reduced to Km from 10 mil Ind by 1h mm lhnn 15000 member Across Canada Under thc proposed lclup the national executive would cumin president vicepresident leCrD mlreaxurcr and remsmu iv he unlonn mum and western dislrlcu all lo bl elecltd 1115 propost Increased per mm dun each local lurwuds lhe nnnanal ofï¬ce would bc lnslcnq alllha prqscnl The delezales were told that the Hxhllnx lund Must the United Steelwnrkm ol Amerlcl CDC would be an alpednl voluntary contribution basis to mm on 5m nnywhero as on national olflcer amed SPENT IN BATTLES new und would succeed 0200000 fund lwa yenn no dnlned hacause drawnoul halllu with he Steelworker In Port Colboma and lhe Sudbury district SUDBURY CP Frnpomh In nmasa dun paid to tha na unnn oflicz nrcamllna Ihe my ï¬nal executive and Institute llxhdnz mm to battle vnl union were major lleml passed the Canadian cnnven on the International Union Mine Mill and Smelter Vark an Ind Saturday More than 100 delegnlu lended the weekIon assemth which ended Salurdly All decl Hon made It the conventlnn will be rcierrcd back to the membenhlp 11m unlnnl 45 locLln atron Cnnlda or refer endum approval hcfora they an be Idapted dont make the most money In ha world and due present some problems he la in he in shock 01 ml Iznuon He neednt have wor flgd Money and am promised me rum have topped an esll muted $250000 Theyll have new home that may cost up to $100000 and likely will bu one of he lines In town Thu add asalusi quintupiel birthsso hlgh that no Authori flu Ametook beatinz this WASNI ENTHUSIASTIC Nor will Andrew Fischer the gaintu shy falher who has een hlllng clerk or whole I810 xmcery ï¬rm in of his year His Waweck Income already wax stretched nut to upper lhzlr Iva thlldren Mary Ann at no hadnt been enlhuslastlc about having an other Aberdeen an obscure com munity an the glassfla farm land South Dakota nuddcnly beams known In world It will never be the lame ABERDEEN 511 MUFar briei moment iive tiny bu Dill hive pushed the worlds roubles into the background Ind made people lad Fivehumnn he so iraii heycenldnt be weighed or measured suddenly became the land concern of millinm who Ild never heard of Andrew or Mnry Ann Filchnr For hinry Ann Fischer had given birth quiniupinls The rat Many girl was delivered Eiwhfl the morning oi Sept it moregiris buy and un nlher Kiri arrived in lhe next ï¬rmingies MineMill Convention Passes Fighting Fund Resolution Gilt Top $250000 For FischerQuinn Mk lbDUl II It you mlghbomhnod brand ll flu modnh um and mod un Monlml family llmnn rlm In low In ml Illelmuud um manlhly payment cm In co your Ilylllly In my In the No moml Ii 04 my ll Iinml Hun unveilrd yrl Vhrn ll ï¬ne on puhll dlplay II wlll Announud with Ihc mman pm qdlo And 1hr walla Voun bound Ia want on II you do dctlda lo buy flnmu your myde mgnn wlllu lhn plm man up10 dal 64 modrl Uu Ml mwnn hot planht nmk Covered Wagon 54maae The current lysltm Include pmidcnt Mcrelaryfleaxurer two vicerprasldznlsane mm lhe eastern dlxlrlct and tho other ram the wealand hm board member 1mm each the two districts Like his wile Fllchar weigh answers to questions cardully Imp them short Ind serious When it became apparent that he would nzed to decide on aim lo pay or 1ho story of his new brood he angnzed couple oi persmahia but shrewdyoung lawyeu They nuoiialed ior him in telling India teizvilion and publishinl righil to Iioriu and pictures About he lamnul uinls Details oi what is be ieved shortturn agreement with in Curtis Publishing Com pany wera nal disclosed but lhc pricn wu reported to he more thln $50000 Guiii official promised an story would bl Despite their nod lonune lhe Fischer luv been us into Ihe glare an unwaverlnz public curiosity that they plainly dont epjay They and the type would rather into the delivery room then come down here nld Mary Ann when xhe laced more than reporter her um press conferlnce To the lechm and quite law other in Aberdccn the 1m mlncnl blth of quintupleu wan no Iurprlse Dr James Balboa the Meatold leneral practi Homer who delivered the other Fischer children