Solution Appears In MiddleEast Dispute uuultm IIIII mm In III In mm IMIIHV am cm mm Nnulur mm mm Ahndlllow IMI In VI in Aullll In llfl Imu IN II In mound mun mu null ran mmlmm ohm yumI ll mm In ml only lundlu nd mumu mum mum unnum MI hum IAN lumur an mum 1le um mm Munu mm hch um mm muM mum Mun nmlum Iumn In Hy mu lie mu my In Dalup Iln mm can mm In mm mg mm It Doctors Involved In web llvcly fashion thcso days In mctllcarn Ian Iunï¬ cancer controvcnlca Its hard to mu lhnl memth of the mlcsslnn themselves cnn ever be physcally slck uglhcr people Me ll never vu my for youngster In men the Act that lh klmll man who used to tickle hl chm wll nhiny magic Alclhosco could ever ho hum ed enough lo In on his own account Even when IIINUIHIV In reachml the non mcdlcnl Idull all ounl lml It too my to believe lhal hh childhood doctor was mnrlnl nller All nnd Mlhjrct lo the IM Barrie Examiner Sept 21 1933 Capt James Mollisonand Mrs Amy Molllson noted English aviators are at Wasaga Beach getting ready to take oii aircraft Seaiarerl on nonstop flight to Bagh dad in eitoxt to break world record Ted Hargreaves will spend win ter in Great Bear Lake area with an other rospector llis father has return ed to arrie but will rejoin him in the spring within 200 miles Arctic Circle Town Council will lay 1300 feet oi pavement as reliei measure St Georges Church Uto la observed Goth anniversary Rev Abbott welcom ed iiev Dreyer oi Bobcaygeon who came to parish 40 years ago and remained for seven as rector Thieves seeking gasoline set fire to implement shed at Barrie Golf Club causing $1500 damage no insurance Barrie Fair hampered by lack oi main building lost in tire last March Several tents erect ed Good exhibits but rain cut down attendance Death oi liirsl Ellen Gau ley in Toronto removed last pioneer oi Jennett iamily oi French Huguenot do scent who went to ireiand betore aet iling in Canada about 1858 She was dau hler oi ltobert Jennett one oi live brot era and one sister three oi whom settled In ivy and Utopia areas iiiem hers oi Barclay Clan numbering 00 held reunion at Big Cedar Point Thia 30 YEARS AGO IN TOWN was great day for Nova Scolla with thousands of people taking part in the celebration bands playing and pipers The first Bluenose vas launched in 1021 as worklng tlshlng boat and Captain Angus Walters recognized that ihekwas about the fastest on the fishing an rivalry arose between the Luncn burg tlshers and the American ï¬shers sallan out or Gloucester Mass The up Shhring new for cople all across Canada is the recent aunchlng in the Nova lï¬ctzlia port of Lunenburg of Blue nose Bluenose is it seems replica of the original Bluenose built at the yards of Smith and Rhuland and the 268m hull to be launched ihere The Unlted Nntlons has an honorable record in having revonted any pro longed and major olence between the two ships if one excepts the lrseoll ln vaslon of Egmt ln 105a It ls there fore to the and its Servants in the ï¬eld tn the Middle East to whom the world must look for contlnued efforts to keep the peace in the area The palnful truth is that no formula looking to settlement ls llkely to succeed untll there is on both sldes an honest desire tocome to terms The best that can be bored or at the ï¬resent tlme ls to stop th ngs from get ng worse without necessarily any or portunlty for making them better An early solullon or the oversmoulder erin dlspute between Israel and Its Arab nelg bors seems regrettably remote two sides if one excepts the irsaeii in vasion of Egmt in 105th It is there fore to the and its Servaan in the field in the Middle East to whom the world must look for continued efforts to keep the peace in the area This is moment not so much for fastening safety belts as for checking once again whether there are available and ready for use oil the fire extinguish ers needed to prevent conflagration from spreading Bluenose II Is Launched an martin Examiï¬Ã©r Walls Publlsher The Barrie Examiner ouu THE NERVEI OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Newspapexs Limited 18 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Bnm Slnlzm Genera Minna MONDAY sampmasn Lmc In forum is man nllrncllvo and he may he tlghl lhn this mug become lhu pmllnu wny lo lruvul muse Mull wyu an lxrln Inn new problems laalcr than Hwy can colan Memphis ommurc A1 MI The enural In manager the fan Idinn nllnnal llanayn lnld Um Canad Inn Hallway lllslmlcnl Aunclnllnn In Mnnlml lhal lrnln me will he the way go nnywhcrn In 1900 Hr prcdlclul trnlnu Hm would prnvldo danclnz my load and bavurnm polled pnhnu Inunro cur den or exccullvn conference All aloam 1mm Vo mlly Inland this tribute lo nnhln prnfculnnlhu membm which Ara so uldom asked they urn fooling vnll Lulny Ind who complain so Illlln If lhuy nronl Gordon Stevenson stock broker ro commendcd purchase of Great Bear Do velopment Co at 35c share or specula llon Archlo Hudson reopened Bar rie Bowlln Alleys Squadron Leader Erlc Broo es transferred Bordon to Trenton RCAF Slmcoe Forester Com any sponsored dances on nights Barr Fair to big crowds Music by Howard Smnrtr band Ina n1 he ever rcnlly nick when he hu no much oxch lont Idvlcu nl hls llnpolll lncludlnfl hll awnand free at thnl Layman lake tho nlhllcnl Injunction Phyalclan hon lhy xcll qullo Inernly So lllmlly that when lhu doctor himself need healan wu ï¬nd ourselves naylng What mint 1m he to so nlck at ma llko lhln us when our Jnnlor has lho monsch The nerve him was pioneer family from Scotland who settled in lnnisfil Township Francis Barclay who settled at Stroud entered his wheat at Paris Worlds Fair 1887 and won ï¬rst prize To ease unem ployment Town of Barrie entered into agreement with provincial and federal governments each to pay onethird labor costs Barrie soccer team lost Western Ontario iinal to Stratiord lO Herb Dyment 19 of Barrie defeat ed North Ontario lightvheavy boxing champion at Kirkland Lake Stan Cable won championship at annual Camp Borden RCAF sports day Fran Foyston formerly ot hlinesinE and Bar rie signed to manage Mllwau eo hockey club Earl Rowes Peter Chilcott and Bud Motto owned by Norman Nash of Orillia won feature harness horse races at Barrie Fair Alex Douglas of Douglas drug store claimed fami record for being one of five living brothers tota ling 384 years Carley came up wth five totalling 387nyears but that included two sisters mlcnls which slruck down ordlnnry pew or of Colonel Victor Oland out or local pride and she rides at anchor ready to be pulled up any moment and race Glou ceilerLchalIenger apy day Suchfla race wail 6339 more inter est in Canada than yacht race for the Americas Cup Not ion after the last race Captain Angus Wa iers quit the sea and be an the peaceful operation of dairy an is still doing so to this day His boat changed hands several times and be came freighter She was totally vreeked when she hit rock off Haiti shot was that Bluenose and Elsie con tested for the International ï¬shermens Trophy Bluenose won the ï¬rst series and between 1021 and 1088 defeated several Gloucester challengers in clean sweep gt sexjes of races But If no overall and deflnlle solu tlon to the ArabIsraeli struggle la in sight lt would be mlstnke to take too alarmlng vlew of the latest clashes he twecn Syrian and Israeli forces In Gall lee To some extent each slde is ahadowboxlng Why all iï¬e noise in Seculrty Coun cil Perhaps because on the one side there is government in shaky posi tion desirous of rallying national sup port and on the other new premier determined to prove himsel as jealous of his countrys security as was his pre decessor lnr lhu doclor Ix expected to keep Er n1 Ian cpslsullqw can he ever 101mm 0N TRAINS Llimnh have 11va mu 1h munum hrrn mm lhwulh II dulh ul Manley lllll Thrlr tannin iv uélnny hdlor In 01quV Imwrrrr In leul 1m nul door yldlnu lm hurl rim Mum lln IIhrrlll mi ljl lnr yum Human In flu ymml lnrmrr whn lm Ilrlrl ll lnr llw Im lvm lvrml nnly mm by III vnm In In Iul Intlon