Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1963, p. 15

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MONDAY IlPflMfltlI Ay tumnun mm Mon Club mm Hum mm Wulhu 500m nmm mumr upm rxunmk rumn mum roomu mmum 01ml nun I00 In no no so own Innmn Dunn um Vnuuan Tim DII Syom lel 91 mud rum TI man um Doctor II summer sun Hm Vluuon 11ml Mlk Murmur mlbonl Ann wmhu lnam 823s MW Then was cry 1er patrol work In do ho racaucd Then wenq some old hldc of conlnband liquor Ionthan um Ira Iomobu couldnt may mm milon work lo MachmGFGuflKéfl7 Cools Runs Hatel SHERBROOKE NS CF When lheghubhy mm man In lhe lonn whlle aprnn rmhu Into the Metro his big kitchen Have to lake oumn up 10 p10 he doesnt mm Illkc un didto or the nickname Ml chlnaGun mum Capt Kelly llnd lound Mnu chnnled when he relurmd the RCMP utter mvlnl In tho Second World War with ha 11 marine squgdqon ll 1qu um II umu pl phon On his request he went on RCMP pension Ann 1951 and 113 been here since with such Ildellnu ll Iervini siipnn diary mulxlralo and registrar probate He wn also ma ner unill new legislation re placed coroneu lnqum with medi And Copy In Dullva In flun THERI ll NOCHAIOI FOR THII IERVICI He no Into the hole buslnm on weekend pm from RCMP service he left Just won hnd my 24 years 15 day In um nelullr customers tho sport Manuel and human Iny Capt Kellyl narylenan on may day as bl an nthab lion the zopound nlmon lugging Jr the river CID KOHY MW 13 bol ol lhp lnw durlnz the biz lneu rumnmnlng In Ih on Mlunllc now runs halo he do the lalmonrlch st Mnryx Rlver In lhl mlcm Nnvn Scolla vlllaxe 40 mlch team Anllgomm But In any old rumrunner worth keg luvs known Ml Jolly 62yearold conk Ind hottlewuherll Capt John MIchlneGun Kelly who Ured II Iklpper In the RCMP mlrlne division at Halunx when thing not dqu lheru And when he husllc about ha kllchen preparing nlmon lmh lmm river jun good ml away he doesnt look lke min once cared lrom Suml Inland lo Sable Island DllVlYOUREILP CAM AND YRUCK Oumnov AEnnunm um Ivar Humch TELEVISION PROGRAMS VAllEY TAXI CFTO CHANNEL CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 mg 383838 £252 52 325833 333832523332 II uulln uun min SKIIIng luvIu lmm mu urn mm III Mflmln andl Kiddo Mpan Inoanl Dulmhor mm Our lloun Lury Thl MHlIunIln 10 In Conlllel Lookml It You IM my FunTIMI Club In Iqu Illlu Nm Wnlhu Spark hulm Hobo mm Huhbul Voolhlll Ionun humII Cllnl II mmI TothII hull nummr Spoilmin In Mum In Pm nm llaur JINIIIIAY IlmMnu II MHI Ind Mnrnln Hit0r Ilnmuulln Hull club Mu mm IIyum vllh Uan VIIM null MIIIIIIII Ill Ii In lnmln llllnt Ill Noondly 7me XIaau xulnm mm mm Ila nummum hwhln um mm Al Im mam run71m mnq mu on man IuINM Hllio InmWuMm Mn wlmmu TUBIDAY Innmun Tocul mmun hon Pl ChllXeMl lelmulllm 1an Cnunuv Junnuon Hm CBCTV Nun Ill wumr spam Nu Iua Illruum wznzmmv mun 11 hm Pop Plrly NIWI Wlllhu anfll Mam Romanth Th Nam summunmn Tl 100 110 on W5 lmallysclznd the Lucky Peuy Ind 140 llvclallon kegs rum snme good whisky and lug pmn Nu Ill dept Kellyn scl zum munmi at sea There the pink paper Incident uuucr CHIKCTC only one but so we could chm only one bank Wu nok alter lh Lucky Pony nhootlnz lrxl wllh mum gun but ll lammcd Then used rllles bullel rlcochelcd and one person was