me CamdenInn Canadas um nnllnnnl mducI In mm lodnyl dalnr wnI lm than $200 per rnpllulfl per ml 01 Indnyl Mn Lauriu Hawker llnnlo vlew mu guest at honor at Itork show held home Mn McGiHvrny Barrie nmmlny evening Mrl llnrkcrl daughlnr Elaine unlntrd In openan the many gllls slsunu lhu hoslcs wen Mr Ian Scull Mn che nlrm Knowles nnd Mlu Elnim lllrlwr Amml the DlllflHflWn aural worn lrn uuull lmm Cnmr mum and Mn Wllllnm Glhb nu Conkxlnwn guest Ipcnlcr and anchor wlll nllend In men he pnrcnla Following the meeting Ihm wlll he xoclnl hour will inshmeuls qqnxï¬nownn Thu Ilm meeting at El Marys PM will bu held at St Josnphl Auditorium 5ch mmmm tum pm Thqu will hn Miss Jones will hecoma Ihl brldu 11 Raymond James Garry ll acorxen Anglican Church Barrie on Oct 51 Aura PTA Mlss Dal Lloyd and Mlsl Joan cuter wens whom55c Iurprisa party and shower al the home of the bride mother Mn Codric Jones Norlh Sk Mn Teena Runner was hus It xhnwer had at her hams on Alfred St or Miss Wendy Jones Guest Indndcd girl employees of Copneo whm tho brlthct employed and dose Irlends EvIry Sunday pm An urollml run In mini ml cod In In Inlunml munnar ll mtmnuhlu nlm rnlor lo Mhlren In yrlu mu lmn kt lo ILIQ SOCIAL NOTES lmngnmm The busy homemaker has been accomzmying her husband to political ralllu II he riding and has attended as many three or four political lunctlons ln Aona day Air iheiniothcr of thm sons John 19 D021 17 Robin 12 and one slaughter Catherine Mrs Anhur Evans is just as relaxed over cup of tea or coffee at political rally as she is enjoying ooliee break the contort of her own home The diminutive woman was attractively Mllred in chic black suit with fur stale and him black velvet hot rho met the vplers meet thecandldale reception in the city in week In the receiving line with her husband who Progressive Conservlilve candi date ior Simcoe Centre Mrs Evan shook hands and exchang ed greetings with Barrie and county residents SECOND CAMPAIGN She explained to lho Exam lner reporter in an interview that she eels like veteran campaigner ihl time Last time must admit was bil bewildered by all the laughed This is Mr Evans second campaign NEH rm mm Fits Political Campaigning Into Busy Daily Schedule SNANYY BAY ROAD AT DUKE ST PHONE PA 6451 HOME COOKED MEALS EVERY DAY luminous BAYVIEW TERRACE Buslunllmoï¬ luncheon Bullnm Mullngl Special Occallonl also CATERINETM ANNIVERSARIES muons SMORGASBORD Trinity Anglican Church in Brndioni and Mrs Evans is member oi Ibe Trinity Cilurdr Guild Sh also in niihiui member of U1 Bradinrd MIL an Club LARGE RIDING During lhi campaign Mrs Evans say she loci aim has travelled over every ind oi lilo riding which she Addch cover an area irom York Tha candidalan wile is an avid sperman during the curling season and 101115 will other woman Bradford and distrch who take to who Her summa hobby flower gnrdcnlnx and he mekery and bed on tho from lawn of hot Jnmu Sued mldcneo prove he love or lawnl Like any er mother him Evans is always happy to dis her iamiiy She confided Aha the children oi course are enthusiastic and havehoiped their niher in his campaign much as possible The older boys are most iniemsted and read everything they can 34 their hands on about the cam paign and tha Luues Caihw inc oi coursa is her Daddyl girl and anything he does in just ï¬ne will her she said MANSON Drrrlck IpmrIIIVUHV Mrs Evans has rm full time help in her home and does nil gm own housework and cook ng FMILY INTEREST Mrs Evnns leads an active life during normnl times but in the midst of political campaign she adjust her schedule to suit the times just lind have to do in oi my work at night when tile driidren are in bed she noted course without the assistance neighbor and friends it would be illle sibie or me in travel Iround ha riding will Art They have been woudcriui help to me and have made things so much easier For nm Now Dcmocrnllu story SM PM attend County bolder to Christian Is land In the nonh mm High way 27 at the lower end to Lake Slmcoe on me east and from Highway 90 south around Geor flan Buy to Penelangulshene Mr and Mrs Evam wlfl await the election results on Wodnesday evcnlng at the mm mm headquarters on Collier Street where lheywlll