And II In wlvl nppn llxhllnu Innmd IMLmN mumm mmu held byLIb In Iml Wu by no run uldrml open to thunn GORDON VETERAN mun Gnrvlnn llu held II III mu nml lm Inn and mm Ml flu Mr nmlun mm In 1m ml lhn unlnr numbr ol ho nun Ami hm lrollul hy the PC lhnl ho mMM he nll pm Quylhoy my luvul On htnil Blunflnnl llv Ind lhn ulhm llnllnn rrlrm Soth and mind flunllnrd poVIVIIM II flu lull Drill MANTFORDnn um ml lrcd an city hm bccn lllll Int ol Illenunn In Hnnl dnyl ullho gnmpglgn Jnhn Wlnlrr may huld on hll lul mul lnu hm Ind Irlmltr llnhnrll bu ll nchedulrd or hll 1m ll Iq lhn nrpvlpc Hnlh ludm umIoqudly hvo lull lhur cyu nu nur lull ln lha xrnr not am nperallon becausa real amount at my lluua wllh Ill myriad blood mull mus bu remnved How vcr It In mu compnrnllvely daflncrnm proccdtge cllher mm will leave you wl Ildnlmlda car across lhe Ihdumen but he ruull will bu an lmpmvtd Ilguro Ind mm comfort Ind mute we nmnvlnu abnut Remavll lho Ipron II no lubmluu or wclnhl rcduc Klan II carmllun condillnn In which pmn reduc In no longer can let mi at 111 iirr Dr Molnm use Inc charm hm Imn day In my miles but wu lnId lhnt mn am 51 yum aid and in good health used In weigh 200 pounds but have last more than SI and am not at elsewhere Nislhe operalluriflmirlh while at my age My doclur has sug aged 1LMa These apEonr at are the pmally nl prolonzcd xcusive obesity and lhe times have been xlrrlchcd In degree that nature II at correct now Hgncg he rurggry The cholce up to you and removal or at mm he men by surgery have mmdnus stomach and it hangs dawn Smce your doctor has sug gested ll ll you want it dons or cusmnllc reasons go ahead he choice up lo you and aint no that your us much Iuctur By JOSEPH MOLNER MJL QUEENS PARK TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH See Close Fight For Some Seats Keeps Fat flpron But Weight Down Dy DON DHEARN NEEDS TO HAVE BITE AS WELL AS BARK Ollihfl UNUNNNT 0mm zulnl shu mu IM hnlv mo lulch up Ammn Mm My ml nullmrlly lhml In Ihou who nhel lulml It ll well mum mumy In mm who obty Th0 llml Julll HIM II In mlcl um ulnar Ihrm lMl hm nu nhry Ml nutll mulnm lam Th méllmlnlemfln ml Ihtm howcvrr Walerloo South llay My mm nllm lnnk ll lnr nu PC In tho Iml lhm rlrcllalu but It I150 hn hun Mgl Ipd CZF llwlnD Aml pmlln have mid unxlldnlu PC run nlnz lh mayor lmhm Man ruler lhu Llhrrnln hm drlulrd lulml mrmhrr Arlhur Whllr and he Nm an mum Fall nulnm mun Mu Halimun In mid vuimnm rlnml Inhln In Hm lunh Mlu lull Ilecllnn ï¬r Mullln nu Axllml Mr all In lho mu eltcllqn and cut hILrnnJorlly my guy In It Inn MI ynu lhn Gall Imlnn unt hu lmn held by Illnlhrt pnrllrl Th leenl llnndardhurtr ll Mlyor Owen Mullln Dur llnklon Thllilllfll rim Incl ho will mm The usual but nut lnvarlablc pallern ll nr on nvnry lhnn the other to release an ovum nna lnlloylln lube blockcd mm the nvum cannot descend So yes your prospect hmm In pngnnnl more or less llmlltd to every other monlh The best lime lnr prommy II mldwny bemoan ho bexlnnInx of one period And In bezlnnlnz of um um But me In no way to be certain ol becoming prox nnnl yuu want me In In press maybe lhe an Is cantnincd an anti histamine uLch II hulp mnnlng nuse avnn II wuuldnl and couldnl cure tho cold For quit law people Hm anlihlslamlnes 1150 can cause drowsiness but Dr Molnar Ihe 28ycrrold mnlhcr at one child would like to ham anolher bul have nnl been able In cnncelvn dorm tells me ï¬ne my uï¬nplnn lube II cloud And that haw only supercam chance of becomlnlprzgnanl Lan nnylhlng be dons go Insure pregnnnc BIBLE THOUGHT lorgnl abuul the cancer re match scarcslmy Na rclirble cancer group oppose sugarleu sweeteners in the amount that anyone would use them nur Dr Molner cold and luck lama small light hrnwn 1111 Mr mun Would they cause me lo eel drgwsy and sleepyTGRKA dld no agnrqva ui this thlsyéur bpllan ML By THE CANADIAN PRESS wcck It became clear the Russians planned to use thclr possession Im hnmh slmng bannin gng Issue In International Prusidcnl Truman unlined the