcrcnca last week when the Cnnndlnn mup dlscloscd plnnl la expand Cnnndlnn Iulornablla nnd yum productlnn cllher by displacing Import or by Rolling lhu USconlmlled Cnnndlun ml lamobllo Indnflry to expand Cn nngluxl wigs 1n lhuAU5 Th9 complaint was broilth under urtinn prohlblum Mr Robarll member lnr Lon don Nnrlh and Jnhn White his mnnlnz mm In London South riding anva tea party London hotel to recclvo support erl The In Wu Ill nun poured whmlhejtcmpurmxm mtgms ch wonnor Harry Qulilvy Liberal party candidate in London South called on Ihapremler with dmw hl name from the zinc gon nr vlulalinu he Election ct The campniln scene Was zen erniiy quiet mexday with the three party leaders In their home rldinu drumming up iiiLie iubminuu mppori it was mi type oi activity that brewed Hm tencup lizzy for Pro sreuive Camervniivn Premier John Robinis in London OnL Voting II Wm from Mn to pm EDT elecuun from Mn Violet Cald well 11 Benny St Mn Cnld yell IIDepuly Returnln om the nuln hm ll round fund Involvlnl 103000 Talbot ll rounll Involvln llmnu 21 mu rm and ilnnly murï¬uTé yum mm Anhur Ilnuchnnl Truldrnl ol lha nnvllmm Elcwnln CM pnmlnn Mlml Ilnnly mfmérrmhc lnr loummml purchulnl urvlmi Anlunlo Tnllmt armor lllxhwm mlnlllur leader ol the Union Nullnnnlo or eight monlhl In mi member leihhluro Inr Chlcaullml IMI ms and mu Illllnl member Iuvul bar or Donhulcr lrvm ms lo 1119 plan In Ilmllnr la the In venlmcnl Iu crcdll enlcled In car whlch olllclnla lay lml elpnd to Illmulnla lho cullya of Indullry or new plan ml rhlnery and cqulpmml WASHINGTON AP Tnx crtdlu or urcnler export Wm under Iludy II the us renn ury nnd commercu dtpnrlmcnu today polllhlo lnducemenl to hardnr lelllnn ovmul vi Avgurlcï¬n spud Government sources Id For rlun Semtury lard name will convey tho enhlnntl dechlon tn US Stnlo Secretary Dun Rusk llama fllu In New York lodny or meollnga wllh Hulk Thu 11mm will laka pm only the talk do no comm them Jolnlnz lhn force and aller nullvu nra also dllcumd Study Tax Credit For More Exports LONDON AMThu British lavernmcnl has decldcd lo in all Ihe Amcrlcanspnnsored nllu on he prnroaed NATO nu clcnr aurlnca he with mer vallanl However another pm mu mm the candlan will no 1bio xï¬hï¬c lo the mug penul corru 119 nmmllled wflitlï¬ leg on ln Ignqrnqce MerRobam had no comment on the matter Britain To Enter NATO Discussion and consent or candidate elgguun would by declared void Mr inmy laid the premlar had nu cum coune bul to Ila mama to Milan act mung Ike emu mp audits in committed by or wlh lhn actual knowled alndnconsenlqln cyngldate cnndldua mm furnishing meat dnnk refreshment or provision It meeting to pro motc an election unlen Al hlg pflgagq usidgch cu poll In ha Royal Canadian Leulon Hall Blflll Examiner Photo ORANGE Funu Human Frnco um mun lullnl dun bomll Imldml do hulk lold In Auditnu Ind7 III In Hrll mod hl 20th pvuvlnclnl Iour Fun In led could not um lo nllaw he world In In aude la IM dnnhlo In many nl wlvlleml multh wlh monoploy of mm tho Unllcd Mum and mum UNITch NATIONS CW The llnl 11er unlln mlnlnlrr Inllu on paulhle mil urp la the India nutlur mlhm lmly will In hrld In New Yolk Eulunlay 118 mm Mudr1 Dun Hqu will be hml In llrllllnu ml mm and lluulll Imdnl Gromylm II wmhlnl lunchwn In the Amvlcnn haul lulu Fiance To Continue Nuclear Tosh MOSCOW lleptm The pmldlum ho Supreme Soviet Warlinmenl Lady unnuimumly nlillrdvlho Inlal nuclmr lul bnn lrenly Tnu MW frncy mmrlvd Euler Carnmunhl putty new Imdn hnll Ibo Unllld Slnlel 5mm nppruvll nl I11 um day victory 01 cammnn you over Inch ma um Big Three Foreign Ministers Meet Offloerl lnld lhnl nwnrcnlly lomeanu mm moving our tuned All undetermined nmaunl explaflvu at um Inlcr realm The homo nearest lhe lnlcmctlm wnl damzed ox mlveb Window wm bmkm and plum wu Jumd 1mm tho walla The lnlesl bumhlnxBlrmlnx ham has had mm than 40 slum the Scmnd World thwn In mlddIeIncmï¬n Nun neigh borhood nn Dlrmlmzhnml loulh Aldo across lawn mm the 16m Sim Baptist Church when our Ml wm killed In blast Sept 15 Nano ho bomhlulx has been solved