be sur rounded by party workers and party summers Christmas cards are now avnIIA able Immany member th ueculive and will also he on sale It the Canadian Save the Chudmn hmd booth at line Bar rio Fair Sept lg to Sept 23 mu wonderful apportunlty for people to give lhclr gardens head start next summer and also add few plants to lhe house during the wlnler Mn Vemer Wllsnn shun ly Bay Hand held plum me on Saturday from mm to the pmceeds or which were pmented Ihe 0501 This was Ameetlng ol Burleerndl ol Iha Canadian Save lha Chlldrgn hind was held at the home ul the chnlrman Mu Wendy chks Flva membersï¬l the executlve present were Mrs Cnnll Mm Dabson Mrs Wlddrlngton Miss Rhnda Young and Mrs Nrnhull Representative lmm lha Kinsn menu Club was me Plans were completed or the tag day which wlll be held an the evenlng Sept 27 and all day Saturday Sept 23 ll any nne wlshu to help In lhls vell turn by tagglnz ur knows any young people who could be tagg en wauld they please contact Mn Hldu at PA 841580 or Mrs Wlddrlnxton at PA $1130 an1 mng Complete Phi EorTagDaYkV Barrie The red and gold Ilmdlrd approved by Queen Eflubelh In 1959 was paraded below about mo specimen replace um regiment original standard OTTAWA CF Princes Alice calanelIMhlel the Louise Dragoon Guards presented new stand ard Io her regiment in coior Iul Parliament H11 ceremny Snyrdayfl ColonelInChief Presents Standard Symbolic the wine festi vais held end all in Germ any members of LnPaInmn the German Canadian Club of Barrie and their guest cele brated with dance mi mid night supper Ndny evening at the Embassy Hail During TRADITIONAL WINE FESTIVALCELEBRATED HERE 50 DUNLOP ST EAST AALKERS MONK IIOLMI DI Ml In II durum II Am ll Nun his Mn an 1mmus vlnl lo the reg ment She pm to My ln Ot uwa visiting friends prlulaly until Thursdny whan 11 um re turn to madam lost In 1m lire whlch de stroyed Rho reglmcnll hud qunrtua Sunday the sumold prin cess greeud membm an regimen and their mine on tho lawn Government House where she was chumInc from 1540 to me while her 1m hus band the ELILot Alhlane wn Calm gnvaynuy GOES UNDER the evenlu Mayor be Cooke extended mung mm In city In he abovt mow Mn Paul Heskamp wife oLlhe club president stands with Mayor cooks Ind Mr Her Fora new Mm anan xllm youwIlh that only loolvegaln looklWondar1ul Sle glrdlel by metlt Nylon Power hello huldyw Dlppod mlslbgmd to give you the amnion you demand min Iastax iron and back panel for mmsuppon All thl mind espodally for you by Iormflt withmeaddodluxuuom houdmfembroldory and loud mu the In whllo For new My fuming llm you Seated on Mn Hei ï¬rmï¬t PA 60221 lyln viaFd TsdalEhnrl lanai£3119M Police ï¬dflrhlrt llhtare Mat Chris Spanll Mr Spam and ma maiden Hugo Krltzer On her left are Mu Fred Conl ErCouAon Ed Joan arrlck malnA Qhxï¬st PERMANENTS SE99 83 MIND AIME OPEN EVENWGS BUDGET BALON PHONE PA H661 Ali For manna PUBLIC UTILITIES ll lnyfllld SM Tho lama volume hunted by another method could ton over $1300 per monlh Electricity is Safe lean Nameless More Efficient tool FOR FULl DETAILS CALI YOU CAN USE oven 200 GAllC or PIPING HOT WATER EACH DAY AND IT cosrs YOU ONLY Matchless eleclrlc water heallng ls proven to be over 90 umclcnl other methods may only be much 05 emuan Indapendont lurvoyl prove Ihnl more water can be healed lower can with flat rate electric water heating Hun any oLhor way PER MONTH TO HEAT IT Olheq officers elecled ln cludLd Mn Parole KahL Bnr rle associate grand matron Mn Gladys McCall St Hams grand treasurer Mrs Torontodean Named Matron WINDSOR Ont CPer Agnes YuunK oi Toranlo was elected worthy grand mmran 01 he Ontario grand chapter or der he Enslern Slnr Friday at the annual meellng alum mummy tfï¬m swyrmnvn ELECTRICALLY srAYNER NURSING HOME sumac ONT For uderly mid canal en pauenu Excellent facilities or private or ungApxIvnla Hound cold my ed Nut In attendance BEST LESS MARSHALL Rog PHONE 124 COMMISSION WHEN YOU cAN HAVE THE You Need all the Evelynnu LIN hamsvflle grand conductms Miss Helen Mnrslonp Ban cmn assnclnle randconduct ress lllss Helen Ross Tar nnto grand seérelnry Avery Day Brnnlford nssoclnlozrand patron Gordon Murray Wand slack grand scnllnel Mu Betty Hlllls Part Credil rm GALLONS 531