had ray made hm days before and told Fischer The new svrud In Aberdetn hutlncredlblyg no to the oulxlde DONT ENJOY GLARE la elephants the BBC when ever they hur In announctr mm In lnlnulve or all to pronounce an Asked In explnln he laid Tak lh ward an Som umauncm wlll ny nawr Thal In Intrusive nouncm who Inil to pro naunca the In lhulre to flu lhcnlre but novtr bean In Ihl lheal month Sevenvda Worn the birth ha new ï¬le Finchm lhe wife Elm Prim wu delivered of live mm In Mm calbu Venezuela Im an pzdcslal my own and enjoying It said Harris Appear on the EEC and make mlalnko In lrnmmar well never hear the end HmII Is In oundinx pres ldenl the Society for 1h Ptprlecllnnrol lho Letler oneman ha explained Then other people heard about ll Nuw Ive colleclzd HECKLER WONT APPEAR ON TV LONDON AP Chariot Harrisa ulLIppoIntcd heck Ier the lutesponwred EEC hu turned down an olfer to nppur on television Oliver Wilson lervlnz hm month or man cam lnx hodlly hum wn moved by pollu he Irltd to luv lhn back door ol Soul 519 Ml rlo home In all load to pin who want In red the 1nd In Stanley Park II being luled People wlll be Ablu lo buy zrnln ram dllp lmulled In an plrk Two youllu whn escaped mm the San Dislrld Jlll Friday were captured Sundny It hair parenls humu Ind rdumed la cuslody Jnmes Edgar Sere l7 Ierv Inz wwmanth unllnce or drinklnz undar nu wu uleep In hls pnnnu nun when po Hte laund hIm We lived in Inner oi eii newspaper reporien and pin tearpile For 11 montiu ever lint ihe birth at our quintuplell we had been hounded day Ind night Even durinl the earliest day when our babies were Iirugxlinl or Iheir lives it we impouibie to keep pholoznphen iron are ing their wny into our arm houxe and flashing bulb in lhe am lbs lnlanu Finally in deikperalian we were crud in in our dam but our win dow Ind reins to any one The clly ol Aberdezn is de lzrmlned its qulnl and their parents wont undergo 11ml nr omen The Dlonnu mm mm thelr panmt tor the protection the girls wellm and Interest by the Ontario government hm came blckwoods honnu tar tha province Ontario At the of lo monlhl they lur passed Nlnm Fall tour in altrlcllqn Their mher Ollvl mm In lareward to book Abnul LhI The Finchcr qulnll only the lacond as known In hnvn been born IHVG In the United Staten Mu Cecelll Hannm of Sun Antonia Tun born in tiny girl on on 1359 Four of them died ï¬rms Immedi lulely Ind lhl ï¬lth hour nor The only other qulnlanell to survive in Ihe Western Hemin phm an 1h Prlelo hoyx lhI Dionne Ilrll who we born Mny at Callander 0112 and the nmunu chlean Argenunl Emer Dionn Inflocated In IBM in In epllep llculznre The name ADE Cnnd for the girl And or In boy ule mar 01 birth1m llven way la ery Ann Mary Mll dalene Mary CILherine Mnry Margaret Ind Jlmu Andrew The qulnu were blpllzed and mflrmed the any they Im on But how Aherdeen will ban dle it unifound promlnenqu lull quuuon Thu Chm ber 01 Commerce rim movar 154mm cjvlc Mennwhilt ha quinu lay in their temperllm humidity controlled iloieim henmii mm nilha infant Jemnihey ware nininl dliiy in Ilrenllil Theyn be may to no born when thayvl tench norml lull mm nine monthsbare ring wnpllclllonx laid Dr Berbox The hlflhl wen two months premnlure Escaped Youths Returned To Jail mag in41 dimlty mid do clded on hnw to capitalize on Reflqulnlt without exploltln WONT IXPLOIT THEM rm zoo rzanma VA uvpn lelï¬ pm mm STE mama pun Burl Branch RALPH HANKLIN Munm BANK or MONTREAL Ramilq FinancePlan lOWCOBT LIFEINSURED LOANB SUDBURY CPlA resolu llon by Saul Ste erle board ol zdumlon cull or election all Ichool board member by popular vote yll rejeclod So urday by 1h Norlhern Onlnrlo Public and Secondary School Trulleu Association la null convenuon here Brutal ol the Sudbury high Ichoal board which IlIp pointed Ilka most other Iecond nry hoards nld heJel lhe board would dengrnded by voting um mlny communlty IndexI hum to enter an election umpnitn bu The aim family lllflld out 1mm Wlxmnr In In ka ynk culled Zephyr equle wllh In outbolrd motor They lpollld lhl Fredcnhlzm Th exhnustzd nnd lrlghl ened lriu