world or major alter allun In lha halnnce In lurnaï¬nnal pnwerr years ago today1n mawhnn annaunced he Savm Union had explodcd an atomic de vl cc WIan FOOD MARKET I6 DUNLOP EAST ï¬dTflTbEs Io BUTTER PEACHES Pork Beans BARRIE NO CREAMERV CANADA NO TABLE STEAKS MOUNT ROYAL CHOICE YORK BUEHLERS PORK IVER LEAN TENDER SIRLOIN 533k CHOPS 59 FRESH SLICED YOUNG TODAY IN HISTORY These quesuons which honld be probed by the Hausa or Common commlttee an pea ï¬ckle and drun which will bexln public henIna when Par lllment rummqu It 1h end of the munlh OHAWAHammuch do Cl haulnu mend on drugs mm prom do drux munulaclurern nuke How have dnlz prices moved during the post war yam Innum Plnnl criu hava rclieraled lhal the price of drugs pre scribed by doctor Ire unduly hiKh Ind Ihould he reduced Sensation nuke men that lick Cuudianl are bied while by1aarlngdru cans Bu thorough Rudy ollhe Illuallon revuls thrmrtllnl Irulh The only body which ftollteerinz 1mm alckness Inc ederal xovemment ll nlonn Among lovernmenu around lhn world chlrxu luxury ules tax ll per cent on drugs make more out or your Illness than he dmg rynnulaclurm do to use drugs conllnuatly Most Canadians are actually saved money by dnlgsr whlch harten or prevent costly illnesses The federal government has fubllshed report at average nmlly spending during 1959 In Canada This shows lhal the av eranr Canadian bought pre acribcd drum cesllng $602 dur ing that year Yet In the same year the average Canadian clly Inmin spent $2130 on shave and halrcuts 340 an sham pans 290 on TV repairs $3160 an bear and $1030 on liquor and wines $111 on club aroma and 91370 on other amnklng supplies $1840 an um onducrand $43420 un 57 car Ara Canadian linuncially crippled by drug mm The fact is that 1962 survey shnwed ihalihu average cost of drug nrescripiinn in Cam ad is 3314 Almost nine oi in prescription cost less than $5 The only Canadians on whom Ihe price of drug impose hardship are Ihe chronicain ill mostly nider peopie yhn haw The ny 56 needed prescribed drugs is not burden beside than mam mth dlscrclinnury luxury ex pandilurcs OTTAWR REPORT fly Milixcx mcuinson Sales Tax Strikes Hard At Drqu Todayf LB LII 8A0 Dru dunks crluchm by the II lnlonncd In about the only ammole which have many Allen In price durlnl the lash 14 year Inflation The price Index Canadian drum now Is 095 compared with the hue Index of 100 Inlw In vlvld contrast the index 01 Ill consumer price has lolred 135 from 100 In those lama yum Our drug prlccs loday among the lower ln lha Wul ern world ln many llnca bath in actual mm and In relallnn lo lhe llme ll lakes me wanna wnrkcr to earn their cost Fur example normal done of III anllhlollc mracycllna emc llva agalnsl many lypea ol levar Influenza and pneumnnla cosla $510 In tho Unllcd Sum 55 in Canada $596 In Italy and 15 In Holland The average Canadian worker earns that can ln hill the time Dutch worker can and ln about onellllh lna time It would aka In llallan worker Our prlce would be lower than the US price were It not lar Ih at lhat our price In eludes lheCanadlan rederal luxury sales tax per cent ghslch not Imposed in he TAXES EXCEED PROFITS The ï¬nancial records cf 40 leading Canadian drug cnmna ales during 1060 were recently analysed by Ciarksan Garden and Company in wellknown ilrm In which Finance lilinisicr Waller Gordon was until re cently acninr parlnar Thou companies made iaial Ialea oi 31283001110 during 1960 Out lhai only $7000000 ar per cent rcmalned net prailt alicr basis But Ihe laderal nov crnmcnt look 9000000 in niea axes and 31000000 in corpor ailon axes thus making mm Ihan twice as much out of your alckness the drug companch am Canada la the only country in tha wurld which charges me taxes on drug Thls la luxur tax It is not charged on In everyday essential as food and chlldrenl clothes It ceminly should no he lcvlcd on drugs which are esscnllal lo relkva the sullerinfl and even lo IIVI he 11ch Canadians 29° 1501 TINS 2001 TINS LBS BARRIE 00 00 00