No explosions were rcporicd lo pollen but olllccu could ï¬nd evidence only 0M bomb Russia Haï¬ï¬es Test Ban Treaty BIRMINGHAM All AP Another bomb blast shook Nb minghnm today few hours alter two man pmddcnUnl team arrived lo help restore nclnl unity to flu Ml Heel clly mm Wm no mint Iunlllca and no disorder In Miami Flu memo heml flu Duminlcn rudln do wlbl the Boschgovernment proRussian and pMommunlfl and laid the revolution had In stalled an honest and just to lime Acammunlquu sold the mll lllry arm IeIzcd control he min tho country Into flghufl slate and ulnnx on the people help us min lnlix ordcr the communiquo ll Explbsion Rocks Birmingham Presidential Team Knives Tho military cammuniquu laid Dominican problems cam not be solved Ihmugh constiiu Uglgniit Bosch had baen feuding wllh President Fman Dnvalier Hum which shares this Carib bun island with ha Dominican Republic The laud erupted Into CIIIII inst April Lnsi Many thy both Haiti and the Domini can Republic accosted each other in hprder conflict he armed forces Iasued communique laying they seized power because there was fhagtlc lkuluan In 1hacoun ry All uchonll were closed mun mm mm ero DOMINGO DomInl can Republic MP The ml llnry look over lha govemmenl of President Juan Bosch today The Communllt party and any any backing Cuban Prime Inmur Fldal Castro were out Med Rellnble sources nld Bosch Meatold author prolemr was prisoner ln he pmldem llal palace Anolher report said In was flown out the coun Dominican Bass Ousted By Army Barrio Onhrlo Cumin Wldhudiy SSthS 1963 ARM moon SHELLS NEWS BRIEFS wmmlileé more pane and Ma lmop eraled by Col Limo mm mnmu nrmw mom than 150 Neuml durlnl nlr ol demonnnuom No how metal wcm membm of tho tumnvvlolml mrdimunu Racial tension also wn on who human In Selma MIL mm 50 mlch west Montgomery when Neuron hnvo becn mg nnflnemuflnn demonstra Ions In Montgomery Ilva federal Judges ordered Va George Wallace ta ll lnlerleh bug will courtorder desem gallon 01 puhllcwhooll In DIM Alabama clue lllmdnzham MgMJg fund Mme Helmdlcd police officer And male movers cut of trunk Inln lhe and Small knot Nome unlhmd oulsldu lhelr homes but no Incident we mortal Mtnnwhfle an my fem new challenge In the wk an announced resumption lcdlvn huylnx campaign by Mr 11067 The governmen was cm Ing International cqnfllcls wlth unprcdicuhlq comequencu Er fore manneuvru ol Inter unllou cammunlxm whlch do m7 mognlze nationallmp and seek to dummy Mimkdcnuuu dlflon the military had to Inter vtno to put order In the chaos and mm communism destroy lnx our country Than was an uncanflrmed rt part Bosch had been flown abroad Santa Domingo wu culm Th mllltnry communl qugLuld Bosch beeme president in February akin over from an interim realm that had ruled 5113 1110 Trujillo dictatorship leIL cause Incapacity win tho or flu the day And ununploy mgnt loo JUAN BOSCH andr1 sun pm mm In Nu York Ned llmk rluhl Ind lndonula In an ll mlwln MM romln Mhlun mmm HM IBM Manualn flu Md chmAlon at tho 01 it In um mm lulu Mfllnl It Unlld Mfmll MIMI My We came homo wllh puckuxo lho othemizhl asked Whnl did you huyI Sho Iayl dnnt know said Than Whyd you buy SM answer ed Dccnuso lhu man Iald you couldnt ul lhem my mom Paul Flnherly Chlcnxa Vlaw yer or lbs Upper Lara 511Man 115131ch TarA Lam Ship lnz Limited oi TarA anio nid wnuld advise tho company to loud vessel In Chi cago lmmudlnlcly Thu ludzo warned that if lha owner he Shaw send an olhcr vo II 01 to Chicago and mm In Inlemn Iona Longnhnremrnu Amth Ion In to land the Ian would bu and $3000 day Judlo James Punson 15 District Cour up Int Fr dnymrflurlasl any onwhlch the Inca were cflecuvc That was Ihe inV th Shaw Iefl Chl euograln es and 300000 In ha ud mar wamnz 151 day bn lauded CHICAGO AHA 115 fed eral We Nesday fmzeut 4300 Ines lhnt had been my emulating dully again In grain trimmmunlon whusa member Mum lo land the Canadian min caner Howard Shaw Commch an report from Minneapolis that hll map In in Ottawa In negoliule wlth ha lame Russlan ddegallon that boulm 00000300 want of