kllled Thls led to many cuurl cm and he complcle clearance at my andmmy crew There Wm elnhl other mm or bolls there Hang out to henva In In the Klngl namn Thm we heardcrle from he lter cutter When Clpt Kellyl cullcr ruched Uu area has Il llnd he dlscnvcred the molar vessel MuirI nnlnd Ind very Iucceulul comm banlona the mullet vessels that me Ihe rumladen schooner 01 lht cont in eh 1m rv nmm mm nu rum Illlnn Vihé via crew mom bar 01 ha rumrunner Lucky Peggy up runsun Tho om heu asked about most wu 1935 Incident of Lunenburl harbor that led to huhspeed chase gunllra and the death of man whose mm wont menuon because Ind lo kid who would ha Infn upunaw Edi Ihn 10mm rainy spill would no Ilker him run drip qnlnu ply SIR water wrung out my lacks drunk In my lea dont even wan to laku my malnrboal davm ta lha mouth the river where flu wqter Is all Ho mum lho excitement at the rummnnlng dayl 1mm 1st null the benlnnlnl of the Second World Wm But ha ha nqllorlxglnuor lha neg llnd them And was with Mann 1pr munall ahln In melr bullom gelling their hats law lllcurm Cam Mm In Llndlcwl TV mm In Spam Nun Davin our crv muml gum Hum Hum TORONTO nu anw mm mm nm Cu mm rm ChllXenu lelllllllllrlt Cnunlry BARRIE HAL 01 mn lo mm lull mum mull lhll play 50th went down one had to on Ipsdermd club runrdlul Wu Meyer Schlellcr Wm Conn Mar opened um quwl dlnmondl Dcclam won with 1th klnu Ind led the In al Onlhl In Ipldu Schleilrr plqyed the Han iim no 11 It Th1 deal occurred In palr champlumhlp playrd 1n Cull lnrnla In ms lhe able Mme ha bidding went as shown NorthSouth cnnlmtrd lar llx hum Th our tlub bld wnl mmdal and queued South to bld oururd mnjar ll hghnd an MC In in Mlaul LA IWHI All DAILY CROSSWORD klrr Tu ouu cum la rum If I4 Mullu Oprnlnz lead queen dil mnndl In noel of MM 10 yumn lowl 17 Clly mm llCHy1VL IL lunly 1114 linen Armno Saulh dcaler Eulh 5ch 1mm nun mounlm Mo 10 Hull The win century explqu of Jesse James and hl gang and lhc John DllllngcrAlvln Karm Prtlty Boy Flayd holdup um maswhile mm spectacular donl begin In Idd up to he number bank hclng knocked over Inulhe 19605 Whncvcr hl mclhad hel busier now than ever or 118 banks today an being held up rate lhal uuldau anything InMslaryt Bound Dmnld mum llls weapon probably wlll be revolver but It could be lass lull 01 llauld that the rohbar says In ad to burn the nor of hank teller who mlnht res sL mmh 4m was um 4x Ho couIdVbe hErdcneé crlm inn nervoug gljnalcur Generally the most pular hour or rubbing ban lull between 11 mm and pm Chances are lha robber may be wcnrlfxg dark glasses iOfficeHour Bandit Set Rubbing Record WASHINGTON AP Mnll day maxIla day or rob bing bank In lhc United sum Fridayls Ilmnst popular An aIllElnI report ram Dlrec Imu scrlu of seizure by Capt Kelly the rumrunnlnl ar xanlzm purchlscd lha motor veuel Liberty Sh wu rb In raw minutes raised some branches and found do em olbollle of choice Bril lsh Gulnnn productPolar Bear rum which was alway wrnpped 1n plnk paper That wu real rumnot like nu null you nowldnym aald well friend can Ind out what came up from Well Indus with this paper Itll Inna mighty zand are near Ens LaHm In Lununburg County with can mble from the Lunenhura do tachmem He naked why WII plckm up than