lrrflvcd hm Aboard lhe West German freighter Fredenhlgen which hauled them on board minum beloro purlulnl Em German pn llco boa reached lhclr my gun In choppy Baltic Wu CH Marlin Helms 30yunold Athletic insinmor mm Wis mar his wile mum 29 Ind heir live your old daughter Kinien registered with East German reiuzee ulilcinil Sun day the initial llep in brain IIan lilo anew in the West or pamngerl aboard lhaflwo jcrrykboqls sent up cheer ha thm were snatched rum Ila uup of Communist police LUEBECK West Germany AHAn East Garmln am llyol three headed or West Germnny Saturday Iboard kayak nlzy llnnlly mlde It aboard Won German freighter with lho help of we lorry ball which blacked of Em German machinuzum um MES MARY ANN FISCHER wholnve bmh to gulntuplell Sept 14 In st Luku holpllal in Aberdeen 81 mm In Schdol Trustees ReiecI Bid Fer Elected Boards FERRY BOATS BLOCK GUNS HELP FAMILY ESCAPE REDS no wlflln In um 11 Ip palgled Th meeting mad maln uon by the Whitney board nmmendlnz um principal hauld not permuted to am In the Teachen Federi on Th rmlutlon mud Ihul principals campnrahh to foreman In Industry In II In lemll of ablative teacher lu pervlslan It nyl prInchuII Those In Aver ol the maln Ion nld election 1mm wn more In mm with dem octane prlnprIeI Al the lame lime 1h Swe dish my Nlelu Holzemon heading or Tnvemuende Wu Germany named up And mnnotumd to block tho pujlge boll Allï¬ulu Inter lhc Frtdeno Dunn hulld um uniï¬ed Hzlml Aboard 11w skipper of he Freden hnzen Capt Slawled Horn 34 WA quoted laying Ila knew hllvcu¢l could no pol Ilny reach lha Helm won the pollen boat did But just as crew member the pursuing police but warn trulnln mounled ml chlna nun on Iha lulu Zephyr ha Danhh my Ged Ier handing or Gainer Den mnrk cgm Into View rum Jusleun lwunz vzml around In what was dumbed dlredcvll Meme turn to manacuvra the Cedar bo tween flu Em German lm bgal And 22wer Imiiea like visiting im child ren in numry yemrday Thu live hnbiel in ilva im ieuu behind Mu Finch Ail steaming their uy Ind In East Germn pollen bolt chumlnn In pursuit at them In mlpplng channel whlch muddle lha boundary Hne between East and West G9 many My ENOUGH TIME II wn uhrrlnl In Ill Inlet view to Frldnyl walknu by AI rIcan Ind Allin delenlu In prom Inlml Ihn Soulh AIrI cm upmmllllvol beInl II lowzd Io Ipuk In Menu npmheld In Ihu metI up umbly 1mm Illa Icculed AIMAllin delegate unlnl the UN Gen enl Anemny or demonstw llnn punqu and or In exhi blljon of bldr mannm PRETORIA South Afrch RentalnSauth Mrlun Far elgn Mlnlntu Eric Louw uld Snurdny he wn lined and Inrprlud by Pm dent Ken nedyl criticism MI country Iyarlhdd rnclal uparnunn plollcy Filthy It lhl Unlled NI lonl lhould neither permitted nor axpecled to run with hm Ind nlmullnnmusly hunt with houndl Stan Ireland of Tlmmlnl wax zlecled president other am cerl Cheater Purvll Kirklnnd Like honurlry president Plrkor Sudhury lmmmlm past president Lorne Mom North BI Int vicevpmldenl Mu KerrLawmn Kirk llnd Like lecnnd vicemul denu Manueen Snull Ste Marlo Mm Cm Fnlr bridle Nubian Township Cyril Vamey Sudbury Pau mon Wu Fenll and John McClllum Espannh unculle commute Held at Timmlm wn appalnled Iecrelary Iucceedinl Gum Eoyco sudbury The convention rejected Elull Ste erlo resolullon lul xesuns that trustee bu empow ered to whom debenlura mu to pravldn fund or Iclml construction Iubjecl to In prnval of flu Ontario Munici pal Board Another renoluflon panned by the convention would mm It mandatory um Ichool trunlw ha rcpreunled on pllnnlnz hoards General leellng wu In the Ichaal bolrds Ihould no bypm council In this manner Ind um wuld lend to duplication cos IFKs Criticism Pains Africa repom hr an um bible are progrmlnz ullmctorl AP Whephoko From Cur Publhhlu Co mummmmmummmmn WMwawkmhmnmeWMwuwl Mn two you mom or mll bum ma him wkummnun KM bl Ion Immulml MI Imam cm MM un ull um you Inmmmn 01 IMIMM1MIMIVM up Io IM My llmu In yau IM MM wood up mle unl Innh humu mum Mullen HUI BELL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SOLVE MODERN BUSINESS PROBLEMS Heres how three more With