Canadian when and Hour last week Mr Joseph said he has not met with In head of the Russian mun Ind declined to My whether meeting sched uled Thu spokesman for the Allied cnn hï¬slnesamen Involved Bur lun Jnseph president LS Joseph Incorporated Mlnmy spells um howcver It is In premature lo talk of rude tween best two countries any III and the OTMWA CPI United States grain merchant in 0mm In the he of ouowlng Canadas extame In sale to tha Savlel Union spokesman for he Americana Indicated early today 13 Judge Freezes fine 113 Merchants Seek Wheat Sale HERES ONE DISCUSS INDONESIA PROBLEM Jeandacquu Bemnd III counterpart In the opposIIIon UnIan anIonaIe party said Tuesday night UmQueb€c ov emmcmn demands could lend Io an Independent conslllqun Ior lho pvanoe modiï¬ed by lnnlIcs with Olmwn caverInz Ind Held ddcnu Both men crIUdzcd Iemriam In other addresses denlIng wIlh andrEMlIsh 111an In Canada Immm Mama Long lho UnIvcrsIIy of ToronIn mId lho 011Nth ho populnllon lhnt New Can1mm must be MONTREAL CPlncno L0 vcsque regarded by many be number two mm In the Guy bec uberal xowmment may no one can seIMctcrmlna llon when lhat what the pew ple want Reuters news agency re ported In dlspatch tram Ku chins Sarawak um our mor tar shell was ï¬red Into Si rawak village mm the Indone sian Bowen border am accord lng to Brltkh Amy spokes man No camamcs were re ported but do wax killed by nhrapne Mainysin wax premixed mli itary aid by Australia it is invaded Prime Mlnisiu Sir Ro bert Mamie made the pledlo in pillan beiora Parliament in Canberra the text of defence commitment with the newied Hutton Ho llid Australian iurces also are committed to help mist IiibVIiiiVl activity in Malaysia ARMY READY blunt the Indonesian gulp the lndonuslun Anny Ipnkumlh said the bombs 211 In Kampong Sara wak about ï¬ve miles from ha Sarawak villus Gumhang which has been nltucked new erg plugs In recent months Indunuia cut all telegraphic and telephnna links with the new Malaysia federation today as special indoneslan iorcu were reported on the borders of Sn rawsk and Sabalh North Bor neo two membarl oi the newlyarmed Southeast Asian nation Levesque Raps Quebec Terrorism By THE CANADIAN PRESS Aï¬strélia Promises Aid To Malaysialf Invaded NoiMorI Than Pei Copy28 Pugh mar 170E with simmers mum Low lonlgM High wmmmw 65 For mmme leepage two FEW EM My In to huh MI nm and nlodlonlw diploian or lbhmmla than sumam MM IN NC Country Ir tuna mm mm lun yum nun mum Local Weather Ho sald French Canada In exposed extremist nnd mar glnnl group because It In movlng mpldly but it was mnblo lo dream of nude lmlrglpnlionï¬ul mi lo mnh boxu Jump Mr MWSQWL Qurbcc mlurnl resumes mlmdcr addressed andwpcaklna Montreal bull Mfmenfq qssoclnflon chu Cohen of McGlll University In Montreal urged English and Fundy speaking Canadians to put Can ada It when thrashing out Mr dfllemnm In Vancouvar Guy Favmu Immlurmon mlnlstvr Predidcd sepnmklim In Quebec would ebb as tho pmvinco mummy recognized In any mwrllhu lhg consdlmlon anuiion denied London charges that Indonesia claims the two lormer British colonies But ha Isseried that Indone sin is determined to wipe out colonialism any kind Indonesia tlaims that Malay ala made of Malaya Singapore Sarawak and Sabah Br lshhacked conspiracy to retain lemmlonlamm ln Santana Indonesian Duienca Minlsler Geni bdui liaris Nasuiion old men ng ni student that Indo nuln will not prevent its ymrths mm Joining antiMalays els engaged in guerrilla war in Sarawak and Sahrhi lie laid lndnnesil also wax prepared to assist and train the yauihr oi North Knllmanlan Sarawak and Sabnhi tn Kualn Lumpur the Malay slan capital the detenca mlan try said two banallona at troops will be moved to San wnk and Sabnh whtch sham the big Island at Borneo with Indm nuts tpdoncstnn tnflltrntorl have been attacking across the burden chIeI asserted that selected In donesian Army units are com bntready along the border Sarawak and Sahnh Anlan news agency said the either Sol 1an br reported thesalmaps wen randy 101 in scant mien necessary