Mn Huh paper gamma WEST wan qugchlnu wooded Pui CONTRACT BRIDGE lath ¢Ama UAQ MK Mqaa NORTH was vxsu no 41M arly Sin vulnerable 741 book Auknu XL Helm uhxciéi mm Injur lllwnllln North Eut Pu DOWN EAST 15 9104 954 75 By JAY BECKER ml 001 ax Rm am Mury as Alny mumr ID Arilhmcua problem mu ma Icy Llllll mlldnn lhowy In 2111pm 291mm mm 80 Lumhm no Lionl din Bun ll wnn nnl dlfllcull far these Went to deduce ml Bank had Ihl Jul Ipadu Presumably cclarer had the In 17 mm he would have laknn ilnme and MI lnllura to do to clearly lndlcafld that Eull had lhl Junk aw cndplny was alm ammme at aavurul olhcr lablu but In most ram he drclnrar nave lho ahow away by drawing three rounds of rump nndcashln the ace or diamond bolero playing the ace apadca ll waa much caller at Ihue table for Wu lo drnp lhc Hall on 110 Ian alter Sumh had opcnly tale uraphed hla lnlcnl mi nan bulllln payed well by pulling Schlciler to ma last nl lrlck lwo Annlnsl lemr of guncnx ha undoubtedly woud ave Iuccccded mm In lhal ex tefl Soulh Iwnsynluclty duh return would no mm Inlo declarzrl whlln dis mund mum wand permit dc clnrer to discard cluhlrnm dummy he ruflcd me dia mnnd It his hand wuu rvl ul suppose Schlcllur hud played low on the are even as you nnd Instead dropping ha king In that case South would hav muda Ihe llam by drawing Inea round mm cushlnl the ace dlumondn and lhcn lending spade 05 would wlu with the king but would now have no sale exlt curd OIJPW ha played Wanner In hue zalherlnu FBI mm and other lnwmcn ex changed Ideas with he banking Eeorla on how to prevent rob ores Indi1 they happen any howhow to calch the thieves The FBI has held sexlo of bank mhbcry canlcrcnces acres the country which warn Ellendtd by thousands at pcaplc from banks and other financial Inxlltullunu that mlth bu by robbers an per cent Dur fly the Ias year them were 67 rnbherles 52 burglaries and no laxcame ruparw In the FBI as viola tions of Ih Idem bank rub hery nnd lncldmlal crime sm ule There were 411 canvlclluns and recoveries amounted to $1120702 This total record hlgh exec 9A 109 Iglalspy oyer Durinl the 1062 calendar yur 1250 banking establish menla across the United Stale mm the victims armed rob bers stealthy burglars And larcenoua thleves rmui assaqu upon bank lng lnafllutionx are among the most vlclau and demorallzlng crimes llclnz our nation today Aul mlrnumau ol lnesllgauon dis 1103 larJthdxrar Hlogvury the Fed The rumladen schooner mm tho West India would Ho aulxlde the lhreomlla mil has of liquor visible on their decks Sklppercd by man Capt Kelly Iayl ha respected as mnn and sailor Ihe Hamy Jno Would load up with rum Ind then dashfor shore for drop wlth the RCMP clulfirl unath lukaep her In kiawn lhal on man than one occasion aha landed more Hun 1200 keg In single day BOO lhem withln 30 miles jlnlflax named lha Humy Joe and nuver wu caught She was In last Capt Kelly recalled Hm sighlnd har and travelled about knots In In RCMP culler and me edou 01th walk 61 Fromar pmmemH mu nu nun maun Unll of gga Wm THINK YOUD LOOK GOOD ll EmlERMOlA manna EXAMINER MONDAYL WHEN 18 INSll um mu mar 0° 934ou 59E azuum 92 nx Sana ax PM Dont Know THINK YOUD LOOK sea finsnun

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