you all mart mm am mlphon SKImm In mu ul mrm unan Muphi PUSMBUITON PMONIS Swlrlmnn II on 0000 cash hill and Mn mum on mm cuh bail Mn Jullice Mdndnw of he OntIla Su flierlnu Court will pmlda the TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA All GRANBY Que CF LI Volx de um lellee Granby company operating daily newaplper prlnung pllnt Ind ndio ludon CHEF hn mad Clhldn lear Relation Bond to deurmy union rep resenllnl RI 100 employees who Jigmed working Aug 17 They were lalnlly chlrud th conspiracy lo commit mud In April 1m allowing probe lnlo Illued dlscrepm cm laullinl $125000 at the New Lllkurd bunch Mind ml Klrkhnd Like former uflaro Com pany hoakuper wn lenienccd lo one yeu In 1111 when ho leaded zulky lo rlud last yenr KI connection with the num layont HAILEYBURY Ont 1GP The trill former Ontario hmmyl department ouch And the woman owner com muctlnn company on fraud chum mm hen 0d Crown Allumey Geom flllck IIId Saturday Tracy Swarlmnn lus pended dlslrlcl engine In In depmmentl New LIskurd bunch Ind Mn Brldxll widowed ownr 0H re Constructing Company Klrkllna Lake were commu ted Ior lrlnl June Thn comyany nnnonnced 1m hnudny Mad Asked he Que bec Labor Rellion Board to decertlly the union Ill dllllm ol the Conledemlon ol Nullannl Trade Unions The requut to the Cmdlan band was made hecaun employeremployee re mlonl 1h radio mum to unï¬t It luglldlcflon LONDON AP ThaCIm am or Nuclenr Disarmament lollnx ï¬ve of III mu Influan ll nonndl mpgnhm 11 act to In flltnl on by lenwlnz mp1 clmpnlznlnz or fallucal objec tive fur remove 1mm lhc nu clgqnboynb iuue membm Ire Lnbor mambm Pnllament Mlchul Fool and Anthony Greenwood chjuelll Hawk wile novel Prlenley Dr Antonin Plrle Oxford Unl vermy Mochamlu and Arthur Gan prqmlnent mum Ground for the meat Mlllan were Ilmllar to than pman to the Quebec board The com any claims ofï¬cer of Ihe un on have committed Illele lctl nut tha Imfloyeu collation of workwn 11 ml and hr there In no mm or the unloau ex Menu rlnca lll membm no lower an employee In company In unlemenl Sept Mme Landon pmldenl of LI Vol tm swam human MONDAY asmmzn mi Give Trial Date For Fraud Charge Canada Labor Relations Board Asked To Decerï¬iy Union Nuclear Disarmament Group Loses Five Council Members in MI mum ml llm Ill III mm Mo muwwymu cw WM Wll MOM III um man man mm In WI II M0 my Intdth mm MM Ballboy mu luauI IIIL Wkl pt inl IN mnqu nul ml yum nv InnMm CMI Mm mun Lon mpan Inwa BEllllOV ol Klrkhnd mu mevknm 931 FREE PARKING do all mine announced lhc com any bid ditchmed the my oyeu on round they won conducting 1110111 Ilka ll lha annual conference Oct 22 But they fly they do nok Inland to leave the campaign Aliyah Canon John Collin ol St Paul Cthedral CND ma Iona dullmam Ilm Iald ha reconnlderlnz hla oIHIan Cnnon Cnllin and other live helped Io gel CND loin In ha 1950 Their wilhdrnwnl would leave the movemunt wlthoul nun nnlional Ilaluu CLEVELAND AP Thl mdml Increase In the nationl steel production will mnllnua this week or the leth Ilnllht week Sue maznlna lay Steel estimated mducllan last week 1020000 no Iona Operallan have men mdu ally from the yen low in 0150 at can unolllcla pnclly the week ended Aug 17 mal says and manIn 60 par can of capacity Tha trad publication notu hat current hooking are run my well ahead 01 last manlhn glob lhaolglqgs an ax Read to b3 About lei per 31 what than um monlhn Scrap price held ï¬rm In week Sleeln cnmposlle on Na heavy mellan ml WI 21 gross ten for hum Ilralghl wnck All IV have reiuled to can nomination or reeleclion la in CND nationnl council yuu Ion Iolmm dlmlovy mm In Molm hxnllonhmum mrlhmtmlmnuwmh Bu nnInnugnlnlunuu Inmnmu lhqunullyw nu Mn mm mm In ml MIMI 0mm om sum In ml mayon MK WI 91 flNM MIMI Mb mm mm ww ml Steel Production Continues Rising N104 Bunch ollkk BELL inlay awolIm Minn BRANCM OFFICE IERVICE TIMES SQUARE MOTOR HOTEL NIIYuiuMY NEW YORKS NEW DRIVEIN MOTOR HOTEL NIW 1M cm All mm loom mnmim ummmum WMlmwllMlnlnaflalh nunhninbmlnm mmmn mu hold mu lug Ihulnuhnluhlnnul nMILv mu mcmoloumm Imomm mu Slnllel from Douhlu mm Wm lunll